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Positive tectonic inversion is related to the transmission of compressional stresses along a décollement into the foreland of an orogenic zone. This stress and strain concentration in regions remote from the main orogenic front is commonly related to the presence of pre-existing rheological heterogeneities such as normal syn-depositional faults. During inversion, these pre-existing normal faults are reactivated as reverse faults. Tectonic inversion in the Rhenohercynian fold-and-thrust belt during the Variscan Orogeny shows that inversion is likely synchronous with the onset of collision in the hinterland. Here, we present the results of a simplified thermo-mechanical model (STM) which allows one to study strain partitioning between two orogenic zones. We show that, if the two orogenic zones have the same mechanical properties, the viscosity of the décollement, which links them, controls the initial strain partitioning. During subsequent finite shortening, erosional processes determine the partitioning of strain rate. The presence of a weak structure in the inverted zone and of a low-viscosity décollement leads to initial strain concentration in the inverted track rather than in the collision zone and a progressive decrease in strain partitioning between the two orogenic zones. The STM results are in good agreement with results of a 2D finite-element model. We conclude that, in the western part of the Rhenohercynian Massif, simultaneous uplift and deformation within the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (the main collision zone) and the Ardenne Anticlinorium (the inverted zone) lead to interpreting this orogenic event as a case of vice tectonic rather than the propagation of a ‘wave of folding’ towards the Variscan front, as suggested by previous authors.  相似文献   
The Lower Carboniferous Moravian–Silesian Culm Basin (MSCB) represents the easternmost part of the Rhenohercynian system of collision-related, deep-water foreland basins (Culm facies). The Upper Viséan Moravice Formation (MF) of the MSCB shows a distinct cyclic stratigraphic arrangement. Two major asymmetric megacycles bounded by basal sequence boundary, each about 500 to 900 m thick, have been revealed. The megacycles start with 50- to 250-m-thick, basal segments of erosive channels: overbank successions and slope apron deposits interpreted as lowstand turbidite systems. Up-section they pass into hundred metre-thick, fine-grained, low-efficiency turbidite systems. Palaeocurrent data show two prominent directions, basin axis-parallel, SSW–NNE directions, which are abundant in the whole MF, and basin axis-perpendicular to oblique, W–E to NW–SE directions, which tend to be confined to the basal parts of the megacycles or channel-lobe transition systems in their upper parts. Based on the facies characteristics, palaeocurrent data, sandstone composition data and trace-fossil distribution data, we suggest a combined tectonics–sediment supply-driven model for the MF basin fill. Periods of increased tectonic activity resulted in slope oversteepening probably combined with increased rate of lateral W–E sediment supply into the basin, producing the basal sequence boundary and the subsequent lowstand turbidite systems. During subsequent periods of tectonic quiescence, the system was filled mainly from a distant southern point source, producing the thick, low efficiency turbidite systems. Consistently with the previous models, our own sediment composition data indicate a progressively increasing sediment input from high-grade metamorphic and magmatic sources up-section, most probably related to an uplift in the source area and progressive unroofing of its structurally deeper crustal parts. The first occurrence of the Cruziana–Nereites ichnofacies in sand-rich turbidite systems in the youngest parts of the MF (Goel to Gospi Zone), supported by rapidly increasing quartz concentrations in sandstones, is thought to indicate a transition from generally underfilled to generally overfilled phase in evolution of the MSCB basin. This transition may be linked to the onset of Upper Viséan phase of northward basin-fill progradation assumed by previous authors.  相似文献   
The progressive deformation recorded in the magnetic fabric of sedimentary rocks was studied in the SE Rhenohercynian Zone (RHZ), eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. Almost 800 oriented samples of the Lower Carboniferous mudstones and graywackes were collected from the SSE part of the Czech RHZ, so-called the Drahany Upland. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is predominantly controlled by the preferred orientation of paramagnetic phyllosilicates, mainly iron-bearing chlorites. A regional distribution of the magnetic fabric within the Drahany Upland revealed an increasing deformation from the SSE to the NNW. In the SE, the magnetic fabric is bedding-parallel with magnetic lineation scattered in the bedding plane or trending N–S to NNE–SSW. Further to the NW, the magnetic foliation rotates from the bedding-parallel orientation to the orientation parallel to the evolving cleavage. This rotation is accompanied by a decrease of the anisotropy degree and the prolate nature of the anisotropy ellipsoids. The magnetic lineation is parallel to the strike of the bedding, bedding/cleavage intersection, pencil structure or the fold axes on a regional scale. In the NW part of the Drahany Upland, the magnetic foliation becomes parallel to the cleavage accompanied by an increase of the anisotropy degree and the oblate nature of the anisotropy ellipsoids. The increasing trend of deformation corresponds to the SSE–NNW increase in the degree of anchimetamorphism; both trends being oblique to the main lithostratigraphic formations as typically observed in the sedimentary rocks of the accretionary wedges. The SSE–NNW increase in deformation and anchimetamorphism continues to the Nízký Jeseník Mts., representing the northern part of the same accretionary wedge. The kinematics of deformation could not be unambiguously assessed. The observed magnetic fabric may reflect either lateral shortening or horizontal simple shear or a combination of both mechanisms. Regarding the subduction process, it seems that the sedimentary sequences of the Drahany Upland were subducted, partly offscraped and accreted frontally or partly underplated as opposed to the Nízký Jeseník Mts. where some return flow must have occurred.  相似文献   
