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This paper presents the experimental results of the mechanical production of silica and carbonate colloidal particles below 100 nm using two types of stirred bead mills (i.e., DCP Superflow 12 and PML H/V). It is shown that the stirred bead mill with very small beads can be used as an efficient equipment for the production of the colloidal particles in nanoscale from the feed materials of several microns in sizes at high energy consumptions. The DCP Superflow mill with high power densities is superior for the effective size reduction and production rate, compared to the conventional PML H/V mill with lower power densities. The smaller particles could be produced by the DCP Superflow mill at the same level of high energy inputs as from the PML H/V mill. The “grinding limit” for the processes in the mills has been discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the dissolved silica cycle in the water column of the North basin of Lake Lugano, Switzerland/Italy. Lake Lugano is a meromictic, eutrophic lake, permanently stratified below 100-m depth. A one-box model was used to calculate a silica mass-balance over 1993, based on various lake measurements, such as sediment traps, sediment cores, water analysis and biota countings. We found that the North basin of Lake Lugano is at steady state as far as dissolved silica is concerned. The primary source of dissolved silica in the lake is river input (about 80%), with diffusion from bottom sediments and groundwater input also playing a role. Atmospheric input is negligible. The main export of dissolved silica occurs via biogenic uptake by diatoms and final burial of their frustules in the bottom sediment. Loss of dissolved silica through the lake outflow only represents 15% of the total output. Of the total amount of Si exported to the lake bottom through diatom sinking, less than 20% is re-supplied to the surface water by diffusion. Thus, the lake acts as an important permanent sink for silica. The long residence time of dissolved silica in the lake (7 years) is related to the strong physical stratification of the lake. Only about 10% of the standing stock are available to phytoplankton uptake.  相似文献   
Melting relations of β-quartz were experimentally determined at 1.0 GPa (1900±20 °C), 1.5 GPa (2033±20 °C), and 2.0 GPa (2145±20 °C) using a new high-pressure assembly in a piston–cylinder apparatus and substantial differences were found with data previously reported. The new melting data of β-quartz were combined and optimized with all available thermodynamic, volumetric, and phase equilibria data for β-cristobalite, β-quartz and coesite to produce a PT liquidus diagram for silica valid up to 6.0 GPa. Using the new optimized thermodynamic parameters, the invariant point β-cristobalite+β-quartz+liquid and β-quartz+coesite+liquid were determined to lie at 1687±17 °C and 0.457 GPa, and 2425±25 °C and 5.00 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   
Site investigation and evaluation of properties of soil or rock are important aspects of geotechnical design. Determination of the ground stiffness is one of the important parameters in geotechnical engineering. Since the measurement of shear modulus is very sensitive to soil disturbance, especially for sand, determination of the stiffness of soil in the field is more reliable than in laboratory tests on sampled specimens. Measurement of shear modulus is one of the most common applications of self-boring pressuremeter testing. As an in situ device, the pressuremeter provides a unique method for assessing directly the in situ shear modulus of a soil. This paper describes a laboratory study of silica sand stiffness, which varies with stress level and strain amplitude. The results show that the elastic shear modulus value is mainly dependent on the value of the mean effective stress and relative density.  相似文献   
Siliceous hot spring deposits from Steamboat Springs, Nevada, U.S.A., record a complex interplay of multiple, changing, primary environmental conditions, fluid overprinting and diagenesis. Consequently these deposits reflect dynamic geologic and geothermal processes. Two surface sinters were examined—the high terrace, and the distal apron-slope, as well as 13.11 m (43 ft) of core material from drill hole SNLG 87-29. The high terrace sinter consists of vitreous and massive-mottled silica horizons, while the distal deposit and core comprise dominantly porous, indurated fragmental sinters. Collectively, the three sinter deposits archive a complete sequence of silica phase diagenetic minerals from opal-A to quartz. X-ray powder diffraction analyses and infrared spectroscopy of the sinters indicate that the distal apron-slope consists of opal-A and opal-A/CT mineralogy; the core yielded opal-A/CT and opal-CT with minor opal-A; and the high terrace constitutes opal-C, moganite, and quartz. Mineralogical maturation of the deposit produced alternating nano–micro–nano-sized silica particle changes. Based on filament diameters of microbial fossils preserved within the sinter, discharging thermal