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"868"菌粉作饲料添加剂提高甲鱼免疫力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以0.5%量添加"868"菌粉作甲鱼饲料添加剂,喂养3个月,用甲醛灭活的嗜水气假单胞菌免疫后,观察甲鱼抗体产生和中性白细胞吞噬能力的变化情况.结果表明,"868"菌粉可促进甲鱼抗体产生,且甲鱼白细胞吞噬率提高了4.1%,吞噬指数提高了8.4%.  相似文献   
邓友生  马巍  何平  周成林 《冰川冻土》2003,25(6):644-647
将研制的高分子有机材料作为添加剂,加入到土体中,经过拌和夯实、干燥固结,能够起到稳定和提高土体的强度,并具有低渗透和低吸水等特性.冻胀试验表明:加入添加剂不仅能阻止土体冻胀的产生、外来水源的入侵及水分的迁移,还能隔断土体孔隙之间的联系,使水分在土体孔隙中不能运移,从而达到了防治冻胀的目的。  相似文献   
某核废物填埋区土壤对Sr吸附的动态模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国处理极低放废物采用的是就近地质填埋的方法,通过选择合适的吸附材料及添加剂,建立人工屏障,以最大限度地阻滞核素进入与人类生活有关的自然环境中。这里通过研究某地土壤对Sr的吸附,做了动态模拟试验,建立了动态模型,进行不同高度柱体的对比实验。经实验表明:填埋区土壤TY29+1%人造沸石作为填埋场屏障材料,可营造“碱性~还原”氛围,对阻滞Sr迁移非常有效。不同高度柱体对比实验表明:当柱高度之比为1:2:3,C/C0=0.5时,其累计输出的流量之比为1:1.96:2.16,平均渗透系数分别为:0.62、0.52、0.54。由此可见,随高度增加,吸附性能呈增高的趋势,且柱体渗透性降低。在柱体吸附一段时间后,三个柱的吸附能力都出现了减小的突越,这与在吸附过程中前期为物理吸附进行的较快,后期为化学吸附进行的较慢有关。  相似文献   
中小型桡足类是海洋食物网中重要的中间环节,在碳循环里细菌碳和藻类碳向高营养级转化的过程中扮演重要角色。本文通过分析2013年3—4月、6—7月、9—10月和11—12月南沙群岛海域(111°30′E—112°30′E,4°30′N—11°30′N)的生态环境调查数据,对长腹剑水蚤属(Oithona)的种类组成、数量分布及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)南沙群岛海域共出现长腹剑水蚤15种(包括1个未定种),其中线长腹水蚤(Oithona linearis)、粗长腹剑水蚤(O.robusta)和长刺长腹剑水蚤(O.longispina)为南沙群岛海域首次记录,长腹剑水蚤属种类组成沿水深变化的现象较为明显,该属虽然在南沙群岛海域广泛分布,但单种的出现频率较低,其种类出现的季节性较强;(2)南沙群岛海域的长腹剑水蚤可以划分为常见广布组群Ⅰ和低频组群Ⅱ;(3)长腹剑水蚤年均栖息密度为30ind./m3,季节变化呈单峰型,秋季最高、冬季最低,高数量区主要出现在受南沙西部沿岸流和东部沿岸流影响的近岸海域;(4)在0—750m水深范围内,长腹剑水蚤数量沿水深梯度的垂直变化明显,呈现由浅至深数量明显减少的趋势,长腹剑水蚤主要集中分布在0—75m的水层中,75—500m数量急剧降低至最低后,在500—750m基本维持不变;(5)GAM分析表明,纬度、海水温度、盐度和叶绿素a浓度对长腹剑水蚤数量均有影响,以纬度的影响最为显著,其中长腹剑水蚤属最适温度为28.6—29.2℃,最适盐度为32.6—33.2,最适叶绿素a浓度为5—10μg/L;(6)长腹剑水蚤属更适栖息于低温和低盐,且受沿岸流影响的环境中。因此,其数量分布的季节变化与季风驱动的沿岸流势力强弱密切相关。  相似文献   
Water temperature has a significant influence on aquatic organisms, including stenotherm fish such as salmonids. It is thus of prime importance to build reliable tools to forecast water temperature. This study evaluated a statistical scheme to model average water temperature based on daily average air temperature and average discharge at the Sainte-Marguerite River, Northern Canada. The aim was to test a non-parametric water temperature generalized additive model (GAM) and to compare its performance to three previously developed approaches: the logistic, residuals regression and linear regression models. Due to its flexibility, the GAM was able to capture some of the nonlinear response between water temperature and the two explanatory variables (air temperature and flow). The shape of these effects was determined by the trends shown in the collected data. The four models were evaluated annually using a cross-validation technique. Three comparison criteria were calculated: the root mean square error (RMSE), the bias error and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency (NSC). The goodness of fit of the four models was also compared graphically. The GAM was the best among the four models (RMSE = 1.44°C, bias = ?0.04 and NSC = 0.94).  相似文献   
为探究长蛇鲻(Saurida elongate)的生态习性和分布规律,并为长蛇鲻资源的合理利用与养护提供科学依据,本文根据2016年秋季在山东南部近海进行的渔业资源与环境调查数据,分析了该海域长蛇鲻的分布特征,研究长蛇鲻成体、幼体的分布差异,并利用广义可加模型(GAM)研究其分布与生物因子和环境因子的关系。结果表明,长蛇鲻成体与幼体的分布存在差异,成体分布范围广,幼体主要分布在30 m等深线及以浅水域。GAM模型的结果表明,饵料生物、底层水温、水深和底层盐度是影响长蛇鲻相对资源量分布的主要因子。成体、幼体的分布与影响因子的关系差异极显著(P<0.01)。长蛇鲻成体的相对资源量随饵料生物和底层水温的增加表现为先上升后下降的趋势,而幼体呈现一致上升趋势;成体和幼体的相对资源量随水深增加均呈下降趋势;幼体相对资源量随底层盐度增加有明显上升趋势,而盐度对成体的影响不显著。本研究认为山东南部近海是长蛇鲻的重要栖息地,水温和盐度是成体和幼体分布差异的可能原因。  相似文献   
Effect of some additives on synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal conversion of fly ash into zeolites was conducted and the effects of the addition of sodium halide and waste solutions produced after zeolitization of fly ash, as well as the adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis process on the formation and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of zeolite product were evaluated. Both the addition of NaCl and NaF ameliorated the crystallinity and CEC of synthesized zeolite, but NaF had a better improvement effect. Na+ was considered to enhance the crystallization of zeolite, while F favored the dissolution of fly ash. The type of zeolite formed