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Controls on low-pressure anatexis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low-pressure anatexis, whereby rocks melt in place after passing through the andalusite stability field, develops under more restricted conditions than does low-pressure metamorphism. Our thermal modelling and review of published work indicate that the following mechanisms, operating alone, may induce anatexis in typical pelitic rocks without inducing wholesale melting in the lower crust: (i) magmatic advection by pervasive flow; (ii) crustal-scale detachment faulting; and (iii) the presence of a high heat-producing layer. Of these, only magmatic advection by pervasive flow and crustal-scale detachment faulting have been shown quantitatively to provide sufficient heat to cause widespread melting. Combinations of the above mechanisms with pluton-scale magmatic advection, shear heating, removal of the lithospheric mantle, or with each other provide additional means of developing suitable high temperatures at shallow crustal levels to generate low-pressure anatexis.  相似文献   
吕梁山北段变质岩系变形分解作用初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕梁山北段变岩系中,变形分解现象从宏观到微观的各级尺度上均有表现。平面上强弱变形带(域)常呈网结状形态产出,剖面上随深度的加深,强弱变形带(域)互为消长。在变形分解作用一,角闪石转化为黑云母、绿泥石、斜长石牌号降低。固流限较低的矿物发生溶解,或充填缍裂隙形成同构造分泌结晶脉,或在一定条件下形成变斑晶,致使岩石的结构构造由块状向片麻状、片状转化。Mg、Fe、Ti、P、K、Rb增高,Si、Na、Sr降  相似文献   
西藏中冈底斯北部尼玛县阿索乡亚布努马地区东侧出露一处花岗斑岩岩脉,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,该花岗斑岩的形成时代为晚侏罗世(161.2±5.9Ma)。全岩地球化学数据显示其高硅、富碱、富铝的特征,属于碱性准铝质花岗斑岩;富集轻稀土元素,轻、重稀土元素分异明显,具有明显的负Eu异常,富集Rb、Pb等大离子亲石元素,亏损Ba、Sr元素及Nb、Ta、Ti、U等高场强元素,形成于岛弧环境。其源区可能为来自俯冲带增厚下地壳的深熔作用,结合区域上同时代的岩浆事件,亚布努马花岗斑岩应该形成于以班公湖-怒江洋南向俯冲为动力背景的陆缘弧环境。  相似文献   
There is evidence that space energy sources could give place to the appearance of phosphorylated nucleosides outside of Earth. These compounds may have been delivered mainly by interplanetary dust particles due to the lower temperatures experienced during atmospheric deceleration and impacts to the terrestrial surface. In this report, we communicate the results of pyrolytic studies to simulate atmospheric survivability of adenosine-5′-diphosphates (ADP) (and adenosine-5′-monophosphate, adenosine and adenine as degradation products) at temperatures <500°C and at various time intervals. Our results revealed that phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated nucleosides transported by IDPs having sizes of 10−6- could resist temperatures up to 500°C generated during atmospheric entry. However, atmospheric passage should not exceed a time due to the thermal lability of these molecules. Because of the high half-life showed by ADP in the presence of meteoritic powder, it is thought that extraterrestrial delivery of very complex biomolecules is more suitable under such protected conditions. These data indicate that the formation of a Fe2+- and/or Ca2+-complex could increase the stability of the molecules in the presence of meteoritic matter. Therefore, if the synthesis of nucleosides, nucleotides or oligonucleotides could take place in icy bodies, then micron-sized dust could have contributed significantly to the availability of phosphorylated nucleosides in the early Earth or in extrasolar early Earth-like planets, and thereby could have allowed the arising of an early biological activity.  相似文献   
花岗岩研究的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花岗岩是地壳生长、发展以及再循环的地质见证,是地质科学中壳–幔相互作用研究的一个重要课题,同时也是流体与固体地球化学相互作用领域的研究前沿。近二百年来,有关花岗岩的研究经久不衰,大致可分为4个阶段。(1)混合花岗岩派与岩浆花岗岩派的论争,代表花岗岩成因研究开始进入理性认识阶段。一派以变质作用条件下地壳重熔的地质观察为基础,另一派以简单的玄武岩浆分异为依据,而展开论争。(2)地壳重熔实验阶段。以地壳岩石为源岩的热力学实验的开展,是花岗岩热力学研究的开始。(3)随着重熔实验的全面开展,包括了微量元素及同位素的研究,促使热力学熔融体系在花岗岩成因研究上进入全面应用阶段,使地质上的共生组合法则得以与热力学接轨。同时由于微量元素应用于花岗岩,它的多元机理(multiple stage mechanism)进一步确立,为动态研究的开展打下了一定的基础。(4)花岗岩成因与大地构造结合阶段,属于近代花岗岩研究的范畴,代表着花岗岩体系与动态地质演化过程的接轨,并开始建立一个地质实际的观察模式,为进一步向动力理论发展做好准备。为此,对花岗岩研究发展过程中出现的几个问题,如平衡热力学的应用,流体在花岗岩中的重要性,花岗岩成因与大地构造的结合以及热在长期的演化过程中的变化等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Hydrological connectivity is a term often used to describe the internal linkages between runoff and sediment generation in upper parts of catchments and the receiving waters. In this paper, we identify two types of connectivity: direct connectivity via new channels or gullies, and diffuse connectivity as surface runoff reaches the stream network via overland flow pathways. Using a forest road network as an example of a landscape element with a high runoff source strength, we demonstrate the spatial distribution of these two types of linkages in a 57 km2 catchment in southeastern Australia. Field surveys and empirical modelling indicate that direct connectivity occurs primarily due to gully development at road culverts, where the average sediment transport distance is 89 m below the road outlet. The majority of road outlets were characterised by dispersive flow pathways where the maximum potential sediment transport distance is measured as the available hillslope length below the road outlet. This length has a mean value of 120 m for this catchment. Reductions in sediment concentration in runoff plumes from both pathways are modelled using an exponential decay function and data derived from large rainfall simulator experiments in the catchment. The concept of the volume to breakthrough is used to model the potential delivery of runoff from dispersive pathways. Of the surveyed road drains (n=218), only 11 are predicted to deliver runoff to a stream and the greatest contributor of runoff occurs at a stream crossing where a road segment discharges directly into the stream. The methodology described here can be used to assess the spatial distribution and likely impact of dispersive and gullied pathways on in-stream water quality.  相似文献   
