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?zmir is the third largest city in Turkey and has being the centre of art, culture, tourism and trade activities throughout the 5,000 years of its history. Natural stones brought from different parts of the world have been widely used for construction of the prestigious buildings, monuments and roads etc., in the past in the city. Renovation of the street pavements and public gathering areas in the city centre has been undertaken by the Metropolitan Municipality in 2000 and continued through the year of 2001. These renovation activities have mainly been carried out in the streets running parallel to the sea shore. Volcanic rocks brought from the Central Anatolia Ankara-Gölba?? (andesites) and Kayseri-?ncesu (tuffs) have been used in the renovation works. These rocks have shown extensive deteriorations within 4 years of their usage between 2001 and 2005 under the influence of different environmental factors. In this study, the deteriorations developed in the recently placed volcanic rocks used as kerb and pavement stones in the city centre of ?zmir in the light of their mineralogical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties, used locations and the environmental factors are presented.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic (950 Ma) Lyngdal granodiorite of southern Norwaybelongs to a series of hornblende–biotite metaluminousferroan granitoids (HBG suite) coeval with the post-collisionalRogaland Anorthosite–Mangerite–Charnockite (AMC)suite. This granitoid massif shares many geochemical characteristicswith rapakivi granitoids, yet granodiorites dominate over granites.To constrain both crystallization (P, T, fO2, H2O in melt) andmagma generation conditions, we performed crystallization experimentson two samples of the Lyngdal granodiorite (with 60 and 65 wt% SiO2) at 4–2 kbar, mainly at fO2 of NNO (nickel–nickeloxide) to NNO + 1, and under fluid-saturated conditions withvarious H2O–CO2 ratios for each temperature. Comparisonbetween experimental phase equilibria and the mineral assemblagein the Lyngdal granodiorite indicates that it crystallized between4 and 2 kbar, from a magma with 5–6 wt % H2O at an fO2of NNO to NNO + 1. These oxidized and wet conditions sharplycontrast with the dry and reduced conditions inferred for thepetrogenesis of the AMC suite and many other rapakivi granitesworldwide. The high liquidus temperature and H2O content ofthe Lyngdal granodiorite imply that it is not a primary magmaproduced by the partial melting of the crust but is derivedby the fractionation of a mafic magma. Lyngdal-type magmas appearto have volcanic equivalents in the geological record. In particular,our results show that oxidized high-silica rhyolites, such asthe Bishop Tuff, could be derived via fractionation of oxidizedintermediate magmas and do not necessarily represent primarycrustal melts. This study underlines the great variability ofcrystallization conditions (from anhydrous to hydrous and reducedto oxidized) and petrogenetic processes among the metaluminousferroan magmas of intermediate compositions (granodiorites,quartz mangerites, quartz latites), suggesting that there isnot a single model to explain these rocks. KEY WORDS: ferroan granitoids; crystallization conditions; experiments; Norway; Sveconorwegian; Bishop Tuff  相似文献   
张辉  彭平安  张文正 《岩石学报》2014,30(2):565-575
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7优质烃源层中广泛分布了薄层和纹层状凝灰岩,凝灰岩中锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究表明,长7段凝灰岩结晶年龄为234Ma左右。对比勉略缝合带、南秦岭的花岗岩的年龄,三叠系延长组凝灰岩应该形成于俯冲阶段。锆石的Hf同位素分析表明延长组长7段凝灰岩主要来自地壳岩石部分熔融,并且有一定的地幔物质加入。Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄大部分集中在1.1~1.3Ga,其中以1.2Ga为主峰,表明延长组凝灰岩主要来自元古代增生的地壳物质,在物质组成和时代上可能类似于南秦岭基底中的耀岭河群基性火山岩和郧西群酸性的混合。  相似文献   
运用铸体薄片、扫描电镜、能谱分析及溶蚀实验等多种测试手段对鄂尔多斯盆地西北部二叠系砂岩填隙物进行了成份和成岩演化分析,认为砂岩中的填隙物主要为凝灰质填隙物,而不是普通意义上的粘土矿物。在有残余粒间孔隙或裂缝沟通的较开放性水环境里,凝灰质填隙物蚀变程度强,Si、Al、K、Na及Ca等离子因活性不同而发生分异,蚀变为“脏”高岭石及硅质团块等产物;封闭环境下,凝灰质填隙物保存完好,偏光显微镜下显示出似非晶态波状消光,活性强的K、Na元素含量仍然很高。凝灰质填隙物分异过程中,可以产生一定数量的溶蚀孔隙及晶间孔隙,砂岩储集性能得到了明显改善。对声波时差异常带砂岩进行大量的铸体薄片观察,证实了本区砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙发育,凝灰质填隙物发生了强烈溶蚀。综合分析26口井的资料,发现垂向上凝灰质填隙物溶蚀强度呈箱型展布,箱内“脏”高岭石及溶蚀孔隙发育,箱顶部凝灰质填隙物含量高,保存好,并缺少“脏”高岭石团块出现。  相似文献   
凝灰质砂岩储层一直是测井评价中的难点.凝灰质的存在使储层的孔隙结构和物性变化都很大,其含量直接影响储层参数的求取,对储层饱和度的影响不容忽视.本文以海-塔盆地X凹陷的凝灰质砂岩储层为例进行测井评价研究.基于泥质和凝灰质的测井响应差异利用粒子群和细菌觅食的混合优化算法计算储层中两者的含量,然后通过阳离子交换量(CEC)的实验数据验证了凝灰质具有导电性,进而利用CEC与电阻率之间的关系得到凝灰质电阻率的计算方法,并且应用到饱和度的计算,最终得到了一种新的计算凝灰质砂岩储层饱和度的方法——CEC比值法,并取得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   
