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大陆科学钻探在江苏岗上超镁铁岩体上打了一个卫星孔(CCSD-PP3),孔深705m,穿透428m厚超镁铁岩体,其下主要为不同类型片麻岩及少量榴辉岩。该岩体产在苏鲁超高压变质带中,面积1370×700m,上覆约10m厚第四纪盖层。岩心柱可以粗分为4段,370m上部超镁铁岩,50m片麻岩夹榴辉岩,60m下部超镁铁岩,225m片麻岩类。榴辉岩夹在片麻岩中,片麻岩有正、副之分。榴辉岩石榴石中发现柯石英假象,表明岩石经历超高压变质作用。超镁铁岩主要岩性为纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩,含石榴石纯橄岩出现3层,总厚度仅90m,与不舍石榴石的纯橄岩无截然界线。岩相学研究观测到石榴石中保留橄榄石、单斜辉石和尖晶石等超高压变质之前的矿物组合,以及退变质矿物替代石榴石的现象。岩石化学成分总体变化小,SiO242.17-44.79,平均43.78;MgO46.35-48.98,平均47.42,Mg#值(=Mg/(Mg Fe)×100)为91.89-92.75,平均92.4,属于高Mg型;Al2O3和CaO丰度低,分别为0.66-0.27,平均0.43,和0,01-0.35,平均0.13;REE总量较原始地幔亏损,但LREE相对HREE富集。结合矿物组合特征,说明这套岩石属亏损型,但可能经历了流体热液的改造;纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩成分的一致型,说明后者是前者经变质改造形成。SHRIMPU-Pb定年测得含石榴石纯榄岩中锆石存在两组年龄,超高压变质阶段新形成的锆石时代为240±2.7Ma,核部残留岩浆锆石给出726±56Mao前者与区域上超高压变质年龄十分吻合,后者与大别-苏鲁区域上新元古代大规模花岗质岩浆侵位时代。岗上超镁铁岩体可能记录了早期侵位到地壳,在陆陆俯冲碰撞阶段被俯冲岩片带入到柯石英形成深度,以及随岩片折返到地表的整个历史。  相似文献   
李杨杨  张士川  高立群  孔德志  孔贺 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3283-3290
针对阳城煤矿不等长工作面台阶区域发生冲击地压灾害问题,基于工作面特殊布置方式及覆岩赋存特征,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测等方法,分析了台阶区域覆岩结构运动特征和围岩应力演化规律,研究了台阶区域冲击地压诱发机制。研究结果表明:1304工作面台阶区域覆岩经历了“OX-S-C”型较为复杂的结构演变,覆岩空间结构由OX向S型转换时,顶板岩层大面积破断下沉,在台阶区域形成多个悬臂梁结构,越往高位,悬臂梁长度越大;受覆岩运动和采动应力场叠加影响,煤岩体形成高应力集中区,在顶板岩层动载冲击作用下,煤岩体弹性应变能突然释放,诱发冲击地压。采用COMSOL软件对不同卸压钻孔参数下煤体应变能分布特征进行模拟研究,优化了台阶区域卸压钻孔参数。根据模拟结果,随着钻孔孔径、孔深增大及间距减小钻孔卸压效果越明显,考虑工程实际,确定孔径为150 mm、孔深为30 m、间距为1 m为合理有效的卸压钻孔参数,并应用于1302工作面台阶区域的冲击地压防治,取得了较好的防冲效果。  相似文献   
钻孔地质雷达工作原理及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了钻孔雷达的工作原理,介绍了单孔反射和跨孔层析成像2 种工作方式,并将其用于深部岩层岩性评价和地质异常体探测,效果显着  相似文献   
In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolution  相似文献   
文章探讨了用CASIO fx-4800P型可编程计算器根据钻孔弯曲度测量数据计算钻孔在任意标高(中段)位置和孔内过矿点、构造点等任意点的三维坐标的应用程序,在程序中设置了"程序语言"以避免运算中出现的失误,并介绍了程序的操作过程.  相似文献   
深部岩体中不同类型的结构面对地下水封洞库的稳定性和水封条件产生不同的影响效应,开展深部岩体中结构面类型识别与发育特征研究具有非常重要的意义。结合黄岛地下水封洞库工程,基于数字钻孔影像技术,从曲线的形状、宽度、颜色、交错关系以及曲线周围岩石岩性等方面分析了洞库区深部发育的4类结构面的钻孔影像特征,并以ZK8中120m~-60m 段为例进行了深部结构面类型识别和发育特征研究。结果表明:(1)洞库区各类结构面具有不同的钻孔影像特征,可以借此开展深部结构面发育特征的分类研究; (2)洞库区构造节理和变质分异面发育数量沿纵深方向呈现逐渐减小的特征,且变质分异面仅发育在30m高程以上区域,岩脉侵入节理主要发育于局部较小范围,对洞室群的影响视其发育位置而异。因此应注重对深部结构面发育特征的研究,为工程建设提供翔实可靠的依据。  相似文献   
A partial record of the positions of Australia during Middle to Late Neoproterozoic time is provided by palaeomagnetic results for samples from the Lancer 1 stratigraphic drillhole in Western Australia. Lancer 1 was drilled vertically to 1501 m, through essentially horizontal Neoproterozoic strata of the western Officer Basin. We studied 123 samples from 28 intervals of drillcore which were oriented by matching features (fractures, cross-beds, etc.) in the core with oriented acoustic scanner images of the drillhole walls. Three new palaeopoles are reported for red mudstones and sandstones (redbeds) of the Browne (44.5°N, 141.7°E, dp = 5.1°, dm = 9.0°), Hussar (62.2°N, 85.8°E, dp = 7.3°, dm = 14.6°), and Kanpa (74.0°N, 128.8°E, dp = 7.7°, dm = 