outflows fluctuated between low-temperatures (< 35 °C, coarse filaments) and mid-temperatures ( 35–60 °C, fine filaments). Despite transformation to quartz, primary coarse and fine filaments were preserved in the high terrace sinter. AMS 14C dating of pollen from three horizons within core SNLG 87-29, from depths of 8.13 to 8.21 m (26′8″ to 26′11″), 10.13 to 10.21 m (33′3″ to 33′6″), and 14.81 to 14.88 m (48′7″ to 48′10″), yielded dates of 8684 ± 64 years, 11,493 ± 70 years and 6283 ±60 years, respectively. In the upper section of the core, the stratigraphically out-of-sequence age likely reflects physical mixing of younger sinter with quartzose sinter fragments derived from the high terrace. Within single horizons, mineralogical and morphological components of the sinter matrix were spatially patchy. Overall, the deposit was modified by sub-surface flow of alkali-chloride thermal fluids depositing a second generation of silica, and periodically, by acidic steam condensate formed during periods when the water table was low. Local faulting produced considerable fracturing of the sinter. Hence, the Steamboat Springs sinter experienced a complex history of primary and secondary hydrothermal, geologic and diagenetic events, and their inter-relationships and effects are locked within the physical, chemical and biological signatures of the deposit.  相似文献   
The diagenetic transformation of biogenic silica from opal-A to opal-CT was recognised on seismic reflection data over an area of 78 × 103 km2 on the mid-Norwegian margin. The opal-A/CT diagenetic boundary appears as a positive, high amplitude reflection that generally cross-cuts the hosting stratigraphy. We demonstrate that it is not a sea bottom simulating reflection (BSR) and also that is not in thermal equilibrium with the present day isotherms. We present arguments that three styles of deformation associated with the opal-A/CT reflection – polygonal faulting, regional anticlines and synclines and differential compaction folding – indicate that the silica diagenesis reaction front is fossilised at a regional scale. Isochore maps demonstrate the degree of conformity between the opal-A/CT reflection and three seismic horizons of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene age that potentially represent the paleo-seabed when ‘fossilisation’ of the reaction front took place. The seismic interpretational criteria for recognition of a fossilised diagenetic front are evaluated and the results of our study are integrated with previous studies from other basins of the NE Atlantic in order to determine if the arrest of silica diagenesis was diachronous along this continental margin.  相似文献   
A carbonate-hosted stratabound siliceous crust type (SCT) mineralization (base metal sulphides, barite, fluorite) occurs over large areas of Carnic Alps and Karawanken in the Eastern Alps. It concerns a pervasively silicified lithological unit, up to some tens of metres thick, which caps the unconformity landscapes developed on epicontinental Devonian–Dinantian carbonates. The SCT mineralization is directly overlaid by different transgressive siliciclastic sediments, which range from Lower Carboniferous to Lower Permian. The presence of fragments of the SCT mineralization in the transgressive siliciclastic sediment bounds its whole lithological evolution within a short stratigraphic interval of Lower Carboniferous age. Selected features of the regional and lithostratigraphic setting are discussed. The chemical characterisation is based on the statistical evaluation of compositional data of 581 selected samples. Three significant groups of elements have been distinguished: (1) the hydrological and metasomatically active elements (Si, Ba, F), which show a strong negative correlation amongst themselves and characterise the silica-saturated aqueous solutions; (2) the terrigenous elements (Al2O3, K2O, Fetot, TiO2, B, Be, Ce, La, Nb, V, Y, Zr), which suggest a continental margin environment for silica deposition; (3) the sulphide metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sb, As, Hg, Cd), which define the metalliferous signature of the SCT mineralization.Some consistent, but still debatable genetic aspects of the SCT mineralization are as follow: (1) silica may be supplied by illitization of clay-rich basinal sediments during their diagenesis. δ18O of microcrystalline quartz ranges from +18.5‰ and +24.6‰ and is very similar to δ18O of authigenic quartz deriving from diagenetic processes of illitization of clay-rich basinal sequences. (2) The diagenetic evolution of these sediments may trigger off the movement of silica-rich marine pore waters. δ34S of barite ranges from +15.5‰ to +19.3‰ with an average of +17.7‰ and are in good agreement with δ34S of sulphate in ocean waters of Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous age. (3) A convective hydrological system, connected with sinsedimentary transtensive tectonics, active in the Carnic Alps since the Frasnian, may be the transport mechanism of aqueous solutions. (4) A weak drop in pH in the dominant carbonate environment represents the conditions for silica precipitation.SCT mineralization, showing persistent, independent and distinct characters, occurs over large areas also in other sites of the Alpine belt and outside Italy and Austria. Therefore, it points to important markers for some sedimentary sequences as well as to a worldwide significant cyclic metallogenic event. It represents a new ore deposit-type within the carbonate-hosted mineralization.  相似文献   
