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地质学   1篇
  1994年   1篇
排序方式: 共有1条查询结果,搜索用时 4 毫秒
The enderbites from Tromøy in the central, granulite facies part of the Proterozoic Bamble sector of southern Norway contain dominantly CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions. CO2 from fluid inclusions in quartz segregations in enderbites was extracted by mechanical (crushing) and thermal decrepitation and the δ13C measured. Measurement was also made on samples washed in 10% HCl, oxidized with CuO at high temperatures, and step-wise extracted with progressive heating. Results between the different techniques are systematic. The main results show δ13C of -4.5±1.5% for crushing and -7±2% for thermal decrepitation. δ13C is about constant for CO2 extracted at different temperatures and points to a homogeneous isotopic composition. Due to the presence of carbonate particles and/or induced contaminations for the extraction by thermal decrepitation, the results for the crushing experiments are assumed the most reliable for fluid-inclusion CO2. Very low values of δ13C have not been found in enderbite samples and δ13C combined with δ18O of the host quartzes (8-11%) indicates juvenile values. In addition, the fluid inclusions were examined by microthermometry and Raman analysis and host quartz by acoustic emission and cathodoluminescence. CO2 fluid inclusions have varying densities with a frequency maximum of 0.92 g cm-3 and generally do not concur with trapping densities at granulite conditions. Textures show that CO2 must have been trapped in fluid inclusions in one early event, but transformed to different extents during late isothermal uplift without important fractionation of isotope compositions. The present data support a model of intrusion and crystallization of a CO2-rich enderbitic magma at granuiite conditions.  相似文献   
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