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中国南方存在印支期的油气藏——Re-Os同位素体系的制约   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用Re-Os同位素方法开展富含有机质的沥青、原油等的研究,是确定油气成藏时间和破坏时间有效的但极富挑战性的新途径,在国内尚无研究实例报道。以我国南方最大的古油藏之一的麻江古油藏中的沥青为主要对象,采用Re-Os同位素方法试图限定油气的成藏时间和破坏时间。研究表明,麻江古油藏的固体沥青Re、Os同位素质量分数分别在41.5×10-6~642×10-6和0.21×10-6~12.15×10-6之间,N(187Re)/N(188Os)比值较高,且变化范围较大,在270.90~4074.99之间,Os同位素组成指示中等放射成因,其N(187Os)/N(188Os)比值在0.3400~3.6557之间变化。所有沥青样品的模式年龄在28~144Ma之间变化,集中在85Ma左右。通过沥青Re-Os同位素研究,结合详细地质资料,认为麻江古油藏的成藏时间为印支期—早燕山期(144Ma之前),而油藏破坏时间为燕山晚期即85Ma左右。  相似文献   
匡立春  齐雪峰 《地质学报》2011,85(2):224-233
本文记述了首次在西准噶尔布龙果尔地区发现的古油藏基本地质情况,探讨古油藏产出的地质层位及时代归属,对古油藏油源问题进行了初步分析,在此基础上提出古油藏成藏预测模式.认为上古生界古油藏所在的和布克河组一段地质时代为晚泥盆世法门期,中生界古油藏产出层位为下侏罗统八道湾组;推断和布克河组古油藏油源可能来自中泥盆统呼吉尔斯特组...  相似文献   
The silver contents of organic matter in the host rocks of the Songxi shale-hosted Ag-Sb deposit of northeastern Guangdong, South China, have been directly determined using the electron microprobe technique. The silver contents in two types of organic matter, marine vitrinite and solid bitumen, vary in the range from 100×10-6to 350×10-6, which are from tens of times to thousands of times higher than those of the host rocks in the ore deposit. The average silver content of the organic matter is also several times higher than the pay grade of silver for commercial mining of the ore deposit. It is quite obvious that the organic matter of the host rocks in the ore district is characterized by an anomalous enrichment of silver. The results of this study indicate that the silver anomalies in the organic matter have been derived from both the host rocks and the silver-bearing fluids of the Songxi black shale ore source. In the course of sedimentation and later hydrothermal reworking, organic matter was able  相似文献   
Organic-rich samples derived from a Middle Cambrian Formation in the Georgina Basin, and from the Middle Proterozoic of the McArthur Basin in northern and central Australia, yielded alginite ranging from immature oil shale material to overmature residue. A maturation scale has been developed based on the thermal evolution of alginite as determined from reflectance and fluorescence. The coalification path of alginite is marked by jumps in contrast to the linear path of wood-derived vitrinite. Six zones have been recognised, ranging from undermature (zone I), through the mature (zones II/III), followed by a stable stage of no change (zone IV) to the overmature (zones V and VI). The onset of oil generation in alginite as evident from the present study is at 0.3% Ro Alg. and is expressed in a change of fluorescence from yellow to brown, and a coalification jump from 0.3 to 0.6% Ro of Alg. In many boreholes zone III can be distinguished between 0.6 and 0.8% Ro of Alg. where subsequent oil generation occurs. Zones II and III represent the oil window.A zone of little or no change designated zone IV, at of alginite follows zones II/III. A marked coalification jump characterises zone V, where a pronounced change in reflectance occurs to >1.0% Ro Alg., signifying peak gas generation. The border of oil preservation lies at the transition of zone V and VI, at 1.6% Ro Alg. In zone VI gas generation only occurs.Comparison of reflectance results with experimental and geochemical pyrolysis data supports high activation energies for hydrocarbon generation from alginite, and therefore a later onset of oil generation than other liptinite macerals (i.e. cutinite, exinite, resinite) as well as a narrow oil window.