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U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of zircon were analysed for a metasedimentary rock and two amphibolites from the Kongling terrane in the northern part of the Yangtze Craton. The zircon shows distinct morphological and chemical characteristics. Most zircon in an amphibolite shows oscillatory zoning, high Th/U and 176Lu/177Hf ratios, high formation temperature, high trace element contents, clear negative Eu anomaly, as well as HREE-enriched patterns, suggesting that it is igneous. The zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2857 ± 8 Ma, representing the age of the magmatic protolith. The zircon in the other two samples is metamorphic. It has low Th/U ratios, low trace element concentrations, variable HREE contents (33.8 ≥ LuN≥2213; 14.7 ≤ LuN/SmN ≤ 354) and 176Lu/177Hf ratios (0.000030–0.001168). The data indicate that the zircon formed in the presence of garnet and under upper amphibolite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010 ± 13 Ma. These results combined with previously obtained Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic ages suggest a c. 2.0 Ga Palaeoproterozoic collisional event in the Yangtze Craton, which may result from the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The zircon in two samples yields weighted mean two-stage Hf model ( T DM2) ages of 3217 ± 110 and 2943 ± 50 Ma, respectively, indicating that their protoliths were mainly derived from Archean crust.  相似文献   
We present the first data on the petrology of the mantle lithosphereof the Southeastern (SE) Slave craton, Canada. These are basedon petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies of mantlexenoliths in Pipe 5034 of the Cambrian Gahcho Kué kimberlitecluster. Major types of mantle xenoliths include altered eclogite,coarse garnet or spinel peridotite, and deformed garnet peridotite.The peridotites belong to the low-temperature suite and formedat T=600–1300°C and P= 25–80 kbar in a thick(at least 220–250 km), cool lithosphere. The SE Slavemantle is cooler than the mantle of other Archaean cratons andthat below other terranes of the Slave craton. The thick lithosphereand the relatively cool thermal regime provide favourable conditionsfor formation and preservation of diamonds beneath the SE Slaveterrane. Similar to average Archaean mantle worldwide, the SESlave peridotite is depleted in magmaphile major elements andcontains olivine with forsterite content of 91–93·5.With respect to olivine composition and mode, all terranes ofthe Slave mantle show broadly similar compositions and are relativelyorthopyroxene-poor compared with those of the Kaapvaal and Siberiancratons. The SE Slave spinel peridotite is poorer in Al, Caand Fe, and richer in Mg than deeper garnet peridotite. Thegreater chemical depletion of the shallow upper mantle is typicalof all terranes of the Slave craton and may be common for thesubcontinental lithospheric peridotitic mantle in general. Peridotiticxenoliths of the SE Slave craton were impregnated by kimberliticfluids that caused late-stage recrystallization of primary clinopyroxene,spinel, olivine and spinel-facies orthopyroxene, and formationof interstitial clinopyroxene. This kimberlite-related recrystallizationdepleted primary pyroxenes and spinel in Al. The kimberliticfluid was oxidizing, Ti-, Fe- and K-rich, and Na-poor, and introducedserpentine, chlorite, phlogopite and spinel into peridotitesat P < 35 kbar. KEY WORDS: kimberlite xenolith; lithosphere; mantle terrane; chemical zoning; thermobarometry; Slave craton  相似文献   
Retrograde metamorphism played the dominant role in changing the low-field rock magnetic properties and density of 198 specimens of variably retrograded eclogites from the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD) and from surface outcrops in the Donghai area in the southern part of the Sulu UHP belt, China. Bulk magnetic susceptibility (κ) of unretrogressed UHP eclogite is controlled by whole-rock chemical composition and ranges from 397 to 2312 μSI with principal magnetic susceptibility carrying minerals paramagnetic garnet, omphacite, rutile and phengite. Partially retrograded eclogites show large variations in magnetic susceptibility between 804 and 24,277 μSI, with high mean magnetic susceptibility values of 