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Only a few very young landforms are the result of currently operating geomorphic processes. Because the time scale for landscape evolution is much longer than the time scale for late Cenozoic climate changes, almost all landscapes are palimpsests, written over repeatedly by various combinations of climate-determined processes. Relict glacial and periglacial landforms are widely identified in mid-latitude regions that have been traditionally described as having been shaped by the “normal” processes of fluvial erosion. Less confidently, deeply weathered regolith and associated relict landforms in the middle and high latitudes are attributed to early Tertiary warmth. However, assemblages of geomorphic processes specific to certain climatic regions, like faunal and floral assemblages, cannot be translated across latitude, so in spite of the many books about the geomorphology of specific modern climate regions, there are few sources that discuss former warm high-latitude, or cold low-latitude, low-altitude geomorphic processes that have no modern analogs. Students and teachers alike who attempt to interpret landforms by extrapolating modern climatic conditions to other latitudinal zones will find their outlook broadened, and they become better prepared to consider the geomorphic impacts of global climate change.  相似文献   
With the aim of obtaining Tertiary palaeomagnetic directions for the Adriatic Foreland of the Dinaric nappe system, we carried out a palaeomagnetic study on platform carbonates from stable Istria, from the northwestern and the Central Dalmatia segment of imbricated Adria. Despite the weak to very weak natural remanences of these rocks, we obtained tectonically useful palaeomagnetic directions for 25 sites from 20 localities. All exhibit westerly declinations, both before and after tilt correction. Concerning the age of the magnetizations, we conclude that five subhorizontal and magnetite bearing Eocene localities from stable Istria are likely to carry primary remanence, whereas three tilted and hematite-bearing ones were remagnetized. In the northwestern segment of imbricated Adria the cluster of the mean directions improved after tectonic correction indicating pre-tilting magnetization. In contrast, Maastrichtian–Eocene platform carbonates from Central Dalmatian were remagnetized in connection with the late Eocene–Oligocene deformation or Miocene hydrocarbon migration. Based on the appropriate site/locality means, we calculate mean palaeomagnetic directions for the above three areas and suggest an alternative interpretation of the data of Kissel et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 100 (1995) 14999] for the flysch of Central Dalmatia. The four area mean direction define a regional palaeomagnetic direction of Dec=336°, Inc=+52°, k=107, α95=9°. From these data we conclude that stable Istria, in close coordination with imbricated Adria, must have rotated by 30° counterclockwise in the Tertiary, relative to Africa and stable Europe. We suggest that the latest Miocene–early Pliocene counterclockwise rotations observed in northwestern Croatia and northeastern Slovenia were driven by that of the Adriatic Foreland, i.e. the rotation of the latter took place between 6 and 4 Ma.  相似文献   
临沧超大型锗矿床有机质与锗矿化的地球化学特征   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
庄汉平  刘金钟 《地球化学》1997,26(4):44-52,T002
