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黄骅坳陷横向变换带的构造特征及成因   总被引:33,自引:10,他引:33  
周建生  陈发景 《现代地质》1997,11(4):425-433
讨论了黄骅坳陷横向变换带的构造特征和成因。根据利用地震反射剖面对盆地构造几何学的研究,圈定了不同尺度的横向变换带,确定了伸展构造背景下的横向变换带是为了保持区域伸展应变调节构造变形的一种调节体系。这种伸展应变守恒是靠三维空间上断层位移沿走向的变化实现的。横向变换带的构造样式为横向地垒状凸起和鼻状凸起或鼻状背斜,并具伸展性质的正断层。横向凸起与非叠复的和叠复的分段断层系伴生及发育在断层位移最小处等事实表明,横向凸起或横向鼻状背斜是由于分段断层系位移沿走向变化形成的。  相似文献   
We use coseismic GPS data from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake to estimate the subsurface shape of the Chelungpu fault that ruptured during the earthquake. Studies prior to the earthquake suggest a ramp–décollement geometry for the Chelungpu fault, yet many finite source inversions using GPS and seismic data assume slip occurred on the down-dip extension of the Chelungpu ramp, rather than on a sub-horizontal décollement. We test whether slip occurred on the décollement or the down-dip extension of the ramp using well-established methods of inverting GPS data for geometry and slip on faults represented as elastic dislocations. We find that a significant portion of the coseismic slip did indeed occur on a sub-horizontal décollement located at 8 km depth. The slip on the décollement contributes 21% of the total modeled moment release. We estimate the fault geometry assuming several different models for the distribution of elastic properties in the earth: homogeneous, layered, and layered with lateral material contrast across the fault. It is shown, however, that heterogeneity has little influence on our estimated fault geometry. We also investigate several competing interpretations of deformation within the E/W trending rupture zone at the northern end of the 1999 ground ruptures. We demonstrate that the GPS data require a 22- to 35-km-long lateral ramp at the northern end, contradicting other investigations that propose deformation is concentrated within 10 km of the Chelungpu fault. Lastly, we propose a simple tectonic model for the development of the lateral ramp.  相似文献   
In southern Turkey ongoing differential impingement of Arabia into the weak Anatolian collisional collage resulting from subduction of the Neotethyan Ocean has produced one of the most complex crustal interactions along the Alpine–Himalayan Orogen. Several major transforms with disputed motions, including the northward extension of the Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ), meet in this region. To evaluate neotectonic motion on the Amanos and East Hatay fault zones considered to be northward extensions of the DSFZ, the palaeomagnetism of volcanic fields in the Karasu Rift between these faults has been studied. Remanence carriers are low-Ti magnetites and all except 5 of 51 basalt lavas have normal polarity. Morphological, polarity and K–Ar evidence show that rift formation occurred largely during the Brunhes chron with volcanism concentrated at 0.66–0.35 Ma and a subsidiary episode at 0.25–0.05. Forty-four units of normal polarity yield a mean of D/I=8.8°/54.7° with inclination identical to the present-day field and declination rotated clockwise by 8.8±4.0°. Within the 15-km-wide Hassa sector of the Karasu Rift, the volcanic activity is concentrated between the Amanos and East Hatay faults, both with left lateral motions, which have rotated blocks bounded by NW–SE