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Pressure–temperature grids in the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O and its subsystems have been calculatedin the range 15–45 kbar and 550–900°C, usingan internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and new thermodynamicmodels for amphibole, white mica, and clinopyroxene, with thesoftware THERMOCALC. Minerals considered for the grids includegarnet, omphacite, diopside, jadeite, hornblende, actinolite,glaucophane, zoisite, lawsonite, kyanite, coesite, quartz, talc,muscovite, paragonite, biotite, chlorite, and plagioclase. Compatibilitydiagrams are used to illustrate the phase relationships in thegrids. Coesite-bearing eclogites and a whiteschist from Chinaare used to demonstrate the ability of pseudosections to modelphase relationships in natural ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicrocks. Under water-saturated conditions, chlorite-bearing assemblagesin Mg- and Al-rich eclogites are stable at lower temperaturesthan in Fe-rich eclogites. The relative temperature stabilityof the three amphiboles is hornblende > actinolite > glaucophane(amphibole names used sensu lato). Talc-bearing assemblagesare stable only at low temperature and high pressure in Mg-and Al-rich eclogites. For most eclogite compositions, talccoexists with lawsonite, but not zoisite, in the stability fieldof coesite. Water content contouring of pressure–temperaturepseudosections, along with appropriate geotherms, provides newconstraints concerning dehydration of such rocks in subductingslabs. Chlorite and lawsonite are two important H2O-carriersin subducting slabs. Depending on bulk composition and pressure–temperaturepath, amphibole may or may not be a major H2O-carrier to depth.In most cases, dehydration to make ultrahigh-pressure eclogitestakes place gradually, with H2O content controlled by divariantor higher variance assemblages. Therefore, fluid fluxes in subductionzones are likely to be continuous, with the rate of dehydrationchanging with changing pressure and temperature. Further, eclogitesof different bulk compositions dehydrate differently. Dehydrationof Fe-rich eclogite is nearly complete at relatively shallowdepth, whereas Mg- and Al-rich eclogites dehydrate continuouslydown to greater depth. KEY WORDS: dehydration; eclogites; phase relations; THERMOCALC; UHP metamorphism; whiteschists  相似文献   
Dark hornblende + garnet-rich, quartz-absent metagabbro boudins from the Seguin subdomain, Ontario Grenville Province, are transected by anastomosing light-coloured veins rich in orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and sometimes quartz. The veins vary in texture from fine-grained diffuse veins and patches that overprint the metagabbro, to coarse tonalitic leucosomes with sharp borders. The diffuse veins and patches are suggestive of channellized subsolidus dehydration of the metagabbro, while the tonalitic leucosomes are suggestive of local internally-derived anatexis. All vein types grade smoothly into each other, with the tonalitic leucosomes being the latest.
Relative to the host metagabbro, the veins have higher Si, Na, Ba & Sr, lower Fe, Mg, Ca & Ti, and similar Al. The coarser veins are enriched in K. Plagioclase becomes steadily enriched in Na in the transition from host metagabbro (An47) to the veins (An35), and in the coarsest veins it is antiperthitic. Differences in composition of the other minerals between host metagabbro and vein are minor. Pressure–temperature estimates are scattered, but indicate a minimum temperature during vein formation of 700°C at about 8 kbar.
Mass balance constraints indicate that the veins formed from the metagabbro in an open system. The transecting veins are interpreted to represent pathways of Si + Na + Ba + Sr ± K ± Al-enriched, low a H2O fluids that metasomatized the host metagabbro to form the anhydrous veins. An initial period of localized solid-state dehydration of the metagabbro, represented by the diffuse veins, was followed by a transition to localized anatexis, represented by the tonalitic leucosomes. The change to anatexis may have been due to the addition of K to the infiltrating fluid. The source and delivery mechanism of the fluids is unknown.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1506-1522
