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原达县地区是全省矿业活动最频繁的地区之一,也一度成了全省有名的“采煤混战”大区。近几年来,以《矿产资源法》为指针,抓住“重点”,调处“热点”,解决“难点”,以点带面,加强矿管行政执法工作,促进了全区矿业秩序的全面好转,矿业生产也相应得到健康发展。矿业产值占全区工业总产值的15%左右,是全区的一大支柱产业,有力地促进了地方经济的发展。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Umanotani-Shiroyama pegmatite deposits, the largest producer of K-feldspar and quartz in Japan, are of typical granitic pegmatite. Ilmenite-series biotite granite and granite porphyry, hosting the ore deposits, and biotites separated from these rocks yielded K-Ar ages ranging from 89.0 to 81.4 Ma and 95.2 to 93.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovite and K-feldspar separated from the ore zone yielded K-Ar ages with the range of 96.2 to 93.1 Ma and 87.3 to 80.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovites from quartz-muscovite veins in the ore zone and in the granite porphyry yielded K-Ar ages of 90.4 and 76.3 Ma, respectively. K-feldspar is much younger in age than coexisting muscovite. It is noted that the K-Ar ages of biotite separates and the whole-rock ages are identical to those of muscovite and K-feldspar in the ore zone, respectively. These time relations, as well as field occurrence, indicate that the formation of the pegmatite deposits at the Umanotani-Shiroyama mine is closely related in space and time to a series of granitic magmatism of ilmenite-series nature. Using closure temperatures of the K-Ar system for biotite and K-feldspar (microcline), cooling rate of the pegmatite deposits is estimated to be about 82C/m.y. at the beginning, but slowed down to about 15C/m.y. in the later period.  相似文献   
天山西部伊犁地区314a降水的重建与分析   总被引:52,自引:11,他引:52  
袁玉江  叶玮  董光荣 《冰川冻土》2000,22(2):121-127
单相关普查表明,天山西部伊犁地区的10个树轮年表与该区上年6月至当年5月的年度降水相关显著,最高相关系数为0.584(x=0.005),使用5个年表序列较好的重建了伊犁地区314a的降水长序列,解释方差达75%,经多方面验证,表明其具有较好的可信性,314a来,伊犁地区降水经历了4个偏湿及4个偏干期,其偏湿期与北疆年降 水的偏湿期,原苏联、我国华北与华东、祁连山敦德冰芯所揭示的偏冷期具有一定对应关系  相似文献   
1995年日本兵库县南部地震时在淡路岛上出现的地表地震断层主要由三条地表破裂带组成、野岛地震断层、松帆地震层和楠本地震断层。野岛地震断层从淡路岛北端的淡路町住西南延伸到一宫町的尾崎,长达18km,其北段沿着早期存在的野岛断层分布,而南段则作为新断层出现,野岛地震断层的断层的北段主要由一些相互平行或次平行的右列剪切断层和许多左列和性裂隙组成,其南段则是由集中在十多米宽的大量不连续的地表破裂带所组成。野岛地震断层一般走向N30°~60°E倾向SE,地貌错位和断层擦痕均显示出此断层为一具有逆断层性质的右旋走滑断层,沿一些主要露头测定的北段水平位移量一般为100~200cm,垂直位移量为5O~100cm;而南段的水平、垂直位移量均只有几厘米至20cm。最大位移量在平林断层崖测得;水平180cm、垂直l30cm、实际位移量2l5cm。松帆地震断层走向N40°~60°W,沿着淡路岛北端部的海岸线分布,长达约1km。楠本地震断层沿早期存在的楠本断层出现,分布于淡路岛东北部的海岸边上,走向N35°~6O°W倾向NW 。根据地表地震断层的形态及地貌错位特征,野岛地震断层可被分为四条断层段,并在形态上呈现右列。地质和地貌证据以及余震分布的特征清楚地表明这4条断层段的几何形态和分布特征是受早期存在的地质构造所控制的,同时也说明了地震断层的破裂过程具有拉分(pulling-apart)和推隆(pushing-up)的过程,这两个过程分别产生了张性裂隙、拉分盆地、逆断层和挤压隆起等构造。  相似文献   
Petroleum geologists have debated whether the hydrocarbons from Jurassic coal measures are derived from the coals, carbonaceous mudstones or coal-measure mudstones in the Turpan Basin. Based on the geochemistry analysis of the 20 crude oils and 40 source rocks from the Turpan Basin, some data have been obtained as follows: carbon preference index and methylphenanthrene index of the Jurassic oils are 1.16–1.45 and 0.28–0.80, and the ααα C29 sterane 20S/(20S+20R) and C29 sterane ββ/(ββ+αα) are 0.44–0.51 and 0.4–0.54 respectively, which show the normal maturity of oils; the vitrinite reflectance of the source rocks from the Xishanyao to Badaowan Formations range from 0.47% to 0.97%, which indicate immature to mature thermal evolutionary stage and sufficient conditions for generating mass mature oil. The effect of hydrocarbon expulsion should be considered when studying the source of coal-derived oil by using Biomarkers. Biomarkers in the Jurassic oils from the basin are similar to those in the coals and carbonaceous mudstones, with a strong predominant content of pristane, relatively high ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (>1), a relatively high content of low carbon number tricyclic terpanes and C24 tetracyclic terpane, little gammacerane and C29 Ts detected, an absolute predominant content of C29 sterane and a relatively high content of diasterane. However, the opposite characteristics are shown in mudstones, with an approximately equal content of pristane and phytane, relatively low ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (<1), a relatively high content of high carbon number tricyclic terpanes and a low content of C24 tetracyclic terpane, peaks of gammacerane and C29 Ts detected obviously and an increasing C27 sterane content. All of these characteristics identify the coals and carbonaceous mudstones as the possible major oil source rocks in this area, and they were formed in the stronger oxidizing environment with shallower water than mudstones.  相似文献   
