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Abstract Large calcite veins and pods in the Proterozoic Corella Formation of the Mount Isa Inlier provide evidence for kilometre-scale fluid transport during amphibolite facies metamorphism. These 10- to 100-m-scale podiform veins and their surrounding alteration zones have similar oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios throughout the 200 × 10-km Mary Kathleen Fold Belt, despite the isotopic heterogeneity of the surrounding wallrocks. The fluids that formed the pods and veins were not in isotopic equilibrium with the immediately adjacent rocks. The pods have δ13Ccalcite values of –2 to –7% and δ18Ocalcite values of 10.5 to 12.5%. Away from the pods, metadolerite wallrocks have δ18Owhole-rock values of 3.5 to 7%. and unaltered banded calc-silicate and marble wallrocks have δ13Ccalcite of –1.6 to –0.6%, and δ18Ocalcite of 18 to 21%. In the alteration zones adjacent to the pods, the δ18O values of both metadolerite and calc-silicate rocks approach those of the pods. Large calcite pods hosted entirely in calc-silicates show little difference in isotopic composition from pods hosted entirely in metadolerite. Thus, 100- to 500-m-scale isotopic exchange with the surrounding metadolerites and calc-silicates does not explain the observation that the δ18O values of the pods are intermediate between these two rock types. Pods hosted in felsic metavolcanics and metasiltstones are also isotopically indistinguishable from those hosted in the dominant metadolerites and calc-silicates. These data suggest the veins are the product of infiltration of isotopically homogeneous fluids that were not derived from within the Corella Formation at the presently exposed crustal level, although some of the spread in the data may be due to a relatively small contribution from devolatilization reactions in the calc-silicates, or thermal fluctuations attending deformation and metamorphism. The overall L-shaped trend of the data on plots of δ13C vs. δ18O is most consistent with mixing of large volumes of externally derived fluids with small volumes of locally derived fluid produced by devolatilization of calc-silicate rocks. Localization of the vein systems in dilatant sites around metadolerite/calc-silicate boundaries indicates a strong structural control on fluid flow, and the stable isotope data suggest fluid migration must have occurred at scales greater than at least 1 km. The ultimate source for the external fluid is uncertain, but is probably fluid released from crystallizing melts derived from the lower crust or upper mantle. Intrusion of magmas below the exposed crustal level would also explain the high geothermal gradient calculated for the regional metamorphism.  相似文献   
本文论述了保安地区火山岩的地质、岩石、副矿物、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素、稳定同位素、火山岩相及火山机构等特征。并对其演化规律、形成机制与成矿作用的关系,作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
海洋沉积物中石英单矿物的化学分离   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
海洋沉积物中的石英作为陆源物质的标志性矿物,是古环境和古气候演化的信息载体,已成为古环境和古气候演化研究的重要替代指标.提供了改进了的化学分离海洋沉积物中石英单矿物的方法流程.在流程中的不同阶段可有效去掉全样中的生物组分、粘土矿物和长石等,取得海洋沉积物全样的总陆源矿物、石英+长石、石英的相对和绝对含量,通过计算可获得各种组分的通量,通过粒度分析可获得粒度数据.同一样品的17次重复实验表明,含量结果的平均相对误差仅为2.36%;显微镜和X射线衍射分析检查所分离出的石英纯度可达98%以上;激光粒度分析表明,化学试剂对石英的溶蚀作用不明显,不影响粒度分析结果.  相似文献   
