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高放废物处置库选址过程中,地下水水化学特征的研究对场址筛选具有非常重要的意义。为研究北山预选区新场-向阳山地段的地下水水化学特征,笔者对研究区27件浅部地下水水样的9项指标综合运用描述性分析、因子分析和聚类分析的方法进行了系统分析。结果表明:影响研究区水化学特征的主要因素是以Na+、 Cl-、 SO42-等为主要载荷变量的蒸发浓缩作用,贡献率高达73.93%;其次是以HCO3-为主要载荷变量的溶滤作用,贡献率仅为11.39%。  相似文献   
王晓艳 《中国沙漠》2019,39(4):168-176
2017年在秦岭黑河流域7个采样点进行地下水样品采集。通过综合分析、Gibbs图、Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析法得出黑河地下水化学成分的特点、水化学类型及其成因。结果表明:阳离子的主要组成成分是Ca^2+,HCO3^-是阴离子的主要组成成分,黑河流域地下水化学类型为HCO3^--Ca^2+和SO4^2--HCO3^--Ca^2+型。Gibbs图分析得出该地下水化学离子组成受岩石风化作用控制;Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析及相关分析表明,地下水化学组分主要受方解石、白云岩等碳酸盐岩矿物的风化溶解,同时伴有硫酸溶解碳酸盐岩,受硅酸盐岩的溶解控制作用较小。  相似文献   
通过对珊瑚矿田长营岭-龙门冲地区岩石地球化学测量,圈定了该区W、Sn、Cu、Zn、As、B、F等元素异常,原生晕严格受NE和NW两组断裂控制。综合评价认为处于长营岭钨锡矿带南延带的南风井多元素组合异常是矿异常,该异常明显地受NE(F9)断裂和NW(F10)断裂控制,浓集中心位于F9断裂下盘,与长营岭矿区矿体在NW断裂下盘富集的规律相同。测区内,异常形态与北区具连续性,异常强度弱于北区,组分分带显示以隐伏花岗岩为成矿中心,但沿矿带由NE到SW并无明显的组分分带和元素组合变化,矿田内不仅矿带南延并向SW方向倾伏,而且很有可能深部隐伏花岗岩体亦分枝向南延伸。  相似文献   
柯鲁克湖水化学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
柯鲁克湖目前是柴达木盆地内唯一的淡水湖。2012年10月采集了柯鲁克湖不同方向的表层湖水,分析了其总溶解固体(TDS)、pH、硬度及化学成分,与入湖河流性质进行对比,探讨了湖水的物质来源及影响因素。柯鲁克湖湖水整体呈弱碱性,属于硬度较高的淡水,湖水类型为Cl-·SO42--Na+·Ca2+型或以O.A.阿列金分类为Cl NaⅢ型水。pH值的整体变化较小,TDS及硬度在东西采样方向上变化显著。因降雨量小,湖水成分主要来源于地表河流及地下水输入的岩石风化产物。巴音河为主要入湖河流,河水性质不同于柯鲁克湖,属于HCO3--Ca2+型,造成两者差异的原因在于湖水发生强烈的蒸发-浓缩,湖水中的Ca2+和HCO3-以碳酸盐矿物的形式析出。  相似文献   
塔里木河中游输水堤防的修建对地下水化学特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对塔里木河中游输水堤防修建后,沙子河口、乌斯满和阿其河口三个断面地下水化学特征自2001—2003年的时空变化的监测与分析,初步揭示了在输水堤防影响下地下水化学特征变化的初步规律,结果表明:在空间上,沙子河口断面地下水化学变化规律完全被颠倒过来,乌斯满断面,地下水化学变化规律受输水堤防的影响不十分明显,但地表积盐严重,阿其河口断面,则呈现复杂的变化;在时间上,丰枯期地下水化学特征的正常变化规律在沙子河口被彻底改变,在乌斯满和阿其河口呈现出复杂变化。由于地下水循环具有潜在性和迟滞性,要彻底揭示在输水堤防影响下地下水化学特征时空变化的规律,需要进一步跟踪监测研究。  相似文献   
阿瓦提县地下水水化学特征及成因初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大量的实测资料和参考资料的基础上,从第四纪地质演化史的角度,运用同位素方法理论,详细阐述了该地区地下水的水化学现状特征及在平面上和垂向上的变化规律,并对其水化学特征的形成机理进行了较为深入的分析、研究,得出了该地区地下水化学演化史,从而为当地的地下水资源开发提供了借鉴,并提出了水资源开发中注意的问题。  相似文献   
By applying the ‘theory of synchronization' from the science of complexity to studying the regional regularity of ore formation within the Nanling region of South China,a characteristic target-pattern regional ore zonality has been discovered.During the early and late Yanshanian epoch (corresponding respectively to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods),two centers of ore formation emerged successively in the Narding region; the former is mainly for rare metals (W,Sn,Mo,Bi,Nb) and one rare earth element (La) and was generated in the Jurassic period; whereas the latter is mainly for base metals (Cu,Pb,Zn,Sb,Hg),noble metals (Au,Ag),and one radioactive element (U) and was generated in the Cretaceous period.Centers of ore formation were brought about by interface dynamics respectively at the Qitianling and Jiuyishan districts in southern Hunan Province.The characteristic giant nonlinear target pattern regional ore zonality was generated respectively from the two centers of ore formation by the spatio-temporal synchronization process of the Nanling complex metallogenic system.It induced the collective dynamics and cooperative behavior of the system and displayed the configuration of the regional ore zonality.Then dynamical clustering transformed the configuration into