4372 ± 4149 μSI caused by appreciable amounts of Fe-Ti oxide minerals such as magnetite, ilmenite and/or titanohematite produced by retrograde metamorphic reactions. Completely retrograded eclogites have lower susceptibilities of 1094 ± 600 μSI and amphibolite facies mineral assemblages lacking high magnetic susceptibility minerals. Jelínek's corrected anisotropy (Pj) of eclogites ranges from 1.001 to 1.540, and shows a positive correlation with low-field magnetic susceptibility (κ). Arithmetic mean bulk density (ρ) shows a steady decrease from 3.54 ± 0.11 g/cm3 (fresh eclogite) to 2.98 ± 0.06 g/cm3 (completely retrograded eclogite). Retrograde metamorphic changes in mineral composition during exhumation appear to be the major factor causing variations in low field magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy. Retrograde processes must be taken into account when interpreting magnetic surveys and geophysical well logs in UHP metamorphic terranes, and petrophysical properties such as density and low-field magnetic susceptibility could provide a means for semi-quantifying the degree of retrogression of eclogite during exhumation.  相似文献   
Metapelites, migmatites and granites from the c. 2 Ga Mahalapye Complex have been studied for determining the PT–fluid influence on mineral assemblages and local equilibrium compositions in the rocks from the extreme southwestern part of the Central Zone of the Limpopo high‐grade terrane in Botswana. It was found that fluid infiltration played a leading role in the formation of the rocks. This conclusion is based on both well‐developed textures inferred to record metasomatic reactions, such as Bt ? And + Qtz + (K2O) and Bt ± Qtz ? Sil + Kfs + Ms ± Pl, and zonation of Ms | Bt + Qtz | And + Qtz and Grt | Crd | Pl | Kfs + Qtz reflecting a perfect mobility (Korzhinskii terminology) of some chemical components. The conclusion is also supported by the results of a fluid inclusion study. CO2 and H2O ( = 0.6) are the major components of the fluid. The fluid has been trapped synchronously along the retrograde PT path. The PT path was derived using mineral thermobarometry and a combination of mineral thermometry and fluid inclusion density data. The Mahalapye Complex experienced low‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism with a retrograde evolution from 770 °C and 5.5 kbar to 560 °C and 2 kbar, presumably at c. 2 Ga.  相似文献   
在中国陆内南北板块之间古缝合线内大别-胶南高压地体中。分布着一套变质程度不一的杂岩系,我们将其划分出三期高峰变质作用形成的不同性质变形变质岩相带,并阐述了各自所代表的矿物流体包裹体特征,计算出它们形成时的温度、压力、氧逸度、差异应力等热动力参数,为揭示地体变形变质环境和构造演化特点,提供了可靠(?)数值根据。  相似文献   
近年来,从古地貌-沉积组合与油藏关系的角度进行油气远景评价成为研究热点。针对古地貌的复原研究,提出一种建立三维古地貌模型的方法,将二维平面古地理图通过对资料的整理、挖掘与转换,并结合GIS技术生成了三维立体模型,补充了区域地形地貌的相关信息。利用该方法,建立了青藏高原油气资源潜力最大的区域——羌塘地体在三叠纪和侏罗纪的一系列三维古地貌模型,进而对其古环境和演化过程进行分析,这对于该区域的沉积矿产资源的预测与评价有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
The age and tectonosedimentary environment of the Palaeozoic sediments on the Frontal Cordillera is not well known and earlier studies have been unable to satisfactorily explain the geological history of the basement of the Andes.In the vicinity of the old Castaño Viejo mine crop out various levels of partially metamorphosed microbialite limestones, which alternate with thin marly–lutitic interstrata. These levels contain abundant palynomorph remains, which allow the series to be dated as Silurian–Devonian. These data, together with the presence of warm climate fossils, lend support to the hypothesis of a major allochtony of the Chilenia Terrane (of which the Frontal Cordillera formed part), relative to the Cuyania Terrane (which included the Precordillera), prior to their amalgamation.Upper Carboniferous palynomorphs found during this study occur in association with resedimented palynomorphs and chitinozoa, of possible Devonian age. This demonstrates the equivalence of both fossiliferous series and their location within the upper part of the Upper Carboniferous Agua Negra Fm. The Silurian–Devonian elements, deformed during a phase prior to the Gondwanic orogeny, were eroded and transported to the foreland basin during the Upper Carboniferous.The palynomorph associations found in all samples correspond to the Ancistrospora palynological zone and to the Raistrickia densaConvolutispora muriornata Biozone, which are indicative of Upper Carboniferous times. Characteristic forms such as Ancistrospora verrucosa and C. muriornata, both indicative of an Upper Carboniferous age, were found in samples from the Castaño Viejo area.Earlier interpretations of the Frontal Cordillera attributing the sedimentation to a palaeo-latitude at some distance from Gondwana, were based on the presence of Silurian–Devonian hot water stromatolithic limestones. Our results suggest that Cuyania and Chilenia were not necessarily separated by a great distance before their amalgamation. This in turn means that a large ocean was not necessarily consumed in the process.  相似文献   