临沧锗矿床是一产于第三系含煤岩系中的超大型矿床。矿床的最初锗源与盆地西缘的二云母花岗岩有关。主矿体产于下煤组沉积旋回的早期地层中,每一沉积阶段早期形成的褐煤和碳质泥岩中富含锗,最高含量达1470×10^-6。褐煤和碳质泥岩在矿化过程中平均富集了164-169倍。根据锗含量,褐煤和碳质泥岩可分为锗含量小于12×10^-6的低锗煤(泥岩)和大于90×10^-6的高锗煤(泥岩)。高锗煤中有机质富含氧官能  相似文献   
内蒙古商都地区CO2气藏地质条件研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文以商都盆地第三系CO2气成藏条件研究为目的,通过对区域构造(断裂、火山活动、岩浆作用)和地层特征及沉积相研究,结合地震勘探成果、CO2碳同位素、氦同位素分析成果,系统探讨了商都盆地CO2气源、运移通道、储集条件、圈闭及盖层条件,并对CO2气成藏模式进行了分析。认为:该区CO2气为幔源成因气,通过包兰哈达-高勿素深断裂运移到第三系储集层中富集成藏。第三系河流或冲积扇沉积的粗碎屑岩广泛分布,而且厚度较大,成岩程度低,具有良好的储集条件。新第三纪晚期的湖泛沉积,形成了巨厚的泥页岩盖层。沉积期后的差异压实作用、断裂、火山及岩浆活动等多因素作用,使这一地区局部构造发育,形成岩性-构造圈闭或构造性圈闭,有利于CO2气成藏。  相似文献   
TECTONO-SEDIMENTARY EVOLUTION OF THE TERTIARY BASINS IN EASTERN TIBET: CONSTRAINING THE RAISING OF TIBETAN PLATEAU1 YinA ,HarrisonTM .TheTectonicEvolutionofAsia[M] ..Cambridge :CambridgeUniversityPress,1996 .4 4 2~ 4 85. 2 SunH ,ZhengD .FormationevolutionanddevelopmentofTibetanPlateau[M ] .Guangzhou :GuangdongScienceandTechnologyPress,1998.73~ 2 30 . 3 ShiY ,LiJ,LiB .UpliftandEnvironmentalChangesofTibetanPlateauintheLateCen…  相似文献   
根据赣西北中─晚第三纪陆相紫红色砂砾岩岩性横向上不太稳定的特点,提出砾石成分的来源和成因特征可作为区域地层对比的标志,因为砾石成分作为风化和搬运的最终产物,它与基底母岩区是密不可分,又相互影响。  相似文献   
东营凹陷下第三系层序地层研究与隐蔽油气藏预测   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
应用层序地层学理论,利用地震、测井、岩心和分析化验资料,建立了东营凹陷下第三系层序界面识别标志,把东营凹陷下第三系划分为 1个超层序组,4个超层序,10个层序,进行体系域划分,建立了东营凹陷下第三系层序地层格架。构造坡折带是指由同沉积构造长期活动引起的沉积斜坡明显突变的地带,对盆地充填的可容纳空间和沉积作用可产生重要影响。通过层序地层格架与构造坡折带的研究,建立东营凹陷层序发育模式。受构造坡折带控制的层序低位域砂体和湖侵体系域砂体,成藏条件良好,最有利于形成隐蔽油气藏。  相似文献   
Coals are oil source rocks in many of the Tertiary basins of Southeast Asia. The precursors of these hydrogen rich and oxygen poor coals are coastal plain peats which have mainly developed in an everwet and tropical climate. In these environments water flow and reworking can concentrate liptinitic kerogen in preference to vitrinitic kerogen. The distribution, petrography and chemistry of the coaly Miocene source rocks present in the Kutai Basin are described. The recognition of environmental controls on the accumulation of potentially oil-prone coals and coaly shales in deltaic environments is an aid to predictive source bed recognition in petroleum exploration. Comments on the environment of deposition of coaly sediments in the basins of the Norwegian Sea are discussed with reference to their possible oil and/or gas sourcing potential. The Triassic - Jurassic coals of the Haltenbanken area may become more oil-prone towards the delta margins, and facies mapping could aid oil exploration in this area.  相似文献   
波速测试技术作为一种简便、快捷的测试技术被广泛应用于各种工程实践中, 第三系砂岩是非常具有代表性的软岩, 对第三系砂岩波速测试的研究具有重要意义。本文以吉阳核电厂址的第三系砂岩为研究对象, 通过整理单孔波速、跨孔波速方法获得的参数, 分析半成岩岩体波速的空间分布规律及特性, 寻找波速与埋深深度、标贯动探参数之间的关系。结果表明单孔、跨孔波速测试波速值随深度增加而增加, 埋深5m以上增加幅度明显, 埋深5m以下增加趋势减缓, 平面上不同位置各孔的波速值基本一致, 说明第三系半成砂岩岩体分布较均匀。剪切波速与埋置深度线性回归拟合效果较好, 对数拟合优度在0.95以上, 精度最高, 相对可靠, 剪切波速与标贯击数之间相关性不明显, 与动探击数之间基本不相关。  相似文献   
第三纪是四川盆地大范围陆相沉积历史的最后阶段, 同时又是四川盆地重要的构造定形期.探究该时期原型盆地沉积充填规律与构造演化特征, 是揭示四川盆地形成演化过程, 还原其古地理、古气候演变的关键.在综合利用古地磁、地震、野外露头等资料的基础之上, 从盆-山结合的角度出发, 以地质历史时间为主要线索, 对第三纪原型盆地分阶段、分区域地进行了动态化分析研究.重建了各沉积时期原型盆地构造-古地理格局, 分析了盆地沉积充填规律并复原了不同阶段沉积相带的空间展布特征.主要受周缘山系逆冲推覆作用产生的构造负载和盆地基底构造的影响, 第三纪时期四川盆地沉积范围局限于西南部、南部地区, 以河、湖沉积环境为主, 处于持续地挤压、充填过程而具有萎缩消亡的趋势.现今残余第三系地层由老到新, 主要由名山组、芦山组、大邑砾岩组等地层组成(先后经历了: 受造山带挤压推覆作用和温暖干旱气候等因素影响, 发育湖盆边缘冲积扇和沙漠沉积环境, 处于快速沉降阶段的名山组沉积时期; 以及构造活动相对稳定, 湖盆面积不断减小, 以沙泥质沉积互层为特征的芦山组沉积时期; 和沿山前带由南向北迁移, 以发育大型冲积扇为特征的大邑砾岩组沉积时期).纵观整个第三纪构造演化历史, 反映出四川盆地西南部地区在第三纪时期表现为典型的陆内坳陷沉积盆地性质.同期的大地构造活动和气候变化等因素对原型盆地的形成与演化起到了重要的控制作用, 同时也对该时期盆地古地理格局和沉积充填规律产生了重要影响.  相似文献   
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