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湘西震旦—寒武纪交替时期古海洋环境的恢复   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
前寒武纪至寒武纪的交替时期是地质史和生命史的重要转折。中国南方地区广泛发育了上震旦统、下寒武统的黑色岩系。文中运用沉积学和沉积地球化学的理论和方法对湘西黑色岩系的岩石类型、矿物组成、元素地球化学特征、干酪根的结构以及碳同位素的组成等方面进行了研究 ,讨论了黑色岩系的形成条件 ,恢复了震旦纪 /寒武纪地史转折期的古环境。研究认为 ,湘西地区在晚震旦世和早寒武世地史转折期的生物爆发和高有机质的产率是形成缺氧环境的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
Liu  Chunla  Wu  Liping  Xu  Mei  Zeng  Fanchao  Jiao  Lipeng 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(12):2076-2092
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Since 2007, the Chinese government has initiated the building of national eco-cultural protection areas (NECPAs), thereby embarking on a significant...  相似文献   
The Xiangxi Au–Sb–W deposit, the largest of its type in northwestern Hunan, China, is a sulfide-dominated ore body hosted by low grade metamorphic red slates of the Neoproterozoic Madiyi Formation. Three stages of mineralization, quartz–scheelite, quartz–gold–pyrite, quartz–gold–stibnite, and one metal-barren stage of veining, quartz–calcite, are recognized. Arsenopyrite occurs only as a minor mineral phase in the second stage. Analyses for 21 trace elements show that the enrichment factors of As in the metal deposit (EC [=element concentration of sample/average content of an element in the upper crust]: 190; 43 samples) in ore veins and in the Guanzhuang and Yuershan reference sections (3.7 km and 2.7 km away from the Xiangxi mine, EC: 3.5; 96 samples) are much smaller than those of Sb (52855 [in ore veins], 117 [in the sections]), W (5665, 7.5) and Au (2727, 5.3). The background concentrations of Au and As in the two sections were 1.4 ppb and 1.4 ppm, respectively. Arsenic (with an anomaly coefficient [AC = number of anomalous samples/total number of samples] of 76%) forms a larger geochemical halo than W (AC: 8%) and Au (AC: 32%). Gold and As in the deposit were transported mainly as metal complexes such as Au(HS)2, HnAs3S−(3−n)6 (n=1, 2 or 3) and HAsS02. Au(HS)2 is rapidly precipitated by a geochemical oxidation barrier — the red slates of the Madiyi Formation. As–S complexes in the stratigraphic horizon can be transformed into As–O complexes (e.g., H3AsO03) under oxidizing conditions, and are continuously transported. Therefore, they can be widely distributed in the red slate units, thus forming extensive geochemical haloes, so that As can be used as an indicator element for Au exploration in the Xiangxi region.  相似文献   
The Xiangxi River is the first middling tributary of the Changjiang River near the Three Gorges Dam. The River is subject to phosphorus pollution mainly from industrial wastewater. As the water quality of the Xiangxi River could directly influence the water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the research on phosphorus levels and its change in the sediment profile of the Xiangxi River could provide useful information in the dynamic changes in the system, thereby offering options for mitigative measures. Water and sediment samples from lower reaches of Xiangxi River were collected and the different forms of phosphorus in sediments of the Xiangxi River were studied. The concentrations of total phosphorus in sediment ranged from 757.67 to 1438.54 mg/kg. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations ranged from 684.63 to 1055.58 mg/kg. Phosphorus contamination was serious in some parts of the Xiangxi River. With an average concentration of 635.17 mg/kg, calcium-bound phosphorus is the main form among different inorganic phosphorus forms. Labile phosphorus and iron/aluminum-bound phosphorus measured 3.40, 0.05and 35.28 mg/kg, respectively. The mobilization potential of phosphorus of sediments was studied through adsorption and release experiments. The equilibrium concentration of phosphorus adsorption and release was around 0.1 mg/L. The initial concentrations of phosphorus in the overlying water and the sediments have obvious effect on phosphorus mobilization potential. In addition, the release rate of phosphorus in sediment increased with water depth.  相似文献   
少数民族地区古城镇城址空间分布关系对现今城镇化研究有一定的启示作用。选取湘西土家族老司城遗址作为研究对象,采用GIS技术对老司城遗址的城址空间分布关系及其主要地形因子做了定量研究,并在此基础上进行了定性研究。老司城遗址选址考虑山地地形特征,建筑尽量不破坏自然景观,注重融入自然环境,集约利用资源,是山地生态城镇的典范。  相似文献   
香溪河流域白家堡滑坡变形监测初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白家堡滑坡受三峡大坝蓄水及强降雨影响变形较为明显,且仍在变形过程中.利用GDM600S型全站仪及cx-03D型钻孔测斜仪分别对滑坡地表及滑坡深部位移进行监测.监测结果表明:白家堡滑坡体呈 "D" 型整体运动;滑坡后缘滑动面(带)和中部滑动面(带)分别在地下11 m和28.5 m左右;滑坡整体滑动方向大致为NE 55°,且滑坡变形具有自后缘向前缘递减的趋势.  相似文献   
