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Baranevskoy金-银矿床产于巴尔喀什火山的火山口,该火山坐落在堪察加中部矿区东南部。本文基于矿物学原理和流体包裹体数据分析探讨了Baranevskoy金-银矿床的成矿环境及其物理化学条件。Baranevskoy金-银矿床的围岩为中新世—上新世的安山岩和玄武岩。热液蚀变活动随深度逐渐变化,从而可以进一步划分出最深部的石英带、中部的石英-绢云母(明矾石)-黄铁矿-铁钛氧化物带及其伴生的石英-绢云母-伊利石-黄铁矿矿物组合和浅部的石英-冰长石-水云母-黏土矿物-碳酸盐岩带。成矿早期存在密集浸染的铜矿化,主要矿石矿物有黄铜矿、斑铜矿、砷黝铜矿-黝铜矿,并在Rhzavaya矿脉中存在少量的自然金。其中砷黝铜矿-黝铜矿系列以砷黝铜矿和黝铜矿两个端员作为代表,且以黝铜矿为主。成矿后期产出代表晚期金-银矿化的自然金、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、碲化物和硫酸盐等标志性矿物。早期铜矿化(第一期)被认为是中硫阶段,紧随其后的为低硫型金-银矿化(第二期和第三期)。金从第一期到第三期都有沉淀。经研究发现,自然金也赋存于变质围岩的岩石裂隙内。早期的自然金相对富银,其中金的摩尔分数为59%~65%,低于后期(第二、第三期)自然金中金的摩尔分数(64%~72%)。流体包裹体显微测温结果显示,位于中部(Central)矿脉的包裹体均一温度为190~280 ℃,Rzhavaya矿脉的包裹体为190~240 ℃,产出自然金的蚀变围岩中石英的包裹体温度为230~310 ℃。包裹体总体表现出低盐度(0.9%~2.4% NaCleq)特征,推测存在大气水的混入。  相似文献   
西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床斑铜矿特征及其成因意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
甲玛矿床是中国国内少见的以斑铜矿为主要含铜矿物的产于斑岩成矿系统内的铜多金属矿床.斑铜矿是该矿床内普遍存在的重要铜矿物之一,广泛分布于矽卡岩型矿石、(矽卡岩化)大理岩型矿石中,有少量产于角岩型矿石中.在硅灰石矽卡岩型矿石内,斑铜矿分布最广,含量也最高,部分矿段中斑铜矿的含量高达7596以上,并与硅灰石呈共生或伴生关系....  相似文献   
贵州晴隆矿区K6煤层的元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
运用电离耦合等离子体质谱、X射线荧光光谱、带能谱仪的扫描电镜和逐级化学提取等技术,对贵州西部晴隆矿区晚二叠世K6煤层的元素地球化学特征进行了研究。研究表明,除Cu、S和Fe以外,斑铜矿是造成该煤层中Bi和Pb富集的主要原因。由火山灰、陆源碎屑和有机质组成的特殊“集合体”是引起该煤层中Cr、Cu、F、U和Zr异常的主要因素。  相似文献   
江西东乡铜矿中含铜硫化物的几种 微结构及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据对江西东乡铜矿矿石矿物的光学显微镜以及电子探针的研究,发现了该矿石中久辉铜矿与蓝辉铜矿呈页片状或互界状的交生构造,同时还存在着斑铜矿-蓝 辉铜矿的环带状构造。这两种构造中的蓝辉铜矿在成分上有明显差异,前一种构造中的蓝辉 铜矿不含Fe,而环带构造中的蓝辉铜矿含一定量的Fe。讨论了两种蓝辉铜矿各自的形成机制及其地 质意义。  相似文献   
At the Kingking porphyry copper-gold deposit, Compostela Valley, south-eastern Mindanao, Philippines, bornite pods occur in the brecciated parts in the biotite diorite porphyry, together with the volcanic rock and diorite fragments without associated stockworks of quartz veinlets. These pods are generally elongated in shape and measure several centimeters across their longest axes. They are composed of bornite and chalcopyrite with traces of calaverite. The δ34S of bornite and subordinate chalcopyrite of bornite pods ranging from −2.2‰ to +0.1‰ are similar to the δ34S of sulfides associated with quartz veinlets such as bornite and chalcopyrite ranging from −4.7‰ to ±0.0‰. This suggests that the ultimate source of sulfur is identical for bornite pods and sulfides associated with quartz veinlets. Bornite pods are associated with volcanic rock and dioritic fragments in the brecciated portion of the biotite diorite porphyry. It was observed that some dioritic fragments contain quartz veinlets, which may indicate an earlier episode of mineralization. Fragments of the earlier dioritic intrusive rocks and the volcanic rocks, together with the sulfides were incorporated into the biotite diorite porphyry magma. A molten sulfide is possible for the composition between bornite and intermediate solid solution at ∼800°C. The sulfides from the earlier dioritic intrusive rocks in the molten state were segregated and then eventually coalesce to form the bornite pods in the brecciated section of the biotite diorite porphyry.  相似文献   
Abstract. Talnakhite occurs in an andradite skarn forming adjacent to a leucocratic quartz monzonite dike intruded into limestone at Fuka. The mineral densely contains exsolution lamellae of chalcopyrite, and the talnakhite-chalcopyrite inter-growth is intimately associated with bornite that contains chalcopyrite as a lattice-form exsolution. The chemical composition of the talnakhite acquired on an electron probe microanalyzer corresponds to Cu9.00Fe8.08S15.92, very close to the ideal chemical formula Cu9Fe8S16. Nickel is not detected. The X-ray powder diffraction lines are well indexed on a body-centered cubic cell with a = 10.589 Å. The characteristic (110) reflection of talnakhite is clearly observed at 7.49 Å. The present talnakhite retains the chalcopyrite-like colored polished surface without tarnish in air more than a month.
