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Hydro-ecological modelers often use spatial variation of soil information derived from conventional soil surveys in simulation of hydro-ecological processes over watersheds at mesoscale (10–100 km2). Conventional soil surveys are not designed to provide the same level of spatial detail as terrain and vegetation inputs derived from digital terrain analysis and remote sensing techniques. Soil property layers derived from conventional soil surveys are often incompatible with detailed terrain and remotely sensed data due to their difference in scales. The objective of this research is to examine the effect of scale incompatibility between soil information and the detailed digital terrain data and remotely sensed information by comparing simulations of watershed processes based on the conventional soil map and those simulations based on detailed soil information across different simulation scales. The detailed soil spatial information was derived using a GIS (geographical information system), expert knowledge, and fuzzy logic based predictive mapping approach (Soil Land Inference Model, SoLIM). The Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys) is used to simulate two watershed processes: net photosynthesis and stream flow. The difference between simulation based on the conventional soil map and that based on the detailed predictive soil map at a given simulation scale is perceived to be the effect of scale incompatibility between conventional soil data and the rest of the (more detailed) data layers at that scale. Two modeling approaches were taken in this study: the lumped parameter approach and the distributed parameter approach. The results over two small watersheds indicate that the effect does not necessarily always increase or decrease as the simulation scale becomes finer or coarser. For a given watershed there seems to be a fixed scale at which the effect is consistently low for the simulated processes with both the lumped parameter approach and the distributed parameter approach.  相似文献   
Remote sensing has been used for direct and indirect detection of hydrocarbons. Most studies so far focused on indirect detection in vegetated areas. We investigated in this research the possibility of detecting hydrocarbons in bare soil through spectral analysis of laboratory samples in the short wave and thermal infrared regions. Soil/oil mixtures were spectrally measured in the laboratory. Analysis of spectra showed development of hydrocarbon absorption features as soils became progressively more contaminated. The future application of these results airborne seems to be a challenge as present and future sensors only cover the diagnostic regions to a limited extent.  相似文献   
黄光明  侯鹏飞  江冶 《江苏地质》2013,37(1):159-168
介绍了20世纪80年代末以来WDXRF和EDXRF在我国土壤岩石检测领域的应用情况,包括样品的前处理中的薄样制样,粉末压片法制样和溶融法制样3种主要的样品前处理技术,同时介绍了样品基体效应、元素间吸收-增强效应、谱线干扰的处理方法,简单介绍了便携式荧光仪在土壤、岩石分析中的应用以及X射线荧光仪及其测定技术的应用发展。  相似文献   
A new parameterisation for the threshold shear velocity to initiate deflation of dry and wet particles is presented. It is based on the balance of moments acting on particles at the instant of particle motion. The model hence includes a term for the aerodynamic forces, including the drag force, the lift force and the aerodynamic-moment force, and a term for the interparticle forces. The effect of gravitation is incorporated in both terms. Rather than using an implicit function for the effect of the aerodynamic forces as reported earlier in literature, a constant aerodynamic coefficient was introduced. From consideration of the van der Waals force between two particles, it was further shown that the effect of the interparticle cohesion force between two dry particles on the deflation threshold should be inversely proportional to the particle diameter squared. The interparticle force was further extended to include wet bonding forces. The latter were considered as the sum of capillary forces and adhesive forces. A model that expresses the capillary force as a function of particle diameter squared and the inverse of capillary potential was deduced from consideration of the well-known model of Fisher and the Young–Laplace equation. The adhesive force was assumed to be equal to tensile strength, and a function which is proportional to particle diameter squared and the inverse of the potential due to adhesive forces was derived. By combining the capillary-force model and the adhesive force model, the interparticle force due to wet bonding was simplified and written as a function of particle diameter squared and the inverse of matric potential. The latter was loglinearly related to the gravimetric moisture content, a relationship that is valid in the low-moisture content range that is important in the light of deflation of sediment by wind. By introducing a correction to force the relationship to converge to zero moisture content at oven dryness, the matric potential–moisture content relationship contained only one unknown model parameter, viz. moisture content at −1.5 MPa. Working out the model led to a rather simple parameterisation containing only three coefficients. Two parameters were incorporated in the term that applies to dry sediment and were determined by using experimental data as reported by Iversen and White [Sedimentology 29 (1982) 111]. The third parameter for the wet-sediment part of the model was determined from wind-tunnel experiments on prewetted sand and sandy loam aggregates. The model was validated using data from wind-tunnel experiments on the same but dry sediment, and on data obtained from simulations with the model of Chepil [Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 20 (1956) 288]. The experiments showed that soil aggregates should be treated as individual particles with a density equal to their bulk density. Furthermore, it was shown that the surface had to dry to a moisture content of about 75% of the moisture content at −1.5 MPa before deflation became sustained. The threshold shear velocities simulated with our model were found to be in good agreement with own observations and with simulations using Chepil's model.  相似文献   
