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Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are most commonly found in distal basin-plain settings and basin margins. This study documents the geometry, architectural association and paleogeographic occurrence of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds in the Carboniferous Ross Sandstone with the goal of reducing uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface data in similarly shaped basins where oil and gas is produced.The Ross Sandstone of western Ireland was deposited in a structurally confined submarine basin. Two outcrops contain co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds: Ballybunnion and Inishcorker. Both of the exposures contain strata deposited on the margin of the basin. An integrated dataset was used to characterize the stratigraphy of the Ballybunnion exposure. The exposure is divided into lower, middle, and upper units. The lower unit contains laminated shale with phosphate nodules, structureless siltstone, convolute bedding/slumps, locally contorted shale, and siltstone turbidites. The middle unit contains co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, siltstone turbidites, and structureless siltstone. Each co-genetic debrite–turbidite bed contains evidence that fluid turbulence and matrix strength operated alternately and possibly simultaneously during deposition by a single sediment-gravity-flow event. The upper unit contains thin-bedded sandy turbidites, amalgamated sandy turbidites, siltstone turbidites, structureless siltstone, and laminated shale. A similar vertical facies pattern is found at Inishcorker.Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are only found at the basin-margin. We interpret these distinct beds to have originated as sand-rich, fully turbulent flows that eroded muddy strata on the slope as well as interbedded sandstone and mudstone in axial positions of the basin floor forming channels and associated megaflute erosional surfaces. This erosion caused the axially dispersing flows to laterally evolve to silt- and clay-rich flows suspended by both fluid turbulence and matrix strength due to a relative increase in clay proportions and associated turbulence suppression. The flows were efficient enough to bypass the basin center/floor, physically disconnecting their deposits from coeval lobes, resulting in deposition of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds on the basin margin. The record of these bypassing flows in axial positions of the basin is erosional surfaces draped by thin siltstone beds with organic debris.A detailed cross-section through the Ross Sandstone reveals a wedge of low net-to-gross, poor reservoir-quality strata that physically separates sandy, basin-floor strata from the basin margin. The wedge of strata is referred to as the transition zone. The transition zone is composed of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, structureless siltstone, slumps, locally contorted shale, and laminated shale. Using data from the Ross Sandstone, two equations are defined that predict the size and shape of the transition zone. The equations use three variables (thickness of basin-margin strata, thickness of coeval strata on the basin floor, and angle of the basin margin) to solve for width (w) and trajectory of the basinward side of the low net-to-gross wedge (β). Beta is not a time line, but a facies boundary that separates sandy basin floor strata from silty basin-margin strata. The transition zone is interpreted to exist on lateral and distal margins of the structurally confined basin.Seismic examples from Gulf of Mexico minibasins reveal a wedge of low continuity, low amplitude seismic facies adjacent to the basin margin. Strata in this wedge are interpreted as transition-zone sediments, similar to those in the Ross Sandstone. Besides defining the size and shape of the transition zone, the variables “w” and “β” define two important drilling parameters. The variable “w” corresponds to the minimum distance a well bore should be positioned from the lateral basin margin to intersect sandy strata, and “β” corresponds to the deviation (from horizontal) of the well bore to follow the interface between sandy and low net-to-gross strata. Calculations reveal that “w” and “β” are related to the relative amount of draping, condensed strata on the margin and the angle of the basin margin. Basins with shallowly dipping margins and relatively high proportions of draping, clay-rich strata have wider transition zones compared to basins with steeply dipping margins with little draping strata. These concepts can reduce uncertainty when interpreting subsurface data in other structurally confined basins including those in Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa, and Brunei.  相似文献   