Batholith-sized bodies of crystal-rich magmatic ‘mush’are widely inferred to represent the hidden sources of manylarge-volume high-silica rhyolite eruptive units. Occasionallythese mush bodies are ejected along with their trapped interstitialliquid, forming the distinctive crystal-rich ignimbrites knownas ‘monotonous intermediates’. These ignimbritesare notable for their combination of high crystal contents (35–55%),dacitic bulk compositions with interstitial high-silica rhyoliticglass, and general lack of compositional zonation. The 5000km3 Fish Canyon Tuff is an archetypal eruption deposit of thistype, and is the largest known silicic eruption on Earth. Ejectafrom the Fish Canyon magmatic system are notable for the limitedcompositional variation that they define on the basis of whole-rockchemistry, whereas 45 vol. % crystals in a matrix of high-silicarhyolite glass together span a large range of mineral-scaleisotopic variability (microns to millimetres). Rb/Sr isotopicanalyses of single crystals (sanidine, plagioclase, biotite,hornblende, apatite, titanite) and sampling by micromillingof selected zones within glass plus sanidine and plagioclasecrystals document widespread isotopic disequilibrium at manyscales. High and variable 87Sr/86Sri values for euhedral biotitegrains cannot be explained by any model involving closed-systemradiogenic ingrowth, and they are difficult to rationalize unlessmuch of this radiogenic Sr has been introduced at a late stagevia assimilation of local Proterozoic crust. Hornblende is theonly phase that approaches isotopic equilibrium with the surroundingmelt, but the melt (glass) was isotopically heterogeneous atthe millimetre scale, and was therefore apparently contaminatedwith radiogenic Sr shortly prior to eruption. The other mineralphases (plagioclase, sanidine, titanite, and apatite) have significantlylower 87Sr/86Sri values than whole-rock values (as much as –0·0005).Such isotopic disequilibrium implies that feldspars, titaniteand apatite are antecrysts that crystallized from less radiogenicmelt compositions at earlier stages of magma evolution, whereashighly radiogenic biotite xenocrysts and the development ofisotopic heterogeneity in matrix melt glass appear to coincidewith the final stage of the evolution of the Fish Canyon magmabody in the upper crust. Integrated petrographic and geochemicalevidence is consistent with pre-eruptive thermal rejuvenationof a near-solidus mineral assemblage from 720 to 760°C (i.e.partial dissolution of feldspars + quartz while hornblende +titanite + biotite were crystallizing). Assimilation and blendingof phenocrysts, antecrysts and xenocrysts reflects chamber-wide,low Reynolds number convection that occurred within the last10 000 years before eruption. KEY WORDS: Fish Canyon Tuff; Rb–Sr isotopes; microsampling; magmatic processes; crystal mush  相似文献   
Detailed mapping of Tok Island, located in the middle of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), along with lithofacies analysis and K-Ar age determinations reveal that the island is of early to late Pliocene age and comprises eight rock units: Trachyte I, Unit P-I, Unit P-II, Trachyandesite (2.7±0.1 Ma), Unit P-III, Trachyte II (2.7±0.1 Ma), Trachyte III (2.5±0.1 Ma) and dikes in ascending stratigraphic order. Trachyte I is a mixture of coherent trachytic lavas and breccias that are interpreted to be subaqueous lavas and related hyaloclastites. Unit P-I comprises massive and inversely graded basaltic breccias which resulted from subaerial gain flows and subaqueous debris flows. A basalt clast from the unit, derived from below Trachyte I, has an age of 4.6±0.4 Ma. Unit P-II is composed of graded and stratified lapilli tuffs with the characteristics of proximal pyroclastic surge deposits. The Trachyandesite is a massive subaerial lava ponded in a volcano-tectonic depression, probably a summit crater. A pyroclastic sequence containing flattened scoria clasts (Unit P-III) and a small volume subaerial lava (Trachyte II) occur above the Trachyandesite, suggesting resumption of pyroclastic activity and lava effusion. Afterwards, shallow intrusion of magma occurred, producing Trachyte III and trachyte dikes.The eight rock units provide an example of the changing eruptive and depositional processes and resultant succession of lithofacies as a seamount builds up above sea level to form an island volcano: Trachyte I represents a wholly subaqueous and effusive stage; Units P-I and P-II represent Surtseyan and Taalian eruptive phases during an explosive transitional (subaqueous to emergent) stage; and the other rock units represent later subaerial effusive and explosive stages. Reconstruction of volcano morphology suggests that the island is a remnant of the south-western crater rim of a volcano the vent of which lies several hundred meters to the north-east.  相似文献   