由于自然和人为因素的影响,三峡水库鱼类资源一直在发生变化,为掌握三峡水库蓄水后典型支流香溪河鱼类群落的现状及历史变化,于2020年7月—2021年4月使用多网目复合刺网和地笼对香溪河鱼类群落进行实地采样,并结合历史数据进行比较分析。研究期间共采集到鱼类55种,隶属于7目14科,鲤科鱼类种类数最多,以杂食性鱼类和湖泊定居性鱼类为主,优势种为贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、短颌鲚(Coilia bratchygnahus)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)和翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus),其相对重要性指数(IRI)分别为5502、3828、2567和1109。鱼类物种多样性指数在春季最高,夏季最低。刺网单位捕捞努力量渔获个体数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量在夏季最高,冬季最低。与三峡水库蓄水前相比,香溪河鱼类中长江上游特有鱼类减少4种,外来鱼类增加3种。湖泊定居性种类持续增加,喜流水性种类减少,鱼类优势种发生较大变动。2020—2021年香溪河鱼类组成与1987年的相似性指数为0.29,与2012—2013年的相似性指数为0.53,反映三峡水库蓄水前后香溪河...  相似文献   
Four field campaigns are carried out to quantify the methane (CH4) oxidation rate in Xiangxi Bay (XXB) of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), China. The water depth of the sampling site varied from 13 to 30 m resulting from the water level fluctuation of the TGR. The CH4 oxidation rates are measured in situ as the decline of dissolved CH4 concentration versus time in incubated, and those rates. The CH4 oxidation rates range from 1.18 × 10?3 to 3.69 × 10?3 µmol L?1 h?1, with higher values and stronger variation during summer. A static floating chamber method is used to measure CH4 emitted to the atmosphere resulting in an annual mean flux of 4.79 µmol m?2 h?1. The CH4 emission rate is significantly negatively correlated with the water level. The results show that a large fraction of CH4 is consumed in the water column with a range of 28.97–55.90 µmol m?2 h?1, accounting for ≈69–98% of the total CH4 input into the water column, and more than 90% is consumed outside the summer, when the water level is lowest. Water depth, which is dominated by water level of the TGR, is a potentially important driver for CH4 oxidation and atmospheric emission in the tributary bay.  相似文献   
Polymetallic vein-type Zn-Pb deposits are located in the Xiangxi–Qiandong zinc-lead metallogenic belt (XQMB) of the northwestern margin of the Jiangnan Orogen, South China. Ores are mainly found in fault-bounded quartz veins hosted in the upper part of the Banxi Group that consists of low-grade metamorphic sandstone, siltstone with minor tuff interbeds. The Zn-Pb deposits primarily contain sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite, accompanied by quartz and minor calcite. Zinc, lead, copper, indium and gallium are enriched in these ores. Investigation of the ore fluid reveals low temperature (87–262 °C) with scattered salinity (range from 2.73 to 26.64 wt% NaCleqv.). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate mixing of magmatic hydrothermal fluid and meteoric water (δ18OH2O SMOW = 0.2‰ to 4.2‰; δDH2O SMOW = −126‰ to −80‰). Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate samples indicate the magmatic hydrothermal origin of CO32− or CO2 in ore-forming fluid (δ13CPDB = −6.9‰ to −5.7‰, δ18OSMOW = 11.3‰ to 12.7‰). Sulfur and lead isotopic compositions (δ34SVCDT = 8.8–14.2‰ and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.156–17.209, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.532–15.508, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.282–37.546) demonstrate that sulfur sources were relatively uniform, and low radiogenic lead isotopic compositions indicate that ore metals were derived from a relatively unradiogenic source, probably by mixing of mantle with crust. Therefore, polymetallic vein-type Zn-Pb mineralization in this area probably arose from a magmatic-related hydrothermal system, and the deposition of sulfides occurred in response to cooling and boiling of magmatic hydrothermal fluids (high salinity, high δ18OH2O and δDH2O and metal-bearing), and is mainly the result of emplacement into open space and mixing with meteoric water (low salinity, low δ18OH2O and δDH2O). This study provides direct evidence that magmatism was involved in the ore-forming processes of the low temperature metallogenic district, South China, and it raises awareness about the presence of polymetallic vein-type Zn-Pb deposits in the northwest margin of Jiangnan Orogen and their potential as a source of zinc, copper, indium and gallium.  相似文献   
We describe the phytoplankton dynamics and structure in Xiangxi Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir. Samples were collected monthly in the surface waters between August 2007 and July 2008. We identified 10 principle functional groups. C-strategists and S/R-strategists with a wide range of tolerance dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. Seasonal variation was related to water column stability because of changes in hydraulic operation in October, January, and May. Functional group C (Asterionella formosa) and P (Au...  相似文献   
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