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Captive whitetip reef sharks, Triaenodon obesus,at Sea Life Park (SLP) Hawaii, Waimanalo, Hawaii develop goitre, whereas, T. obesus at the Waikiki Aquarium (WAQ), Honolulu,Hawaii do not develop goitre. To determine theeffects of natural concentrations of iodine on thereduction of goitre, two sharks from SLP with goitrewere placed in an enclosed coastal lagoon with naturalseawater. Using ultrasound measurements the twogoitres were initially 11.4 cm and 14.6 cm in depthand after 3 months decreased to 4.7 cm and 5.7 cm. Radioimmunoassay analysis of the thyroid hormoneT3 sera concentrations were initially 0.22 ng/mland 0.33 ng/ml and increased to 1.84 ng/ml after beingplaced in the lagoon. Sera T4 were initially0.93 ng/ml and 0.99 ng/ml and increased dramaticallyto 17 ng/ml and 56 ng/ml. Over the six month samplingperiod, two resident sharks in the lagoon with normalthyroids had sera T3 concentrations from 0.89ng/ml to 1.1 ng/ml, and sera T4 concentrationsfrom 3.1 ng/ml to 7.9 ng/ml. The hypothyroidcondition in the SLP goitred-sharks is likely linkedto the low environmental iodide (<0.005 M), andhigh nitrate (111 M) of SLP water. The WAQwell-water facility was characterized by anoxic waterwith high iodide (0.60 M), total iodine (1.90M), and typical nitrate (24.6 M)concentrations of interstitial groundwater. Thedifference of iodide concentration of SLP and WAQ tankwater (<0.005 M versus 0.60 M) wasdirectly related to the hydrogeology of the well-watersources. To avoid goitre in marine aquarium systems,we recommend maintaining iodide concentrations of atleast 0.15 M.  相似文献   
离子色谱法测定碘在地甲病环境地质调研中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟展环  方容 《岩矿测试》1997,16(2):145-149
收集了安徽省某地区地甲病流行患者的血、尿、发样,病区的饮水样、谷物、蔬菜样和环境地质样共计699个,同时收集了该地非病区水样和环境地质样282个。水样直接进样,其它样品经湿法分解后,用离子色谱法测定其中的碘和溴的含量。统计分析表明,病区地甲病患病率与饮水中碘的含量密切相关,也与环境地质如地貌、地质构造及水文地球化学等条件密切相关。碘含量低的石灰岩地区,地甲病患病率高。  相似文献   
山东省黄河下游流域是山东省高碘地甲病重病区.在区域调杳的基础上,选择其中的郓城、嘉祥,东昌府、博兴4县(区)开展土壤碘含量、饮水碘含量、儿童尿碘、儿童甲状腺容积、儿童甲肿率等指标调杳,结果表明区内饮水碘含量和群体的尿碘含量普遍较高,高碘的危害和高碘地甲病情严重.分析了土壤、饮水碘分布及变化规律,研究了高碘地甲病与地球化学环境相关性,结果显示高碘地甲病与饮水碘含量呈正相关关系,而与土壤中碘元素含量无明显的相关关系.  相似文献   
山东省黄河下游流域是山东省高碘地甲病重病区。在区域调查的基础上,选择其中的郓城、嘉祥、东昌府、博兴4县(区)开展土壤碘含量、饮水碘含量、儿童尿碘、儿童甲状腺容积、儿童甲肿率等指标调查,结果表明区内饮水碘含量和群体的尿碘含量普遍较高,高碘的危害和高碘地甲病情严重。分析了土壤、饮水碘分布及变化规律,研究了高碘地甲病与地球化学环境相关性,结果显示高碘地甲病与饮水碘含量呈正相关关系,而与土壤中碘元素含量无明显的相关关系。  相似文献   
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