Deep marine deposits of the Gramscatho Basin of south Cornwall reflect two tectonic regimes; Early to Middle Devonian rifting of continental lithosphere with formation of oceanic lithosphere to the south, and Middle Devonian to earliest Carboniferous convergence along its southern margin. Sediments on thinned continental crust to the north and oceanic lithosphere to the south were juxtaposed in the Late Devonian when nappes of deep water flysch and olistostrome were thrust up on to the northern continental margin of the basin. Basin closure was accommodated by forward propagating thrust nappes, accompanied by penecontemporaneous sedimentation. The stratigraphical sequences of major nappes illustrate the progradation of flysch with climactic sedimentation of olistostrome in late Mid- to Late Devonian times. The Lizard Complex, including the Lizard ophiolite, within that nappe stack, constitutes part of one of the GCR sites which are largely in the allochthonous rocks. Many of those sites feature the olistostrome, Roseland Breccia Formation, with its great variety of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic clasts (up to 1.5 km), and the association of ocean floor basalt and penecontemporaneous acidic volcanics indicative of the coming together of oceanic and continental plates. A site at the top of the parautochthonous continental margin succession displays the erosion products of the youngest nappe as it emerged and advanced across the sediment surface, marking closure of the oceanised Gramscatho Basin and continental collision.  相似文献   
The North Devon Basin, situated in a more proximal passive margin regime than the rift basins to the south, is not constrained but its succession is thought to represent in large part the sediments debouched from a northerly hinterland. Rather than that immediate source being South Wales an original location of the basin well to the south-east and west of the Ardennes massif is considered probable, with its present position being attained by Carboniferous displacement along the Bristol Channel-Bray Fault. The basin's thick (6000 m) succession comprises terrestrial and marine deposits that form two major sedimentary cycles, which are apparently closely linked to rift basin formation to the south. The GCR sites span a relatively straightforward shelf succession that extends from the late Early Devonian to the Carboniferous. The sedimentology, palaeontology, and depositional environments of terrestrial and marine facies lithostratigraphical units are detailed, some sites providing the macrofossil assemblages important in the identification and definition by Sedgwick and Murchison of the Devonian System.  相似文献   
Continental margin sediments of an exotic nature, which have been thrust over the Rhenohercynian zone of Central Germany, occur mainly in olistostromes of Lower Carboniferous age. A stratigraphy compiled from the exotic rocks reflects the wide spectrum of continental shelf and adjacent basinal facies that existed at least from the Early Ordovician to the Early Carboniferous. Facies and faunal relationships are comparable with those in the Palaeozoic of the western Mediterranean region, Saxothuringia (south-east Germany) and the Barrandian area (Czech Republic), which suggests deposition at the northern margin of the Gondwana Palaeozoic supercontinent. Among the exotic rocks, a Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous facies, referred to as Flinzkalk, contains sediments showing characteristics of contourites. They may have originated from reworked turbidites, formed under a current which flowed parallel to the North Gondwana margin, similar to the Gulf Stream flowing along eastern North America today.  相似文献   
A regional isotopic study of Pb and S in hydrothermal galenas and U–Pb and S in potential source rocks was carried out for part of Moravia, Czech Republic. Two major generations of veins, (syn-) Variscan and post-Variscan, are defined based on the Pb-isotope system together with structural constraints (local structures and regional trends). The Pb-isotopic compositions of galena plot in two distinct populations with outliers in 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb space. Galena from veins hosted in greywackes provides a cluster with the lowest Pb–Pb ratios: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.15–18.27, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.59–15.61, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.11–38.23. Those hosted in both limestones and greywackes provide the second cluster: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.37–18.44, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.60–15.63, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.14–38.32. These clusters suggest model Pb ages as Early Carboniferous and Triassic–Jurassic, the latter associated with MVT-like deposits. Two samples from veins hosted in Proterozoic rocks lie outside the two clusters: in metagranitoid (206Pb/204Pb = 18.55, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.29) and in orthogneiss (206Pb/204Pb = 18.79, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.73, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.54). The results from these two samples suggest an interaction of mineralizing fluids with the radiogenic Pb-rich source (basement?). The values of δ34S suggest the Paleozoic host rocks (mostly ?6.7 to +5.2‰ CDT) as the source of S for hydrothermal sulfides (mostly ?4.8 to +2.5‰ CDT). U–Pb data and Pb isotope evolutionary curves indicate that Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous sediments, especially siliciclastics, are the general dominant contributor of Pb for galena mineralization developed in sedimentary rocks. Plumbotectonic mixing occurred, it is deduced, only between the lower and the upper crust (the latter involving Proterozoic basement containing heterogeneous radiogenic Pb), without any significant input from the mantle. It is concluded that in the Moravo–Silesian and Rhenohercynian zones (including proximal districts in Poland) lead and sulfur have been mobilized from the adjacent rocks during multiple hydrothermal events in processes that are remarkably comparable in timing, geochemistry of fluids and nature of sources.  相似文献   