The Kamoa sub‐basin, in the south‐eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a rift basin that hosts a world‐class stratiform copper deposit at the base of a very thick (1·8 km) succession of matrix‐supported conglomerates (diamictite) (Grand Conglomérat Formation) that has been interpreted by some as the product of deposition in the aftermath of a planet‐wide glaciation. Newly available subsurface data consisting of more than 300 km of drill core throws new light on the origin of diamictite and associated facies types, and their tectonic, basinal and palaeoclimatic setting. Initiation of rifting is recorded by a lowermost subaqueous succession of fault‐related mass flow conglomerates and breccias (the ‘Poudingue’) with interdigitating coeval and succeeding sandstone turbidites (Mwashya Subgroup). Overlying diamictites of the Grand Conglomérat were deposited as subaqueous debrites produced by mixing and homogenization of antecedent breccias and gravel from the Poudingue and Mwashya sediments with basinal muds. Failure of over‐steepened basin margins and debris flow was likely to be triggered by faulting and seismic activity, and was accompanied by syn‐depositional subaqueous basaltic magmatism recorded by peperites and pillow lavas within diamictites. The thickness of diamictites reflects recurring phases of faulting, volcanism and rapid subsidence allowing continued accommodation of rapidly deposited resedimented facies well below wave base. A distal or indirect, glacial influence in the form of rare dropstones and striated clasts is evident, but tectonically‐driven mass flow destroyed any primary record of glacial climate originally present in basin margin sediments. Such basin margin settings were common during Rodinia rifting and their stratigraphy and facies record a dominant tectonic, rather than climatic, control on sedimentation. Deposition occurred on tectonic timescales inconsistent with a Snowball Earth model for Neoproterozoic diamictites involving a direct glacial contribution to deposition.  相似文献   
The deep lacustrine gravity-flow deposits are widely developed in the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin, central China. Three lithofacies include massive fine-grained sandstone, banded sandstone, and massive oil shale and mudstone. The massive fine-grained sandstones have sharp upper contacts, mud clasts, boxed-shaped Gamma Ray (GR) log, but no grading and Bouma sequences. In contrast, the banded sandstones display different bedding characteristics, gradational upper contacts, and fine-upward. The massive, fine-grained sandstones recognized in this study are sandy debrites deposited by sandy debris flows, while the banded sandstones are turbidites deposited by turbidity currents not bottom currents. The sediment source for these deep gravity-flow sediments is a sand-rich delta system prograding at the basin margin. Fabric of the debrites in the sandy debris fields indicates initial formation from slope failure caused by the tectonic movement. As the sandy debris flows became diluted by water and clay, they became turbidity currents. The deep lacustrine depositional model is different from the traditional marine fan or turbidite fan models. There are no channels or wide lobate sand bodies. In the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, layers within the sandy debrites have higher porosity (8–14%) and permeability (0.1–4 mD) than the turbidites with lower porosity (3–8%) and permeability (0.04–1 mD). Consequently, only the sandy debrites constitute potential petroleum reservoir intervals. Results of this study may serve as a model for hydrocarbon exploration and production for deep-lacustrine reservoirs from gravity-flow systems in similar lacustrine depositional environments.  相似文献   
页岩油气的勘探开发推动了泥页岩沉积机理研究的快速发展,使得细粒物质的搬运和沉积成为当今沉积学界和油气工业界共同关注的焦点。尽管海洋环境下的泥质重力流沉积研究成果频见报道,但有关我国新生代湖泊环境中的泥质重力流沉积尚未引起沉积学界的关注。故本文在国内外相关文献调研基础上,以岩芯观察和薄片鉴定为重点,分析了渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段湖相泥质重力流沉积特征;探讨了湖相泥质重力流沉积的形成机制;以期为湖泊沉积学研究和陆相页岩油气开发提供参考。研究发现,东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发育泥质块体流、泥质碎屑流、泥质浊流及泥质异重流等多种重力流沉积类型;泥质滑塌岩、泥质碎屑岩、泥质浊积岩和泥质异重岩在时空上可以共生共存。认为泥质沉积物可以在动荡水体和较强水动力条件下沉淀;泥质重力流沉积在深水沉积区占有重要地位;泥质重力流对于泥页岩中的粗粒碎屑物质、有机质的搬运和沉积以及有机质的埋藏起到重要作用,因而具有重要的非常规油气地质意义。  相似文献   
Gilbert‐type deltas are sensitive recorders of short‐term base‐level changes, but the delta‐front record of a base‐level rise tends to be erased by fluvial erosion during a subsequent base‐level fall, which renders the bulk record of base‐level changes difficult to decipher from the delta‐front deposits. The present detailed study of three large Pleistocene Gilbert‐type deltas uplifted on the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, indicates a genetic link between the delta‐front morphodynamic responses to base‐level changes and the delta‐slope sedimentation processes. Sigmoidal delta‐brink architecture signifies a base‐level rise and is accompanied by a debrite‐dominated assemblage of delta foreset deposits, thought to form when the aggrading delta front stores sediment and undergoes discrete gravitational collapses. Oblique delta‐brink architecture tends to be accompanied by a turbidite‐dominated assemblage of foreset deposits, which are thought to form when the delta‐front accommodation decreases and the sediment carried by hyperpycnal effluent bypasses the front. This primary signal of the system response to base‐level changes combines further with the secondary ‘noise’ of delta autogenic variation and possible allogenic fluctuations in fluvial discharge due to regional climatic conditions. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that the facies trends of delta foreset deposits may be used to decipher the delta ‘hidden’ record of base‐level changes obliterated by fluvial topset erosion. Early‐stage bayhead deltas may be an exception from the hypothetical model, because their narrow front tends to be swept by river floods irrespective of base‐level behaviour and their subaqueous slope deposits are thus mainly turbidites.  相似文献   
