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Despite the severity of tropical cyclone ‘Winifred’, which crossed the Great Barrier Reef on 1 February 1986, there were little long-term effects on lagoon surface sediments from reefs in its path. Short-term effects were apparent only at one particularly exposed area. These were: an increase in proportion of the coarse fraction, the establishment of sand ripples, and the destruction of the mounds produced by callianassid shrimps (normally the dominant topographic feature). Within six weeks this area was indistinguishable from a typical reef lagoon. This is probably the result of sediment reworking by callianassid shrimp, involving selective burial of the coarse fragments and transport to the surface of finer particles. Sediment turnover rates by callianassids are commensurate with change to the sediment within the relatively short period observed. The sediment fauna responded quickly to the changes in sediment type. Immediately after the cyclone the disturbed area supported a fauna typical of the coarse sediments on the shallow reef flat, as the sediment reverted to a more normal type so the fauna changed back to that typical of a reef lagoon.  相似文献   
Binogeochemical process of major elements in sining particulate of Nansha coral reef lagoons,South TXBinogeochemicalprocessofm...  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheDenglouCape ,inthesouthwestoftheLeizhouPeninsula ,isatthenorthmarginoftropicalzone .SeveralresearchesandcartographiesoftheregionalgeomorphologyandQuater narygeology ,whichwerecarriedoutinthepast,allincludethisarea (MGL ,SCSIO ,CAS ,1 978;GPCSGRCZT…  相似文献   
广东河源盆地蛋化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河源盆地沉积了白垩系-古近系,笔者将这套地层划分为3个岩石地层单位,新建仙塘组和东源组,沿用格岭组。在河源除发现恐龙骨骼、恐龙脚印、龟鳖化石外,于白垩系东源组中还产有大量蛋化石。该组蛋化石的分布,下部以圆形蛋为主,中-上部多见长形蛋。报道了三王坝村副圆形蛋(新种)Paraspheroolithus sanwangbacunensis Fang sp.nov.、风光村树枝蛋(新种)Dendroolithus fengguangcunensis Fang sp.nov.和瑶屯巨形蛋Macroolithus yaotunensis、长形长形蛋Elongatoolithus elongates。  相似文献   
Abstract. Scanning electron microscopy-cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) imaging of vein quartz in the Cu-mineralised, Shuteen Complex (South Gobi, Mongolia) has revealed a complex history of crystal growth, dissolution and microfracture healing, associated with several hydrothermal events that could not be detected using other observational techniques (e.g. transmitted/reflected light microscopy, back-scattered electron imaging, or secondary electron imaging).
The quartz initially grew as CL-bright/grey crystals in a 345±30C liquid reservoir, as inferred by the analysis of primary liquid fluid inclusions (average Th of 343C; 6.6∼7.7 wt% NaCleq). Quartz precipitation occurred at the edge of the crystals as reservoir fluids cooled to 260±25C, as indicated by micron-scale CL-dark/CL-bright quartz growth bands containing abundant fluid inclusions (with an average Th values of 261C). Pressure fluctuations were the likely cause of dissolution, as SEM-CL imaging reveals the quartz have corroded or rounded crystal edges, and precipitation of later quartz into open space. SEM-CL imaging shows the quartz contains healed microfractures that trapped low salinity fluids (3.9 wt% NaC1eq) with Th values of 173±15C.
SEM-CL imaging provides a means of deciphering the thermal and chemical evolution of the fossil Shuteen hydrothermal system, and the nature of hydrothermal quartz vein-forming processes, by facilitating the correlation of distinct fluid inclusion populations and their relative chronology, with specific hydrothermal events.  相似文献   
贵州紫云扁平剖面早二叠世非筵有孔虫动物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州紫云扁平剖面紫松阶上部一罗甸阶非筵有孔虫动物群由25属82种(含相似种、亚种而不含未定种)构成,其中7属(Cribrogenerina、Nodosaria、Glomospira、Tetrataxis、Palaeotextularia、Climacammina及Globival-vulina)的物种分异度最高,合计占总种数的71%;该动物群自紫松期开始发育,在隆林期类群构成发生显著变化并繁盛至罗甸早期,在罗甸中晚期明显衰落。研究剖面由下至上可划分为Cr拍rogPnP-nncelebrata-C.hemispaera间隔带、Glomospira-Nodosaria富集带(又可进而分为Geinitzina postcarbonica-Globivalvulina cyprica间隔亚带、Climacammina elegantula延限亚带)、Lasiodiscus-Eotuberitina间隔带。  相似文献   
申扎地区石炭二叠系发育良好,化石丰富。本文描述的化石采自上下两个层位,下部化石少,以石燕贝类为主, 其组合特征反映了石炭纪腕足类的特点与改则县玛米雪山地区上石炭统所产相似;上部化石丰富,以石燕贝类的Spiriferella和Syrin-gothyris的出现为特征,共生还有长身贝类的Chonetinella,Echinauris,Tylo-pecta等。这个化石组合与西藏其他地区相同时代的化石组合不同。特别是Syringothy-ris在下二叠统的发现具有重要意义。  相似文献   
滇东华宁盘溪火车站以北的金山—大石山地区发育中、晚泥盆世的丘状珊瑚礁。以Alveolites和Thamnopora为代表的床板珊瑚为造礁生物。纵剖面上岩相变化的记录清楚地表明,该礁体经历了定殖、繁殖和衰亡三个阶段。海水变浅及其盐化是导致礁体衰亡的直接原因  相似文献   
党志英  张立军 《古地理学报》2020,22(6):1171-1180
西秦岭地区是二叠系—三叠系之交深水相保存较为连续的地区,西秦岭甘南地区上二叠统毛毛隆组发育丰富的遗迹化石(12属17种)。遗迹网络分析作为新兴的研究方法,侧重于用相互连接的遗迹分类群来重建遗迹群落系统,这为研究遗迹群落的行为学和生态学提供了丰富的手段。笔者以西秦岭甘南地区上二叠统毛毛隆组发现的遗迹化石为数据源,运用遗迹网络分析方法,揭示出毛毛隆组遗迹群落具结构化特征,遗迹群落体现出环境驱动的遗迹组合面貌特征: Palaeophycus-Lockeia-Arenicolites-Dictyodora-Planolites-Protovirgularia-Chondrites组合(C1,近源浊流区),Palaeophycus-Lockeia-Arenicolites-Dictyodora-Protovirgularia-Phycodes-Chondrites-Helminthopsis组合(C2,浊流过渡区—浊流远源区),和Palaeophycus-Nereites-Scolicia-Protovirgularia-Helminthopsis组合(C3,远源浊流区)。该遗迹群落由C1演变至C3的过程,揭示了古环境从近源浊流区至远源浊流区的演变历程。  相似文献   
湖北秭归泄滩沙镇溪组底部轮藻化石的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚三叠世轮藻化石在世界各地发现很少,在我国南方亦尚属首次发现.报道了秭归盆地上三叠统沙镇溪组底部的轮藻化石,计有3属4种(包括2个新种):Stellatochara subspaerica Kozur et Reinhardt,S. xietanensis sp.nov.,Cuneatochara sanxiaensis sp.nov.,Vladimiriella decora(Saidakovsky).根据沙镇溪组轮藻化石在国内外地质时期的分布,结合同层中所产孢粉化石的组合特征,详细讨论了含化石层位的地质时代,认为属晚三叠世早期,并对当时的古植被、古地理、古气候做了初步探讨,对化石进行了描述.  相似文献   
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