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王凯凯  刘传朋  邓俊  梁成  刘同 《地球学报》2021,42(6):771-784
基性-超基性岩脉群通常形成于伸展构造背景,是示踪地幔源特征以及大陆和超大陆破裂的重要标志.鲁西地区角闪石岩为研究古元古代岩浆源和构造演化提供了一个窗口.本文对鲁西地区角闪石岩进行了岩相学、全岩地球化学及角闪石、黑云母电子探针原位分析.角闪石岩具板内构造环境,来自富集地幔.通过角闪石、黑云母成因分析,均具有幔源成因,角闪石结晶温度为702~781℃;结晶压力为29.8~228.8 MPa,结晶深度1~7.5 km,结晶时氧逸度变化范围在NNO+2.68到NNO+3.35之间.结合本次获得角闪石岩磷灰石U-Pb年龄为(1817±35)Ma,认为鲁西地区(1817±35)Ma处于板内拉伸环境,存在幔源岩浆上侵,已进入大陆裂解阶段.  相似文献   


内蒙古大乃林沟角闪石岩岩石学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉往  王京彬 《地质论评》2000,46(3):301-306
内蒙古克什克腾旗内兴乡大乃林沟角闪石岩呈脉状产于侏罗纪中酸性火岩中,具明显的隐爆特征,晶洞构造发 要矿物发为富铁普通角闪石,含量一般〉90%。全岩SiO2含量为 38.65%~41.24%,TFeO为19.00%~32.94%,K2O+Na2O为2.72%~3.38%,属富铁、富碱超基性岩类。该类岩石具有稀土和大离子亲石元素及(^87Sr/^86Sr);值较高的特征,与典型幔源岩石有不同。  相似文献   
孙家岭含钪岩体位于哈萨克斯坦板块中星星峡—明水—旱山微板块的雅满苏—红石山—黑鹰山晚古生代裂谷带。岩体侵位于下石炭统白山组,由含斜长石角闪石岩和角闪石岩组成,钪主要赋存于角闪石矿物中。含钪岩体属富铁质超基性岩,全岩成分以高碱、高铝为特征;稀土含量较高,轻稀土略富集,具有明显的负Eu异常;大离子亲石元素(LILE)K、Rb、Ba、Sr、U富集,相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Zr、Hf、Th及P。通过LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,首次获得孙家岭含钪岩体中角闪石岩形成于(339.5±2.6)Ma,表明该含矿岩体侵位及矿化作用发生于早石炭世,为裂谷拉张环境下伸展作用的产物。  相似文献   
司翠芹  刘伟  刘秀金 《地球科学》2022,47(1):325-341
为了阐明东北准噶尔弧岩浆形成机制和破译中地壳P波高速块体,对哈旦逊石炭纪侵入杂岩进行了锆石U-Pb年龄(324.8~323.1 Ma)和 δ18O及 εHf(t)、矿物化学、主微量元素和Nd-Sr同位素分析.其稀土元素分布模式上凹,从闪长岩(夹带角闪石岩堆晶)到二长花岗岩的主微量元素变异可以用两阶段分离结晶模拟.结果显...  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区西部阿拉善右旗吊井子一带发育有3处镁铁质—超镁铁质岩体,位于华北板块之巴丹吉林坳陷西缘,其主要岩石类型为角闪石岩及橄榄岩。相对比与北大山镁铁质—超镁铁质岩体,本文研究区内角闪石岩分异明显,具有低钾、高钛、高铝、低磷等特征;大离子亲石元素富集,高场强元素亏损,稀土元素分异不明显,La/Sm、La/Ce、La/Yb较低,为亏损地幔来源的(N-MORB)洋中脊玄武岩的特点;橄榄岩富镁贫铁,具有镁质超基性岩的特点,岩浆未发生明显分异,微量元素中Cu、Ni、Co、Cr、V等地幔来源的元素强烈富集,不相容元素富集,稀土元素分异明显,稀土曲线右倾,具有弱Eu异常,La/Sm、La/Ce、La/Yb值较高,岩浆源于富集地幔物质的部分熔融。两种岩石地球化学成分及特征差异较大,不具备同源性特征。  相似文献   
Melt must transfer through the lower crust, yet the field signatures and mechanisms involved in such transfer zones (excluding dykes) are still poorly understood. We report field and microstructural evidence of a deformation‐assisted melt transfer zone that developed in the lower crustal magmatic arc environment of Fiordland, New Zealand. A 30–40 m wide hornblende‐rich body comprising hornblende ± clinozoisite and/or garnet exhibits 'igneous‐like' features and is hosted within a metamorphic, two‐pyroxene–pargasite gabbroic gneiss (GG). Previous studies have interpreted the hornblende‐rich body as an igneous cumulate or a mass transfer zone. We present field and microstructural characteristics supporting the later and indicating the body has formed by deformation‐assisted, channelized, reactive porous melt flow. The host granulite facies GG contains distinctive rectilinear dykes and garnet reaction zones (GRZ) from earlier in the geological history; these form important reaction and strain markers. Field observations show that the mineral assemblages and microstructures of the GG and GRZ are progressively modified with proximity to the hornblende‐rich body. At the same time, GRZ bend systematically into the hornblende‐rich body on each side of the unit, showing apparent sinistral shearing. Within the hornblende‐rich body itself, microstructures and electron back‐scatter diffraction mapping show evidence of the former presence of melt including observations consistent with melt crystallization within pore spaces, elongate pseudomorphs of melt films along grain boundaries, minerals with low dihedral angles as small as <10° and up to <60°, and interconnected 3D melt pseudomorph networks. Reaction microstructures with highly irregular contact boundaries are observed at the field and thin‐section scale in remnant islands of original rock and replaced grains, respectively. We infer that the hornblende‐rich body was formed by modification of the host GG in situ due to reaction between an externally derived, reactive, hydrous gabbroic to intermediate melt percolating via porous melt flow through an actively deforming zone. Extensive melt–rock interaction and metasomatism occurred via coupled dissolution–precipitation, triggered by chemical disequilibrium between the host rock and the fluxing melt. As a result, the host plagioclase and pyroxene became unstable and were reacted and dissolved into the melt, while hornblende and to a lesser extent clinozoisite and garnet grew replacing the unstable phases. Our study shows that hornblendite rocks commonly observed within deep crustal sections, and attributed to cumulate fractionation processes, may instead delineate areas of deformation‐assisted, channelized reactive porous melt flow formed by melt‐mediated coupled dissolution–precipitation replacement reactions.  相似文献   
河北涞源岩基中的超镁铁质岩研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以窑沟橄榄辉石角闪石岩岩体为代表,他涞源岩基中超镁铁质岩石。超镁铁质岩石是涞源岵基最早的一次独立岩浆活动形成的,角闪石岩岩浆来源于上地幔,沿深大断裂上升侵位。角闪石岩与之后的第二阶段闪长岩-花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩-斑状花岗岩-白岗岩有很大差别。涞源岩基在晚三叠纪就开始形成,岩浆活动持续时间在120Ma以上。  相似文献   
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