U-Pb. systematics of detrital zircons carry a mineral-specific information summarizing important geologic events during the preelastic slate of the minerals. Comparisons with U/Pb isotope rati of zircons from potential provenances reveal relationships between source areas of the zircons and their final location of deposition in a sedimentary basin. The Palaeozoic zircon detritus accumulated in sedimentary basins on the Rhenohercynian crustal segment is taken as an example to elucidate the plate-tectonical induced changes of the source areas by significant changes of the 206Pb/238 vs. 207Pb/235ratios in the zircons.

The U-Pb systematic of detrital zircon- from the Cambrian sediments deposited in the Brabant Massif and in the Ardennes indicale two source areas. Part of the detritus derived from an area. where strong Cadomian-Panafrican events influenced the U-Pb systems of the zircons. The oilier part reflects a source, in which the U-Pb systems were able to preserve their Arehaean to Early Proterozoic age information. Zircons of the latter source record the most ancient ages so far observed in detrital zircons of the later Rhenohercynian crustal seg ment. The similarities with the U/Pb isotope ratios of zircons from the Armorican Massif, the Bohemian Massif. and certain regions of the Mps indicate a geotectonic position of the sedimentar) basin during Cambrian times in the periphery of the Condwana mega-continent.

The detrital zircons accumulated in the Variscan Rhenish basin during the Lower Devonian show a completely different summarizing age information. The majority of the zircons reflect a Laurussian-type origin. which suggests a palaeogeographic position of the Variscan Rhenohercynian basin close to Laurussia. Euhedral zircons crystallized during Caledonian times document the erosion of Caledonian granitoids from structural highs in the Mid European Caledonides.

Zircons of the Lower Carboniferous flysch sediments of todays Eastern Rhenish Massif originate from two source areas characterised by very different geologic histories. Euhedral zircons represent a rather young component of about 410 Ma in the detritus, whereas. in contrast. the well rounded crystals show a summarizing age-information identical to that of the zircons found in the Cambrian sandstones. The low ages resemble intrusion ages as recorded from the Mid-German-Crystalline-Rise, the high age reflect a Gondwana-type input into the Rhenohercynian sedimentary basin during Lower Carboniferous times. The detritus thus documents the Variscan collision and a renewed coherence of the Rhenohercynian crustal segment to Cnndwana.

The zircon population from Upper Carboniferous molasse deposits is comprised of Condwana-tуpc material and of mate rial with similar U/Pb ratios as recorded in the Lower Devonian zircons. In parts the Variscan molasse must have been derived from sediments once deposited in a southern part of the Rhenohercynian basin and in the Saxothurìngian basin. U/Pb ratios of euhedral and round diamond-like lustrous zircons indicate a major geologic event at the Namurian/Westphalian boundary (310-315 Ma). These zircons thus reflect an influx of detritus into the molasse from other source rocks, probably synsedimentary volcanics.  相似文献   
Thermal modeling techniques constrained by published petrological and thermo-chronometric data were applied to examine late orogenic burial and exhumation at a Variscan suture zone in Central Europe. The suture separates the southern Rhenohercynian zone from the Mid-German Crystalline Rise and traces the former site of a small oceanic basin. Closure of this basin during Variscan subduction and subsequent collision of continental units were responsible for different tectono-metamorphic evolutions in the suture's footwall and hanging wall. Relative convergence rates between the southern Rhenohercynian zone and western Mid-German Crystalline Rise can be inferred from the pressure-temperature-time evolution of the Northern Phyllite Zone. During Late Viséan-Early Namurian times, horizontal thrusting velocities were at least 20 mm/a. Thermal modeling suggests that exhumation of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise occurred temporarily at rates of more than 3 mm/a. Such rapid exhumation cannot be produced by erosion only, but requires a substantial contribution of extensional strain. Exhumation by upper crustal extension occurred contemporaneously with convergence and is explained by continuous underplating of crustal slices and thrusting along faults with ramp-flat geometry. Finally, implications for the tectono-metamorphic history of the study area and the thermal state of the crust during late Variscan exhumation are discussed.  相似文献   
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