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南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡表层沉积物的酸解烃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡表层沉积物的酸解烃分布特征,并佐以热释汞和蚀变碳酸盐的分析。从酸解烃中甲烷含量的低值和C1/(C2+C3)比值,以及乙烯的存在等判断,布兰斯菲尔德海峡沉积物的烃类气体来自于生物成因。  相似文献   
黄海海域陆相中生界地震反射特征及靶区优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用前人对黄海海域油气勘探成果,作者对北黄海盆地,南黄海盆地北部坳陷陆相中生界进行了研究。结果认为:黄海海域陆相中生界分布广、厚度大、具有良好的生、储、盖组合,是该区下步油气战略性调查的首选目标。并提出北黄海陆相中生界油气勘探应以东部凹陷为主,同时兼顾中部凹陷。南黄海北部坳陷近期油气勘探重点应选择北部凹陷和加大东北凹陷的研究力度。南黄海南部坳陷陆相中生界油气勘探重点放在南五和南七凹陷。  相似文献   
Based on the theory of formation dynamics of oil/gas pools, the Dongying sag can be divided into three dynamic systems regarding the accumulation of oil and gas: the superpressure closed system, the semi-closed system and the normal pressure open system. Based on the analysis of genesis of superpressure in the superpressure closed system and the rule of hydrocarbon expulsion, it is found that hydrocarbon generation is related to superpressure, which is the main driving factor of hydrocarbon migration. Micro fractures formed by superpressure are the main channels for hydrocarbon migration. There are three dynamic patterns for hydrocarbon expulsion: free water drainage, hydrocarbon accumulation and drainage through micro fissures. In the superpressure closed system, the oil-driving-water process and oil/gas accumulation were completed in lithologic traps by way of such two dynamic patterns as episodic evolution of superpressure systems and episodic pressure release of faults. The oil-bearing capacity of lithologic traps is intimately related to reservoir-forming dynamic force. Quantitative evaluation of dynamic conditions for pool formation can effectively predict the oil-bearing capability of traps.  相似文献   
辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的碳同位素组成特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过对辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的饱和烃、芳烃的碳同位素组成特征、原油同位素类型和单体烃同位素特征进行研究 ,发现整个东部凹陷原油及其组分的碳同位素值偏重 ,指示其源岩有机质中藻类和低等水生生物的贡献较少 ;饱和烃—芳烃的碳同位素值关系揭示东部凹陷大部分原油样品与沙河街组沙三段烃源岩的特征相近 ,而南部和北部地区少数样品表现出负的碳同位素异常 ,与该区中生界源岩样品的接近 ,推测原油中可能混入了中生界来源的油气。南部地区各样品的碳同位素类型曲线和单体烃的碳同位素曲线均相似 ,揭示了两者具相同的油气来源。北部地区各原油样品的单体烃的碳同位素类型曲线间具有相似的分布特征 ,但茨榆坨地区的原油样品的碳同位素值比牛居地区的系统偏轻 ,可能是成熟度相对较低引起的 ,表明茨榆坨地区原油具有早期成藏的特征。原油的碳同位素组成特征是研究油气来源和成藏特征分析的一种重要手段。  相似文献   
The diagenetic mechanism and process of carbonate rocks, which is different to that of clastic rocks, decides the existence of different existing state organic matters in carbonate rocks. This has been verified by both the microscopic observation of organic petrology and the analysis of organic geochemistry of many samples. Based on the hydrous pyrolysis simulation experiment of the low-mature carbonate rocks, the contrasting study on the yield and their geochemistry characteristics of different existing state soluble organic matters of a series of various maturity samples shows that the different existing state organic matters make different contributions to hydrocarbon generation during every evolution state. So that, the hydrocarbon generation process of carbonate rocks can be summarized as the following three stages: the first is the direct degradation of biogenic bitumen macromolecules during the immature stage, the second is the thermal degradation of a large amount of kerogen at the mature stage, the last stage is the expulsion or release of inclusion organic matter owing to the increased thermal expansion pressure during the high evolution stage. Part of achievements of the Eighth Five-Year National Science-Technology Key-Task Project “85-102-02-07”.