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The stratigraphical context of two Middle Pleistocene fossiliferous palaeosols from Central Italy (Abruzzo and Tuscany) have been studied. Small mammals and molluscs occur in both palaeosols, which are covered by tephra layers that were analysed using an interdisciplinary approach. Application of fission‐track dating to apatites separated from the Case Picconetto tephra (Pescara, Abruzzo), yielded an age of 0.48 ± 0.04 Ma, indistinguishable from those previously determined for the Campani Quarry (Lower Valdarno, Tuscany) (0.46 ± 0.05 Ma and 0.48 ± 0.05 Ma). Geochemical and petrographic investigations indicate that these tephra originated from different volcanoes, the Alban Hills Volcanic Complex and the Vico Volcano (Latium) respectively. Small mammal and mollusc assemblages indicate different palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions for the Case Picconetto and Campani Quarry palaeosols. Warm and humid conditions can be inferred for the Campani Quarry site, whereas open and cold conditions can be inferred for Case Picconetto. On the basis of faunal data, fission‐track dates and attribution of tephra to specific volcanic eruptions, we suggest a correlation of these faunas with marine oxygen isotope stage 14 (Case Picconetto) and with marine oxygen isotope stage 11 (Campani Quarry), respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Alpine medicinal plant trade and Himalayan mountain livelihood strategies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Commercial alpine medicinal plants are collected from the wild by local rural households throughout the Himalaya and sold in order to increase household incomes. Recent studies indicate that this annual trade amounts to thousands of tonnes of roots, rhizomes, tubers, leaves, etc., worth millions of US dollars. The main market is in India. Based on a national survey, including the most commonly traded species, and a village study this paper investigates the importance of the alpine medicinal plant trade at national and local levels in Nepal. The national survey included standardized open-ended interviews with 232 harvesters, 64 local traders, 66 central wholesalers, 47 regional wholesalers, and 16 production companies. The village survey is based on the daily records of household activities in 15 households in a one-year period. The annual Nepalese alpine and sub-alpine medicinal plant trade is conservatively estimated to vary from 480 to 2500 t with a total harvester value of US$0.8–3.3 million; the average harvester value is estimated at US$66.0 ± 99.0. The trade in 1997/98 amounted to 1600 t with a harvester value of US$2.3 million and an export value equivalent to 2.5% of total export from Nepal. Medicinal plant harvesting was found to constitute an integrated part of local livelihood strategies, contributing from 3 to 44% (average of 12%) of the annual household income. Importance at household level depended on land and animal holdings, and the availability of adult male labour. The validity and reliability of methods and analyses is evaluated, and issues of conservation and management of alpine medicinal plant species under the community forestry scheme are discussed.  相似文献   
山东省省际边界地区发展研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
省际边界地区有其自身的发展特点,对于区域的发展起着特殊的作用。文章分析了山东省省际边界地区的特点,并根据康维斯(P.D.Converse)断裂点理论,对山东省及周边中心城市的引力范围进行了计算,比较分析了目前山东省省界城市和省内城市吸引范围及竞争力差异,提出了山东省发展省际边界地区的相应对策。  相似文献   
高秉璋 《江西地质》1997,11(4):33-40
火山作用-深成作用的相互联系是研究岩浆活动从侵入到喷出,以及演化和发展的重要内容。高位深成岩体是其过渡类型,其中中心式环状杂岩体尤为重要,关键是要识别含棱角状捕掳体及破碎捕掳晶的侵入凝灰岩,包括侵入角砾岩,爆发角砾岩等一系列具侵入特征的火成碎屑岩类;大量的上覆火山岩碎块作为捕掳体出现在充气岩浆中,模糊了深成岩类和火山岩类,但根据产出形态及接触关系等特征仍可加以区别,本文对此问题作了明确的阐明,并以玉华山杂岩体为实例加以简要的论述  相似文献   
