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根据地形地貌、地质构造、水文地质条件将青岛市划分为6个工程地质亚区,论述了各亚区地质环境特征,结合不同城市建筑工程特点,进行了工程场地适应性和选择性分析评价,为充分合理利用城市地质环境提供良好依据  相似文献   
RCCC-WBM水量平衡模型在北方典型流域的适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域水文模型是开展环境变化影响分析和水资源评价的重要工具。以山西省的5个不同尺度的代表性流域为研究对象,分析了RCCC-WBM模型在山西省的区域适用性。结果表明:RCCC-WBM模型能够较好地模拟出山西省径流年内分配特征和年代际变化特点,对典型流域月径流量模拟的Nash-Sutcliffe模型效率系数超过65%,水量模拟误差也较小,该模型在山西省具有较好的适用性,可以用于山西省水资源评价等方面的科学研究。  相似文献   
Research on the Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Negev phosphorites (Mishash Formation), based on microprobe analyses, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, wet chemistry, microtextural (Scanning Electron Microscopy) studies and mineralogical analyses, together with quantified rates of sedimentation and P accumulation, enables the chemistry of these rocks to be better constrained across the Negev area and allows their suitability for the manufacture of P fertilizers to be better determined. Two phosphorite facies are differentiated: (i) a pristine phosphorite facies of low P content, more typical of basinal sections and (ii) a reworked, granular phosphorite facies commonly enriched in P, found predominantly near palaeo‐highs and forming most of the economic phosphates. The distribution of F/P2O5, CO2/F, U(IV), Cd, Zn and other trace metals (Mo, Ni, Cr, Cu, V and Y), rare‐earth elements concentration, Ce and Eu anomalies and heavy rare earth elements enrichment, are controlled by these two facies. F/P2O5 in carbonate‐fluorapatite is much lower (0·090 to 0·107) in the pristine than in the reworked facies (0·107 to 0·120); in addition, the lower F/P2O5 in the pristine facies is coupled with: (i) higher Cd, Zn, Mo, Ni, Cr, Cu and V concentrations; (ii) a considerably reduced (< 10%) U(IV) fraction of total U; (iii) lower rare earth elements/P2O5 and Y/P2O5 ratios; (iv) less negative Ce and Eu anomalies and lower heavy rare earth elements (Lu/La) enrichment; (v) an increase in Fe‐rich smectites in the clay fraction; and (vi) presence of OH in the carbonate‐fluorapatite structure. Sedimentary reworking of previously formed pristine phosphate, together with its redeposition near structural highs in more oxic bottom conditions, results in considerable diagenetic changes in the chemistry of the phosphorites, making them more suitable for economic exploitation. The results presented here provide geochemical criteria for identifying pristine phosphate in other phosphorite sequences and may help to better locate phosphate strata chemically suitable for the phosphate industry elsewhere.  相似文献   
以苏州城区为研究背景,阐述了浅层地温能资源赋存的水文地质条件,分析了地下水源热泵系统应用可能对地下水环境产生的影响,研究得出第Ⅱ承压含水层是该地区地下水源热泵开发利用的理想含水层.在此基础上,采用层次分析法和综合指数法建立适宜性分区标准,将苏州城区地下水源热泵系统应用划分为适宜区、一般适宜区和不适宜区,并进行了分区评价.为苏州城区地下水源热泵系统的合理开发利用和制定地下水环境保护措施等提供了重要依据.  相似文献   
从工程地质角度,以东营城区0~50m的土体为研究对象,分析了土体的工程地质特征,采用专家类聚法,对一般工业民用建筑和高层重型建筑物场地的工程建筑适宜性做出了评价并进行了区域划分,对东营城区将来的工程建设规划具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
气候舒适的程度及持续时间的长短,是影响旅游发展和人类居住环境适应性的重要因素。基于1981 2010年普洱市10个县区气象站的日平均气温、相对湿度及风速等常规气象观测资料,对季节划分、气温极值和平均气温空间分布进行了分析,计算舒适度指数(包括温湿指数、风寒指数、人体舒适度指数),研究了普洱市的宜居气候舒适性。结果表明:普洱市夏季90%的区域平均气温为20~24℃,仅有东部和中部少数河谷地带超过24℃;冬季90%的区域平均气温均在10℃以上。冬半年全市最低气温低于0℃的年平均日数不足1天,夏半年全市最高气温高于35.0℃的年平均日数不足4天。因此普洱市"冬无严寒、夏无酷暑",全年有6~9个月的春秋宜人气候,是典型的全年"人体感觉舒适"的宜居气候区,尤以夏半年最为舒适。近10年普洱市快速增长的旅游总人数和完成的GDP进一步说明普洱市的宜居和旅游的气候适宜性。  相似文献   
为了提升莆田市文旦柚的品牌效应和市场竞争力,利用文旦柚种植区历年区域自动站气象观测资料及果实品质检测数据,通过分析影响文旦柚品质的关键气象因子和主要气象灾害,构建文旦柚气候品质评估指标,采用专家打分法和层次分析法,确定气候适宜性因子和致灾因子的权重,建立文旦柚气候品质评估模型,计算气候品质指数并进行量化等级划分,开展文...  相似文献   
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