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms that alginite does not go through a distinct intermediate stage but that the percentage of unreacted organic matter decreases as maturation proceeds. A clear distinction can be made in TEM between immature alginite, alginite after oil generation, and alginite residue following gas generation. Alginite beyond 1.6% Ro acquires very high densities and the appearance of inertinite in TEM.Bitumens/pyrobitumens make a pronounced contribution to the organic matter throughout the basins and have been shown to effect pyrolysis results by suppressing Tmax. The bitumens/pyrobitumens have been divided into four groups, based on their reflectance and morphology, which in turn appears to be an expression of their genetic history. Their significance is in aiding the understanding of the basins' thermal history, and the timing of oil and gas generation.  相似文献   
凯里-麻江地区油苗与固体沥青的油源分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对黔南坳陷典型古油藏、残余油气藏的精细解剖对南方海相碳酸盐岩层系油气勘探研究具有重要意义。本文运用碳同位素、饱和烃色谱、饱和烃色质及芳烃色质等技术,对黔东南地区二叠系—寒武系油苗与固体沥青进行了地球化学特征研究和油源分析。研究表明,凯里地区虎庄47井原油、洛棉志留系砂岩油苗和麻江地区奥陶系红花园组固体沥青三者同源,主要来自下寒武统牛蹄塘组的优质烃源岩。而麻江地区早二叠世茅口组油苗与虎庄47井原油明显不同,主要源于下二叠统栖霞组的优质烃源岩。  相似文献   
文志刚  张爱云 《现代地质》1997,11(2):197-202
摘 要  研究了鄂尔多斯奥陶系碳酸盐岩中沥青 A 和沥青 C 的生物标志物特征‚表明沥青 A 和沥青 C 之间在生物标志物组成上存在着明显的差异‚产生这些差异的原因主要是氧化还原 环境、成熟度及粘土矿物含量的不同。结合沉积相分析‚探讨了不同沉积环境中沥青 A 与沥 青 C 的分布规律。  相似文献   


充分考虑热演化过程中烃源岩干酪根、族组分、固体沥青及正构烷烃碳同位素相互关系及变化规律,通过地球化学分析并结合前人碳同位素及芳烃标志物研究进行综合分析,结果表明古油藏各区域储层早期均存在下寒武统黑色泥岩来源,后期来源有较大差别,麻江古背斜以南各地沥青均不同程度与中寒武统都柳江组有关,北凯里液态原油及油苗为五峰组及龙马溪组印支期成藏产物,其保存环境为储层早期成岩过程中形成的独立封闭系统。在油源识别的基础上,结合构造地质背景、油气成藏条件及流体活动规律分析,认为黔南坳陷及邻区下寒武统、都柳江组、五峰组及龙马溪组烃源岩的分布控制了该区油气富集规律,黔南海西期断裂系统与加里东运动形成的不整合面构成不同期次油气运聚的输导系统,海西期形成的一系列正断裂是麻江古油藏成藏的关键。  相似文献   
The Gordondale Member is a hydrocarbon source rock and potential unconventional reservoir that extends across northeastern British Columbia and central-northwestern Alberta. It is an organic-rich, calcareous, fossiliferous mudstone with a median total organic carbon value of 6.0 wt%. A total of 230 samples were collected from approximately 25 m of Gordondale Member core for organic matter analysis using Rock-Eval 6 analysis and organic petrology. Detailed core logging provides sedimentological context for organic matter characterization. The predominant organic material in the samples is solid bitumen and liptinite with lesser zooclast and inertinite. Most kerogen is Type II, autochthonous marine biomass, with minimal dilution by inert organic carbon. Rock-Eval Tmax values and random reflectance measurements of solid bitumen indicate the samples are within the oil generation window. Solid bitumen contributes a substantial amount of hydrocarbon potential to the interval. A micro-reservoir structure within the core is produced by thin intervals of impermeable displacive calcite that act as barriers to the upward migration of free hydrocarbons. These free hydrocarbon accumulations could make excellent targets for horizontal wells within the Gordondale Member.  相似文献   
川西坳陷上三叠统须二、须四段致密砂岩的溶蚀孔洞、裂缝及砂岩层理界面上分布大量的沥青,沥青的热演化程度极高,须二段达到干气阶段,须四段达到湿气一干气早期阶段;经过针对砂岩中层理界面及裂缝、溶孔洞中充填的沥青及泥岩层裂缝中充填沥青取样的有机地球化学指标分析后显示:沥青具有较低的H/C、O/C比,须二段沥青残余生烃能力极小,须四段沥青还具有较大的残余生烃潜力;须家河组须二、须四段沥青为马鞍塘-小塘子组与须二段海湾相油型烃源岩在生油窗期成的古油藏,在后来的高温条件下裂解成天然气后残留物;须二,须四的古油藏构成了川西坳陷上三叠统须家河组天然气重要的气源.  相似文献   
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