In this paper, the sequential extraction procedure was used for the selection of fractions of lead in seven stages corresponding to lead exchangeable, lead bounded to carbonates, to manganese oxides, to organic matters, to amorphous iron, and lead associated to crystallized iron, and to residuals. The vertical distributions of lead species were carried out in the soils related to good agriculture progress (GAP) of Chinese medical materials of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort in Dujiangyan city and Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. Based on those researches, it is found that the plant of Glycine Max (L.) Merr. has the character of lead enrichment and sorption, which is not reported in the literature. Using Glycine Max (L.) Merr. alternate planting with Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort is a valuable recommended in order to produce a high quality Chinese medical materials in order to eliminate the barrier on the beyond the lead limit for the import and export of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.  相似文献   
Measurements of magnetic susceptibility of soils, reflecting magnetic enhancement of topsoils due to atmospherically deposited magnetic particles of industrial origin, are used recently in studies dealing with outlining polluted areas, as well as with approximate determination of soil contamination with heavy metals. One of the natural limitations of this method is magnetic enhancement of soils caused by weathering magnetically rich parent rock material. In this study we compare magnetic properties of soils from regions with different geological and environmental settings. Four areas in the Czech Republic and Austria were investigated, representing both magnetically rich and poor geology, as well as point-like and diffuse pollution sources. Topsoil and subsoil samples were investigated and the effect of geology and pollution was examined. Magnetic data including mass and volume magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent susceptibility, and main magnetic characteristics such as coercivity (Hc and Hcr) and magnetization (Ms and Mrs) parameters are compared with heavy metal contents. The aim of the paper is to assess the applicability of soil magnetometry under different geological-environmental conditions in terms of magnetic discrimination of dominant lithogenic/anthropogenic contributions to soil magnetic signature. Our results suggest that lithology represents the primary effect on soil magnetic properties. However, in case of significant atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic particles, this contribution can be clearly recognized, independent of the type of pollution source (point-like or diffuse), and discriminated from the lithogenic one. Different soil types apparently play no role. Possible effects of climate were not investigated in this study.  相似文献   
沼泽湿地土壤中硝态氮和铵态氮物理运移研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼泽湿地土壤是氮的重要储库,发挥着源、汇和转化器的重要功能。湿地土壤中无机氮的物理运移不但影响着植物的养分供给状况,而且其对于湿地生态系统的结构、功能及健康状况等也有着深刻影响。综述了沼泽湿地土壤无机氮物理运移及影响因素的研究动态。当前湿地土壤无机氮物理运移的研究主要集中在硝态氮和铵态氮(特别是硝态氮)物理运移规律及部分影响因素(如水分条件、土壤物理性质等)的探讨上,缺乏无机氮物理运移的动力学、热力学机制与模型表征研究。鉴于当前研究中存在的问题,指出天然沼泽湿地是研究的薄弱点,其在今后应亟需加强的领域包括:①无机氮物理运移的驱动机制;②动力学、热力学与环境效应模型表征;③人类活动和全球变化对无机氮物理运移的影响。  相似文献   
The precise nature and effects of forest clearance, followed by a two to three year cycle of shifting cultivation and subsequent secondary re-growth, was observed in an area of lowland evergreen forest over cone karst topography in central Belize. The surface soil properties varied in their response to disturbance but a number of significant changes were measured by comparing the pre-clearance and post-cultivation soil analyses. Four groups of soil properties were identified: (1) organic properties which suffered a marked decrease over the summit and upper slope areas and which showed a tendency to increase towards the foot, (2) alkaline status which demonstrated an increase on the upper slopes, (3) nutrient cations whose levels, from more limited evidence, were generally lower after clearance, particularly in the summit and upper slope areas, and (4) soil physical properties, where both the fine fraction and soil depth were drastically affected by clearance; the proportion of clay diminished on the upper slopes and increased at the footslope zone whilst soil depth thinned at the summit and increased markedly over the foreland. The scale of disturbance is so considerable that it has led to recommendations to limit cultivation and clearance pressure in these vulnerable environments.  相似文献   
Heavy metal input into roadside soils and effects of deicing salts are often discussed as separate environmental problems. However, a relationship between salt input and heavy metal mobility has already been detected in laboratory tests. During a 2-year field study, the soil solution of a roadside soil was continuously sampled. The results of soil solution analysis not only showed a strong rise in deicing-salt related sodium, calcium and chloride concentrations, but also high zinc and cadmium values in winter and spring. Additional laboratory tests confirmed the mobilizing effects of salt solution which contained NaCl and CaCl2. Cation exchange and the formation of chlorocomplexes are discussed as the responsible mechanisms.  相似文献   
Pleistocene sediments and soils exposed at Stebbing in central Essex, England are described, analysed and interpreted. The sand and gravel units above Eocene London Clay and Upper Pliocene Red Crag are shown to be a high level member of the Kesgrave Formation, with a surface immediately beneath that of the Westland Green Gravels, which are tentatively assigned to the Pre-Pastonian ‘a’ Stage of the British Quaternary succession. The rubified, argillic soil developed in the surface of these fluvial deposits is a composite of the Valley Farm and Barham Soils and displays micromorphological evidence of several phases of clay illuviation, gleying and clay coating disruption. Originally truncated and buried beneath Anglian gelifluction deposits, cover sand and till, the soil has been exhumed in most places by subsequent erosion. The full succession, however, is preserved within large gulls that formed by periglacial cambering prior to this erosion. More recent loess incorporation and pedogenesis have modified the exhumed soil and the materials within the gulls.  相似文献   
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