Garnet orthopyroxenites from Maowu (Dabieshan orogen, eastern China) were formed from a refractory harzburgite/dunite protolith. They preserve mineralogical and geochemical evidence of hydration/metasomatism and dehydration at the lower edge of a cold mantle wedge. Abundant polyphase inclusions in the cores of garnet porphyroblasts record the earliest metamorphism and metasomatism in garnet orthopyroxenites. They are mainly composed of pargasitic amphibole, gedrite, chlorite, talc, phlogopite, and Cl-apatite, with minor anhydrous minerals such as orthopyroxene, sapphirine, spinel, and rutile. Most of these phases have high XMg, NiO, and Ni/Mg values, implying that they probably inherited the chemistry of pre-existing olivine. Trace element analyses indicate that polyphase inclusions are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE), and high field strength elements (HFSE), with spikes of Ba, Pb, U, and high U/Th. Based on the P–T conditions of formation for the polyphase inclusions (?1.4 GPa, 720–850°C), we suggest that the protolith likely underwent significant hydration/metasomatism by slab-derived fluid under shallow–wet–cold mantle wedge corner conditions beneath the forearc. When the hydrated rocks were subducted into a deep–cold mantle wedge zone and underwent high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) metamorphism, amphibole, talc, and chlorite dehydrated and garnet, orthopyroxene, Ti-chondrodite, and Ti-clinohumite formed during prograde metamorphism. The majority of LILE (e.g. Ba, U, Pb, Sr, and Th) and LREE were released into the fluid formed by dehydration reactions, whereas HFSE (e.g. Ti, Nb, and Ta) remained in the cold mantle wedge lower margin. Such fluid resembling the trace element characteristics of arc magmas evidently migrates into the overlying, internal, hotter part of the mantle wedge, thus resulting in a high degree of partial melting and the formation of arc magmas.  相似文献   
高温高压下含水矿物脱水对斜长岩纵波速度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在1GPa、室温至880℃条件下对斜长岩的纵波速度进行了测量,并对实验产物进行了鉴定分析,讨论了含水矿物脱水对岩石纵波速度的影响。实验结果表明,在680℃左右,由于斜长岩中的含水矿物绢云母和黝帘石开始脱水,矿物脱水产生的流体及其所引起岩石结构的变化可使岩石纵波速度降低10%左右。这意味着通过矿物脱水这一机制可以形成壳内低速层。  相似文献   
差应力与岩石熔融性状关系的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为考察不同应力状态下岩石应变与岩石熔融作用的关系,利用英国Instron公司生产的电液伺服实验系统,配以围压和加温系统设计了动、静态不同条件下细粒闪长岩的对比熔融实验,力图找到差应力与岩石熔融程度及其熔体成分的关系。通过岩石动、静态熔融实验结果的对比得出:差应力的存在能够导致细粒闪长岩的熔融,随着差应力(应变速率)的增加,熔体的量增加,熔体成分向富Si、Al方向转变。  相似文献   
The Fukuoka District Meteorological Observatory recently logged three possible deep low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) beneath eastern Kyushu, Japan, a region in which LFEs and low-frequency tremors have never before been identified. To assess these data, we analyzed band-pass filtered velocity seismograms and relocated LFEs and regular earthquakes using the double-difference method. The results strongly suggest that the three events were authentic LFEs, each at a depth of about 50 km. We also performed relocation analysis on LFEs recorded beneath the Kii Peninsula and found that these LFEs occurred near the northwest-dipping plate interface at depths of approximately 29–38 km. These results indicate that LFEs in southwest Japan occur near the upper surface of the subducting Philippine Sea (PHS) plate. To investigate the origin of regional differences in the occurrence frequency of LFEs in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, we calculated temperature distributions associated with PHS plate subduction. Then, using the calculated thermal structures and a phase diagram of water dehydration for oceanic basalt, the water dehydration rate (wt.%/km), which was newly defined in this study, was determined to be 0.19, 0.12, and 0.08 in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, respectively; that is, the region beneath eastern Kyushu has the lowest water dehydration rate value. Considering that the Kyushu–Palau Ridge that is subducting beneath eastern Kyushu is composed of tonalite, which is low in hydrous minerals, this finding suggests that the regionality may be related to the amount of water dehydration associated with subduction of the PHS plate and/or differences in LFE depths. Notable dehydration reactions take place beneath western Shikoku and the Kii Peninsula, where the depth ranges for dehydration estimated by thermal modeling agree well with those for the relocated LFEs. The temperature range in which LFEs occur in these regions is estimated to be 400–500 °C.  相似文献   