小秦岭地区发育有大量古元古代晚期的花岗质浅色脉体, 这为理解同时期华北克拉通南缘的深熔作用和构造演化提供了重要的窗口。本文对小秦岭地区三条花岗质浅色脉体中的锆石开展了CL图像、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学及稀土元素的研究。浅色脉体中的锆石具有深熔成因锆石的斑杂状、平面状或弱振荡环带的内部结构及较为自形的外部形态特征, 测得的锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄分别为(1867±13) Ma (MSWD=0.22, n=21)、(1849±17) Ma (MSWD=0.79)和(1828±15) Ma (MSWD=0.33, n=20), 代表了该区深熔作用发生的时间。与上述三组年龄相对应, 其锆石稀土元素配分曲线由具较弱负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.12~0.81)的重稀土相对富集型, 转变为中等负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.29~0.61)的近平坦重稀土型、再到显著负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.15~0.54)的重稀土富集型, 结合锆石Ti温度计获取其结晶温度为574~708 °C, 表明地壳深熔作用的发生可能与高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相的退变质作用有关。结合前人的变质年代学数据可知, 小秦岭地区1.87~1.82 Ga的深熔作用应与~1.95 Ga时东、西部陆块碰撞造山所致增厚地壳的长期抬升和冷却过程有关。  相似文献   
In order to understand the differences in the suspended sediment and total dissolved solid (TDS) yield patterns between the glacial and non‐glacial catchments at the headwaters of Urumqi River, northwestern China, water samples were collected from a glacier catchment and an empty cirque catchment within the region, during three melting seasons from 2006 to 2008. These samples were analyzed to estimate suspended sediment and TDS concentrations, fluxes and erosion rates in the two adjoining catchments. There were remarked differences in suspended sediment and TDS yield patterns between the two catchments. Suspended sediment concentrations were controlled mainly by the sediment source, whereas TDS concentrations were primarily related to the hydrologic interaction with soil minerals. Generally, the glacial catchment had much higher suspended sediment and TDS yields, together with higher denudation rates, than the non‐glacial catchment. Overall, glacial catchment was mainly dominated by physical denudation process, whereas the non‐glacial catchment was jointly influenced by physical and chemical denudation processes. The observed differences in material delivery patterns were mainly controlled by the runoff source and the glacial processes. The melting periods of glacier and snow were typically the most important time for the suspended sediment and TDS yields. Meanwhile, episodic precipitation events could generate disproportionately large yields. Subglacial hydrology dynamics, glaciers pluck and grind processes could affect erodibility, and the large quantities of dust stored on the glacier surface provided additional sources for suspended sediment transport in the glacial catchment. These mechanisms imply that, in response to climate change, the catchment behaviour will be modified significantly in this region, in terms of material flux. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) model coupled with transport limited sediment delivery(TLSD) function was used to predict the longtime average annual soil loss, and to identify the critical erosion-/deposition-prone areas in a tropical mountain river basin, viz., Muthirapuzha River Basin(MRB; area=271.75 km~2), in the southern Western Ghats, India. Mean gross soil erosion in MRB is 14.36 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1), whereas mean net soil erosion(i.e., gross erosion-deposition) is only 3.60 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)(i.e., roughly 25% of the gross erosion). Majority of the basin area(~86%) experiences only slight erosion(5 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)), and nearly 3% of the area functions as depositional environment for the eroded sediments(e.g., the terraces of stream reaches, the gentle plains as well as the foot slopes of the plateau scarps and the terrain with concordant summits). Although mean gross soil erosion rates in the natural vegetation belts are relatively higher, compared to agriculture, settlement/built-up areas and tea plantation, the sediment transport efficiency in agricultural areas and tea plantation is significantly high,reflecting the role of human activities on accelerated soil erosion. In MRB, on a mean basis, 0.42 t of soil organic carbon(SOC) content is being eroded per hectare annually, and SOC loss from the 4th order subbasins shows considerable differences, mainly due to the spatial variability in the gross soil erosion rates among the sub-basins. The quantitative results, on soil erosion and deposition, modelled using RUSLE and TLSD, are expected to be beneficial while formulating comprehensive land management strategies for reducing the extent of soil degradation in tropical mountain river basins.  相似文献   
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