Rainfall thresholds for landsliding in the Himalayas of Nepal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Landsliding of the hillslope regolith is an important source of sediment to the fluvial network in the unglaciated portions of the Himalayas of Nepal. These landslides can produce abrupt increases of up to three orders of magnitude in the fluvial sediment load in less than a day. An analysis of 3 years of daily sediment load and daily rainfall data defines a relationship between monsoonal rainfall and the triggering of landslides in the Annapurna region of Nepal. Two distinct rainfall thresholds, a seasonal accumulation and a daily total, must be overcome before landslides are initiated. To explore the geomorphological controls on these thresholds, we develop a slope stability model, driven by daily rainfall data, which accounts for changes in regolith moisture. The pattern of rainfall thresholds predicted by the model is similar to the field data, including the decrease in the daily rainfall threshold as the seasonal rainfall accumulation increases. Results from the model suggest that, for a given hillslope, regolith thickness determines the seasonal rainfall necessary for failure, whereas slope angle controls the daily rainfall required for failure.  相似文献   
Geological and geochemical study has been carried out to investigate arsenic contamination in groundwater in Nawalparasi, the western Terai district of Nepal. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments, provenance study by rare earth elements analyses, 14C dating, and water analyses. Results showed that distribution of the major and trace elements are not homogeneous in different grain size sediments. Geochemical characteristics and sediment assemblages of the arsenic contaminated (Nawalparasi) and uncontaminated (Bhairahawa) area have been compared. Geochemical compositions of sediments from both the areas are similar; however, water chemistry and sedimentary facies vary significantly. Extraction test of sediment samples showed significant leaching of arsenic and iron. Chemical reduction and contribution from organic matter could be a plausible explanation for the arsenic release in groundwater from the Terai sediments.  相似文献   
南黄海中部隆起是下扬子地块向海域的延伸,是当前海相盆地海域资源调查的潜力区。中部隆起自印支期以来经历多期构造隆升、挤压及剥蚀作用,显著影响了盆地油气资源的形成和分布。2016年底完钻的大陆架科学钻探CSDP-2井首次在中部隆起钻穿印支不整合面,该不整合面在中部隆起既是新近系-第四系底界,又是下三叠统灰岩的顶界,横向延伸平缓,上、下地层产状差异巨大,下伏地层具有强烈的挤压变形及逆冲推覆,呈现显著的角度不整合接触关系。本次研究基于泥岩声波时差法计算的印支面地层剥蚀量约为1200 m,镜质体反射率法计算的剥蚀量约为1400 m,与地层趋势面估算的剥蚀量基本一致。结合南黄海盆地演化过程分析,认为中部隆起大致于晚三叠世开始隆升,至晚白垩世期间经历快速剥蚀,并可能延续到渐新世末期。在当前南黄海盆地资源调查逐步转向中、古生界海相残留盆地之际,依托实际钻探资料进行印支不整合面研究及剥蚀量恢复对于恢复盆地构造-热演化史及评价油气资源等均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
马锋  张光亚  刘祚冬  梁英波  张磊  杨柳明  许岩  毛祖臣 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67050009-67050009
通过分析特提斯构造域东段区域地质和含油气盆地勘探开发基础数据,从板块构造演化入手,系统编制特提斯构造域东段沉积构造演化剖面图和生储盖组合剖面图,研究盆地演化阶段、叠合特征、油气成藏条件及油气藏类型,揭示中亚和中国西部前陆盆地演化和油气富集规律异同。研究表明:古亚洲洋、古特提斯洋和新特提斯洋控制了特提斯构造域东段的区域构造分带、盆地演化、盆地类型及油气成藏模式。根据古洋壳缝合线可分为北、中、南3个构造带,古生代以来多期微板块的拼贴,导致特提斯构造域东段含油气盆地演化分为3个演化阶段,早古生代伸展、晚古生代挤压、早中生代伸展和新生代挤压构造作用控制了研究区盆地的叠合演化,发育下古生界、上古生界和中生界3套区域分布的优质烃源岩和下古生界、上古生界、中生界和新生界4套储盖组合,形成多种类型的油气藏。  相似文献   
西藏中冈底斯北部尼玛县阿索乡亚布努马地区东侧出露一处花岗斑岩岩脉,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,该花岗斑岩的形成时代为晚侏罗世(161.2±5.9Ma)。全岩地球化学数据显示其高硅、富碱、富铝的特征,属于碱性准铝质花岗斑岩;富集轻稀土元素,轻、重稀土元素分异明显,具有明显的负Eu异常,富集Rb、Pb等大离子亲石元素,亏损Ba、Sr元素及Nb、Ta、Ti、U等高场强元素,形成于岛弧环境。其源区可能为来自俯冲带增厚下地壳的深熔作用,结合区域上同时代的岩浆事件,亚布努马花岗斑岩应该形成于以班公湖-怒江洋南向俯冲为动力背景的陆缘弧环境。  相似文献   

利用1981—2017年近37 a华中区域241个气象观测站年最大小时降水资料,分析了该区域年极端小时降水的时空分布特征。结果表明:阈值分别为30~ < 40 mm·h-1、40~ < 50 mm·h-1和≥50 mm·h-1的年极端小时降水频次,河南和湖北中东部均较高,湖南则随其阈值增大而降低;年极端小时降水频次日变化特征较为明显,午后至傍晚发生最多,前半夜至凌晨次之,后半夜至早晨、上午至午后明显减少;年极端小时降水平均强度大值区多集中在河南和湖北的中东部地区,湖北最强年极端小时降水大值区主要位于沿江汉平原边缘地带;年极端小时降水频次日峰值主要出现在午后至傍晚和后半夜至早晨,其区域性差异较为明显;不同阈值的年极端小时降水频次均表现出明显的年际和年代际变化特征,1980年代呈波动减小趋势,1990年代呈波动增加趋势,21世纪初期呈现低频波动变化,之后波动加大;不同阈值的极端小时降水频次日变化均表现为明显的单峰型特征,峰值出现在17时前后。

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