南黄海陆架沉积学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
申顺喜 《海洋科学》1993,17(5):24-28
黄海中部、济州岛西南,存在厚层的泥质沉积,它们分别与上述地区的冷涡活动区相对应。在两个泥质沉积区之间又出现连接它们的通道,形成别有特征的“冷涡-通道”沉积体系。经分析发现,这个沉积体系,完全受控于黄海暖流、冷涡及其相关的环流体系。此外,在黄海西南部及东海北部海底发现大面积砂岩及其砾石,揭示了黄、东海陆架沉积物的新源地。  相似文献   
潮汐沉积率与沉积间断   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
在浙北奥陶系文昌组和长江三角洲开敞型淤泥质海岸非潮道潮汐纹层研究的基础上,得出与国外同类研究相近的沉积率。现代海岸进积速度和潮坪沉积的观察及测试证明,上述沉积率是难以置信的。现代潮坪观测表明,潮汐纹层在形成过程中即包含着改造,所保留的纹层占应形成数的不到10%,其余90%以上被侵蚀。小型层序是风暴和平静天气的产物,为风暴层序,与大小潮周期无关。其地层中保留的数量不到应生成数的10%,其余90%被改造。小型层序被侵蚀,其中的纹层随之消失。致使潮坪层序中保存的纹层数仅为应形成数的0.2%。被改造的纹层和单层留下的仅是侵蚀面,即小间断。在进行潮汐沉积高分辨率的研究时应充分重视沉积间断的作用  相似文献   
地层学的发展推动油气地质理论研究的进步   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自上个世纪50年代以来,地层学经历了彻底的变革,逐渐由“相模式”、“沉积体系”、“地震地层学”发展到目前的“层序地层学”,形成高分辨率层序地层学和事件地层学的理论体系和研究方法。文章围绕层序地层学、高分辨率层序地层学基本方法及理论体系,与含油气系统相关关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   
四川义敦地区早中三叠世义敦群岩相古地理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
经过对四川义敦地区中下三叠统党思组、列衣纽涉及到的9幅1:5万区调图幅和18条剖面、沉积等厚线的综合分析研究,认为该区主体部分在早中三叠世沉积环境经历了深海盆地海底扇中-外扇相→深海盆地浊流相→下斜坡相→上斜坡相→外陆棚相→外陆棚-上斜坡相的演化。岩相古地理图上的沉积等厚线显示,该区有上麻绒盆地和义敦盆地等2个沉积中心,在拉纳山一带还出出现有拗陷盆地。  相似文献   
Internal surface, formation factor, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-T2 relaxation times and pore radius distributions were measured on representative core samples for the estimation of hydraulic permeability. Permeability is estimated using various versions of the classic Kozeny–Carman-equation (K–C) and a further development of K–C, the fractal PaRiS-model, taking into account the internal surface. In addition to grain and pore size distribution, directly connected to permeability, internal surface reflects the internal structure (“micro morphology”). Lithologies could be grouped with respect to differences in internal surface. Most melt rich impact breccia lithologies exhibit large internal surfaces, while Tertiary post-impact sediments and Cretaceous lithologies in displaced megablocks display smaller internal surfaces. Investigations with scanning electron microscopy confirm the correlation between internal surface and micro morphology. In addition to different versions of K–C, estimations by means of NMR, pore radius distributions and some gas permeability measurements serve for cross-checking and calibration. In general, the different estimations from the independent methods and the measurements are in satisfactory accordance. For Tertiary limestones and Suevites bulk with very high porosities (up to 35%) permeabilites between 10−14 and 10−16 m2 are found, whereas in lower Suevite, Cretaceous anhydrites and dolomites, bulk permeabilites are between 10−15 and 10−23 m2.  相似文献   
选择辽西为中心,以近东西向延伸800km的辽蒙地质走廊为研究区,通过年代学研究,确认130Ma以来的中、新生代火山活动对称分布的时空格局,具有“中间老、两侧新”的特点,而且随着时间的推移,软流圈来源的岩浆向东西两侧侧向流动,岩浆来源不断加深。在此基础上提出“软流圈底辟体上涌和水平侧向流动”的模式。  相似文献   
运用高分辨率层序地层学原理和方法,通过对钻井和地震资料的综合分析,在二连盆地吉尔嘎朗图凹陷下白垩统中识别出1个超长期基准面旋回(二级层序)SSC1和5个长期基准面旋回(三级层序):LSC1,LSC2,LSC3,LSC4,LSC5,分析了各旋回的发育特征。识别出五种类型的沉积体系:滨浅湖近岸水下扇、较深水湖浊积扇、滨浅湖扇三角洲、滨浅湖辫状河三角洲和河流沉积体系,并在等时地层格架内分析了各基准面旋回的沉积体系构成和储层砂体的发育情况。综合分析生、诸、盖条件后认为,在垂向上,LSC3旋回为本区最有利的储集层段,在平面上,本区的油气勘探应主要寻找宝饶构造带辫状河三角洲前缘砂体,主要储层砂体类型为前缘分流水道砂和前缘席状砂。  相似文献   
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