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The Anzishan ophiolite, a typical ophiolitic block of early Carboniferous age in the Mian-Lue suture zone of the Qinling Mountains, central China, consists of amphibolites/metabasalts, gabbros and gabbroic cumulates. All of these rocks, as well as those in the Hunshuiguan-Zhuangke (HZ) block, have compositions similar to normal MORB and back-arc basin basalts (BABB) with high εNd(t) values, indicating that they were derived from a depleted mantle source. The Mian-Lue suture zone also contains blocks of other lithologies, e.g., rift volcanic rocks in the Heigouxia block and arc volcanic rocks in the Sanchazi block. Although they are in fault contact with each other, the presence of these different blocks in the Mian-Lue suture zone may represent a complete Wilson cycle, from initial rifting to open ocean basin to final subduction and continent-continent collision, during the late Paleozoic-early Triassic. In this region, the North and South China Cratons were separated by Paleo-Tethys at least until the early Carboniferous, and final amalgamation of both cratons along the Qinling orogenic belt took place in the Triassic.  相似文献   
High‐T, low‐P metamorphic rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic central Halls Creek Orogen in northern Australia are characterised by low radiogenic heat production, high upper crustal thermal gradients (locally exceeding 40 °C km?1) sustained for over 30 Myr, and a large number of layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions with mantle‐related geochemical signatures. In order to account for this combination of geological and thermal characteristics, we model the middle crustal response to a transient mantle‐related heat pulse resulting from a temporary reduction in the thickness of the mantle lithosphere. This mechanism has the potential to raise mid‐crustal temperatures by 150–400 °C within 10–20 Myr following initiation of the mantle temperature anomaly, via conductive dissipation through the crust. The magnitude and timing of maximum temperatures attained depend strongly on the proximity, duration and lateral extent of the thermal anomaly in the mantle lithosphere, and decrease sharply in response to anomalies that are seated deeper than 50–60 km, maintained for <5 Myr in duration and/or have half‐widths <100 km. Maximum temperatures are also intimately linked to the thermal properties of the model crust, primarily due to their influence on the steady‐state (background) thermal gradient. The amplitudes of temperature increases in the crust are principally a function of depth, and are broadly independent of crustal thermal parameters. Mid‐crustal felsic and mafic plutonism is a predictable consequence of perturbed thermal regimes in the mantle and the lowermost crust, and the advection of voluminous magmas has the potential to raise temperatures in the middle crust very quickly. Although pluton‐related thermal signatures significantly dissipate within <10 Myr (even for very large, high‐temperature intrusive bodies), the interaction of pluton‐ and mantle‐related thermal effects has the potential to maintain host rock temperatures in excess of 400–450 °C for up to 30 Myr in some parts of the mid‐crust. The numerical models presented here support the notion that transient mantle‐related heat sources have the capacity to contribute significantly to the thermal budget of metamorphism in high‐T, low‐P metamorphic belts, especially in those characterised by low surface heat flow, very high peak metamorphic geothermal gradients and abundant mafic intrusions.  相似文献   
Abstract: A series of super large‐scale and large‐scale Pb and Zn, and Au deposits are distributed in the Qinling orogenic belt, China. Gold deposits were generally ascribed to Carlin‐type originated from circular meteoric water. Visible and coarse‐grained gold (up to over 3mm in grain size) was recently identified in some gold deposits in the Fengxian‐Lixian area, Qinling. Au‐bearing quartz lodes related to magmatism were discovered in the Xiaogouli gold deposit. Two types of Au‐bearing quartz veins, i.e., NW‐trending quartz veins and NE‐trending quartz veins cutting strata are widely present in the Baguamiao gold deposit. Both are spatially associated with each other. The former is generally snake–like, S‐shape or zigzag, which was resulted from plastic deformation by ductile shearing, being generally cut by the latter. The latter is generally linear with widely developed bleaching alteration zones in its adjacent wall rocks, which symbolizes the superimposition of brittle deformation and