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A. P. Dykes 《Landslides》2007,4(3):279-290
The West Mouth of the Great Cave at Niah in Sarawak, northwest Borneo and the North Passage that leads to the West Mouth contain large deposits of guano. The main deposit, several metres thick in places, forms the sloping floor of the entire North Passage. A mass movement deposit identified in the West Mouth, having a volume of 600 m3, originated as a guano mudflow up the North Passage in the order of 40,000 years ago. This failure of the guano slope was investigated to determine whether particular conditions or events could be identified as the most likely causes. The physical, hydrological and geotechnical properties of samples of the material were determined so that the stability of the slope could be assessed. Stability analyses showed that shearing failure of the slope would require inputs of water to the slope in quantities for which no feasible explanation can be suggested. However, the properties of the guano are similar to those of loess, indicating a high susceptibility to ‘hydrocollapse’. Very shallow failure of the slope, possibly as several smaller mudflows, could therefore have occurred due to additional water in quantities that could realistically be supplied as rainwater spray, possibly with a seismic trigger. The climate must therefore have been wetter than it is at present. These findings have implications for the interpretation of sediment deposits in other relict caves.  相似文献   
West Sarawak,which located in the northwest of South Kalimantan Diwa Region,underwent geosynclinal period (An C-T),platform period (J1-J2) and diwa period (J3-).In geosynclinal evolution period,the crust was thickened and accreted by sedimentary accumulating,orogenic movement and metamorphism.In the different kinds of volcanic-sedimentary rocks,content of gold is general higher than the mean value of upper crust and its enrichment factor ranges from 0.94 to 4.7.The basement tectonics formed in geosynclinal fold inversionstage strike northeast,which controlled the distribution ofmagmatic activities and gold mineralization belts of the west part of west Sarawak.  相似文献   
Stable isotope data on humid tropical hydrology are scarce and, at present, no such data exist for Borneo. Delta18O, δ2H and δ13C were analysed on 22 water samples from different parts of the Sungai (river) Niah basin (rain, cave drip, rainforest pool, tributary stream, river, estuary, sea) in north‐central Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. This was done to improve understanding of the modern stable isotope systematics of the Sungai Niah basin, essential for the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Quaternary stable isotope proxies preserved in the Great Cave of Niah. The Niah hydrology data are put into a regional context using the meteoric water line for Southeast Asia, as derived from International Atomic Energy Agency/World Meteorological Organization isotopes in precipitation network data. Although the Niah hydrological data‐set is relatively small, spatial isotopic variability was found for the different subenvironments of the Sungai Niah basin. A progressive enrichment occurs towards the South China Sea (δ18O ?4·6‰; δ2H ?29·3‰; δ13C ?4·8‰) from the tributary stream (δ18O ?8·4‰; δ2H ?54·7‰; δ13C ?14·5‰) to up‐river (δ18O c. ?8‰; δ2H c. ?51‰; δ13C c. ?12‰) and down‐river values (δ18O c. ?7·5‰; δ2H c. ?45‰; δ13C c. ?11‰). This is thought to reflect differential evaporation and mixing of different components of the water cycle and a combination of depleted biogenic δ13C (plant respiration and decay) with enriched δ13C values (due to photosynthesis, atmospheric exchange, mixing with limestone and marine waters) downstream. Cave drip waters are relatively enriched in δ13C as compared to the surface waters. This may indicate rapid degassing of the cave drips as they enter the cave atmosphere. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
马来西亚沙捞越邦达、什兰江控矿角砾岩筒构造均为典型的浅成—半浅成角砾岩筒构造,角砾岩及控矿类型具有明显的垂向分带特点。邦达控矿角砾岩筒构造发育角砾岩筒上段的塌陷角砾岩,角砾岩筒剥蚀深度较浅,控制典型的高硫化型浅成低温金铜矿床,且其深部具有较大的找矿潜力。什兰江控矿角砾岩筒构造发育角砾岩筒下段的爆发角砾岩和中段的流化角砾岩,分别控制斑岩型金矿化和低硫化型浅成低温热液型金矿化,角砾岩筒剥蚀深度较大,对矿床的保存和找矿极为不利。  相似文献   