Talnakhite at Fuka is likely to be derived from breakdown of Cu-rich intermediate solid solution ( iss ), which was in equilibrium with Fe-rich bornite at elevated temperatures. Talnakhite thus formed has survived the subsequent cooling processes, probably because the ƒs2 was maintained in suitable levels preventing its decomposition into bornite and chalcopyrite.  相似文献   
本文对辉铜矿、黄铜矿和斑铜矿在NaCl溶液中的溶解动力学进行了实验研究,在25-70℃,溶解反应活化能分别为辉铜矿36.46kJ/mol,黄铜矿44.05kJ/mol,斑铜矿51.96kJ/mol。最近探讨了动力学实验结果在砂岩铜矿成矿作用中的意义。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Pongkor Gold‐Silver Mine, Bogor district, West Java, is approximately 80 km southwest of Jakarta. The gold and silver mineralization in the area is present in a deposit consisting of an epithermal vein‐system named individually as the Pasir Jawa, Gudang Handak, Ciguha, Pamoyanan, Kubang Cicau, and Ciurug veins. In the area studied, rocks of basaltic‐andesitic composition are dominated by volcanic breccia and lapilli tuff, with andesite lava and siltstone present locally. The hydrothermal alteration minerals in the Ciurug area are typical of those formed from acid to near‐neutral pH thermal waters, where the acid alteration is distributed from the surface to shallow depth, while the near‐neutral pH alteration becomes dominant at depths. The Ciurug vein shows four main mineralization stages where each discrete stage is characterized by a specific facies; these are, from early to late: carbonate‐quartz, manganese carbonate‐quartz, banded‐massive quartz and gray sulfide‐quartz facies. The major metallic minerals are pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena; they occur in almost each mineralization stage. Bornite was observed only in the southern part of the Ciurug vein at a depth of 515 m, and the occurrence of this mineral is reported here for the first time. Electrum and silver sulfides (mostly acanthite) are minor, whereas silver sulfosalts, stromeyerite and mckinstryite, and covellite are in trace amounts. The silver sulfosalts have compositional ranges of pearceite, antimon‐pearceite and polybasite. Most of the electrum occurs coexisting with other sulfide minerals, as inclusions in pyrite grains, with very little as inclusions in chalcopyrite or sphalerite. Gold grades within the Ciurug vein vary from 1.2 to hundreds of ppm, where the highest gold grade occurs in the latest mineralization stage in a thin sulfide band in vein quartz. Fluid inclusion microthermometry of calcite and quartz indicates deposition throughout the mineralized veins in the range from 170 to 230d?C and from low salinity fluids (predominantly lower than 0.2 wt% NaCl equiv.). Fluid inclusions occur with features of boiling.  相似文献   
Abstract: Two types of ores are recognized in the Huanzala mine, Peru. Zinc and lead ore of adularia-sericite type, is accompanied by pyrite body and skarn. Orthoclase (adularia), sericite and calcite are found in the skarn and altered country rocks. On the other hand, copper and silver (tin) ore of acid-sulfate type, is characterized by enargite, luzonite and bornite, accompanied by tin, silver and tellurium minerals. Although sericite and calcite are found only at the earlier stage in the mineralization of acid-sulfate type, kaolinite appears in the country rocks at a subsequent stage. It is interpreted that the ore-forming fluid of the acid-sulfate type separated from the adularia-sericite type by boiling in the early stage of mineralization. The separated fluid was nearly neutral just after boiling and changed into acidic by the oxidation of H2S into HSO4-. Both types of mineralizations are studied in terms of fo2-fs2-pH-temperature diagrams. The adularia-sericite type might correspond to the hot-water system of a geothermal area, and the acid-sulfate type to the vapor-dominated system.
The copper ores from the Teine mine, Hokkaido, Japan and the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan are acid-sulfate type, characterized by the occurrence of enargite and luzonite. However, zinc and lead ores of the adularia-sericite type are also present in these deposits. Both types in the Teine and Chinkuashih deposits are supposed to have formed in the similar relation as in the Huanzala deposits. The enargite and luzonite ores in the Hokuetsu mine, Japan are closely associated with native sulfur of solfataric origin.  相似文献   
梁冬云 《矿物学报》2001,21(3):534-536
某热液沉积型铜铅锌多金属矿石伴生丰富的银。工艺矿物学研究表明,该矿石银的赋存状态有着其独特之处,银赋存与铜矿物密切相关,银主要以较罕见的硫铜银矿矿物形式产出,嵌布于斑铜矿微裂缝中。  相似文献   
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