depended on the Si/Al ratio of the starting material prior to the nucleation and crystallization of zeolite. The adjustment of the Si/Al ratio of fly ash by addition of Na2SiO4 and Al(OH)3 changed the type and CEC of zeolite. Waste solutions contained large amount of Si and little Al due to the formation of a zeolite named NaP1 in zeolite terminology with the Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS) code of 39-0219. The alkalinity decreased largely. As a result, the CEC value of zeolite products synthesized with waste solution as alkali source decreased. The supplementation of new alkali to adjust the alkalinity of waste solution could enhance the CEC of synthesized product. It was concluded that: (1) addition of sodium halide and adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis can improve the quality of zeolite; (2) waste solutions produced following the zeolitization of fly ash can be reused as an alkali source in the activation of fly ash; zero-emission of waste solution in the synthesis of zeolite from fly ash is possible.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out to investigate the rheological properties of coal–oil–water suspension containing solids of different sizes. Two different coal samples with mean particle sizes of 120 mesh, 175 mesh and 220 mesh were used. The coal concentration was varied from 5% to 25% by weight. Sodium silicate has been used as an additive to study the behavior of the variation of average viscosity of the suspension. A generalized correlation has been developed to predict the average viscosity of suspension in terms of particle diameter of the coal, concentration of coal, viscosity of the suspending medium and the concentration of water. Experimental investigations revealed that coal–oil–water suspensions show an increase in the viscosity with decrease in coal size but with the addition of an additive, the average viscosity tends to decrease initially up to a certain optimum dosages and thereafter it increases with further addition of additives. Two empirical correlations are proposed for average viscosity of the coal–oil–water suspension, μsL in terms of physical properties of the solid and viscosity of the suspending medium with and without additives.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the topographic context of the remaining glaciated areas in the Maladeta Massif (Central Spanish Pyrenees). These ice‐covered surfaces have been incorporated into a geographic information system (GIS) in an attempt at correlating the presence of ice with a range of topographic variables obtained from a digital elevation model. The use of generalized additive models and binary regression tree models enabled us (i) to quantify the spatial variability in the distribution of glaciers attributable to characteristics of the local terrain, (ii) to investigate the interaction between the variables that account for the ice cover distribution and (iii) to map the probability of glacier development. Our results show that although the development of glaciers depends on regional climate conditions, the topographic context is of paramount importance in determining the location, extent, shape and recent evolution of each glacial body. Thus, the joint effect of altitude, exposure to incoming solar radiation, slope and mean curvature is able to explain more than 70 per cent of the observed variance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲交通通达性空间格局与人口变化关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李涛  曹小曙  黄晓燕 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1661-1672
基于1988年、1998年、2008年陆路交通网络数据,借助GIS软件,分析了1980年代以来珠三角地区交通网络通达性空间格局的变化,并采用GAM模型,定量分析了1980~2009年期间陆路交通网络与人口变化之间的关系。结果表明:研究时段内,公路交通通达性空间格局以穗-莞-深一线为最高,向外围逐渐递减;铁路交通通达性空间格局以广佛地区为中心向外围逐渐递减;陆路交通网络发展主要受公路网络的影响,铁路在整个交通网络中所起的作用较弱;各阶段通达性提高幅度差异较大,存在递减效应,第一阶段(1988~1998年)通达性提高较第二阶段(1998~2008年)更为显著;公路交通、铁路交通与人口变化关系具有差异性,公路交通对人口变化的作用显著,三个时段内其对人口变化的解释贡献率分别为11.56%、48.07%、44.92%,铁路与人口变化的关系较为薄弱,但在1990年以后,随着铁路网络扩展以及铁路运输服务水平的提高,其与人口变化的关系逐步增强。  相似文献   
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