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Georg  Ribi 《Marine Ecology》1982,3(1):13-19
Abstract. The frequency of parasitism of free ending prop roots of the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, by the wood boring isopod Sphaeroma terebrans, increased with increasing distance of the endings to established roots. In a field experiment, in which isolated endings were, surrounded by wooden sticks, the endings were colonized by S. terebrans at a lower rate than control endings, thus indicating that the wooden structures in the vicinity of the ending tended to reduce colonization rate by S. terebrans. It is concluded that S. terebrans may cause mangrove root density to increase by colonizing peripheral endings more readily than endings which are near established roots.  相似文献   
Biocorrosion by Bivalves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Karl  Kleemann 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):145-158
Abstract. A survey of the historical background of chemically boring bivalves and the proposed methods of boring, indications for biocorrosion, observations, and experimental results are provided. The regional impact to the ecosystem is discussed with examples from the N. Adriatic, Caribbean, and E. Pacific. The fossil record of the geologically oldest biocorroders extends back into the Mesozoic, i.e ., U. Triassic for Lithophaga and Jurassic for gastrochaenids.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地沙河街组钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渤海湾盆地沙河街组中钙质超微化石的发现,表明这一时期渤海湾盆地与海水有过联系。对钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境研究表明,化石主要产出时代为始新世晚期至渐新世早中期,属“间冰期”亚热带气候型。这一问题的深入研究,对于渤海湾盆地的石油勘探有重要意义。  相似文献   
评“河南西峡盆地产恐龙蛋地层研究新进展”   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
"河南西峡盆地产恐龙蛋地层研究新进展"一文主张用"走马岗组"、"赵营组"和"六爷庙组"来替代正式命名的一套地层名称,这样做既不符合地层命名原则,又易引起新的不必要的混乱。在晚白垩世时西峡、淅川两盆地在岩性组合特征上是相似的,浙川盆地并不是"岩性特征简单",西峡盆地也不是"岩性复杂"。西峡盆地晚白垩世"红层"应采用"高沟组、马家村组和寺沟组"这套地层名称。  相似文献   
Eighty two dinosaur trackways were newly discovered in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine deposits on islands in the vicinity of Yeosu, Korea. Most dinosaur tracks occur in marginal lake deposits with polygonal desiccation cracks. The dinosaur tracks at the Yeosu site include 65 ornithopod trackways, 16 theropod trackways and one sauropod trackway. The prevalence of ornithopod tracks and the limited occurrence of sauropod tracks at the Yeosu site evidently reflect decreased sauropod diversity in the Upper Cretaceous. All ornithopod trackways represent bipeds, and most of the ornithopod tracks are similar to Caririchnium from other sites of the Korean peninsula. All fossil wood specimens collected in the study area represent conifers (three species of cupressaceous and two species of taxodiaceous conifers, and a new species) except for one, which is a discotyledon. It is thus inferred that the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula was primarily covered with mesic forests with taxodiaceous trees during the Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age of the Yeosu tracksite is determined as 81–65 Ma (Camapnian to Maastrichtian). It indicates that the Yeosu track site contains the last records of dinosaurs living in Asia. Consequently, semi-arid palaeoclimatic conditions, together with a large lake as a persistent water source and rich vegetation of gymnosperm trees as food, resulted in the preservation of abundant dinosaur tracks in the Upper Cretaceous on the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   
广东河源盆地蛋化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河源盆地沉积了白垩系-古近系,笔者将这套地层划分为3个岩石地层单位,新建仙塘组和东源组,沿用格岭组。在河源除发现恐龙骨骼、恐龙脚印、龟鳖化石外,于白垩系东源组中还产有大量蛋化石。该组蛋化石的分布,下部以圆形蛋为主,中-上部多见长形蛋。报道了三王坝村副圆形蛋(新种)Paraspheroolithus sanwangbacunensis Fang sp.nov.、风光村树枝蛋(新种)Dendroolithus fengguangcunensis Fang sp.nov.和瑶屯巨形蛋Macroolithus yaotunensis、长形长形蛋Elongatoolithus elongates。  相似文献   
底质不连续面是沉积作用中断时所形成的一种地层界面。根据底质的粘结程度可将底质不连续面划分为两大类:固底不连续面和硬底不连续面。固底不连续面中的简单停积面依靠沉积序列的变化来识别,界面上、下的生物地层带是连续的;而复成停积面上、下的生物地层带不连续。在硬底不连续面中,硬底的上、下地层属于同一个沉积体系,而继承性岩底的上、下地层则属于不同的沉积体系,其间发生过重大的沉积间断。根据底质控制的Glossifungites遗迹相和Trypanites遗迹相可以有效地识别各类不连续面并解释其成因。三种类型的不连续面具有层序地层学意义:①侵蚀性不连续面,包括低水位侵蚀面(LSE)和海进侵蚀面(TSE);②无沉积间断面;③沉积性不连续面(凝缩段)。  相似文献   
从生物化石的性质和分布分析秦岭上升的阶段性与幅度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从生物化石的性质、分布的与我国南、北方同期生物群的对比,分析了秦岭从中生代晚期以来各个时期上升的幅度。秦岭在三叠纪末期成陆后即开始隆起,但隆起幅度有限。白垩纪与古新世该区地形高低悬殊不大。早第三纪中、后期秦岭有一次强烈的隆起活动,地形起伏,且对动物的迁移起了明显的阻碍作用。相继产生的夷平作用使晚第三纪秦岭区内的动物仍与区外的保持着较好的往来交流。早更新世末期秦岭再次表现出了垂直运动的特点。由于  相似文献   
Abstract. Scanning electron microscopy-cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) imaging of vein quartz in the Cu-mineralised, Shuteen Complex (South Gobi, Mongolia) has revealed a complex history of crystal growth, dissolution and microfracture healing, associated with several hydrothermal events that could not be detected using other observational techniques (e.g. transmitted/reflected light microscopy, back-scattered electron imaging, or secondary electron imaging).
The quartz initially grew as CL-bright/grey crystals in a 345±30C liquid reservoir, as inferred by the analysis of primary liquid fluid inclusions (average Th of 343C; 6.6∼7.7 wt% NaCleq). Quartz precipitation occurred at the edge of the crystals as reservoir fluids cooled to 260±25C, as indicated by micron-scale CL-dark/CL-bright quartz growth bands containing abundant fluid inclusions (with an average Th values of 261C). Pressure fluctuations were the likely cause of dissolution, as SEM-CL imaging reveals the quartz have corroded or rounded crystal edges, and precipitation of later quartz into open space. SEM-CL imaging shows the quartz contains healed microfractures that trapped low salinity fluids (3.9 wt% NaC1eq) with Th values of 173±15C.
SEM-CL imaging provides a means of deciphering the thermal and chemical evolution of the fossil Shuteen hydrothermal system, and the nature of hydrothermal quartz vein-forming processes, by facilitating the correlation of distinct fluid inclusion populations and their relative chronology, with specific hydrothermal events.  相似文献   
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