filling and metasomatism of magmatic hydrothermal solution in ductile shear zones after uplifting of the shear zones near the surface. The NW‐trending quartz veins contain Au of lower than 3ppm. The NE‐trending quartz veins contain Au of more than 3 ppm, so that NE‐trending quartz veins and the adjoining altered rocks are important ores. The NW‐trending Au–bearing quartz vein was dated as 210.61.26 to 232.581.59 Ma by 40Ar–39Ar method, i.e., late Indosinian epoch (Triassic). The NE‐trending Au–bearing quartz vein was dated as 131.910.89 to 197.451.13 Ma by 40Ar–39Ar method, i.e., Yanshanian epoch (Jurassic). The 40Ar–39Ar age of the NW‐trending Au–bearing quartz veins represents the age of the ductile shear formation. The isotope data of the NE‐trending quartz veins indicate that gold mineralization was closely related to Indosinian and Yanshanian granite intrusives not only in time and space, but also in origin.  相似文献   
略阳煎茶岭铜镍硫化物矿床Re—Os同位素年龄及其地质意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用矿石Re-Os同位素方法对陕西省煎茶岭硫化镍矿床矿石进行了成矿年代学研究,获得了878士27 Ma(1σ)的等时线年龄,首次厘定了该矿床成矿时代为新元古代,成岩成矿基本同时.通过对878 Ma硫化镍矿石初始Re-Os同位素体系的γOs计算和Re/Os值分析表明,其yOs和Re/Os值变化范围大,深部条带状矿石的Re/Os值仅为0.05,yOs为-6.70;块状矿石的Re/Os值范围为4.24~24.43,γOs为-15.37~+280.65,说明成矿过程中有壳源物质的混染;两件样品的γOs为负值(-15.37,-6.70),可能指示其超镁铁质岩浆来源于Re亏损地幔.煎茶岭超基性岩体年龄及其镍矿石的Re-Os等时线年龄与扬子克拉通北缘火山岩浆活动时间相对应,它们是扬子克拉通西北缘晋宁期构造岩浆成矿作用的产物.  相似文献   
秦岭—大巴山地区金属矿产成矿规律   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
彭大明 《矿产与地质》1997,11(3):158-165
秦岭—大巴山地区金属资源蕴藏丰富,成矿规律明显。剖析控矿条件,概括出优势金属资源的空间定位、成矿类型,归纳了成矿期,指明了小秦岭、熊耳山、伏牛山、汉(中)武(都)北(川)、凤(州)成(县)礼(县)、山(阳)柞(水)旬(阳)和商(南)洛(南)等七个成矿域,是查勘巨型或特大型矿产的地区。  相似文献   
镇(安)旬(阳)地区锑金矿化分布,与其区域地质地球化学因素,陆源断陷盆地沉积岩相变化,后期构造作用密切相关,认为镇旬地区为扬子与华北板块边缘对接过渡活动带,形成局部扩张断陷沉积盆地环境。海底同生断裂的发育,使盆地中心局限台盆环境造成陆源物质、内源组份和深部物质的混生,以及为深部含矿热液上升提供通道;在后期脆-韧性剪切变形构造叠加,地下热卤水循环改造作用,形成层控式细脉浸染型锑金矿床。该地区锑金成矿物质来源丰富,沉积构造环境优越,后期控矿构造发育,显示了潜在的细脉浸染型锑金矿床的找矿前景。  相似文献   
北秦岭古聚会带壳幔再循环   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
以同构造期代表古洋壳残片的蛇绿岩及产于古岛弧的玄武岩为基础,通过Nd,Pb同位素与微量元素示踪及岩浆源区分析,揭示出北秦岭元古宙上地幔以强亏损(εNd(t)+6.3~+7.3)和高的Yb/Hf,Nb/La和Th/La比值为特征,北秦岭地壳和上地幔明显具有Pb同位素比值高的特征.北秦岭丹凤群岛弧火山岩、二郎坪群弧后玄武岩以及松树沟蛇绿岩中变拉斑玄武岩εNd(t)、放射成因Pb同位素、Y/Tb和Ti-MgO研究表明,本区玄武岩存在两类性质不同的岩浆源.一类与亏损的北秦岭岩石圈上地幔源区有关;另一类与携带海洋沉积物的洋壳板块俯冲参与有关.由此,论证了北秦岭古聚会带壳幔之间物质再循环  相似文献   
The Sanchazi mafic-ultramafic complex in Mianlue tectonic zone, South Qinling can be subdivided into two blocks, i.e. Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc and Zhuangkegou paleo-oceanic crust fragment (ophiolite). The Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc is mainly composed of andesite, basaltic and basalt-andesitic gabbro (or diorite), andesitic dyke, plagiogranite and minor ultramafic rocks, which have typical geochemical features of island arc volcanic rocks, such as high field strength element (e.g. Nb, Ti) depletions and lower Cr, Ni contents. The Light rare earth element (LREE) and K enrichments of these rocks and zircon xenocrystals of 900 Ma from plagiogranite suggest that this magmatic arc was developed on the South active continental margin of the South Qinling micro-continent. The U-Pb age of (300 ± 61)Ma for zircons from plagiogranite indicates that the Mianlue paleo-oceanic crust was probably subducted underneath the South Qinling micro-continent in Carboniferous. This is consistent with the formation time (309Ma) of the Huwan eclogite originating from oceanic subduction in Dabie Mountains, suggesting that the Mianlue paleo-ocean probably extended eastward to the Dabie Mountains in Carboniferous. The high-Mg adakitic rocks in Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc suggest that the subducted oceanic crust was relatively young (<25Ma) and hot.  相似文献   
Being a composite collisional orogen between North China and South China blocks, the Qinling orogenic belt is the key to understand the composite combination, prolonged evolutionary history and their continental dynamics. The main suture between north and south Qinling, called Shangdan suture zone (SDSZ), had been studied in detail for about twenty years. Recently, another suture zone, called Mianl黣 suture zone (MLSZ), has been identified in the Qinling Mountains. It is characterized b…  相似文献   
南秦岭十里坪锑矿床成矿时代及成因的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
十里坪锑矿床受赵川陆缘隆_滑构造的主滑脱拆离带的控制。矿体呈脉状赋存于韧_脆性主滑脱带上部的脆性次级断层_节理中,矿石类型主要为萤石石英辉锑矿型。围岩为太古宙_元古宙变质岩系,围岩蚀变弱。成矿流体属H2O_CO2_NaCl体系,流体包裹体盐度w(NaCleq)为3.6%~11.3%,均一温度为109~232℃,形成压力大致为800×105Pa。硫、铅同位素研究表明,矿质主要来源于变火山岩围岩;氢、氧同位素显示,成矿流体以大气降水为主,初步将该矿床定为变质岩源就地式大气降水热液矿床。矿石中萤石Sm_Nd等时线年龄为(392±24)Ma,与南秦岭北部晚古生代拗陷区热水喷流_沉积成矿时代相一致,它们都形成于秦岭微板块泥盆纪非造山裂解阶段。  相似文献   
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