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Ilmenite in coronitic gabbros from the Bamble and Kongsberg sectors, southern Norway, is surrounded by zircons ranging in diameters from a fraction of a micrometer to 10 μm across. The zircons are inert during subsequent metamorphism (amphibolite- to pumpellyite–prehnite facies) and metasomatism (scapolitization and albitization) and can be found as trails in silicates (phlogopite, talc, chlorite, amphibole, albite, and tourmaline) in the altered rocks. The trails link up to form polygons outlining the former oxide grain boundary. This 3-dimensional framework of zircons is used to (a) recognize metasomatic origin of rocks, (b) quantify the mobility of elements during mineral replacement, (c) establish the growth direction of reaction fronts and to identify the reaction mechanism as dissolution–reprecipitation. Zircon coronas on Fe–Ti oxides have been described from a number of terrains and appear to be common in mafic rocks (gabbros and granulites) providing a tool for a better understanding of metasomatic and metamorphic reactions.  相似文献   
New,integrated petrographic,mineral chemistry,whole rock geochemical,zircon and titanite UPb geochronology,and zircon Hf isotopic data from the Montezuma granitoids,as well as new geochemical results for its host rocks represented by the Corrego Tingui Complex,provides new insights into the late-to post-collisional evolution of the northeastern Sao Francisco paleocontinent.U-Pb zircon dates from the Montezuma granitoids spread along the Concordia between ca.2.2 Ga to 1.8 Ga and comprise distinct groups.Group I have crystallization ages between ca.2.15 Ga and 2.05 Ga and are interpreted as inherited grains.Group II zircon dates vary from 2.04 Ga to1.9 Ga and corresponds to the crystallization of the Montezuma granitoids,which were constrained at ca.2.03 Ga by the titanite U-Pb age.Inverse age zoning is common within the ca.1.8 Ga Group III zircon ages,being related to fluid isotopic re-setting during the Espinhaco rifiting event.Zircon ε_(Hf)(t) analysis show dominantly positive values for both Group I(-4 to+9) and Ⅱ(-3 to+8) zircons and T_(DM2) model ages of 2.7-2.1 Ga and 2.5-1.95 Ga,respectively.Geochemically,the Montezuma granitoids are weakly peraluminous to metaluminous magnesian granitoids,enriched in LILES and LREE,with high to moderate Mg#and depleted in some of the HFSE.Their lithochemical signature,added to the juvenile signature of both inherited and crystallized zircons,allowed its classification as a shoshonitic high Ba-Sr granitoid related to a late-to post-collisional lithosphere delamination followed by asthenospheric upwelling.In this scenario,the partial melting of the lithospheric mantle interacted with the roots of an accreted juvenile intra-oceanic arc,being these hybrid magma interpreted as the source of the Montezuma granitoids.The Corrego Tingui Complex host rocks are akin to a syn-to late-collisional volcanic arc granitoids originated from the partial melting of ancient crustal rocks.The results presented in this study have revealed the occurrence of juvenile rocks,probably related to an island arc environment,that are exotic in relation to the Paleo-to Neoarchean crust from the Sao Francisco paleocontinent's core.  相似文献   