Zircon (U‐Th‐Sm)/He (ZHe) thermochronometry is a powerful tool that has been widely used in geology to constrain the exhumation histories of orogens. In this study, we present an alternative protocol for dissolving zircon grains for determination of parent nuclides. This new alkali fusion procedure developed at the SARM (Service d'Analyse des Roches et des Minéraux) in Nancy, France, is fast (requiring only 2 d, including cleaning steps) and offers several advantages over conventional methods by avoiding: (i) use of HF pressure dissolution and (ii) complete removing of grains from the metal microvials. After dissolution, U, Th and Sm were measured using an ICP‐MS. We tested the new procedure on two different ZHe reference materials, the Fish Canyon Tuff and Buluk Tuff; these provided precision values for ZHe‐age estimations of 9 and 6% (1s), respectively. In addition, using this method, zircons from the Buluk Tuff are shown to be chemically more homogenous and more suitable for assessing the uncertainty of the entire integrated procedure.  相似文献   
We present new 40Ar/39Ar data for sanidine and biotite derived from volcanic ash layers that are intercalated in Pliocene and late Miocene astronomically dated sequences in the Mediterranean with the aim to solve existing inconsistencies in the intercalibration between the two independent absolute dating methods. 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages are systematically younger by 0.7-2.3% than the astronomical ages for the same ash layers. The significance of the discrepancy disappears except for the upper Ptolemais ashes, which reveal the largest difference, if an improved full error propagation method is applied to calculate the absolute error in the 40Ar/39Ar ages. The total variance is dominated by that of the activity of the decay of 40K to 40Ar (∼70%) and that the amount of radiogenic 40Arp in the primary standard GA1550 biotite (∼15%). If the 40Ar/39Ar ages are calculated relative to an astronomically dated standard, the influence of these parameters is greatly reduced, resulting in a more reliable age and in a significant reduction of the error in 40Ar/39Ar dating.Astronomically calibrated ages for Taylor Creek Rhyolite (TCR) and Fish Canyon Tuff (FCT) sanidine are 28.53±0.02 and 28.21±0.04 Ma (±1 S.E.), respectively, if we start from the more reliable results of the Cretan A1 ash layer. The most likely explanation for the large discrepancy found for the younger Ptolemais ash layers (equivalent to FCT of 28.61 Ma) is an error in the tuning of this part of the sequence.  相似文献   
 Diverse spherulitic and granular crystalline fabrics, perlitic textures and fabrics related to the growth and migration of vesicles occur in the Garth Tuff, a largely welded Ordovician ignimbrite. Defining the distribution of such textures helps to constrain the ignimbrite's cooling and degassing history. Suites of spherulitic and perlitic textures closely reflect variation in cooling rates. Seven facies are defined based on the style and intensity of crystallisation: (1) a medium to coarsely crystalline, equigranular facies; (2) an intensely spherulitic facies; (3) a sparsely spherulitic facies; (4) a pectinate facies; (5) a microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline, equigranular facies; (6) a lithophysal facies; and (7) a transitional perlite–pectinate facies. Textural changes from facies 1 to 5 reflect progressively higher cooling rates. Facies 1 occurs in proximal settings in the ignimbrite's core. Facies 2 to 5 successively envelop facies 1, with facies 2 becoming the dominant fabric in the ignimbrite's core in medial settings. Facies 5 is typically developed in the originally glassy perlitic zones at the ignimbrite's welded margins. Crystallisation under hydrous conditions is reflected by second-boiling textures in the sporadically developed lithophysal facies. The seventh facies reflects a subtle interplay between cooling, hydration and crystallisation which locally prevented perlitic fracturing. The distribution of amygdales reflects patterns of volatile migration and entrapment. In the lower levels of the ignimbrite, amygdales occur in irregular concentrations or rare subvertical pipe-like structures. Pipe-like structures attest to fumarolic activity while the ignimbrite was in a rheomorphic state. Amygdales are widespread and evenly distributed in the upper levels of the ignimbrite. However, the top of the welding profile is characterised by a thin, poorly vesiculated, originally vitrophyric horizon that abruptly caps an intense concentration of amygdales. Ductile and brittle fabrics developed during the upward migration of gas. Microscopic drag folds occur around some amygdales. Jigsaw-fit to clast-rotated breccias originated through both late-stage pneumatic fracturing and autobrecciation. Vaporisation of water at the flow base provided a significant source of volatiles in addition to gas released during cooling and crystallisation. Secondary alteration has enhanced or modified some fabrics. Perlitic zones were susceptible to patchy chlorite–sericite–carbonate diagenetic alteration. Diagenesis and metamorphism have contributed to the infilling of vesicles. Received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 24 June 1998  相似文献   
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