This study utilized three-dimensional exposures to evaluate how sea-level position and palaeotopography control the facies and geometries of heterozoan carbonates. Heterozoan carbonates were deposited on top of a Neogene volcanic substrate characterized by palaeotopographic highs, palaeovalleys, and straits that were formed by subaerial erosion, possibly original volcanic topography, and faults prior to carbonate deposition. The depositional sequence that is the focus of this study (DS1B) consists of 7–10 fining upward cycles that developed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A complete cycle has a basal erosion surface overlain by deposits of debrisflows and high-density turbidity currents, which formed during relative sea-level fall. Overlying tractive deposits most likely formed during the lowest relative position of sea level. Overlying these are debrites grading upward to high-density turbidites and low-density turbidites that formed during relative sea-level rise. The tops of the cycles consist of hemipelagic deposits that formed during the highest relative position of sea level. The cycles fine upward because upslope carbonate production decreased as relative sea level rose due to less surface area available for shallow-water carbonate production and partial drowning of substrates. The cycles are dominated by two end-member types of facies associations and stratal geometries that formed in response to fluctuating sea-level position over variable substrate palaeotopography. One end-member is termed ‘flank flow cycle’ because this type of cycle indicates dominant sediment transport down the flanks of palaeovalleys. Those cycles drape the substrate, have more debrites, high-density turbidites and erosion on palaeovalley flanks, and in general, the lithofacies fine down the palaeovalley flanks into the palaeovalley axes. The second end-member is termed ‘axial flow cycle’ because it indicates a dominance of sediment transport down the axes of palaeovalleys. Those cycles are characterized by debrites and high-density turbidites in palaeovalley axes, and lap out of strata against the flanks of palaeovalleys. Where and when an axial flow cycle or flank flow cycle developed appears to be related to the intersection of sea level with areas of gentle or steep substrate slopes, during an overall relative rise in sea level. Results from this study provide a model for similar systems that must combine carbonate principles for sediment production, palaeotopographic controls, and physical principles of sediment remobilization into deep water.  相似文献   
This study documents the stratigraphic and palaeogeographic distribution of hybrid event beds that comprise both debris-flow (cohesive) and turbidity current (non-cohesive) deposits. This is the first study of such beds in a submarine fan system to combine outcrop and research borehole control, and uses a dataset from the Skoorsteenberg Formation of the Tanqua depocentre in the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Three types of 0.1–1.0 m thick hybrid beds are observed, which have a basal weakly graded fine-grained sandstone turbidite division overlain by a division of variable composition that can comprise 1) poorly sorted carbonaceous-rich material supported by a mud-rich and micaceous sand-matrix; 2) poorly sorted mudstone clasts in a mud-rich sand-silt matrix; or 3) gravel-grade, rounded mudstone clasts in a well sorted (mud-poor) sandstone matrix. These upper divisions are interpreted respectively as: 1) the deposit of a debris-flow most likely derived from shelf-edge collapse; 2) the deposit of a debris flow, most likely developed through flow transformation from turbidity current that eroded a muddy substrate; and 3) from a turbidity current with mudstone clasts transported towards the rear of the flow. All three hybrid bed types are found concentrated at the fringes of lobes that were deposited during fan initiation and growth. The basinward stepping of successive lobes means that the hybrid beds are concentrated at the base of stratigraphic successions in medial and distal fan settings. Hybrid beds are absent in proximal fan positions, and rare and thin in landward-stepping lobes deposited during fan retreat. This distribution is interpreted to reflect the enhanced amounts of erosion and availability of mud along the transport route during early lowstands of sea level. Therefore, hybrid beds can be used to indicate a fan fringe setting, infer lobe stacking patterns, and have a sequence stratigraphic significance.  相似文献   