14.8°) Formations of the ca 830 – 720 Ma Buldya Group (Supersequence 1), which exhibit stable, two-polarity magnetisations carried by fine-grained hematite and magnetite. The overlying ca 610 – 590 Ma Wahlgu Formation glaciogenic diamictite (Supersequence 3) yielded dispersed directions and an imprecise palaeopole that overlaps results from the glaciogenic Elatina Formation and other Late Neoproterozoic rock units. The results help to elaborate the Middle to Late Neoproterozoic apparent polar wander path for Australia and indicate, in agreement with palaeoclimatic data and previous palaeomagnetic studies, that the continent was slow-moving and occupied low latitudes at this time. Assuming that Australia and Laurentia were still joined at ca 780 Ma, comparison of the new Hussar Formation palaeopole with coeval Laurentian data favours AUSMEX, rather than SWEAT or AUSWUS, as the most likely configuration of these two continents in Rodinia. This preliminary study of Lancer 1 demonstrates the utility of acoustic scanner logs for orienting drillcores, as well as the scope for additional sampling and palaeomagnetic studies of Lancer 1, and other oriented drillcores, to yield a more continuous record of Australia's past motions and to provide magnetostratigraphic data for enhancing inter-basin correlations.  相似文献   
南苏鲁超高压变质带东海ZK703钻孔榴辉岩的变质作用   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
张泽明  许志琴 《地质学报》1999,73(4):321-333
东海ZK703钻孔位于苏鲁超高压变质带南部,钻孔深558m穿过的岩性主要为榴辉岩,黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴橄榄岩,及少量多硅白云母石英片岩,石榴石多硅白云母英片岩,蓝晶石石英岩和硬玉石英岩,钻孔揭示榴辉岩呈层状产出,具中等倾角,稳定延利到钻孔深度以下。超高压矿物或其后成合晶假象在这些岩石中的保存,以及岩石之间的接触关系表明,这是一个整体经历了超高压变质作用的表壳岩和基性一超基性岩组合,据原生次要矿物,  相似文献   
In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50.1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54- 3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolutional path characterized by the near-isothermal decompression. The inclusion assemblage (Hb+Ep+Bi+Pl+Qz) within garnet and other minerals has recorded a pre-peak stage (M1) epidote amphibole facies metamorphic event. High- and ultrahigh-pressure peak metamorphism (M2) took place at T=750- 860° C and P>2.7 GPa. The symplectitic assemblages after garnet, jadeitic-clinopyroxene and rutile imply a near-isothermal decompression metamorphism (M3, M4) during the rapid exhumation. Several lines of evidence of petrography and metamorphic reactions indicate that both gneisses and eclogites have experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Donghai area. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the metamorphism and tectonic evolution in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.  相似文献   
400余米深单孔波速测试体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋传琳  蒋传志  吕鑫方 《物探与化探》2005,29(2):183-184,188
介绍了测试400余米深井效果情况。实践表明了采取一定措施单孔检层法测试PS波可以突破百米的禁界,使此项技术推向更广泛的应用领域。  相似文献   
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