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杨忠芳  陈岳龙 《地质论评》1997,43(6):593-600
为探讨粒度分选沉积作用对沉积物化学成分配分的影响,对比研究了五台群中石英岩、长石石英岩、粉砂岩和粘土岩等不同粒度沉积岩的化学成分特征,结果表明:不同粒度沉积岩的主元素及微量元素均具有较大的变化范围,SiO_2与Al_2O_3及TFe_2O_3之间呈线性负相关关系,这种负相关关系还表现在SiO_2与REE,Rb,Sr之间,这种特征可以用石英的稀释作用进行解释;铁族元素Cr,Ni,Co和REE,Rb,Sr等大离子亲石元素与Al_2O_3呈正相关关系,表明这些元素易在富铝的粘土岩中聚积。不同粒度成分沉积岩的稀土  相似文献   
The Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx) is considered as a potential geological formation to host an industrial radioactive waste repository in France. A detailed understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of the COx is a key issue for design of different repository structures and the safety calculations of the project. More particularly, numerical modeling of induced fracture networks around drifts excavated at the main level of the Andra’s Meuse/Haut-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (M/HM URL) and short and long term behavior of the COx around these drifts are of great interest. Several constitutive models have been developed/used in the framework of the R&D and simulation programs of Andra. A model benchmark exercise has been launched since 2012 to provide an overall view of the developed models regarding the in situ observations. In this view, two series of test cases, respectively at material point scale and at drift excavation scale are defined. Different kinds of constitutive models based on the elasto-visco-plasticity concept, continuum damage mechanics, the rigid block spring method and two-scale computational homogenized model (CHM) are used within this exercise. The obtained results show that accounting for material anisotropy and strain localization treatment techniques can improve the obtained results when elasto-visco-plastic models are used. Damage mechanics based approaches and methods accounting for discontinuities through discrete elements provide also interesting insights especially when fracturing processes must be modeled. However, more efforts are necessary to improve the robustness of these kinds of approaches in the complex context of COx response to excavation works.  相似文献   
全球,尤其是特提斯域二叠—三叠纪之交(PTB)剖面中普遍发育火山成因的粘土岩,对理解晚二叠世末生物大灭绝(LPME)的触发机制及相关基础地质问题具有重要意义。本文报道了在华南下扬子区新发现两条深水PTB剖面(皖南牛山和蔡村)的粘土岩工作,包括岩石学、矿物学和全岩地球化学等,填补了区域研究空白。研究结果发现,粘土岩主要由伊利石等粘土矿物,以及石英、岩浆锆石、长石等斑晶矿物组成。在地球化学上具有高K_2O、低Na_2O、相对富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)等特征。据此,认为这些粘土岩为火山成因的钾质斑脱岩,其原岩可能为中酸性流纹英安岩,具有弧岩浆作用的源区背景。对比华南其他地区已发现的PTB界线粘土岩,发现它们成因类似,可能来源于古特提斯洋周缘陆陆碰撞,抑或是泛大洋俯冲潘吉亚大陆东缘(包括华南板块)所导致的长英质火山岩浆喷发,且具有多期多源性特点。PTB时期全球活跃的火山岩浆活动(包括镁铁质火山作用和华南地区火山灰所指征的长英质火山作用)可能是导致LPME的主要原因。  相似文献   
东太平洋地区DSDP573孔始新世末期的微玻璃陨石   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过研究 DSDP5 73孔的岩心样品 ,首次在该孔始新世与渐新世的界线地层含金属粘土层中发现了微玻璃陨石 ,且主要富集在其底部。一个样品 (5 g)中最多可达 12粒。这些微玻璃陨石主要呈球形、椭球形。用电子探针测试了其化学成分 ,Si O2 含量为 2 9.6 4%~ 5 8.93%,Al2 O3 为 3.42 %~ 2 0 .96 %,Fe O为 9.98%~ 2 9.5 5 %,Mg O为 4.32 %~ 16 .0 5 %,Ir为 0 .0 6 %~ 0 .81%。总体来说 ,微玻璃陨石的化学成分变化较大 ,可能与靶岩的成分变化较大有关。始新世末期北美微玻璃陨石场的展布方向约为 2 5 0°,这与太平洋板块运动方向改变所需要的矢量变化(2 45°)仅相差 5°,推测很可能是始新世末期陨星的撞击引起了太平洋板块在该时期的运动方向由 NNW突然变为NWW。  相似文献   