cross faults in a clockwise sense as the Arabian Block has moved northwestwards. An average lava age of 0.5 Ma yields a minimum cumulative slip rate on the system bounding faults of 0.46 cm/year according with the rate deduced from the Africa–Arabia Euler vector and reduced rates of slip on the southern extension of the DSFZ during Plio-Quaternary times. Estimates deduced from offsets of dated lavas flows and morphological features on the Amanos Fault Zone [Tectonophysics 344 (2002) 207] are lower (0.09–0.18 cm/year) probably because they are limited to surface fault breaks and do not embrace the seismogenic crust.Results of this study suggest that most strike slip on the DSFZ is taken up by the Amanos–East Hatay–Afrin fault array in southern Turkey. Comparable estimates of Quaternary slip rate are identified on other faults meeting at an unstable FFF junction (DSFZ, East Anatolian Fault Zone, Karatas Fault Zone). A deceleration in slip rate across the DSFZ and its northward continuation during Plio-Quaternary times correlates with reorganization of the tectonic regime during the last 1–3 Ma including tectonic escape within Anatolia, establishment of the North and East Anatolian Fault Zones bounding the Anatolian collage in mid–late Pliocene times, a contemporaneous transition from transpression to transtension and concentration of all basaltic magmatism in this region within the last 1 Ma.  相似文献   
滑裂面的准确选取对挡土墙稳定性分析有重要影响。基于塑性极限分析理论,分别推导了直线和对数螺旋线滑移模式下挡土墙主动土压力的计算公式,通过算例对比分析研究了平面滑裂面和对数螺旋滑裂面主动土压力的特点。研究结果表明:直线滑裂面为对数螺旋滑裂面的一种特例,随着滑裂面曲率增大,主动土压力合力作用点逐渐上移,主动土压力合力略有增加,但对墙趾的弯矩显著增加,不利于挡土墙稳定性;挡土墙各参数对直线滑裂面主动土压力合力作用点有不同影响,随着填土内摩擦角、挡墙倾角、填土倾角的增大而上移,随着墙土间摩擦角、黏聚力与容重挡土墙高度的乘积之比的增大而下移,合力作用点位置大致在0.2~0.4倍墙高处,说明主动土压力的非线性分布。研究结果对准确选取滑裂面形状计算挡土墙主动土压力有实际工程应用价值。  相似文献   
河流阶地演化与走滑断裂滑动速率   总被引:24,自引:9,他引:15  
断裂滑动速率是活动构造定量研究的最重要参数之一,不仅可以直接应用于活动构造的地震危险性预测和工程场地的地震安全性评价,还为地球动力学研究提供不可缺少的重要信息。原理上,断裂滑动速率可以用总位移量除以其累积时间而获得,但准确地确定断裂滑动速率并不是一件容易的事情,不同方法和研究者测定的同一条断裂的滑动速率可以相差3倍。文中通过对河流基座阶地演化及其对走滑断裂错动响应过程的分析发现,当一条山前河流切入河漫滩使其废弃形成阶地后,断裂的走滑位移使得河流两侧的阶地陡坎都遭到错动,其中一侧的下游阶地陡坎被错入河道而遭到河流的侵蚀,另一侧的下游阶地陡坎被错离河道,受到河流上游右侧地貌的保护而免遭侵蚀。因此,被错离河道一侧的阶地陡坎的位移在上阶地形成时就开始积累,阶地面的暴露年龄相当于位移累积的起始年代。另外,被错离河道一侧的阶地陡坎在下阶地停止侧蚀(可能同时开始接受沉积)时就开始累积位移,下阶地的初始沉积年代也代表阶地陡坎位移开始累积的时间。当然,如果能够获得被位移阶地陡坎的上下阶地年龄,就更能够把滑动速率限定在可靠的范围之内。在上述分析的基础上,提出3种利用河流阶地确定走滑断裂滑动速率的方法:第一是利用上下阶地年龄限定  相似文献   
根据工程地质测绘及勘探成果资料,在对四川汶川县索桥滑坡产生的成因机理和破坏模式进行分析判断的基础上,对两个潜在滑移面在不同的工况下的稳定性进行了分析评价,确定岩土交界面为最危险滑面.在此前提下对边坡发展趋势及激发诱因进行科学预测,认为在暴雨或余震等诱发下边坡极有可能失稳,并有针对性的制定了应急防治与永久根治的综合治理方案.  相似文献   
宋彪    李锦轶  张进  朱志新  王煜  徐新 《地质通报》2011,30(01):19-25
西准噶尔中部的托里断裂切错了塔尔根岩体,如果确定了该岩体的时代,就可以限定托里断裂左行走滑运动开始的最大时限。所研究的样品为浅肉红色二长花岗岩,采样位置位于托里县城以南、托里断裂南东,距离该断裂面约50m。用SHRIMP 对岩石中的锆石进行了U-Th-Pb同位素测定,共测得29个颗粒的31个数据。这31个数据中,206Pb/238U年龄最小值为279.5Ma±2.7Ma,最大值为337.3Ma±2.7Ma,相差达58Ma,差异大于17%。Th/U比为0.31~0.88,U含量为65×10-6~384×10-6,Th含量为23×10-6~142×10-6。根据CL图像,将其中13个点的206Pb/238U年龄进行加权平均计算,将加权平均值295.8Ma±2.5Ma作为岩体的侵位年龄。塔尔根岩体被托里断裂左行错开这一地质现象,以及该岩体的锆石定年结果,清楚地表明托里断裂的左行走滑运动一定是发生在295Ma以后,即其左行走滑运动不是发生在石炭纪期间。  相似文献   
利用2011日本东北大地震的亚洲东部GPS远场水平位移数据,通过计算及比较分析4个独立震源解和倾/滑角效应,研究了远场地震变形的空间分布特征和规律。结果表明,对于低角度逆冲型地震来说,水平位移格林函数在远场位移场中占主导作用。基于此确定了远场GPS水平位移场能在反演中有效利用的空间范围,为联合远场GPS数据和近场GPS数据反演断层滑动分布作理论准备,并为远场数据反演位错Love数(h、l)提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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