针对沙捞越盆地盆地类型的不同观点,通过盆地区域构造背景、构造演化阶段、构造沉降曲线的分析以及构造地质事件的恢复,得到以下认识:①盆地的构造演化可划分为晚白垩世—晚始新世,拉让洋壳向婆罗洲基底俯冲,并在婆罗洲中部形成火山岛弧的俯冲增生期;渐新世—早中新世,拉让洋壳俯冲消减完毕,路科尼亚地块与婆罗洲碰撞,并俯冲于婆罗洲基底之下,形成周缘前陆盆地的前陆盆地期;中中新世至今,南中国海开启、婆罗洲碰撞抬升引起盆地稳定沉降的被动边缘期3个阶段。②盆地所选井的构造沉降曲线具有早期缓慢沉降、晚期快速沉降这一前陆盆地的典型特征。③盆地构造地质事件复原图表明,盆地晚期处于被动大陆边缘构造背景。由此,认为沙捞越盆地为复合型盆地,即早期为前陆盆地,晚期则转化为大陆边缘型盆地。  相似文献   
Stemflow volume generation in lowland tropical forests was measured over a 1‐year period in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. The stemflow volume generated by 66 free‐standing trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) over 1 cm and a tree height over 1 m were measured daily in a representative 10 m × 10 m plot of the forest. Throughfall in the plot was also measured using 20 gauges in a fixed position. Of the 2292 mm of total rainfall observed during the year‐long period, stemflow accounted for 3·5%, throughfall for 82% and there was an interception loss of 14·5%. Understory trees (DBH < 10 cm) played an important role in stemflow generation, producing 77% of the overall stemflow volume and 90% during storms with less than 20 mm of rainfall. Also, owing to their efficiency at funneling rainfall or throughfall water received by their crowns, some understory trees noticeably reduced the catches of the throughfall gauges situated under the reach of their crown areas. During storms producing greater than 20 mm of rainfall, 80% of the total stemflow occurred; trees with a large DBH or height and for which the ratio between crown's diameter and depth is less than 1, tended to generate more stemflow volume in these storms. Mean areal stemflow as a fraction of rainfall in this lowland tropical forest was 3·4%, but may range from 1–10% depending upon the proportion of trees that are high or poor stemflow yielders. Trees with DBH greater than 10 cm were likely to contribute less than 1% of the 3·4% mean areal stemflow in the forest. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A key consideration in tectonic models for SE Asia and opening of the South China Sea is the role that the West Baram and Tinjar Lines of NW Borneo may have played in accommodating the motion of crustal blocks displaced from Asia following India's collision. There are few studies that focus on these “lines”. Using onshore geological studies and offshore seismic data to address the origin and tectonic significance of these, this paper concludes that rather than a major transform boundary between Luconia and the Dangerous Grounds, the West Baram Line marks the boundary between domains of continental crust that underwent differential extension in the Eocene. The Baram Basin is underlain by hyperextended continental crust on the NE side of the Baram Line. The strong contrast in the geological features across the Tinjar and West Baram Lines likely reflects ancient differences in crustal rheology with Luconia being the more rigid block. Although lack of significant strike slip faulting along the West Baram Line poses problems for tectonic models in which a wide proto-South China Sea is subducted beneath NW Borneo, intra-plate deformation, such as partial inversion of the Dangerous Grounds rift, offers a potential mechanism to mass balance blocks displaced from Asia with the reduced strike slip motion along the West Baram Line.  相似文献   
The structural-stratigraphic history of the North Luconia Province, Sarawak deepwater area, is related to the tectonic history of the South China Sea. The Sarawak Basin initiated as a foreland basin as a result of the collision of the Luconia continental block with Sarawak (Sarawak Orogeny). The foreland basin was later overridden by and buried under the prograding Oligocene-Recent shelf-slope system. The basin had evolved through a deep foreland basin (‘flysch’) phase during late Eocene–Oligocene times, followed by post-Oligocene (‘molasse’) phase of shallow marine shelf progradation to present day.Seismic interpretation reveals a regional Early Miocene Unconformity (EMU) separating pre-Oligocene to Miocene rifted basement from overlying undeformed Upper Miocene–Pliocene bathyal sediments. Seismic, well data and subsidence analysis indicate that the EMU was caused by relative uplift and predominantly