The Miocene Tanzawa plutonic complex, consisting mainly of tonalite intrusions, is exposed at the northern end of the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc system as a consequence of collision with the Honshu Arc. The Tanzawa plutonic rocks belong to the calc-alkaline series and exhibit a wide range of chemical variation, from 43 to 75 wt% SiO2. They are characterized by relatively high Ba/Rb and Ce/Nb ratios, and low abundances of K2O, LIL elements, and rare earth elements (REE). Their petrographic and geochemical features indicate derivation from an intermediate parental magma through crystal fractionation and accumulation processes, involving hornblende, plagioclase, and magnetite. The Tanzawa plutonic complex is interpreted to be the exposed middle crust of the IBM arc, which was uplifted during the collision. The mass balance calculations, combining data from melting experiments of hydrous basaltic compositions at lower-to-middle crustal levels, suggest that parental magma and ultramafic restite were generated by dehydration partial melting (∼ 45% melting) of amphibolite chemically similar to low-K tholeiitic basalt. Partial melting of hydrated mafic lower crust might play an important role in felsic middle-crust formation in the IBM arc.  相似文献   
为了探究沉积物的干燥过程及方式对其磁学性质的影响,选取含水率高的南海沉积物样品,对其中685个样品在自然条件下逐步晾干,并每间隔40 d测量1次低频磁化率(κlf)、高频磁化率(κhf)、饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)、S-300和频率磁化率系数(κfd),共测量5次;对另外60个样品进行冷冻干燥,并在干燥前后测量相同的磁学参数。结果表明:1)自然晾干过程中,除少数异常点(约7%)外,大多数样品的κlf和κhf呈减小趋势,少数样品呈增大趋势,S-300和κfd均呈减小趋势,SIRM先减后增,整体上呈增大趋势;2)冷冻干燥过程中,样品的κlf、κhf、S-300和κfd呈增大趋势,SIRM呈减小趋势;3)2种干燥方法均不影响κlf、κhf、SIRM和S-300的剖面变化趋势,但对κfd的影响较大,这在磁学指标的古环境研究中具有关键的指示意义。磁学参数的变化,可能是由于失水过程发生的微弱氧化作用、失水导致水的抗磁性“负贡献”降低、细粒磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿在湿润状态下转变成顺磁性和不完全反铁磁性等综合因素造成的。建议对同一批次的样品采取相同的干燥方法。  相似文献   
在槽式太阳能热发电领域,硝酸镁基熔盐逐渐引起关注。通过六水硝酸镁煅烧法制备无水硝酸镁,采用拉曼、DSC与XRD表征脱水产物,系统研究了环境压力、脱水温度与时间对六水硝酸镁脱水和水解的影响。结果表明,六水硝酸镁在煅烧过程中水解为碱式硝酸镁Mg_3(OH)_4(NO_3)_2,在水溶液中进一步分解为Mg(OH)_2。随着煅烧温度和时间的增加,脱水产物中的含水量逐渐减少,同时水解产物Mg_3(OH)_4(NO_3)_2含量逐渐增加。真空环境下煅烧,可显著降低硝酸镁的水解反应。六水硝酸镁在真空环境下230℃煅烧1.5 h,所制备的无水硝酸镁中水解产物含量为3.63%。制备的硝酸镁可进一步用于硝酸镁基熔盐的研究。  相似文献   
Dehydration melting of muscovite in metasedimentary sequences is the initially dominant mechanism of granitic melt generation in orogenic hinterlands. In dry (vapour-absent) crust, muscovite reacts with quartz to produce K-feldspar, sillimanite, and monzogranitic melt. When water vapour is present in excess, sillimanite and melt are the primary products of muscovite breakdown, and any K-feldspar produced is due to melt crystallization. Here we document the reaction mechanisms that control nucleation and growth of K-feldspar, sillimanite, and silicate melt in the metamorphic core of the Himalaya, and outline the microstructural criteria used to distinguish peritectic K-feldspar from K-feldspar grains formed during melt crystallization. We have characterized four stages of microstructural evolution in selected psammitic and pelitic samples from the Langtang and Everest regions: (a) K-feldspar nucleates epitaxially on plagioclase while intergrowths of fibrolitic sillimanite and the remaining hydrous melt components replace muscovite. (b) In quartzofeldspathic domains, K-feldspar replaces plagioclase by K+–Na+ cation exchange, while melt and intergrowths of sillimanite+quartz form in the aluminous domains. (c) At 7–8 vol.% melt generation, the system evolves from a closed to open system and all phases coarsen by up to two orders of magnitude, resulting in large K-feldspar porphyroblasts. (d) Preferential crystallization of residual melt on K-feldspar porphyroblasts and coarsened quartz forms an augen gneiss texture with a monzogranitic-tonalitic matrix that contains intergrowths of sillimanite+tourmaline+muscovite+apatite. Initial poikiloblasts of peritectic K-feldspar trap fine-grained inclusions of quartz and biotite by replacement growth of matrix plagioclase. During subsequent coarsening, peritectic K-feldspar grains overgrow and trap fabric-aligned biotite, resulting in a core to rim coarsening of inclusion size. These microstructural criteria enable a mass balance of peritectic K-feldspar and sillimanite to constrain the amount of free H2O present during muscovite dehydration. The resulting modal proportion of K-feldspar in the Himalayan metamorphic core requires vapour-absent conditions during muscovite dehydration melting and leucogranite formation, indicating that the generation of large volumes of granitic melts in orogenic belts is not necessarily contingent on an external source of fluids.  相似文献   
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