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Uranium-series dating of oxygen and carbon isotope records for stalagmite SJ3 collected in Songjia Cave, central China, shows significant variation in past climate and environment during the period 20-10 ka. Stalagmite SJ3 is located more than 1000 km inland of the coastal Hulu Cave in East China and more than 700 km north of the Dongge Cave in Southwest China and, despite minor differences, displays a clear first-order similarity with the Hulu and Dongge records. The coldest climatic phase since the Last Glacial Maximum, which is associated with the Heinrich Event 1 in the North Atlantic region, was clearly recorded in SJ3 between 17.6 and 14.5 ka, in good agreement in timing, duration and extent with the records from Hulu and Dongge caves and the Greenland ice core. The results indicate that there have been synchronous and significant climatic changes across monsoonal China and strong teleconnections between the North Atlantic and East Asia regions during the period 20-10 ka. This is much different from the Holocene Optimum which shows a time shift of more than several thousands years from southeast coastal to inland China. It is likely that temperature change at northern high latitudes during glacial periods exerts stronger influence on the Asian summer monsoon relative to insolation and appears to be capable of perturbing large-scale atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and thus monsoonal rainfall and paleovegetation in East Asia. Climatic signals in the North Atlantic region propagate rapidly to East Asia during glacial periods by influencing the winter land-sea temperature contrast in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   
南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据热带西太平洋卫星云图资料及流场特征分析,讨论了南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)的演变特征和形成机理。提出SPCZ是反映西太暖池同东太冷舌海气耦合系统以及暖池大气同相邻陆区大气间相互作用的重要特征。主要表现为在12~2月的热带西太平洋上的NW/SE辐合带,其形成原因主要应归因于西太暖池本身,以及暖池与东太赤道冷水舌强度与相对位置改变引发的Walker环流位置与走向的变动,另外,新几内亚岛及澳洲大陆也有重要影响。  相似文献   
Bathynerita naticoidea (Gastropoda: Neritidae) and Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae) are two of the most abundant invertebrates associated with cold‐seep mussel beds in the Gulf of Mexico. At the methane seep known as Brine Pool NR‐1 (27 °43.415 N, 91 °16.756 W; 650 m depth), which is surrounded by a broad band of mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi), these species have distinctly different patterns of abundance, with the gastropod being found mostly at the outer edge of the mussel bed (average density in November 2003: 817 individuals·m−2 in outer zone, 20·m−2 in inner zone) and the polychaete being found almost exclusively near the inner edge (average density in November 2003: 3155 individuals·m−2 in inner zone, 0·m−2 in outer zone), adjacent to the brine pool itself. The salinity of the brine pool exceeds 120, so we hypothesized that M. dendrobranchiata should be more tolerant of high salinities than B. naticoidea. The opposite proved to be true. The gastropods were capable of withstanding salinities at least as high as 85, whereas the polychaetes died at salinities higher than 75. Both species were osmoconformers over the range of salinities (35–75) tested. Behavioral responses of B. naticoidea to salinities of 50, 60, and 70 were investigated in inverted vertical haloclines. Gastropods generally did not enter water of salinity greater than 60, but tolerated short periods at 60. Behavioral avoidance of brine should limit the vertical distribution of B. naticoidea in the inner zone to the top 2.5–5 cm of the mussel bed. Behavior is also a likely (though unproven) mechanism for controlling horizontal distribution of this species across the mussel bed. Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata can tolerate short excursions into the brine, but probably avoids hypersaline conditions by aggregating on the tops of the mussels.  相似文献   