榍石作为副矿物在哀牢山-红河剪切带新生代富碱侵入岩中广泛存在。原位获取榍石矿物内部微量元素、U-Pb年龄和Sm-Nd同位素的空间变化对获取矿物和岩石的成因演化信息具有重要意义。本文使用四级杆/多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(Quadrupole/Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry,Q/MC-ICP-MS)与激光剥蚀系统(Laser Ablation,LA)联用,对哀牢山-红河剪切带5个富碱侵入岩体(桃花岩体、宁蒗-永胜岩体、哈播岩体、铜厂岩体和十里村岩体)中榍石开展了微区原位微量元素、U-Pb年代学和Sm-Nd同位素研究。微量元素分析结果表明,三江富碱侵入岩中榍石为岩浆成因,亏损Rb、Ba、Pb、Sr等大离子亲石元素,富集Th、U、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素。榍石的稀土配分图均表现为明显右倾,不具有或具有弱的Eu负异常。与云南北衙、马厂箐矽卡岩矿床中的热液榍石相比,本文榍石在稀土元素组成上,具有较高的稀土元素总量、较高的Th/U、LREE/HREE和Ce/Ce*比值,具有较低的Eu/Eu*、Nb/Ta、Zr/Hf比值。微区原位LA-Q-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,研究区富碱岩体中榍石结晶年龄在32.5~37.9Ma之间,代表了岩体形成时代,与三江地区哀牢山-红河剪切带及其附近新生代富碱岩浆活动高峰期(~35Ma)一致,属于青藏高原晚碰撞期岩浆作用的产物。榍石微区原位LA-MC-ICP-MS Sm-Nd同位素分析结果显示,榍石颗粒的Nd同位素组成均一,表明榍石结晶过程中寄主岩浆的Nd同位素组成没有发生明显变化。各个富碱岩体之间的榍石Nd同位素组成变化范围在-6.8~-2.1之间,与全岩的同位素特征一致,表明榍石的原位微区Sm-Nd同位素可以作为富碱侵入岩研究中有效的示踪手段之一。

榍石LA-SF-ICP-MS U-Pb定年及对结晶和封闭温度的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
榍石富含U、Th,贫Pb,是U-Pb定年的理想矿物之一。本文采用激光剥蚀-高分辨等离子体质谱建立榍石U-Pb定年方法,采用25~30μm激光斑束,准确测定榍石U-Pb标准样品BLR-1(~1048Ma)、OLT-1(~1014Ma)和Pakistan(~21.4Ma),以及年轻榍石样品(<100Ma)U-Pb年龄,提高了检测准确性和空间分辨率。综合对比共生锆石和榍石U-Pb年龄、榍石颗粒微量元素和U-Pb年龄环带及不同成分岩浆岩(SiO2含量48.1%~77.0%)中岩浆榍石的结晶温度,结果表明:岩浆演化过程中,榍石具有宽泛的结晶温度(600~900℃,峰值~750℃),主要集中于岩浆演化中晚期结晶,榍石U-Pb同位素封闭温度接近或略低于锆石,因此同一岩浆体系中锆石与榍石的年龄差异可能反映了该熔体较晚达到榍石饱和,而非熔体热演化历史或封闭温度信息。  相似文献   
Chromium-doped titanite and malayaite samples, which were synthesised to evaluate their performance as ceramic pigments, show remarkable photoluminescence behaviour. Emissions of centres related to traces of trivalent rare-earth elements (REE) are observed exclusively from chromium-free samples. Their Cr-doped analogues (containing the same REEs on the same concentration levels), in contrast, only show broad-band Cr3+ emission whereas all REE emissions are suppressed. This behaviour is assigned to quenching of REE emissions by chromium centres (i.e., REE3+  Cr3+ energy transfer).  相似文献   
Plutonic rocks from the Mineiro Belt, Brazil record a delayed onset of the transition from TTG to sanukitoid-type magmatism(high Ba-Sr), starting during the Siderian magmatic lull when little juvenile magma was added to the continental crust. Rocks mostly belong to the calc-alkaline series, meta-to peraluminous and originally "Ⅰ-type",meaning that oxidized magmas were formed by partial melting of subducted material. The temporal distribution and apparent secular changes of the magmas are consistent with the onset of subduction-driven plate tectonics due to an increase of the subduction angle and opening of the mantle wedge. New isotopic analyses(Sm-Nd whole rock and Lu-Hf in zircon)corroborate the restricted juvenile nature of the Mineiro Belt and confirm the genetic link between the Lagoa Dourada Suite,a rare ca. 2350 Ma high-Al tonalite-trondhjemite magmatic event, and the sanukitoid-type ca. 2130 Ma Alto Maranhao Suite. U-Pb dating of zircon and titanite constrain the crystallisation history of plutonic bodies; coupled with major and trace element analyses of the host rocks, they distinguish evolutionary trends in the Mineiro Belt. Several plutons in the region have ages close to 2130 Ma but are distinguished by the lower concentration of compatible elements in the juvenile high Ba-Sr suite.  相似文献   