西秦岭赛什塘铜矿区内出露的三叠纪花岗质岩石有闪长玢岩、石英闪长岩、石英闪长玢岩、花岗斑岩和石英斑岩,其岩浆源区与形成构造环境可为古特提斯洋演化和区域成矿作用研究提供证据。岩石地球化学特征共同表明,这些花岗质岩石属于准铝质钙碱性-高钾钙碱性系列,为I型花岗岩;Mg#值变化较大(39~68),LREE富集,HREE亏损,(La/Yb)N比值介于8.50~22.9,具有Eu负异常,δEu介于0.28~0.78,同时富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Rb、K、Pb,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti,呈现出与典型俯冲作用密切相关岛弧花岗岩相一致地球化学特征。石英闪长玢岩和石英斑岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄分别为219.0±2.3Ma和220.0±2.0Ma,锆石εHf(t)分别为-4.5~-2.1和-2.5~+1.0,对应二阶段模式年龄分别为1392~1544Ma和1190~1415Ma。结合前人对西秦岭三叠纪花岗岩以及其南侧阿尼玛卿蛇绿混杂带研究成果,本文认为赛什塘铜矿区花岗质岩石与西秦岭同时期花岗岩形成于与古特提斯洋向北俯冲密切相关的大陆边缘弧环境,其岩浆源区为中元古代下地壳变基性岩,且岩浆可能受到地幔物质混染。  相似文献   
陈世忠  杨经绥  许志琴  朱筱婷 《地质学报》2016,90(10):2721-2732
中国大陆科学钻探工程第三先导孔(PP3钻孔),位于秦岭-大别-苏鲁超高压造山带的东部,赣榆岗上超镁铁岩体中。钻孔中超镁铁岩的岩性包括纯橄岩和石榴超镁铁岩等,该超镁铁岩的SiO_2含量均值在43.68%,变化范围为41.9%~47.11%;MgO均值在44.71%,变化范围为47.12%~48.62%;Cr_2O_3均值在0.39%,变化范围为0.30%~0.47%;CaO均值0.12%(变化范围为0.006%~0.34%);Na2O均值在0.05%(变化范围为0.005%~0.32%)。超镁铁质岩的Mg#(Mg/(Mg+Fe)×100)稳定在91.9~93.0之间,Cr#(Cr/(Cr+Fe)×100)均值在38,较高;变化在30~45之间,变化小。其中闪石化金云母超镁铁岩具有最低的值(Cr#=19)。Ni含量在2100×10~(-6)~2500×10~(-6),CaO含量均值为0.13%,Al_2O_3含量均值为0.41%。岩体成分均一,表现为高镁,低钙和低铝的特征。超镁铁岩的不相容元素和稀土元素总量很低,稀土元素总量均值在0.60×10~(-6)。(La/Yb)N比值在6.9~51.2,均值在16.1,重稀土元素严重亏损,是中国东部最亏损的地幔岩之一。超镁铁岩中橄榄石成分(Fo在88.7~93.1之间,Fa在6.8~11.1之间),从早期到晚期,岩石Fo值从93→91~92.4→88.7~89.1。铬尖晶石Cr#值从51到89变化,TiO_2和MnO_2值分别低于0.26%和0.46%,晚期铬尖晶石Cr#值增大,Ti含量减小。单斜辉石由透辉石(Wo_(45.9)8En_(47.89)Fs_(2.73)Ac_(3.39))和顽透辉石(Wo_(27.61)En_(68.78)Fs_(2.27)Ac_(1.34))两种,透辉石(Cpx_Ⅰ)在顽透辉石(Cpx_Ⅱ)中呈被交代的残余粒状。角闪石和金云母呈明显的条带状和脉状,局部发育。岩石具有弱的Na和K交代作用,较高的Sr和Ba等元素,亏损高场强元素(HSFE),以及特征的稀土元素和微量元素配分曲线;岩石中主要组成矿物橄榄石从早期到晚期,矿物Mg#指数下降(Mg#从93→88);单斜辉石中可看到透辉石被顽透辉石交代现象;次生角闪石和金云母的形成等特征都显示超镁铁岩经历了碳酸盐交代作用。在超镁铁岩矿物橄榄石中发现细小白云石和菱镁矿等碳酸盐矿物更有力证明了苏鲁超高压变质带超镁铁岩经历了深部碳酸盐交代作用。PP3钻孔超镁铁岩属于强烈亏损地幔岩区域,单斜辉石和角闪石等含水矿物在超镁铁岩中含量低,交代作用的范围和规模有限,且交代作用在动力学上是快速的和不平衡的过程。  相似文献   
The Guerrero terrane comprises Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous arc successions that were accreted to the North American craton in the late Early Cretaceous, producing closure of the Arperos oceanic basin and the formation of an approximately 100 km-wide fold–thrust belt. Such a suture is key to investigating the structural evolution related to Guerrero terrane accretion and, in general, to arc–continent collisional zones. The Sierra de Guanajuato is an exposure of the Guerrero terrane suture belt and consists of a complex tectonic pile that formed through at least three major shortening phases: D1SG, D2SG, and D3SG (SG, Sierra de Guanajuato). During the D1SG and D2SG phases, the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous successions of the Arperos Basin piled up, forming a doubly vergent imbricate fan of thrust sheets that accommodated substantial NE–SW shortening. Mylonite microtextures, as well as syntectonic minerals, indicate that the D1SG and D2SG deformation events took place under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We relate these deformation phases to the progressive NE migration of the Guerrero terrane, which triggered the collapse and closure of the Arperos Basin. During D3SG, the El Paxtle arc assemblage of the Guerrero terrane was tectonically emplaced onto the previously deformed successions of the Arperos Basin. However, D3SG structures indicate that during this deformational stage, the main shortening direction was oriented NW–SE and that contraction was accommodated mostly by SE-vergent ductile thrusts formed under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We suggest that the top-to-the-SE emplacement of the El Paxtle assemblage may be a result of the tectonic escape of the arc produced by the continuous NE impingement of the Guerrero terrane during its collisional addition to the Mexican mainland.  相似文献   
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