吐哈盆地中央构造带正反转演化特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
吐哈盆地中央构造带由火焰山构造和七克台构造组成。中央构造带形成于三叠纪晚期至侏罗纪早期,表现为伸展构造特征,生长断层上盘地层厚度明显大于下盘,并于断层上盘所在的台北凹陷形成沉降中心。晚侏罗世,由于拉萨陆块与欧亚大陆的碰撞作用导致吐哈盆地由伸展盆地转变为挤压盆地,中央构造带也于此时发生构造反转,由早期的伸展正断层转变为挤压逆断层。发生于55Ma的喜山构造事件对天山地区产生了深刻的影响,但影响时间略有滞后,大致发生在晚渐新世至早中新世,中央构造带即在此次构造事件中强烈变形,逆冲出露于地表。  相似文献   
GPS-measured land subsidence in Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land subsidence caused by compression of clay layers in Ojiya City, Japan was measured by global positioning system (GPS) between 1 April 1996 and 31 December 1998.

Three baselines were selected in and around the city, and height difference on a WGS-84 ellipsoid was measured by GPS on each baseline. The ground at the GPS station in the city subsides and rebounds 7 cm every winter and spring, respectively. Measurement accuracy was 9.5 mm standard deviation. Ground water level was observed at a well near the GPS station. Regression analysis between total strain, calculated as ratio of the height difference displacement to the total thickness of the clay layers, and the layers' effective stress change with ground water level change gave good correlation. The slope of regression line 7.0×10−11 m2/N was obtained as an average apparent coefficient of volume compressibility of the layers.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionInextremelyaridareaswherearidityishigherthan16.0,themaintenanceanddevelopmentofregionaloasiseconomyhavebeenrestrictedbytheutilizationandallotmentofwaterresource.Thus,itissignificantlyimportanttoexplore,onthebasisofwaterresource,thedevelopmen…  相似文献   
An efficient and accurate method of generating landslide susceptibility maps is very important to mitigate the loss of properties and lives caused by this type of geological hazard. This study focuses on the development of an accurate and efficient method of data integration, processing and generation of a landslide susceptibility map using an ANN and data from ASTER images. The method contains two major phases. The first phase is the data integration and analysis, and the second is the Artificial Neural Network training and mapping. The data integration and analysis phase involve GIS based statistical analysis relating landslide occurrence to geological and DEM (digital elevation model) derived geomorphological parameters. The parameters include slope, aspect, elevation, geology, density of geological boundaries and distance to the boundaries. This phase determines the geological and geomorphological factors that are significantly correlated with landslide occurrence. The second phase further relates the landslide susceptibility index to the important geological and geomorphological parameters identified in the first phase through ANN training. The trained ANN is then used to generate a landslide susceptibility map. Landslide data from the 2004 Niigata earthquake and a DEM derived from ASTER images were used. The area provided enough landslide data to check the efficiency and accuracy of the developed method. Based on the initial results of the experiment, the developed method is more than 90% accurate in determining the probability of landslide occurrence in a particular area.  相似文献   
利用黔西南州8个国家气象观测站1961~2020年的极端最高、最低和平均最高、最低气温资料,以年代为周期,分析近60年黔西南州极端最高、最低和平均最高、最低气温的时空演变特征。结果表明:夏季,北亚热带季风湿润气候区及南亚热带季风湿润气候区的平均最高气温、平均极端最高气温在60年代至80年代处于持续上升趋势,在90年代略下滑,进入21世纪后又持续上升。北亚热带季风湿润气候区,近60年平均最高气温升高0.96℃,平均极端最高气温升高0.43℃;南亚热带季风湿润气候区近60年平均最高气温升高0.73℃,平均极端最高气温升高0.62℃。冬季,北亚热带季风湿润气候区平均最低气温及平均极端最低气温在70年代至80年代处于持续上升趋势,90年代略下滑,而进入21世纪又转为上升,近60年平均最低气温升高0.92℃,平均极端最低气温升高1.64℃;南亚热带季风湿润气候区,冬季平均最低气温及平均极端最低气温近60年呈持续上升趋势,平均最低气温升高2.35℃,平均极端最低气温升高3.32℃。  相似文献   
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