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The middle Cenomanian–lower Turonian deposits of Ohaba-Ponor section (Southern Carpathians) were studied from biostratigraphic and isotopic points of view. Both the qualitative and semiquantitative nannofloral analyses, as well as the stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) data support significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the investigated interval. Two δ13C positive excursions were recognized: (1) an excursion up to 1.8‰ (PDB) within the middle/late Cenomanian boundary; (2) an excursion up to 2.2‰ (PDB) in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. The oldest δ13C positive excursion recorded (placed within the Acanthoceras jukes-brownei/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Ammonite Zone boundary interval, and in the NC11 Calcareous Nannofossil Zone respectively) could be assigned to the middle Cenomanian Event II (MCEII). During the above-mentioned event, significant increase in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae, followed by successive blooms of Biscutum constans and Eprolithus floralis, were observed. The youngest δ13C positive excursion was identified in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (in the NC12 and lower part of the NC13 Calcareous Nannofossil Zones). Even the amplitude of this δ13C positive excursion is lower in the Ohaba-Ponor section, as generally reported, this may represent the regional record of the OAE2. The successive peaks of the nannofossils Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus erectus and Eprolithus floralis indicate episodes of cooler surface water and high fertility, which preceded and lasted the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event. Additionally, fluctuations of δ18O values between −2 and −6‰ suggest also cooler conditions within the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   
The upper Cenomanian–lower Turonian paleoenvironments of the Preafrican Trough carbonate platform is characterized by analyzing the structure of the ostracod assemblages and the information provided by other groups, and also by linking together the paleontological and geochemical data (detrital influx-redox-paleoproductivity proxies, δ13C curve). Two different domains (eastern and western) can be recognized on the platform during the late Cenomanian, before the onset of the OAE2. The western domain corresponds to a low-energy environment developed on a mid and/or outer ramp with hypoxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity. The paleoecological assemblages show limited specific diversity but variable density. The ostracods are opportunistic and unspecialized (r strategists), being associated with Buliminidae, surface and intermediate-water planktonic foraminifera, and fishes. The eastern domain corresponds to an inner ramp and/or peritidal environment with oxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity, developed in a higher energy environment with paleoecological assemblages showing high diversity but variable density. The ostracods are more specialized (K strategists), being represented by diverse and constant assemblages associated with diversified benthic foraminifera, calcareous sponges and echinoderms, as well as intermediate- and deep-water planktonic foraminifera. The onset of the OAE2 has no influence on the western ostracod assemblages, but leads to the decline of the ostracod fauna and the disappearance of the deep-water planktonic foraminifera in the eastern domain. During the early Turonian, after the OAE2, the platform becomes an outer ramp with increased paleoproductivity, but is associated with a decrease of taxonomic diversity in hypoxic waters. The ostracods are very sparse and unspecialized, associated with siliceous sponges, Buliminidae, surface-living planktonic foraminifera, fishes and pelagic crinoids. Marine paleobiogeographic communication is relatively easy across the carbonate platforms between the Preafrican Trough and other Moroccan regions, as well as between Morocco and different parts of the South Tethyan and East Atlantic margins belonging to the Cenomanian–Turonian South Tethyan Ostracod Province (STOP). Thirteen new species are described: Cytherella tazzouguertensis n. sp., Bairdiacypris chaabetensis n. sp., Bythocypris amelkisensis n. sp., Pontocypris tadighoustensis n. sp., Procytherura? elongatissima n. sp., Loxoconcha akrabouensis n. sp., Hemiparacytheridea sagittaemucronata n. sp., Rehacythereis errachidiaensis n. sp., Rehacythereis zizensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) tardaensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) mediacostarobusta n. sp., Xestoleberis? preafricanensis n. sp., and Xestoleberis circinatus n. sp.  相似文献   
The Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) event is not associated with a transgression on the southern margin of the Subalpine Basin, but with a steady shallowing-up trend beginning in the lower half of the δ13C positive shift. The SW–NE Rouaine Fault had a complex role, first in isolating a black shale basin to the west and a large, deep submarine plateau devoid of black shale to the east, then by a strike-slip movement that induced a forced progradation to the north of the southern platform in the eastern compartment. This compressive tectonic reactivation of the southern margin began around the deposition of the local equivalent of the Plenus bed of boreal basins, as shown by correlation supported by both isotope and palaeontological data. Other local data are pieced together to suggest that the whole of SE France underwent a short-lived transpressive tectonic pulse around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, probably connected with the early compressive movement of Africa vs. Europe. On a larger scale, other published data suggest that this pulse could be a global one. It is coeval with renewed thrust loading, volcanism and transgression in the North-American Western Interior, local emergences during the event along the eastern Atlantic margin, suggesting a slight tendency to inversion of the margin, and a tilting to the east of the North-Africa plate that could explain the large transgression recorded from Morocco to Tunisia on the Saharan Craton.New isotope and palaeontological (coiling ratio of Muricohedbergella delrioensis) data from SE France suggest that two coolings of suprabasinal importance occurred just before and during the build-up of the d13C shift, including the boreal “Plenus Marls“, especially its middle limestone bed and its SE France equivalent.Regarding the extinction of the genus Thalmaninella and Rotalipora and during the event, neither anoxia nor climate changes can fully explain the palaeontological crisis, given that Rotalipora cushmani crosses the first phase of anoxia without harm, as well as the two coolings, not only in SE France but on a large scale, as shown by the correlation of the published data. This extinction needs alternative explanations as we challenge both anoxia and climate as major causes.  相似文献   