rudimentary ordered coherent structures.Phase dynamics eventually defined the spatio-temporal structures of the target-pattern regional ore zonality and determined their localization and distribution.The integral successive processes of synchronization-dynamical clustering-phase dynamics accomplished the regional ore zonality by way of "multiple field dynamics" of spatio-temporal superposition of multiple coupled pulsatory solitary wave trains of the zonal sequences of different ores.A new methodology for revealing regional ore zonality is developed,which will encourage further investigation of the formation of deep-seated ore resources and the onset of large-scale mineralization.  相似文献   
在对吉兰泰盐湖南部地下水化学组分特征分析的基础上,利用PHREEQC软件对水文地球化学演化规律进行模拟研究。结果表明,从贺兰山西侧山前到吉兰泰盐湖,水化学类型由HCO-3型过渡到Cl-—SO24-型、最后变为Cl-型;Ca2+、Mg2+与SO24-相关分析表明发生石膏溶解出的Ca2+置换了MgCO3中Mg2+,从而产生了CaCO3沉淀的水岩反应,而白云石、石膏、岩盐、CO2(g)的溶解是常量离子增加的物质来源,同时伴有强烈的蒸发浓缩作用及阳离子交换作用。特别是深层地下水具有较高的mNa/Cl值与较低的mCa/Na值,表明发生强烈的阳离子交换作用,这对认识吉兰泰盐湖地区及干旱区沙漠地区水体发生的水岩相互作用与演化机制具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
中国东北松嫩平原地下水水化学特征与演变规律   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
在全球气候变化和高强度人类活动的影响下,松嫩平原地下水环境日益恶化,已成为制约生态环境建设和经济社会发展的重要因素。选取具有典型代表意义的洮儿河流域作为研究区,对地下水进行系统取样分析,综合运用描述性统计、相关性分析、离子比例系数和Piper三角图示法,全面系统地研究地下水水化学的时空变异特征与演变规律,揭示了风化溶滤、蒸发浓缩、阳离子交换和人为混合是控制地下水质演变的主要水文化学过程,从而为流域乃至松嫩平原盐渍土区水资源可持续开发利用和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
G. Stamatis  E. Gartzos 《水文研究》1999,13(17):2833-2845
The area of north Evia and eastern central Greece is characterized by strong geomorphological contrast and is built up mainly of consolidated rocks. Unconsolidated young sediments of Pleistocene to Holocene age cover the valley and basin flats, forming the most productive aquifers in this area. However, two more types of aquifers can be distinguished within the consolidated rock area. The first one is associated with karstified limestones and the second with strongly tectonized ultramafic rocks. The schist–chert formation, with intercalations of shales and cherts, seals the ultramafic masses underneath. Surface and spring waters associated with ultramafic rocks in north Evia and eastern central Greece were studied. Two types of water can be distinguished: (1) high Mg2+ and SiO2 , bicarbonate as the dominant anion, pH 7·4–9·2, temperature 9·5–16·3 °C, low TDS (total dissolved solutes) (459–1037 mg/l), found both in peridotite and serpentinite areas, classified as Mg–HCO3 type; (2) high Ca2+, low Mg2+ and SiO2 , hydroxyl ion as the major anion, pH 11·2, temperature 28 °C, very low TDS (122 mg/l), found in peridotite areas, classified as Ca–OH type. The studied waters are highly supersaturated with respect to quartz, amorphous silica, brucite and most low temperature magnesium silicates (antigorite, sepiolite, talc, etc.). These waters show relatively narrow SiO2 concentration ranges and a trend parallel to the amorphous silica saturation surface. The silica supersaturated waters have the potential to precipitate silica and consequently could affect the people of the local communities that use it as drinking water, causing health problems (kidney stones). Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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