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The mid-Holocene (ca. 8000-4000 cal yr BP) was a time of marked aridity throughout much of Minnesota, and the changes due to mid-Holocene aridity are seen as an analog for future responses to global warming. In this study, we compare the transition into (ca. 9000-7000 yr ago) and out of (ca. 5000-2500 yr ago) the mid-Holocene (MH) period at Kimble Pond and Sharkey Lake, located along the prairie forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota, using high resolution (∼ 5-36 yr) sampling of pollen, charcoal, sediment magnetic and loss-on-ignition properties. Changes in vegetation were asymmetrical with increasing aridity being marked by a pronounced shift from woodland/forest-dominated landscape to a more open mix of grassland and woodland/savanna. In contrast, at the end of the MH, grassland remained an important component of the landscape despite increasing effective moisture, and high charcoal influxes (median 2.7-4.0 vs. 0.6-1.7 mm2 cm− 2 yr− 1 at start of MH) suggest the role of fire in limiting woodland expansion. Asymmetric vegetation responses, variation among and within proxies, and the near-absence of fire today suggest caution in using changes associated with mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie forest boundary as an analog for future responses to global warming.  相似文献   
德州气候变化与建筑物防腐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石慧兰  周圣军  陈松 《气象科技》2007,35(6):882-885
利用德州11县市1951~2005年温度、降水资料,计算气候干燥度,1981~2005年与1951~1980年相比全市干燥度由1.45增大到1.64,已由原来的半湿润气候变化为半干旱气候。各县市降水量呈减少趋势,平均每10年减少19.64mm;气温呈上升趋势,平均每10年升高0.11℃,冬季升高0.30℃,冬季增温显著,北部县市已由原来的冰冻区变化为微冻区,全市均为微冻区。由于气候条件变化,相应场地环境类别与腐蚀介质指标的调整系数标准应作调整改变,场地环境类别由Ⅱ类转变为Ⅰ类,腐蚀介质指标的调整系数均取0.9。  相似文献   
Aim to linking the variability of drought in northwest China to the oceanic influence of North Atlantic SSTs at the background of global warming and at the regional climate change shifting stages, year aridity index variations in northwest China and summer North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) variations are examined for the 44 a period of 1961-2004 using singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis. Results show that the SST anomalies (SSTA)in the North Atlantic in summer reflected three basic models. The first SVD mode of SST pattern shows a dipole - like variation with the positive center located at southwest and negative center at northeast of extratropical North Atlantic. And it strongly relates to the positive trend in AI variation in northwest China. The second coupled modes display the coherent positive anomalies in extratropical North Atlantic SST and the marked opposite trend of AI variability between north and south of Xinjiang. In addition, the lag correlation analysis of the first mode of SSTA and geopotential heights at 500 hPa variations also shows that the indication of the former influencing the latter configuration, which result in higher air temperature and less precipitation when the SSTA in the North Atlantic Ocean in summer motivated Eurasian circulation of EA pattern, further to influence the wet - dry variations in northwest China by the ocean-to - atmosphere forcing.  相似文献   
1 Introduction With progressive researches on global climate change, an integrated study of various disciplines tends to be inevitable. Mr. Moore III, chairman of IGBP, holds that the key to integration is to synthesize scientific findings so as to get new ideas and to chance cognition up to a new high[1]. Micro-study, rather than macro-study focuses on regional change[2-5]. To strengthen the global perspective in the study, "to research on typical regions and to deepen the regional divide…  相似文献   