This work benefited from a comprehensive set of logging and mineralogical data that was acquired from the 2-km-deep EST433 borehole of Montiers-sur-Saulx (Meuse, France). A multiple linear regression analysis was performed on three sets of data: (a) sonic data (P- and S-wave velocities), (b) total combinable magnetic resonance (TCMR) porosity data, and (c) X-ray diffraction (XRD) data. The analysis was performed to estimate the clay content in the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone and other clay-rocks of the stratigraphic column. The inferred statistical relationships were compared to results obtained from a conventional spectral gamma ray (GR) approach.The results indicate that simple linear regressions using only elastic wave velocities (a) accounted for more than 81% of the vertical variability of the clay content in the COx formation (i.e., coefficient regression R2 values greater than 81%) and (b) enable the estimation of clay content with the same accuracy as the spectral GR approach. Both approaches, our acoustic regressions and spectral GR methodology, provide estimate errors that are within the range of uncertainties associated with the XRD analysis applied. Moreover, using the whole set of XRD data showed that the elastic wave velocities and the TCMR porosity as explanatory variables are better predictors of total clay content than swelling clay mineral content.Blind estimations of clay content were performed using data acquired in clay-rocks from the same stratigraphic column and in the COx formation located a few kilometers distant in the EST423 borehole. The results demonstrated that the established regressions must be used with caution when vertically and horizontally extrapolating the estimated clay content. This difficulty is partly explained by the influence of the microstructure of the studied clay-rocks, which was insufficiently taken into account via the petrophysical variables considered in this work.  相似文献   
泥岩弹塑性损伤本构模型及其参数辨识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
贾善坡  陈卫忠  于洪丹  李香玲 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3607-3614
以连续介质力学和不可逆热力学为基础,将损伤引入到修正的Mohr-Coulomb准则中,建立了泥岩弹塑性损伤本构模型反映泥岩软硬化行为,通过构建损伤势函数导出了泥岩的损伤演化方程,编制了泥岩弹塑性损伤本构模型及其参数反演程序。并根据非排水条件下泥岩三轴试验结果,采用多目标函数优化反分析法获得了泥岩本构模型参数。研究成果表明,所提出的弹塑性损伤本构模型能有效地描述泥岩在不同应力状态下的力学特性。  相似文献   
二叠-三叠纪之交华南地区普遍发育火山成因的粘土岩,其对于了解二叠纪末大规模火山活动及扬子板块碎屑物质来源具有重要意义。本文对扬子西缘马角坝刺林包剖面飞仙关组底部粘土岩进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb定年及原位Hf同位素测试、X衍射和全岩地球化学分析,以揭示粘土岩的岩石成分及物源信息。镜下特征、X衍射及主量元素特征表明岩石中粘土矿物主要为伊利石,含少量方解石、石英。碎屑锆石年龄显示,特征峰值年龄主要集中在2 615~2 383、1 868~1 328、1 186~778和430~246 Ma,并出现~250 Ma特征高峰,结合原位Hf同位素特征表明锆石与秦岭造山带、华南典型PTB剖面粘土岩及峨眉山大火成岩省具有较高的相似性。同时,通过微量、稀土元素分析发现粘土岩中Zr、Hf、Th、Cr、Co、Ti相对富集,与华南典型PTB粘土岩和峨眉山玄武岩相近,并结合构造背景及锆石特征,综合认为刺林包剖面PTB粘土岩来自于秦岭造山带及龙门山岛链局部剥蚀区、二叠纪末火山活动和峨眉山大火成岩省剥蚀岩体。  相似文献   
根据深海钻探样品分析,对东太平洋地区573孔始新世末渐新世初的地层进行了研究,尤其是研究了其稀土元素地球化学特征。各层球粒陨石标准化值曲线平缓,重稀土相对富集,各层Ce严重亏损(第2层轻度亏损),各层的Eu仅轻度亏损。始新世与渐新世的界线地层含钨粘土层的稀土元素含量明显比其它层含量高得多。此外,该层还富含Fe及指示地外成因的Ni、Co、Ir等元素,且底部富含微玻璃陨石。这些特征说明该含金属粘土层的形成与火山活动有显关系,其底部可能还与陨击作用相联系。从区域地质情况来看,始新世末期有明显的生物灭绝和环境变化,微玻璃陨石广泛发育,说明该时期明显的灾变事件发生。  相似文献   
利用X射线衍射、扫描电镜、能谱等鉴定分析方法,对湖北兴山大峡口剖面二叠系—三叠系界线附近的8层粘土岩研究发现,各层粘土岩中的主要粘土矿物均为伊/蒙混层矿物,并且各层中均含有数量不等的六方双锥石英和黄铁矿,非粘土矿物为石膏,个别层位中还含有粘土微球粒。该8层粘土岩均为火山物源成因,联系相应的火山事件记录表明该地区在二叠系—三叠系之交经历了多次火山活动。这些火山事件与同时段牙形石的绝灭和延缓复苏呈现一致性。频繁的火山活动是造成二叠纪—三叠纪之交生物及生态系重大转折的主导事件之一。  相似文献   
山西大同小峪煤矿煤系粘土岩夹矸地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学法和中子活化(INAA)法,对山西大同小峪煤矿山西组和太原组的3件不同粘土岩样品的8种常量元素(氧化物)和33种微量元素含量进行了测定。通过对具有示踪意义的元素及其比值的对比分析表明,3个样品总体上均不具有典型的沉积岩特征,应该是由酸性或酸性偏碱性火山物质(降落的或陆源搬运的)在地表覆水较浅的弱氧化条件下经原地淋滤、蚀变形成的。岩石总体蚀变程度较高,不稳定或较不稳定的元素大量流失,甚至一些较稳定的元素(如高岭岩中的铁、锰)也明显流失。蚀变环境及介质条件、成岩原始物质组成及其粒度大小以及粘土物质组成是造成粘土岩类型及其不同类型间元素含量差异的主要原因。  相似文献   
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