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地卫星重力异常与油气资源的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张健  周国藩 《地球科学》1997,22(6):643-647
利用中国地区360阶局部重力场模型IGG93E,计算出不同阶窗的卫星重力异常,然后利用Molodensky单层密度积分方程将卫星重力转化为分层面密度异常,结合其他地球物理资料,分析并探讨了塔里木盆地油气资源与卫星重力异常的相关性。研究表明:塔里木盆地油气资源分布与101-180阶卫星分同密度异常图中负密度异常带关系密切。而181-360阶卫重分层面异常图则对盆地内生油、储油的坳陷、隆起等构造有较9  相似文献   
Problem on development control of marine source bed hold in Chinese petroleum industry progression. The Hongshuizhuang Formation,Tieling Formation and Xiamaling Formation in the Middle and Upper Proterozoic are important hydrocarbon source beds in northern North China, and investigation of their sedimentary environments and the controls has great significance for petroleum exploration in North China. Based on sedimentology (sequence stratigraphy), palaeoecology, sedimentary geochemistry, and sedimentary palaeogeography, their development pattern is discussed. All these studies indicate that the development controls of the hydrocarbon source beds include a favorite palaeogeographic location, exceeding propagation of biomes in low and middle latitudes, anoxic environments, enrichment of phosphorus element and the adsorption of clay minerals during the preservation of organic matter in the marine carbonates.  相似文献   
笔者等通过电子背散射、二次成像和能谱分析,结合薄片和反射显微镜观察,发现松辽盆地古龙凹陷青山口组页岩中发育了大量由生排烃扩张形成的微米孔和微米缝。生排烃高压扩张微米孔的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多为近圆形或半圆形,直径多在0. 5 μm到数微米,一般1~2 μm,最大可达8 μm;④孔缘一般为以绿泥石为主的黏土,形成不连续的圈环;圈环上缘的黏土多呈弧形或眉状,绿泥石化明显,在背散射图像中呈亮色;⑤孔内多有自生的纳米级葡萄状或豆渣状黏土,是构成封存油气的物质基础;⑥生排烃高压扩张微米孔可以组合成4种类型:即垂向联结成垂直的排烃烟囱型、垂向联结成倾斜的排烃烟囱型、水平联结成顺层的排烃管型和竖面上联结成更大的片状大孔型。排烃烟囱直或微曲,直立或倾斜;宽1~3 μm,最宽可达200 μm;高十几到30 μm,最大可达1500 μm;顶部多与顺层微米缝(或毫米缝)联结,是排烃烟囱的最终泄压和泄油气的总库;生排烃扩张微米孔孔隙度变化大,面孔率一般在5%~6%,局部面孔率最高可达39. 66%。生排烃高压扩张微米缝的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多以顺页理为主的微米缝为主;④略曲的张性缝,多呈锯齿状,绕过刚性矿物;⑤宽度多在0. 5 μm到数十微米;最宽可达150 μm;⑥多与黄铁矿、白云石、磷灰石等自生矿物伴生;⑦多与生排烃扩张微米孔和排烃烟囱相连。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的形成动力主要有两种:一种是烃类流体的高压扩张力;第二种是烃类流体的化学溶蚀力。笔者等计算了形成这种生排烃微米孔和微米缝的压力,形成生排烃扩张微米孔从1500 m的44. 74 MPa到2500 m深的74. 81 MPa;形成生排烃扩张微米缝的排烃压力稍大,在相同深度比形成生排烃扩张微米孔大3 MPa。生排烃扩张微米孔缝与其他孔缝相连构成了一个储运网络,使储层的储集能力和渗透性大幅增加,是可动用储量的主要贡献者,为古龙页岩油的开发创造了有利条件。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的发现对于古龙页岩油的勘探开发具有重要意义,同时对于页岩油储层的研究具有启发作用。  相似文献   
扬子地区下古生界发育了上奥陶统五峰组和下志留统龙马溪组两套有效烃源岩,查清其发育环境及其控制因素具有重要的科学理论和油气勘探意义.晚奥陶世开始,扬子地区进入碎屑岩陆棚演化阶段;五峰期-龙马溪期,扬子地区主体为局限的深水陆棚环境,总体呈现出浅水陆棚、深水陆棚、次深海共存的古地理格局.沉积体系展布和沉积演化主要受扬子陆块与华夏陆块的汇聚作用控制.扬子地区上奥陶统-下志留统烃源岩的形成与生烃母质生物的高生产力和高埋藏率、冰期-冰后期之交的气温快速转暖、海平面快速上升以及粘土矿物在有机质富集保存过程中的赋存驻留作用等密切相关.  相似文献   
海洋动物体石油烃污染评价标准参考值的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内外尚无颁布任何海洋生物石油污染评价标准,为了满足海洋生物石油污染评价的需要,本文采用综合分析与毒理学分析相结合的方法,探讨和提出了海洋动物石油污染评价标准参考值,海洋鱼类、贝类和甲壳类的石油污染评价标准参考值(干重)分别为15、70 和25 m g/kg。  相似文献   
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