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Positive tectonic inversion is related to the transmission of compressional stresses along a décollement into the foreland of an orogenic zone. This stress and strain concentration in regions remote from the main orogenic front is commonly related to the presence of pre-existing rheological heterogeneities such as normal syn-depositional faults. During inversion, these pre-existing normal faults are reactivated as reverse faults. Tectonic inversion in the Rhenohercynian fold-and-thrust belt during the Variscan Orogeny shows that inversion is likely synchronous with the onset of collision in the hinterland. Here, we present the results of a simplified thermo-mechanical model (STM) which allows one to study strain partitioning between two orogenic zones. We show that, if the two orogenic zones have the same mechanical properties, the viscosity of the décollement, which links them, controls the initial strain partitioning. During subsequent finite shortening, erosional processes determine the partitioning of strain rate. The presence of a weak structure in the inverted zone and of a low-viscosity décollement leads to initial strain concentration in the inverted track rather than in the collision zone and a progressive decrease in strain partitioning between the two orogenic zones. The STM results are in good agreement with results of a 2D finite-element model. We conclude that, in the western part of the Rhenohercynian Massif, simultaneous uplift and deformation within the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (the main collision zone) and the Ardenne Anticlinorium (the inverted zone) lead to interpreting this orogenic event as a case of vice tectonic rather than the propagation of a ‘wave of folding’ towards the Variscan front, as suggested by previous authors.  相似文献   
There are many thrust-related structures occurring in the Paleozoic strata of the Niushou Mountain in the central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The fault-related folds are the typical structures in this area. Based on the analysis about these structures and their relationships, the processes by which these structures of the Miboshan Formation were formed are reconstructed, and the strata underwent about three stages of deformation: (1) horizontal shortening, (2) folding, and (3) thrusting. And the fact that the Niushou Mountain is the leading edge of an old thrust sheet was proved, the Niushou Mountain, the Daluo Mountain and the Xiaoluo Mountain together constitute the front part of this old thrust zone, so the Niushou Mountain and the Ordovician strata in the central and southern parts of Ningxia now are likely allochthons. In the period from middle Ordovician to Devonian, the areas of the central and southern Ningxia belonged to the back-arc foreland basin of North Qilianshan orogen, which was adjacent to the continent in the north. In the later part of the early Paleozoic period, the Niushou Mountain was formed after the closure of the back-arc foreland basin.  相似文献   