Submarine mass-transport deposits are important in many ancient and modern basins. Mass-transport deposits can play a significant role in exploration as reservoir, seal or source units. Although seismic data has advanced the knowledge about these deposits, more outcrop studies are needed to better understand gravity mass flows and predict the properties of their resultant deposits. It is proposed that sufficiently well-exposed outcrops of mass-transport deposits can be divided into three strain-dominant morphodomains: headwall, translational and toe. The outcrops of the Rapanui mass-transport deposit, part of the Lower Mount Messenger Formation in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, are exposed along a ca 4 km transect in coastal cliffs that enable the identification of the three morphodomains. The aim of this study is to characterize the stratigraphic and sedimentological nature of the Miocene-age Rapanui mass-transport deposit outcrops and the evolution of its basal shear zone. The basal shear zone of a mass-transport deposit is defined as the stratal zone formed in the interface between the overriding mass flow and the underlying in situ deposits or sea floor. Accordingly, the deformation structures in the Rapanui mass-transport deposit and the basal shear zone were documented in an established spatial framework. Traditional methodologies were used to characterize the sedimentology of the Rapanui mass-transport deposit. Data collected from intrafolial folds, rafted blocks and samples from the Rapanui mass-transport deposit were used to investigate strain and matrix texture evolution, estimate palaeoflow direction, and calculate yield strength and overpressure at time of deposition. Additionally, a one-dimensional numerical model was used to test sedimentation-driven overpressure as probable trigger. This work demonstrates that the basal shear zone, as well as the matrix texture of a mass-transport deposit, can vary spatially as sediments from underlying deposits are entrained during shear-derived mixing. This phenomenon can impact the seal potential of mass-transport deposits and their interaction with fluids in the subsurface.  相似文献   
The settling behaviour of particulate suspensions and their deposits has been documented using a series of settling tube experiments. Suspensions comprised saline solution and noncohesive glass‐ballotini sand of particle size 35·5 μm < d < 250 μm and volume fractions, φs, up to 0·6 and cohesive kaolinite clay of particle size d < 35·5 μm and volume fractions, φm, up to 0·15. Five texturally distinct deposits were found, associated with different settling regimes: (I) clean, graded sand beds produced by incremental deposition under unhindered or hindered settling conditions; (II) partially graded, clean sand beds with an ungraded base and a graded top, produced by incremental deposition under hindered settling conditions; (III) graded muddy sands produced by compaction with significant particle sorting by elutriation; (IV) ungraded clean sand produced by compaction and (V) ungraded muddy sand produced by compaction. A transition from particle size segregation (regime I) to suppressed size segregation (regime II or III) to virtually no size segregation (IV or V) occurred as sediment concentration was increased. In noncohesive particulate suspensions, segregation was initially suppressed at φs ~ 0·2 and entirely inhibited at φs ≥ 0·6. In noncohesive and cohesive mixtures with low sand concentrations (φs < 0·2), particle segregation was initially suppressed at φm ~ 0·07 and entirely suppressed at φm ≥ 0·13. The experimental results have a number of implications for the depositional dynamics of submarine sediment gravity flows and other particulate flows that carry sand and mud; because the influence of moving flow is ignored in these experiments, the results will only be applicable to flows in which settling processes, in the depositional boundary, dominate over shear‐flow processes, as might be the case for rapidly decelerating currents with high suspended load fallout rates. The ‘abrupt’ change in settling regimes between regime I and V, over a relatively small change in mud concentration (<5% by volume), favours the development of either mud‐poor, graded sandy deposits or mud‐rich, ungraded sandy deposits. This may explain the bimodality in sediment texture (clean ‘turbidite’ or muddy ‘debrite’ sand or sandstone) found in some turbidite systems. Furthermore, it supports the notion that distal ‘linked’ debrites could form because of a relatively small increase in the mud concentration of turbidity currents, perhaps associated with erosion of a muddy sea floor. Ungraded, clean sand deposits were formed by noncohesive suspensions with concentrations 0·2 ≤ φs ≤ 0·4. Hydrodynamic sorting is interpreted as being suppressed in this case by relatively high bed aggradation rates which could also occur in association with sustained, stratified turbidity currents or noncohesive debris flows with relatively high near‐bed sediment concentrations.  相似文献   
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