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王明娜  向友珍 《地下水》2008,30(4):21-23
现代灌溉引水工程的发展,改善了灌区的农业用水条件,但同时改变了灌区上的自然生态环境、地质条件与水文地质条件等。分阶段总结了地下水的相关研究与应用;剖析了地下水调控的必要性与重要性;分析了地下水调控研究现状;最后通过总结给出了进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
抗浮设防水位直接影响到地下结构的安全与建设费用,在地下结构建设中至关重要,因此,科学合理地确定地下结构的抗浮设防水位具有巨大的社会意义和经济价值。本文以“雄安新区至北京大大兴国际机场快线地下工程段”为研究对象,系统分析了研究区水文地质条件以及地下水位年内年际动态变化规律,利用数值模拟法和类比预测法确定了地下结构抗浮设防水位标高建议值。结果表明,该场地区域浅层地下水水位埋深一般为5.0~20.0m,地下水水位标高一般为–10.0~1.0m。近五年场地浅层地下水水位标高一般为–5~–10 m,埋深一般为3.0~15.0 m,地下水位逐年升高,回升速率约1.0 m/a。地下结构抗浮设防水位标高取值建议取使用期抗浮设防水位采用数值模拟法预测结果。该成果服务了“雄安新区至北京大兴国际机场快线(R1线)”项目场地抗浮设计,为雄安新区重大工程建设项目的抗浮安全设计提供了示范。  相似文献   
针对目前专门的函数信号发生器IC功能简单、精度不高、调节方式不灵活等缺点和DDS芯片外围电路设计复杂、成本较高等问题,设计研制了一种程控宽频带多波形信号发生器。该信号发生器采用单片机STC89C52控制专用函数发生器MAX038实现,通过键盘设置输出波形类型、频率、占空比和幅度等各种参数,采用闭环控制方法对输出频率自动反馈控制以提高频率精度,并由八位LED显示器实时显示状态信息。实际运行结果表明:该系统可以产生频率范围在1Hz~20MHz、幅度在2~10V(VPP)连续可调、占空比在10%~90%变化的三角波、锯齿波、方波、正弦波和PWM波,输出频率精度小于0.01%。该仪器具有电路结构简单、性能优良、成本低廉、功能多样、使用方便等优点,在生产实践和科技研究领域中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
讨论了同幅双速跟踪成像技术对CCD相机系统的特殊要求,详细地介绍了该相机前端模拟系统的设计思想、系统结构和主要的电路模块。对系统中一些关键电路模块进行了仿真和测试,并对仿真和测试结果进行比较分析,以检验电路系统设计的合理性。  相似文献   
动力延伸预报产品在广西月降水预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1958—2005年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和2003—2005年国家气候中心的动力延伸预报产品, 运用自然正交函数展开 (EOF) 求取预报关键区内的空间特征向量及其时间系数, 结合相似离度方法查找与预报月份相似的个例, 进而作出广西月降水量预报。独立样本试验证明, 利用动力延伸预报产品制作的区域月降水预报比利用前期实况高度距平场相关区域制作的预报效果更好。  相似文献   
西宁地震台FHD数字化核旋仪从2006年10月安装以来,一直与模拟仪器并行工作。二者采样率不同,所测的量也不相同。在对西宁地震台磁变仪的记录图纸进行数字化转换、生成分钟值的基础上,对FHD仪和磁变仪的观测结果进行对比分析。结果表明:数字FHD仪比三分量磁变仪更加准确地记录了当地地磁场的变化,数字仪器的观测资料明显优于模拟仪器。  相似文献   
Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks(MS≥5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well.We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters(maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earth-quake parameters(magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from ...  相似文献   
Petroleum geoscientists have been using cores and well logs to study source rocks and reservoirs, however, the inherent discontinuous nature of these data cannot account for horizontal heterogeneities. Modern exploitation requires better understanding of important source rocks and reservoirs at outcrop scale. Remote sensing of outcrops is becoming a first order tool for reservoir analog studies including horizontal heterogeneities. This work used ground-based hyperspectral imaging, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), and high-resolution photography to study a roadcut of the Boone Formation at Bella Vista, northwest Arkansas, and developed an outcrop model for reservoir analog analyses.The petroliferous Boone Formation consists of fossiliferous limestones interbedded with chert of early Mississippian age. We used remote sensing techniques to identify rock types and to collect 3D geometrical data. Mixture tuned matched filtering classification of hyperspectral data show that the outcrop is mostly limestones with interbedded chert nodules. 1315 fractures were classified according to their strata-bounding relationships, among these, larger fractures are dominantly striking in ENE – WSW directions. Fracture extraction data show that chert holds more fractures than limestones, and both vertical and horizontal heterogeneities exist in chert nodule distribution.Utilizing ground-based remote sensing, we have assembled a virtual outcrop model to extract mineral composition as well as fracture data from the model. We inferred anisotropy in vertical fracture permeability based on the dominancy of fracture orientations, the preferential distribution of fractures and distribution of chert nodules. These data are beneficial in reservoir analogs to study rock mechanics and fluid flow, and to improve well performances.  相似文献   
指出ISD单片语言器件的独特之处,是采用直接模拟存储技术,语音信号以其原本的模拟形式直接存入模拟量存储器中并长远保存。省去了传统的A/D和D/A数模转换机制,能高保真的将语音内容再生。这是一种高新录/放技术。另外,给出的ISD基本录/放电路十分简单易用。可方便地为微机系统、测控仪表电器和广播等设备所采用,使设备具有高效功能  相似文献   
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, outcrop measurements, and cores provide a high-resolution 3D geologic model to investigate the hydraulic effects of shales in marine-influenced lower delta-plain distributary channel deposits within the Cretaceous-age Ferron Sandstone at Corbula Gulch in central Utah, USA. Shale statistics are computed from outcrop observations. Although slight anisotropy was observed in mean length and variogram ranges parallel and perpendicular to pale of low , the anisotropy is not statistically significant and the estimated mean length is 5.4 m. Truncated Gaussian simulation was used to create maps of shales that are placed on variably dipping stratigraphic surfaces interpreted from high-resolution 3D GPR surveys, outcrop interpretations, and boreholes. Sandstone permeability is estimated from radar responses calibrated to permeability measurements from core samples. Experimentally designed flow simulations examine the effects of variogram range, shale coverage fraction, and trends in shale coverage on predicted upscaled permeability, breakthrough time, and sweep efficiency. Approximately 1500 flow simulations examine three different geologic models, flow in the 3 coordinate directions, 16 geostatistical parameter combinations, and 10 realizations for each model. ANOVA and response models computed from the flow simulations demonstrate that shales decrease sweep, recovery, and permeability, especially in the vertical direction. The effect on horizontal flow is smaller. Flow predictions for ideal tracer displacements at Corbula Gulch are sensitive to shale-coverage fraction, but are relatively insensitive to twofold variations in variogram range or to vertical trends in shale coverage. Although the hydraulic effects of shale are statistically significant, the changes in flow responses rarely exceed 20%. As a result, it may be reasonable to use simple models when incorporating analogous shales into models of reservoirs or aquifers.  相似文献   
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