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基于离散元的强度折减法分析岩质边坡稳定性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
雷远见  王水林 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1693-1698
将通用离散元UDEC与强度折减法结合,对含多结构面的岩质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。通过对节理岩质边坡的UDEC模型中的可变形块体和节理单元的强度参数进行折减,使模型不能再达到平衡状态,此时的折减系数就是边坡的安全系数,另外,由对应的边坡块体的速度矢量可以确定滑动面和边坡的破坏形态。通过与传统的条分法的结果比较,表明基于UDEC的强度折减法是一种可靠、有效的方法,为复杂节理岩质边坡的滑动面确定与安全系数计算开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   
基于UDEC的隧道掘进机滚刀破岩数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现今全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)施工方法在长大深埋隧道工程中已被广泛采用,对滚刀破岩关键技术的进一步认识具有重要的工程价值。为了研究滚刀破岩机制,分析刀圈断面形态、岩石强度和节理角度对其的影响,运用UDEC方法建立了滚刀贯切岩石的二维数值系列模型,对TBM滚刀破岩过程进行了仿真。分析表明:滚刀破岩是滚刀下岩石拉破坏和剪破坏的综合反映,拉破坏是裂纹萌生与扩展的主要驱动机制;刃宽较大的平刀与刃角较大的楔刀破岩效果较好;平刀与楔刀在软岩中破岩效果相近,平刀在硬岩施工中比楔刀的破岩效果好;滚刀对节理角度为30°~60°的岩石破坏效果较好,由于楔刀的“劈裂”作用,楔刀比平刀更适合用于贯切含有节理的岩石。  相似文献   
顺层岩质边坡易发生失稳破坏,当边坡中发育有顺坡向陡倾结构面时,更不利于边坡稳定。以贵州某水电站大坝左岸含陡倾结构面顺层边坡为例,在综合分析地质条件及开挖扰动的基础上,结合离散元软件UDEC,分析了边坡的变形破坏模式和稳定性。研究结果表明,边坡可能发生的变形破坏模式主要有滑移、拉裂—滑移两种;自然状况下及开挖后,边坡都有沿断层f9、卸荷裂隙L1及岩层面发生滑移的趋势,且工程开挖导致边坡沿该结构面发生内部滑动;对边坡采用预应力锚索加固后,变形得到有效控制,位移数值计算值与实际监测值基本吻合。  相似文献   
The microstructure of rock was numerically reproduced by a polygonal grain‐based model, and its mechanical behavior was examined by performing the uniaxial compression test and Brazilian tests via the Universal Distinct Element Code. The numerical results of the model demonstrated good agreement with the experimental results obtained with rock specimens in terms of the stress–strain behavior, strength characteristics, and brittle fracture phenomenon. An encouraging result is that the grain‐based model‐Universal Distinct Element Code model can reproduce a low ratio of tensile to compressive strength of 1/20 to 1/10 without the need for an additional process. This finding is ascribed to the fact that the geometrical features of polygons can effectively capture the effects of angularity, finite rotation, and interlocking of grains that exist in reality. A numerical methodology to monitor the evolution of micro‐cracks was developed, which enabled us to examine the progressive process of the failure and distinguish the contribution of tensile cracking to the process from that of shear cracking. From the observations of the micro‐cracking process in reference to the stress–strain relation, crack initiation stress, and crack damage stress, it can be concluded that the failure process of the model closely resembles the microscopic observations of rock. We also carried out a parametric study to examine the relationships between the microscopic properties and the macroscopic behavior of the model. Depending on the micro‐properties, the model exhibited a variety of responses to the external load in terms of the strength and deformation characteristics, the evolution of micro‐cracks, and the post‐peak behavior. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地震荷载作用下顺层岩体边坡变形特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用二维离散元程序UDEC计算了地震荷载作用下边坡的位移,并将计算结果与Newmark法计算结果及震后现场实测值进行了对比。结果表明,Newmark法计算得到的位移值较实测值偏小,离散元计算得到的位移结果较Newmark法更接近于实测值。在此基础上,初步分析了地震荷载作用下坡高、坡角、岩层倾角等因素对顺层岩体边坡位移的影响规律。由分析结果可知,地震荷载下顺层岩体边坡的位移并不随坡高增加而单调增大,在坡高约100 m时位移达到最大值,坡高超高100 m位移反而有所降低;当坡高超高200 m后,位移随坡高的变化幅度不大,顺层岩体边坡的位移随坡角增加而单调增大。随岩层倾角增加边坡位移明显增大;当岩层倾角大于层面内摩擦角时,随着岩层倾角的增大,边坡变形增长幅度明显增大。  相似文献   