 Analytical expressions are derived for the Poisson's ratios associated with a three-dimensional network of regular, corner-sharing tetrahedra in which: (1) the tetrahedra are assumed to be rigid and free to rotate relative to each other; (2) the tetrahedra are assumed to maintain shape and orientation but are free to change size (dilate); (3) tetrahedral rotation and dilation are assumed to act concurrently. The structure has a primitive unit cell containing four tetrahedra and is analogous to the molecular structure of α-cristobalite. Strain-dependent variations in Poisson's ratio are also predicted by the models. For deformation due to tetrahedral rotation the network is found to exhibit negative Poisson's ratios in each of the three principal directions, with the magnitude of the Poisson's ratio being dependent on the angle of rotation of the tetrahedra. The behaviour of the Poisson's ratio is isotropic in the transverse plane, but anisotropic elsewhere. In the dilation model negative Poisson's ratios equal to −1 are observed for uniaxial loading in any of the principal directions, with the value being constant irrespective of tetrahedral size. The model for concurrent tetrahedral rotation and dilation allows positive as well as negative Poisson's ratios, with the values determined by the framework geometry and relative strengths of the two mechanisms. The concurrent model also offers a design route to materials and structures having ultrahigh Young's moduli. Received: 15 February 2000 / Accepted: 1 October 2000  相似文献   
The phytolith content of 10 samples collected immediately under Tuff IF (~ 1.785 Ma) at FLK N and other surrounding localities (~ 2 km²) provides a direct botanical evidence for woody vegetation in the eastern margin of Olduvai Gorge during uppermost Bed I time. Observation and counting of 143 phytolith types (5 to >150 μ) reveal dense but heterogeneous woody cover (~ 40–90%) of unidentified trees and/or shrubs and palms associated to the freshwater springs surrounding FLK N, and more open formation (presumably ~ 25–70% woody cover) in the southeast at localities VEK, HWK W and HWK E. The paleovegetation is best described as groundwater palm forest/woodland or bushland, which current analogue may be found near Lake Manyara in similar hydrogeological context (freshwater springs near saline/alkaline lake). Re-evaluating the published pollen data based on this analogy shows that 70% of the pollen signal at FLK N may be attributed to thicket-woodland, Acacia groundwater woodland, gallery and groundwater forests; while < 30% is attributed to swamp herbage and grasslands. Micro-botanical, isotopic, and taphonomical studies of faunal remains converge on the same conclusion that the area surrounding FLK N, which attracted both carnivores and hominins in the early Pleistocene, was densely wooded during uppermost Bed I time.  相似文献   
Silicophytoliths were produced in the plant communities of the Pampean Plain during the Quaternary. The biogeochemistry of silicon is scarcely known in continental environments of Argentina. The aim of this work is to present a synthesis of: the plant production and the presence of silicophytoliths in soils with grasses, and its relationship with silica content in soil solution, soil matrix and groundwaters in temperate ecosystems of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. We quantified the content of silicophytoliths in representative grasses and soils of the area. Mineralochemical determinations of the soils' matrix were made. The concentration of silica was determined in soil solution and groundwaters. The silicophytoliths assemblages in plants let to differenciate subfamilies within Poaceae. In soils, silicophytoliths represent 40–5% of the total components, conforming a stock of 59–72 × 103 kg/ha in A horizons. The concentration of SiO2 in soil solution increases with depth (453–1243 μmol/L) in relation with plant communities, their nutritional requirements and root development. The average concentration of silica in groundwaters is 840 umol/L. In the studied soils, inorganic minerals and volcanic shards show no features of weathering. About 10–40% of silicophytoliths were taxonomically unidentified because of their weathering degrees. The matrix of the aggregates is made up by microaggregates composed of carbon and silicon. The weathering of silicophytoliths is a process that contributes to the formation of amorphous silica-rich matrix of the aggregates. So, silicophytoliths could play an important role in the silica cycle being a sink and source of Si in soils and enriching soil solutions and groundwaters.  相似文献   
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