Stratigraphic pollen analysis done on sediment cores from two sites in the upper North Saskatchewan drainage basin of the eastern slopes foothills of the Rocky Mountains in west central Alberta, Canada combined with sedimentological data provide a local vegetational and environmental history. Radiocarbon AMS dates provide a chronology back to 17960 BP. Reconstruction and interpretation of the local pollen zones includes reevaluation of steppe and grassland as analogs for full- and late-glacial vegetation. Regional vegetation from c. 17960 to 16 100 BP is interpreted as an extremely cold semi-arid Artemisia steppe, the vegetation c. 16 100 to 11 900 BP as an Artemisia-Betula shrubland, and the vegetation c. 11 900–10 200 BP as a Picea woodland, in an environment characterized by consistently arid and windy conditions. This reconstruction emphasizes the significance of aridity, as opposed to simply low temperatures, as the critical factor in determining the late Quaternary vegetation of Alberta.This is the 18th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   
植物化石和土壤中的有机质碳同位素指标常用来反映古气候的变化,然而碳同位素这个指标在特定地区反映气候的定量关系缺乏检验。研究剖面选择自中国的秦岭(34°14'24″N,106°55'30″E)到蒙古人民共和国北部,接近贝加尔湖地区(51°35'08″N, 100°45'49″E)的研究剖面线,选择了3种C3植物(Artemisia scoparia, Ajania achilleides 和 Artemisia frigida),在剖面线上沿南北方向上每隔4'到5'采取一个样点,共选取161个C3植物茎叶样品进行了δ13 C值测定。同时收集了剖面线附近气象站的降水、气温等资料,用插值方法得到每个采样点的气温、降水数据。分析表明:C3植物的δ13 C值分布范围为-30 ‰ ~-22 ‰ ,其平均值为-26.81 ‰ ,该平均值较全球C3植物δ13 C平均值偏正。通过对比C3植物δ13 C与年均温、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度等随纬度的变化规律,发现C3植物δ13 C、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度有非常一致的变化趋势,而C3植物δ13 C和年均温不具有一致性。通过一元回归分析也同样发现C3植物δ13 C与年均降水量呈线性负相关关系(y=-0.0077x-24.838,n=161,R2=0.4418,p=0.01),与生长季节的干燥度呈线性正相关关系(y=0.7328x-28.806,n=161,R2=0.3685,p=0.01),而与年均温度没有明显的相关关系(y=-0.0461x-26.756,n=161,R2=0.0232,p=0.01)。在本研究区C3植物δ13 C对年均降水量和生长季节的干燥度响应十分显著,而对温度的响应不明显。研究区具有明显的降水和温度的梯度分布特征,是验证植物碳同位素与气候关系的理想场所,而土壤中的有机质碳同位素与其地面上的植物碳同位素息息相关。研究也说明,在本研究区或其他气候植物组合相似的地区可以利用古土壤中的有机质碳同位素来定量或半定量地反映古气候的变化。  相似文献   
范丽红  何清  崔彦军  潘晓玲 《干旱气象》2006,24(1):14-17,27
分析了40 a气温、降水及干旱指数的变化特征,结果表明:(1)近40 a石河子地区平均温度以0.3℃/10 a趋势上升,和全疆变化一致;该地区年、冬季、夏季气温总体呈上升趋势,20世纪60~70年代年、冬季、夏季气温呈降低的趋势,80~90年代气温呈增加趋势,80年代冬季升温比夏季升温明显,而90年代夏季升温比冬季明显。(2)降水总体趋势上升,降水增长率为12.5 mm/10 a,90年代平均降水比30 a均值偏多20.8%。(3)年平均干旱指数总体呈下降趋势,但趋势不明显,其减少率为-0.3/10 a。(4)石河子地区的温度、降水及干旱指数用M ann-kendall方法检验分别在不同年份发生了不同程度的突变。结果指出,石河子地区气候正在趋于暖、湿化,这对于本区绿洲的发展具有有利的一面。  相似文献   
基于CMIP5模式鄱阳湖流域未来参考作物蒸散量预估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
预测未来气候情境下鄱阳湖流域参考作物蒸散量(Reference crop Evapotranspiration,ET0)的时空分布可为流域水资源的优化管理,为科学应对气候变化对农业生产的影响提供基础数据支撑.利用鄱阳湖流域14个气象站点1961-2014年逐日气象数据,采用Penman-Monteith公式计算出历史ET0;基于同期美国环境中心(NCEP)再分析数据及2006-2100年CMIP5中CNRM-CM5模式在RCP4. 5和RCP8. 5情景下的预测数据,经统计降尺度模型(statistical downscaling model,SDSM)模拟和偏差校正,预测流域未来ET0;通过Mann-Kendall检验、普通克里金插值和空间自相关法分析了流域1961-2100年ET0的时空演变特征.结果表明:NCEP再分析资料与流域ET0建立的逐步回归降尺度模型模拟效果较好,CNRMCM5模式降尺度模拟结果经偏差校正后,精度明显提高,适宜流域未来ET0的预估.鄱阳湖流域在基准期1961-2010年ET0整体上呈减小趋势,空间分布上呈南北高、中间低的特点,表现出明显的空间差异性.RCP4.5、RCP8.5情景下未来3个时期鄱阳湖流域ET0较基准期均呈不同程度的增加趋势,其空间分布整体表现为东高西低、局地略有突出;无论是在基准期或是未来情景下的3个时期,ET0均具有较强的空间自相关性.在RCP8.5情景下,鄱阳湖1961-2100年干旱指数呈现出较为明显的上升趋势,流域的干旱状况随时间加剧,2011-2100年间流域绝大部分地区由湿润区转为半湿润区,干旱指数自南向北递减,赣江流域将是鄱阳湖流域未来干旱风险的重点防范区.  相似文献   
滕州市近50年气候干湿变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张美玲  张慧 《气象科技》2007,35(4):495-499
利用滕州市1956~2005年降水量、平均气温资料,用Holdridge干燥度指数来分析近50年气候干湿变化趋势和特征。滕州市近50年来在年生物温度、年可能蒸散量极显著上升背景下,年降水量不显著的减小趋势,造成年水分盈亏量显著亏损及年干燥度指数显著增大,总体呈现暖干化趋势。年干燥度指数变化有明显的阶段性,干湿期交替变化,大体经历了3个湿期和2个干期。1976年年干燥度指数发生由偏湿向偏干的突变,突变后气候类型分布发生显著变化。通过对近50年年干燥度指数滑动平均值和标准差分析发现:随着干燥度指数平均值的增大,异常湿事件明显减少,而异常干事件明显增多,同时,随着标准差的增大,异常干湿事件频率明显增大。  相似文献   
新生代C4植被开始扩张的年代、过程和驱动机制是全球古气候变化研究的焦点问题。中国黄土高原的黄土-红粘土剖面保存了连续的古生态演化记录, 是研究这一关键科学问题的理想载体。本文选择黄土高原北部佳县厚达64m的红粘土剖面(8.2~2.7Ma), 对190个层位的次生方解石矿物进行了无机碳同位素测试, 由此分析了晚中新世-上新世末的C4植被扩张和演化过程。C4植被持续增长与全球冰盖的扩张基本一致, 表明气候变冷很可能导致了黄土高原区域气候的干旱化与降雨季节性的增强。C4植被的扩张存在明显的3个阶段, 分别以6.6Ma和3.6Ma为界限, 每一次扩张增加10 % 左右, 暗示了全球性的构造事件对黄土高原植被演化的控制。此外, 佳县红粘土剖面呈现10次持续时间为10~20万年的碳同位素正漂移事件, 平均每40万年发生一次, 说明40万年轨道周期也控制着C4植被的演化。  相似文献   
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