Openings including their size, shape and distribution in rock play a significant role in the performance of rock related structures. The well-established knowledge in this area can contribute to the engineering practices, for example, underground space design, planning and optimisation in Civil and Mining Engineering and wellbore stability in Drilling Engineering, among others. Thus, understanding the failure mechanism of rock with openings is theoretically and practically meaningful. Laboratory testing on rock or rock-like materials with openings have been studied extensively in the literature, which, however, primarily focuses on the cracks/fractures. In this paper, a comprehensive numerical study on the effect of non-banded openings, i.e., circular, rectangular, and triangular opening, on the rock mechanical behaviour is performed using a hybrid continuum-discrete element method. It is revealed that the proposed simulation method can reproduce reasonably the crack initiation and propagation, and predict well the change of the mechanical behaviour due to the openings. In addition, the influence of the opening shape and opening ratio (=area of opening/specimen area) on the mechanical behaviour is also investigated.  相似文献   
为了研究矿山采空区坡体的应力(裂隙)分布情况,并对崩塌过程分析进行检验,本文采用离散元数值软件(UDEC)对纳雍县张家湾镇普洒煤矿采煤过程中覆岩裂隙发生、发展及其变化过程进行模拟。结果表明:随着煤层开采的推进,覆岩裂隙向上发展且密度逐渐增多;由于采空区范围过大时,部分被重新压实,裂隙发育至地表形成开切眼;最后在外力作用下整条裂缝垂直贯通,形成危岩体的发展规律,可为类似的矿山地质灾害防治提供基础依据。  相似文献   
根据应力波传播原理分析了水平层状岩体边坡中应力波传播特征,建立了应力波在该类边坡中传播的模型.利用离散元软件UDEC分析了不同频率垂向压缩应力波作用下边坡动力响应规律中的结构面效应.结果表明:边坡中的水平层面对坡顶的动力响应有明显影响.低频应力波作用下,水平层状岩体边坡坡顶的垂向峰值速度较均质坡体相同部位的峰值速度的增...  相似文献   
Drilling and blasting is a major technology in mining since it is necessary for the initial breakage of rock masses in mining. Only a fraction of the explosive energy is efficiently consumed in the actual breakage and displacement of the rock mass, and the rest of the energy is spent in undesirable effects, such as ground vibrations. The prediction of induced ground vibrations across a fractured rock mass is of great concern to rock engineers in assessing the stability of rock slopes in open pit mines. The waveform superposition method was used in the Gol-E-Gohar iron mine to simulate the production blast seismograms based upon the single-hole shot vibration measurements carried out at a distance of 39 m from the blast. The simulated production blast seismograms were then used as input to predict particle velocity time histories of blast vibrations in the mine wall using the universal distinct element code (UDEC). Simulated time histories of particle velocity showed a good agreement with the measured production blast time histories. Displacements and peak particle velocities were determined at various points of the engineered slope. The maximum displacement at the crest of the nearest bench in the X and Y directions was 26 mm, which is acceptable in regard to open pit slope stability.  相似文献   
岩溶坡体裂隙的扩展贯通是造成坡体失稳破坏的重要因素。为研究采动作用下高陡岩溶坡体随裂隙扩展贯通的失稳破坏机理,采用离散元(Universal Distinct Element Code,UDEC)数值模拟,研究了采动作用下坡体裂隙的发展规律。研究结果表明:采动作用对岩溶坡体的稳定性具有重要的影响作用,主要表现在煤层上覆岩体新生裂隙的发育以及诱发坡体原有裂隙的扩展;坡体内部裂隙的发育具有一定的时空效应,裂隙带高度随着采空区范围的增加而增加;坡体原有深大裂隙对坡体的破坏具有控制作用,坡体破坏时崩滑体沿着主控裂隙发生滑动;二维模型显示,含深大裂隙岩溶坡体在采动作用下形成类似"悬臂梁结构",悬臂梁结构沿着主控裂隙发生断裂,坡体中间软岩被挤出,最终主控裂隙与临空面扩展贯通,坡体发生崩塌破坏。  相似文献   
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