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浮式防波堤充分利用波能在水深方向的分布特性,在满足工程消浪要求的同时对海域水沙交换影响较小,且能够快速布置,在某些实际工程有一定应用前景。为了深入了解波浪作用下浮式防波堤的动力响应,基于OpenFOAM标准求解器olaFlow,在刚体运动求解计算中植入锚链求解模块MOODY(mooring cable dynamics),实现了基于重叠网格方法的浮体运动与锚链受力耦合求解,建立了锚链系泊浮式防波堤动力响应的二维数值模型。利用该数值模型对锚链系泊单方箱浮式防波堤在波浪作用下的透射系数、运动响应、锚链张力进行了模拟,并和相关试验结果进行了比较。结果表明,模型能够准确模拟二维波浪和浮式防波堤的相互作用,并用于三维模型的改进。  相似文献   
To assist emergency management planning and prevention in case of hazardous chemical release into the atmosphere,especially in densely built-up regions with large populations,a multi-scale urban atmospheric dispersion model was established.Three numerical dispersion experiments,at horizontal resolutions of 10 m,50 m and 3000 m,were performed to estimate the adverse effects of toxic chemical release in densely built-up areas.The multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is composed of the Weather Forecasting and Research (WRF) model,the Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation software package,and a Lagrangian dispersion model.Quantification of the adverse health effects of these chemical release events are given by referring to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency's Acute Exposure Guideline Levels.The wind fields of the urban-scale case,with 3 km horizontal resolution,were simulated by the Beijing Rapid Update Cycle system,which were utilized by the WRF model.The sub-domain-scale cases took advantage of the computational fluid dynamics method to explicitly consider the effects of buildings.It was found that the multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is capable of simulating the flow pattern and concentration distribution on different scales,ranging from several meters to kilometers,and can therefore be used to improve the planning of prevention and response programs.  相似文献   
基于势流理论的数值水池可以快速计算波浪的传播及其对建筑物的作用,但是势流理论是基于波浪的无黏性假设的,而在工程中,通常需要在固体边界及波浪破碎的区域考虑黏性效应。针对基于求解Navier-Stokes方程的黏性水池计算量较大、速度较慢的缺点,采用耦合的方法模拟多向不规则波浪的传播,即在外域通过基于势流理论的数值水池产生多向不规则波浪,内域采用求解Navier-Stokes方程和流体体积法(VOF方法)对自由表面进行追踪,通过外域所提供的边界波浪,内域计算可以在较小区域进行计算,从而达到减少计算量、提高计算效率的目的。  相似文献   
Interactions between hydrokinetic turbines and near scale and far scale bed sediment particles are considered a critical area of assessment; however, a limited number of research studies have been published to address this issue. The current paper explores the influence of the blockage ratio on the morphology evolution downstream from a hydrokinetic turbine. A modeling framework is derived to predict the significant transport induced by a turbine installed on the erodible fluvial sandy bed surface, such as the Eulerian multi-phase model for the sediment and the Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) for the turbine, using the open source platform OpenFOAM. Two configurations of different blockage ratios are considered. The configurations show differences in the bed morphology and the sediment transport. It has been shown for both configurations that the scour capabilities are enhanced below the turbine due to the acceleration of the flow and increasing local shear stress on the sediment.  相似文献   
葛昭佩  唐军  赵楚嫣 《海洋学报》2022,44(11):111-120
本文基于OpenFOAM建立三维波浪数值水槽,模拟计算植被水域波浪作用下的床面切应力,分析了入射波高、植被密度、植被淹没高度、水流对植被水域波浪作用下床面切应力的影响。结果表明:纯波时,由于植被的阻水作用,植被水域床面切应力沿程衰减,其衰减程度与入射波高、植被密度及植被淹没高度呈现正相关;与纯波时相比,在波浪和同向流共同作用下正向床面切应力幅值增大,负向床面切应力幅值减小;弱水流对植被水域床面切应力的大小及分布无明显影响;强水流时,床面切应力在植被水域先增大后逐渐减小并在植被水域后显著降低。  相似文献   
The airflow and dispersion of a pollutant in a complex urban area of Beijing, China, were numerically examined by coupling a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model with a mesoscale weather model. The models used were Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) software package and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. OpenFOAM was firstly validated against wind-tunnel experiment data. Then, the WRF model was integrated for 42 h starting from 0800 LST 08 September 2009, and the coupled model was used to compute the flow fields at 1000 LST and 1400 LST 09 September 2009. During the WRF-simulated period, a high pressure system was dominant over the Beijing area. The WRF-simulated local circulations were characterized by mountain valley winds, which matched well with observations. Results from the coupled model simulation demonstrated that the airflows around actual buildings were quite different from the ambient wind on the boundary provided by the WRF model, and the pollutant dispersion pattern was complicated under the influence of buildings. A higher concentration level of the pollutant near the surface was found in both the step-down and step-up notches, but the reason for this higher level in each configurations was different: in the former, it was caused by weaker vertical flow, while in the latter it was caused by a downward-shifted vortex. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the coupled WRF-OpenFOAM model is an important tool that can be used for studying and predicting urban flow and dispersions in densely built-up areas.  相似文献   
浮式防波堤具有对海洋环境友好、施工方便、造价受水深影响小等优点,在海岸工程领域有广阔的应用前景。但受消波效果不稳定、结构易破坏且对锚泊系统要求高等因素的影响,浮式防波堤在实际工程应用中面临较大的挑战。本文采用物理模型试验以及基于OpenFoam的数值模拟方法,对一种由双浮筒、双竖板与水平连接板组成的新型浮式防波堤结构进行消浪性能研究。讨论波浪要素、相对竖板高度、相对水平连接板宽度等因素对双筒双板式浮式防波堤(DCDPFB)消浪性能的影响,分析其周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化,确定相对最优的结构尺寸。结果表明,相对水平连接板宽度、相对竖板高度和半圆柱体尺寸是影响DCDPFB消浪性能的关键因素;波高与入水深度对透射系数的影响较小;DCDPFB周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化是耗散波浪能量的重要因素;按照相对最优结构尺寸建造的DCDPFB试验段,在海上原型试验中表现出良好的消波性能。  相似文献   
Layered deposits of relatively light and heavy minerals can be found in many aquatic environments. Quantification of the physical processes which lead to the fine‐scale layering of these deposits is often limited with flumes or in situ field experiments. Therefore, the following research questions were addressed: (i) how can selective grain entrainment be numerically simulated and quantified; (ii) how does a mixed bed turn into a fully layered bed; and (iii) is there any relation between heavy mineral content and bed stability? Herein, a three‐dimensional numerical model was used as an alternative measure to study the fine‐scale process of density segregation during transport. The three‐dimensional model simulates particle transport in water by combining a turbulence‐resolving large eddy simulation with a discrete element model prescribing the motion of individual grains. The granular bed of 0·004 m in height consisted of 200 000 spherical particles (D50 = 500 μ m). Five suites of experiments were designed in which the concentration ratio of heavy (5000 kg m−3) to light particles (i.e. 2560 kg m−3) was increased from 6%, 15%, 35%, 60% to 80%. All beds were tested for 10 sec at a predefined flow speed of 0·3 m sec−1. Analysis of the particle behaviour in the interior of the beds showed that the lighter particles segregated from the heavy particles with increasing time. The latter accumulated at the bottom of the domain, forming a layer, whereas the lighter particles were transported over the layer forming sweeps. Particles below the heavy particle layer indicated that the layer was able to armour the particles below. Consequentially, enrichment of heavy minerals in a layer is controlled by the segregation of a heavy mineral fraction from the light counterpart, which enhances current understanding of heavy mineral placer formation.  相似文献   
The paper considers the application of two numerical models to simulate the evolution of steep breaking waves. The first one is a Lagrangian wave model based on equations of motion of an inviscid fluid in Lagrangian coordinates. A method for treating spilling breaking is introduced and includes dissipative suppression of the breaker and correction of crest shape to improve the post breaking behaviour. The model is used to create a Lagrangian numerical wave tank, to reproduce experimental results of wave group evolution. The same set of experiments is modelled using a novel VoF numerical wave tank created using OpenFOAM. Lagrangian numerical results are validated against experiments and VoF computations and good agreement is demonstrated. Differences are observed only for a small region around the breaking crest.  相似文献   
基于成本共享理念的波浪能发电装置(WEC)的开发与设计为降低建设成本提供了新的研究思路,应用计算流体力学方法对在透空箱式防波堤前附加垂荡浮子的集成装置进行数值模拟研究,主要研究了流体黏性和非线性PTO系统以及浮子形状对此类集成装置能量转换效率的影响。结果表明,此类集成装置可以获得较高的波能捕获宽度比(CWR),最高可达0.7,可以较好地利用反射波波能。共振区间上受黏性影响较大,相比于线性无黏理论解,CWR下降明显;实现了2种非线性PTO系统的模拟,有待于进一步的优化未获得更高的CWR值;浮子形状优化效果明显,采用圆底形浮子受黏性影响更小,可以获得更大的CWR值。此种集成模型的模拟和研究可以为新型防波堤设计和现有防波堤的改造提供思路和参考。  相似文献   
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