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矿井瓦斯危险程度与煤层中瓦斯赋存状况及其泄出方式有关,并取决于多种地质条件和采掘工艺。其中,煤特征条件特别重要。本文分析了湖南省的5种矿井瓦斯危险类型以及相应的煤特征条件,提出了“煤特征指数(I_c)”这一概念。I_c是一项评价矿井瓦斯危险程度的综合指标。研究表明,矿井瓦斯危险愈严重,则其I_c值愈高。应用该项成果预测了16对矿井的瓦斯危险类型,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   
Lasafam  Iturrizaga 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):389-399
Abstract   Since the mid-nineteenth century, devastating glacier lake outbursts have occurred in the Karambar Valley. The exact source areas of these floods are to date unknown. The present study uses geomorphologic field evidence and interviews of local inhabitants to reconstruct nine potential glacier dams in the Karambar Valley within a horizontal distance of only 40 km. The article focuses on the geomorphologic reconstruction of the highest glacier dams, the Chateboi and Saklei Shuyinj Glaciers. Their lake basins were connected in former times resulting in a complex interfingering of lake sediments, lake terraces and glacial deposits. The outbursts of these lakes could have triggered the drainage of one of the lower ice-dammed lakes (Sokther Rabot, Chillinji, Warghut or Karambar) and therefore initiated an outburst cascade in the upper Karambar Valley. Successive glacier dams are wide spread in the Karakoram, and cascading lakes might have also played a role in other lake outburst scenarios. In the Karambar Valley, even today the Chateboi Glacier blocks the Karambar River over a distance of 4 km and represents a permanent hazard for the villages located downstream.  相似文献   
煤与瓦斯突出敏感地质指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以数量化理论Ⅲ为运算工具,介绍了煤与瓦斯突出敏感地质指标研究的方法原理,实现了瓦斯突出地质指标研究由定性向定量的转化,为煤与瓦斯突出的预测、预报及其防治提供了便利。以焦作中马村矿为例,对瓦斯突出敏感地质指标进行了筛选。结果表明,封闭性李庄断层、煤层分岔、砂岩顶板是该矿瓦斯突出的敏感地质指标。  相似文献   
苏怀  史正涛  董铭  叶燎原  叶蕾 《地学前缘》2021,28(2):202-210
古堰塞湖溃决洪水事件的重建是当前地学研究的热点问题之一,寻找足够的可参考的现代溃决洪水事件案例是顺利开展这项工作的基础。2018年11月13日发生在金沙江干流的白格堰塞湖超万年一遇的溃决洪水事件(学术界称之为“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件)就是一个难得的样本。这次溃决事件发生在枯水期,洪峰完全由溃决洪水产生,没有叠加其他来源,对评估流域地貌和沉积体系对堰塞溃决事件的响应有很好的参考价值。本文以溃决洪水事件受灾最为严重的奔子栏—石鼓段为研究区,通过详细的野外调查和初步的水力学估算发现“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件在奔子栏—石鼓段的地貌作用主要表现为洪水淹没区的岸坡塌岸和沉积物堆积,未发现明显的基岩侵蚀。沉积物主要由分选良好的具水平纹层的砂组成。受金沙江较低的河床比降影响,洪水产生的基底剪切应力较弱在27~142 N/m2,不能悬浮和搬运直径5 cm以上的砾石,也不能产生明显的磨蚀和冲(撞)击作用。在发生塌岸的部分段落,洪水沉积物中有砾石坠入,甚至会出现类似浊流沉积的层序。这些现象的发现对深入理解堰塞湖溃决洪水的复杂地貌过程和沉积特征有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
生态地质学是研究生态系统与地质环境之间关系的一门交叉学科,对国土空间生态保护修复工作有重要理论支撑作用。我国生态地质研究工作虽然经过了多年的发展与积淀,但时至今日生态地质学仍然处于研究和探索阶段。鉴于此,基于前人的大量研究,总结了国内外生态地质研究进展: 国际上,俄罗斯建立了生态地质学研究体系,美国发起的地球关键带研究是与生态地质研究十分契合的主题; 在国内,生态地质研究主要着眼于”生态-地质”相互作用过程与机理以及地质环境影响下的系统性生态修复研究。在此基础上,提出了生态地质学涵义及其研究内容、方法技术创新及学科体系构建思路,以期为服务山水林田湖草沙整体保护、系统修复、综合治理和生态地质系统深化研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Published accounts of outburst floods from glacier-dammed lakes show that a significant number of such floods are associated not with drainage through a tunnel incised into the basal ice—the process generally assumed—but rather with ice-marginal drainage, mechanical failure of part of the ice dam, or both. Non-tunnel floods are strongly correlated with formation of an ice dam by a glacier advancing from a tributary drainage into either a main river valley or a pre-existing body of water (lake or fiord). For a given lake volume, non-tunnel floods tend to have significantly higher peak discharges than tunnel-drainage floods. Statistical analysis of data for floods associated with subglacial tunnels yields the following empirical relation between lake volume V and peak discharge Qp : Qp = 46V0.66 (r2 = 0.70), when Qp is expressed in metres per second and V in millions of cubic metres. This updates the so-called Clague–Mathews relation. For non-tunnel floods, the analogous relation is Qp = 1100V0.44 (r2 = 0.58). The latter relation is close to one found by Costa (1988) for failure of constructed earthen dams. This closeness is probably not coincidental but rather reflects similarities in modes of dam failure and lake drainage. We develop a simple physical model of the breach-widening process for non-tunnel floods, assuming that (1) the rate of breach widening is controlled by melting of the ice, (2) outflow from the lake is regulated by the hydraulic condition of critical flow where water enters the breach, and (3) the effect of lake temperature may be dealt with as done by Clarke (1982). Calculations based on the model simulate quite well outbursts from Lake George, Alaska. Dimensional analysis leads to two approximations of the form QpVqf(hi, θ0), where q = 0.5 to 0.6, hi is initial lake depth, θ0 is lake temperature, and the form of f (hi, θ0) depends on the relative importance of viscous dissipation and the lake's thermal energy in determining the rate of breach opening. These expressions, along with the regression relations, should prove useful for assessing the probable magnitude of breach-type outburst floods.  相似文献   
ENSO发生前与发展初期赤道西太平洋西风异常的爆发问题   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用 NCEP/NCAR再分析资料 ,通过对 El Nino与 La Nina发生前与发展初期低层风场的合成分析 ,发现在赤道中东太平洋增暖当年的春季与夏季 ,赤道西太平洋存在两次显著的西风局地 ( 1 40°E~ 1 80 )增强过程。其原因并不仅仅在于印度洋的西风异常东移 ,更在于南北半球的经向风在该地区强烈辐合 ,造成局地气压梯度增强 ,促进西风加强并向东爆发 ;同时由于地球自转效应的作用 ,来自北半球的东北风到达赤道附近后转西北风 ,南半球的东南风转西南风 ,直接加强了西风的强度。对比分析南北半球经向风的作用表明 ,南半球东南风的强度与位置更稳定 ,对赤道西风两次增幅过程的贡献更大。这支南半球的经向气流来自高纬极区 ,与中高纬度气压场异常有直接的关系。  相似文献   
汪家寨煤矿是严重的煤与瓦斯突出矿井,依据矿区实际瓦斯地质资料,运用瓦斯地质理论和构造演化理论,研究了区域和井田构造控制特征。分析认为该矿主要以中小型突出、倾出为主,压出为辅;随煤层埋深的增加突出强度增大;C409煤突出最为严重;突出多发生在煤巷掘进面及断层影响带。分析了埋藏深度、顶底板岩性、煤厚及其变化、软分层、地质构造等因素对煤矿煤与瓦斯突出的影响,认为断层及其影响带、厚煤尤其是其增厚部位是煤与瓦斯突出的易发区域,因此断层构造和煤层厚度及其变化控制着该矿突出的发生和分布规律,为煤与瓦斯突出的主控因素。研究成果为矿井突出防治工作提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
Elevated shorelines and lake sediments surrounding Issyk Kul, the world's second largest mountain lake, record fluctuating lake levels during Quaternary times. Together with bathymetric and geochemical data, these markers document alternating phases of lake closure and external drainage. The uppermost level of lake sediments requires a former damming of the lake's western outlet through the Boam gorge. We test previous hypothesised ice or landslide dam failures by exploring possible links between late Quaternary lake levels and outbursts. We review and recompile the chronology of reported changes in lake site, and offer new ages of abandoned shorelines using 14C in bivalve and gastropod shells, and plant detritus, as well as sand lenses in delta and river sediments using Infrared Stimulated Luminescence. Our dates are consistent with elevated lake levels between ~45 ka and 22 ka. Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of fan terraces containing erratic boulders (>3 m) downstream of the gorge constrain the timing of floods to 20.5–18.5 ka, postdating a highstand of Issyk Kul. A flow‐competence analysis gives a peak discharge of >104 m3 s–1 for entraining and transporting these boulders. Palaeoflood modelling, however, shows that naturally dammed lakes unconnected to Issyk Kul could have produced such high discharges upon sudden emptying. Hence, although our data are consistent with hypotheses of catastrophic outburst floods, average lake‐level changes of up to 90 mm yr–1 in the past 150 years were highly variable without any outbursts, so that linking lake‐level drops to catastrophic dam breaks remains ambiguous using sedimentary archives alone. This constraint may readily apply to other Quaternary lakes of that size elsewhere. Nonetheless, our reconstructed Pleistocene floods are among the largest reported worldwide, and motivate further research into the palaeoflood hydrology of Central Asia. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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