在真鲷Pagrosomusmajor三倍体诱导研究中,对染色体倍数的分析表明,受精卵受精5min后,在1.5℃冰水中处理5min,可获得17%的三倍体诱导率和28%的嵌合体比率,染色体数分别是:2N=48,3N=7Z,嵌合体50—68。仔鱼红血细胞测量和组织切片分析显示,三倍体和二倍体的红血细胞核直径(长径,下同)、视网膜神经节细胞核直径和中脑细胞核直径大小存在差异,其比率分别是1.42,1.35和1.41,这种差别必然导致三倍体鱼和二倍体鱼在代谢与功能方面的差异。应加强对鱼类三倍体形成机制及应用潜力的研究,同时注意开展其生理学、生化学和行为学的比较研究。  相似文献   
Pore‐ice sublimation is a prerequisite for aeolian activity in cold environments where surface sediments hold significant amounts of frozen water. Few quantitative studies have defined the rate of grain release from cemented surfaces by pore‐ice sublimation. In 1996–1997, controlled field experiments at Presqu'ile Beach, Ontario, were implemented to measure sediment release from frozen surfaces. The release rates were compared to the local wind regime, ambient temperature and humidity. In additional field experiments, the effect of sediment water content on grain release by sublimation was examined. From the experimental results, an equation which predicts grain release based on local wind speed, ground temperature, humidity, and surface water content is proposed. Predicted release rates show reasonable agreement with natural deflation measured on the beach at Presqu'ile Provincial Park.  相似文献   
针对高寒山区1:25万区调野外工作条件差、时间短,植被覆盖度低、遥感影像质量好的特点,提出了遥感影像解释、遥感标志剖面解译新概念,以及不同工作区用不同大法的新思路。研究、实践认为,利用遥感技术开展高寒山区区域地质调查能减少野外工作量,缩短周期,节约经费,提高调查质量和精度。  相似文献   
冬季北极涛动和华北冬季气温变化关系研究   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
利用北极涛动指数(AOI)、NCEP/NCAR40a再分析资料中的海平面气压(SLP)、850、500、200hPa等压面高度场资料及中国160站月平均气温资料,运用小波分析,经验正交函数(EOF)分析等方法,分析了华北冬季气温和冬季北极涛动指数的变化特征及其关系。结果表明它们之间存在有着显著相关,特别是在年代际尺度上关系尤其密切。华北在20世纪70年代初以前为持续冷冬,80年代中期之后变为持续暖冬,其间相对正常,而冬季北极涛运指数亦存在类似的3个阶段,冬季北极涛动高(低)低数年,华北地区为暖(冷)冬年。其原因在于,北极涛动在于对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。强(弱)涛运年大气环流具有弱(强)东亚冬季风特征,西伯利亚高压减弱(增强),亚洲大陆地面东北风减弱(增强),高空东亚大槽减弱(增强)。  相似文献   
通过对1994~2002年间9次由冷锋云系中尺度对流云团分析,发现广西前汛期冷锋云系中尺度对流云团的源地主要是黔西南和黔中;移动方向是东或东南;当环境云场强度指数≥28有利对流云团的发展,≤26时不利对流云团的发展;初步研究了中尺度对流云团生命史不同阶段的卫星云图形态特征,给出了中尺度对流云团降水的时空分布特征。  相似文献   
李晓燕 《气象》1997,23(4):20-23
1996年,全球平均气温低于1995年,但从总体上来讲,气候仍比常年偏暖,是80年代以来连续出现的第11个暖年。1995/1996年冬季,中高纬度地区经向环流旺盛,欧洲、北美东部出现异常冷冬,许多地区遇到数十年未见的风雪严寒;前几年的大范围持久干旱已大大减弱或完全解除,高温热浪的强度与范围也明显少于上年。而洪涝却十分频繁,各洲洪水不断,亚洲尤为严重。北大西洋飓风继去年达50年来最多之后,今年仍十分活跃。这些气候特点,可能与1995/1996年赤道太平洋大气状况由长达5年之久的暖位相特征转变为冷位相有关。  相似文献   
Wind tunnel simulations of aeolian transport carried out over a range in mean temperature between 32 °C and ?9 °C suggest that cold airflows support higher mass transport rates (Q) than very warm air. The magnitude of this increase is larger than expected, so that analytical and semi‐empirical models underestimate Q. Extrapolation of the results suggests that, at ?40 °C, as for example in the dry valleys of Antarctica in winter, Q may be as much as 70% higher than for the equivalent wind speed in hot deserts at air temperatures of 40 °C. Temperature‐dependent changes in air density and turbulence contribute to this result. The decreased tension of water adsorbed onto particle surfaces at low temperatures is postulated to reduce interparticle cohesion and, thus, to increase the elasticity of particle impacts on cold beds. Definition of the roles that temperature and humidity play in aeolian transport is relevant to studies of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and extraterrestrial (or planetary) geology. Investigation of present‐day, cold climate features and of climate change effects also requires knowledge of these fundamental relations.  相似文献   
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