长期以来,陇山杂岩的归属问题一直存在争议。本文对出露于秦岭-祁连山结合部位的陇山杂岩中石榴黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴斜长角闪岩进行了详细的岩石学、P-T温压计算、独居石和榍石U-Pb年代学研究。通过详细的岩相学观察,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩的变质峰期矿物组合为石榴子石+黑云母+斜长石+石英;石榴斜长角闪岩中则识别出了以石榴子石+单斜辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英为峰期的变质矿物组合。通过传统温压计计算,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩(样品21LS40)和石榴斜长角闪岩样品(样品21LS42-1)的峰期变质P-T条件分别为700℃、0.72GPa和710℃、0.74GPa。激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb数据表明,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩中独居石的206Pb/238U的加权平均年龄为407~435Ma。石榴斜长角闪岩中榍石的下交点年龄分别为410±7Ma、409±5Ma和426±10Ma,榍石中Zr含量温度计的计算结果分别为750℃、751℃和748℃(假定压力为0.7GPa)。本文从变质作用的角度出发,将陇山杂岩与秦岭杂岩进行温压条件和变质时代对比研究,认为陇山杂岩与东秦岭杂岩高压-超高压岩石的最后一期退变质作用和西秦岭天水地区的秦岭杂岩麻粒岩相变质作用类似,可能为北秦岭造山带的西延。  相似文献   
向华  张利  钟增球  周汉文  曾雯 《地球科学进展》2007,23(12):1258-1267
榍石在各类岩石中普遍存在,其稳定性受全岩成分、氧逸度和水活度以及温度和压力等因素影响。它在岩浆岩中主要存在于高Ca/Al比值的岩石中,在变质岩中常见于绿片岩相、蓝片岩相和角闪岩相岩石,在钙质变质岩中其稳定范围可达榴辉岩相或高压麻粒岩相。一般榍石结构中U含量较高,且具有高达高角闪岩相上限的U Pb同位素体系封闭温度,是理想的U-Pb定年矿物。由于榍石的组成元素均为岩石中的主要元素,很容易与其它矿物、熔体及流体发生反应,所以榍石的U-Pb年龄记录的更可能是结晶年龄,而不是简单的扩散重置年龄;也因为它容易反应,变质榍石复杂的U Pb体系可能记录了岩石的整个变质历史信息。通过与榍石平衡共生的矿物组合或利用榍石Zr温压计可确定岩石的P T条件,结合相关的榍石年龄信息即可建立变质过程的P T t轨迹。利用SHRIMP、LA MC ICP MS以及LA ICP MS方法可对不均一榍石颗粒内部进行原位微区分析得到有意义的U Pb年龄;利用榍石中Zr含量对温度,尤其是对压力比较敏感,可建立榍石Zr含量温压计。  相似文献   
华南花岗岩类中铁钛副矿物组合与氧逸度关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈鸣  张成江 《岩石学报》1991,7(2):89-94
华南花岗岩中存在两类矿物组合:(1)铁透闪石 钛铁矿 榍石 磁铁矿 石英;(2)钛铁矿 方解石 石英 磁铁矿 榍石。可通过以下关系分别计算上述两组矿物组合的岩浆氧逸度。组合(1)为: logfo_2=-24940.31/T 9.25 243.43(P-10~5Pa)/T 0.86logfH_2O-0.86logα铁透闪石组合(2)为: logfo_2=-3673.68/T-37.73 590.53(P-10~5Pa)/T 6logfco_2岩浆作用过程的氧逸度(fo_2)是控制磁铁矿、钛铁矿、榍石等铁、钛副矿物形成和稳定的重要因素。  相似文献   
Inhomogeneous aggregates of late-stage titanite enriched in Zr have been described recently from post-magmatic parageneses in silica-undersaturated rocks. In the natural samples, simple isovalent substitution of the large Zr ([vi]R4+=0.72 Å) for Ti ([vi]R4+=0.605 Å) is limited to an empirical maximum of 0.25 afu (15.3 wt.% ZrO2). As the natural material is not suitable for crystallographic study, a series of CaTi1-xZrxOSiO4 titanite samples have been synthesized by standard ceramic methods at ambient pressure in air, and their crystal structure determined by Rietveld refinement of laboratory powder X-ray diffraction patterns. All of the synthetic Zr-doped titanite varieties adopt space group A2/a and consist of distorted CaO7 polyhedra together with less distorted (Ti1-xZrx)O6 octahedra and SiO4 tetrahedra. Cell dimensions and atomic coordinates together with volumes and distortion indices are given for all polyhedra. The empirical limit for Zr substitution in synthetic (F,OH)-free titanite is 0.5 afu (29.6 wt.% ZrO2). The existence of a Zr analogue of titanite in nature is considered to be unlikely.  相似文献   
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