姬广义汪洋  夏希凡 《城市地质》2005,17(4):1-32,F0003
在燕山中段南麓的蓟县北部山区有着中国国家地质公园,中国北方中-新元古代正层型剖面标志碑就耸立在那里。对这一地区基本地质事实和地质体真实位态的研究,不仅关系着对华北地区晚前寒武纪标准剖面可靠性的评价,也关系着燕山运动命名地的基本地壳结构的合理解析和我国北方中生代以来构造一岩浆活动序列的正确建立。本文展示的基础地质调查成果可揭示:蓟县北部常州沟-杨庄一带的地质结构构造远不是我国大多数地学学者们对此描述的那样简单。调查区约200km。面积可代表燕山中段南麓的大面积中-新元古界分布区的基本地质结构构造特征。已识别出的18条断层和由其限制的21个以上构造岩片的现实位态表明,该地区地壳上部是由多个复杂地块堆叠构成的,主体构造形成于燕山晚期,在形成方式上以大规模多次不同方向运移的薄皮构造岩片叠覆为主要特征。  相似文献   
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘盐构造分段差异变形特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘秋里塔格构造带发育大量盐构造,其类型丰富多样。根据野外露头、钻井和地震资料识别出的盐构造样式主要有盐推覆、盐枕、盐墙、盐焊接、鱼尾构造、盐撤凹陷、突发构造、断层传播褶皱、断层转折褶皱和三角带构造等。秋里塔格构造带盐构造变形表现出明显的分段差异变形特征,其中西段却勒地区以古隆起(盐下)—盐枕(盐层)—逆冲推覆构造(盐上)为主;中段西秋地区以构造斜坡(盐下)—盐墙(盐层)—断层传播褶皱、向斜(盐上)为主;东段东秋地区则以断层转折褶皱(盐下)—盐推覆(盐层)—断层传播褶皱(盐上)为主。造成这种盐构造分段差异变形的主要控制因素包括基底断裂、含盐层系、构造转换带和变形空间等方面的差异性,其中基底构造和含盐层系的差异性起主导作用。  相似文献   
完达山区旋卷构造位于黑龙江省东部,发育于完达山优地槽褶皱带内,构成饶河复背斜。该复背斜总体呈近南北向,略向西突出的弧形逆掩推覆于宝清过渡带。用旋卷构造"三大特征"对比,一系列弧形褶皱和断裂向北东方向收敛,向南东方向撒开,围绕以蛤蟆河岩体为中心旋扭,内旋面向撒开方向、外旋面向收敛方向旋扭,具压性—压扭性特征。这一旋卷构造是由富锦——小佳河断裂的剪切牵引为主、敦密深大断裂的左旋走滑剪切为辅的联合作用形成的。根据旋扭构造的发育情况大体划分了三个旋扭层。目前已知的铜金矿(点)床主要分布于各旋扭层的撒开段,但收敛段找矿潜力较大,其次为各旋扭层界面和向西弧形突出部位也具一定的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
喻建荣 《四川地质学报》2010,30(3):278-279,311
义敦印支岛弧褶皱带地质构造演化复杂,岩浆活动十分活跃,成矿地质地球化学条件优越,金、银、铜、铅、锌、锡等金属矿产资源丰富。西南三江为有色、贵金属资源富集区,义敦为花岗岩型锡-银多金属矿集区。根据区域成矿环境及研究区成矿条件分析,找矿潜力巨大,有望取得找矿突破。  相似文献   
浅谈阿舍勒黄铁矿型多金属矿的垂直分带   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿舍勒黄铁型多金属矿床位于阿尔泰地槽褶皱系的中泥盆统安山质—英安质火山—沉积岩中.矿体充填在火山管道内或火山口近侧,主矿体隐伏地下.矿化元素有铁、铜、铅、锌、金、银、硫、钡等,伴生有锗、镓、铟、硒、镉、铋等.矿体上部形态复杂并有分枝,向深部连成一体,是一个向北东侧伏的筒状体.矿体自上而下具垂宜分带,依次为:重晶石—硅化带;黄铁矿—多金属带;黄铁矿—铜、锌带等…  相似文献   
红透山矿床变质岩系褶皱构造特征浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锡华  李伟 《矿产与地质》2004,18(3):245-248
红透山式铜-锌矿床形成于太古代克拉通裂谷槽盆中海底火山喷发-沉积环境。因此,矿床的空间展布严格受特定的含矿岩系所控制。槽盆构造中的岩层褶皱构造最发育,矿床赋存在具多期褶皱构造叠加的大型同倾向形褶皱内,褶皱的层间虚脱是控矿有利构造空间,可以借此预测矿体侧伏方向及赋存部位。  相似文献   
李生栋 《地质与勘探》2020,56(4):675-687
寒山金矿床产于北祁连西段加里东褶皱带北缘,区内矿产资源丰富,加强其控矿构造及矿化富集规律研究,对矿区勘查意义重大。通过野外调查及室内研究,发现矿区内赋矿地层为奥陶系阴沟群火山碎屑岩。矿区内褶皱构造及韧-脆性剪切带发育,联合控制了矿体的分布。韧-脆性剪切带发育在褶皱两翼,受层滑剪切系统控制。矿体产在背斜转折端及两翼韧-脆性剪切带内,呈楔形产出,向下迅速尖灭。研究认为,矿体主要富集在韧-脆性剪切带发育部位,矿体的富集程度与蚀变带规模正相关,靠近背斜转折端的位置为矿体富集地段,多阶段成矿作用同部位叠加构成富矿体。  相似文献   
杨柏林 《地质科学》1991,(3):268-276
本文以新疆阿尔泰某多金属矿区为例,对岩矿光谱特征、不同岩性段岩石化学特征、细分红外光谱遥感图象色调异常进行研究并通过野外验证后提出:Fe3+除在900nm 处具有强吸收特征外,在2150nm 附近有一个反射峰特征;细分红外光谱遥感图象色调异常的形成机理是与 Fe3+的2150nm 附近的反射峰特征有关的综合光谱信息的反映。  相似文献   
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