Recent collecting in the type area of the Turonian stage and adjacent parts of Touraine in western France provides new geographic and stratigraphic records as well as additional systematic information on species of the ammonite genera Puzosia, Watinoceras, Metoicoceras, Mammites, Prohauericeras, Collignoniceras, Lecointriceras, Subprionocyclus and Sciponoceras.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of studies on plant macroremains found in the upper Turonian of the Folwark Quarry, Opole, Poland, associated with palynological studies of the host rocks. In addition to a few macrofossils (gymnosperm wood, conifer Geinitzia reichenbachii and fern ?Didymosorus) rich sporomorphs (bryophyte, lycopod and fern spores, conifer and angiosperm pollen grains) and marine palynomorphs (mainly dinoflagellate cysts) were recorded. The palynological analysis revealed that the vegetation on the neighbouring land (the East Sudetic Island) in the late Turonian was much more diverse than could be reconstructed based on only macrofossil remains. The latter are taxonomically restricted and dominated by one gymnosperm species (Geinitzia reichenbachii), which make them similar to most neighbouring, coeval Central European assemblages. Its over representation is, thus, a result of taphonomy.  相似文献   
Cenomanian, Turonian and Coniacian ostracods from a borehole in the coastal zone of the Tarfayan Basin, south-western Morocco, display affinities with associations from Algeria, Tunisia and the Middle East as well as with the Iberian Peninsula. Relationships with central and southern West Africa are relatively slight, which could be a result of palaeoecological particularities.  相似文献   
The Wadi Daya Formation, or the Calcaires crayeux of the older literature, attains a thickness of 10–40 m in the Talerhza Basin of the South Riffian Ridges. Previously, this unit was first dated as “Vraconian” (i.e., late upper Albian), but then reinterpreted as Cenomanian-Turonian and Cenomanian-Coniacian on the basis of foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages, respectively. Here, we record for the first time in the South Riffian Ridges, some typically Turonian ammonoids and a nautiloid species, namely Romaniceras (Yubariceras) cf. ornatissimum (Stoliczka), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) cf. reveliereanus (Courtiller), Neoptychites cephalotus (Courtiller), Pachydesmoceras linderi (de Grossouvre), Lewesiceras peramplum (Mantell) and Angulithes galea (Fritsch, in Fritsch & Schlönbach). These species are herein described and illustrated. In view of these data, the underlying Marnes et marno-calcaires jaunes Formation, formerly dated as “Vraconian”, could in fact be of a middle to late Cenomanian date, in accordance with the age assignment based on planktonic foraminifera. Deposition of the overlying Marnes jaunes Formation, previously dated as Cenomanian-“Senonian”, probably started during the latest Turonian or earliest Coniacian.  相似文献   
A priori, the recorded relative sea-level changes during the Cretaceous must be the combined effect of tectono-eustasy, geoidal-eustasy and various crustal level changes. To this we must add the human factor of differences and errors in interpretations.A posteriori, it is claimed that geoidal-eustasy dominated during the Hauterivian, Barremian, Turonian, Santonian and Maastrichtian, that tectono-eustasy dominated during the Albian, Cenomanian, Campanian and at the Maastrichtian/Danian boundary, and that local influences of sea-floor spreading are identified from the Albian/Cenomanian boundary onwards. To this we must add the local differential crustal movements modulating the global and regional ocean level changes. Geoidal-eustasy is mainly expressed as a latitudinal differentiation of the sea-level with out-of-phase changes between the hemispheres or the both high latitude regions. Furthermore, sedimentological records seem to record short-period geoidal-eustatic cycles.  相似文献   
 The Errachidia basin is composed of three superposed aquifers (Senonian, Turonian limestones and Infracenomanian). The Liassic limestone of the upper Atlas borders the northern part of the basin. The piezometric map of the Turonian aquifer displays a north-south flow, with an inflow area from the Atlas. This recharge hypothesis is demontrated by a discriminant analysis performed on chemical data: the majority of the spots are of sodium choride and hydrogenocarbonate types, while several boreholes are assigned to a calcium hydrogenocarbonate type Jurassic component. 18O measurements, using the Atlasic gradient δ18O=–4.18–0.0027 x elevation to estimate the recharge areas, confirm that the recharge area is the basin itself (<1100 m) on the Turonian outcrops, while in the confined part, the Turonian is recharged higher than 1400 m (corresponding to the Atlas). This contribution ranges from 56 to 85%, according to the situation versus the piezometric inflow area. The remainder represents infiltration and vertical leakage from the Senonian layers.  相似文献   
Two shallow water late Cenomanian to early Turonian sequences of NE Egypt have been investigated to evaluate the response to OAE2. Age control based on calcareous nannoplankton, planktic foraminifera and ammonite biostratigraphies integrated with δ13C stratigraphy is relatively good despite low diversity and sporadic occurrences. Planktic and benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions, as indicated by low species diversity, low oxygen and low salinity tolerant planktic and benthic species, along with oyster-rich limestone layers. In these subtidal to inner neritic environments the OAE2 δ13C excursion appears comparable and coeval to that of open marine environments. However, in contrast to open marine environments where anoxic conditions begin after the first δ13C peak and end at or near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, in shallow coastal environments anoxic conditions do not appear until the early Turonian. This delay in anoxia appears to be related to the sea-level transgression that reached its maximum in the early Turonian, as observed in shallow water sections from Egypt to Morocco.  相似文献   
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