submarine erosion between ∼19 and 17 Ma ago. The subsidence history suggests a rift-like subsidence pattern, probably with a foreland basin overprint during the last 10 Ma. Modelling results indicate that the EMU represents a major hiatus in the sedimentation history, with an estimated 500–2600 m of missing section, equivalent to a time gap of 8–10 Ma. The EMU is known to extend over the entire NW Borneo margin and is probably related to the Sabah Orogeny which marks the cessation of sea-floor spreading in the South China Sea and collision of Dangerous Grounds block with Sabah.Gravity modelling indicates a thinned continental crust underneath the Sarawak shelf and slope and supports the seismic and well data interpretation. There is a probable presence of an overthrust wedge beneath the Sarawak shelf, which could be interpreted as a sliver of the Rajang Group accretionary prism. Alternatively, magmatic underplating beneath the Sarawak shelf could equally explain the free-air gravity anomaly. The Sarawak basin was part of a remnant ocean basin that was closed by oblique collision along the NW Borneo margin. The closure started in the Late Eocene in Sarawak and moved progressively northeastwards into Sabah until the Middle Miocene. The present-day NW Sabah margin may be a useful analogue for the Oligocene–Miocene Sarawak foreland basin.  相似文献   
The development of three Tertiary deltaic complexes has resulted in the deposition of up to 10 km of sandstones and shales comprising the sources and reservoirs for crude oils that occur onshore, near-offshore and, with future exploration efforts, those likely to be encountered in deepwater reservoirs north of the Brunei coastline. We examined a series of offshore oils and onshore rock samples in Brunei Darussalam (a) to delineate oil family groups and their source rock characteristics, and (b) to assess the source potential of the sedimentary sequence with respect to lithology and depositional setting. Twelve offshore oils and 53 shales, coaly shales and coals were examined. The oils contain indicators of allochthonous (e.g. bicadinanes, oleananes) and autochthonous (e.g. cholestanes and methylcholestanes) components in the source organic matter. Predictable geographic variations of this mixed input are clearly evident in the sample set (e.g. allochthonous input appears to increase in offshore Brunei to the northeast). Although this molecular source signature is relatively clear, migration of these oils from deep (and unidentified) source rocks has resulted in extensive migration-contamination with respect to the tetracyclic and pentacyclic hydrocarbons. This contamination has resulted in strong correlations between certain molecular maturity indicators and the present-day temperature of the reservoirs. Liquid hydrocarbon source rock potential is present in the tidal and coastal embayment facies, and is greatest in the Miocene coals. Neither the shales nor coaly shales contain significant oil generative potential. The thermal immaturity of the sample set precludes valid oil–source rock correlations without conducting artificial maturation experiments on the coals.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the large‐scale land use and land cover changes that have taken place in Sarawak state, East Malaysia over the three decades of 1972‐2002. Results are presented from a detailed land use and cover change (LUCC) study in the Niah River catchment using satellite imagery, questionnaire surveys and interviews. Successive waves of land cover changes have taken place. Large forest areas have been logged and gradually replaced by oil palm plantations, which now occupy more than 40 per cent of the total land area in the catchment. Concurrently, small‐scale farming systems have also changed. Formerly dominant Iban shifting cultivation practices are increasingly being replaced by cash crop production on permanent fields and impacted by off‐farm activities involving many ethnic groups. It is argued that land cover changes are continuous and complex processes involving a large number of variables which can be analysed for different time periods at various scales.  相似文献   
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