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Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have promoted the rapid development of ice-snow tourism in China, which contributes to achieving the goal of having “300 million people participate in ice-snow sports”. This paper analyzes the status quo and problems associated with the growth of ice-snow tourism in China based on the methods of documentation and field investigation. The results indicate that China’s efforts have born abundant fruits. Notwithstanding, there are still some problems due to the limited time and hastened process of ice-snow tourism development, including unreasonable exploitation, low-quality products and services, imperfect investment and financing system, inadequate management, a single marketing mode, and insufficient talent teams. Compared with developed countries in Europe and the United States, ice-snow tourism in China is in the stage of rapid development. To achieve the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, this paper proposes actions from eight aspects which involve policy, products and services, marketing, safety management and control, talent teams, standardization construction, science and technology, and community participation. This study can provide references for the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, as well as perfecting Chinese theoretical research on ice-snow tourism.  相似文献   
北京奥运会期间CBM-Z化学机制的模拟应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CBM-Z化学机制模拟了中国科学院大气物理研究所气象塔站在北京奥运会期间高臭氧时段O3浓度的日变化,评估了气象条件、北京奥运会加强控制措施以及O3前体物浓度对近地面O3生成的影响。结果表明:(1)CBM-Z化学机制较好地模拟了北京奥运会期间典型时段气象塔站O3、NO、NO2日变化特征。(2)有利于局地高臭氧事件发生的气象条件非常相似;北京奥运会加强控制措施的实施显著减少了NOx及VOCs的排放量,导致近地面O3浓度的明显下降。(3)奥运会期间VOCs和CO是影响气象塔站O3生成量的关键因素。  相似文献   
This paper examines along-channel winds within Howe Sound, British Columbia, Canada, that occur from both the interior plateau out toward the coast as outflows and from the coast inland as inflows. First, the relationships between along-channel winds and pressure, temperature, and humidity are explored in Howe Sound–Cheakamus Valley. The pressure gradients between Pam Rocks and Squamish and Pam Rocks and Pemberton have the strongest correlations with outflow strength and that between Pam Rocks and Squamish has the strongest correlation with inflow strength. Outflows (inflows) have lower (higher) temperatures and dew point temperatures, except for the inflows in summer, which have lower dewpoint temperatures than the overall mean. Second, two case studies of outflow events are presented and described during the period of intensive observations prior to and during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. The January 2010 outflow event is caused by a zone of strong across-barrier mean sea level pressure gradient. The pressure gradient is formed behind an Arctic front that moved southward across Howe Sound. The February 2010 outflow event is caused by an approaching sea level low pressure centre from the Pacific that formed a northeast–southwest mean sea level pressure gradient across southern British Columbia. In the January case, the outflow layer is about 1.5?km deep, while it is shallower in the February case. Only the January outflow case exhibits hydraulic behaviour.  相似文献   
本文分析了全球化语境中城市重大事件在区域中新闻信息方面的空间传播效应。研究中,首先梳理了全球化语境中重大事件的地域新闻传播效应、新闻信息流的空间特征、流的网络分析工具等相关理论,揭示了重大事件在区域新闻信息的网络空间响应机制;其次,在实证部分,以2008年北京奥运会为研究标本,通过主因子分析来模拟测度大陆地区各主要城市对这一重大事件的绝对关联程度和相对关联程度;最后,研究通过逐步回归分析发现,地区经济发展状况、是否举办相关赛事、城市行政等级、是否为境外特定政治势力关注地均成为影响因素,而空间距离已经不再是区域关联响应的主要影响因素,并以此检视了流动空间视角下全球化与本土化的辩证关系。  相似文献   
随着2022年冬奥会所有雪上运动项目将在崇礼县进行,届时将接待大量国内外游客,但是该县境内在冬奥会交通走廊及赛场周边共有7个露天开采矿山点,由此产生了大量的矿山地质环境问题,有损于城市形象,本次工作任务是消除奥运通道沿线矿山地质环境破坏对视觉景观的影响。本文选择其中最为典型的三道营铁矿有限公司铁矿为例,阐述其恢复治理的思路,以供探讨治理方案。思路为少投入,多见效,治理重点考虑水土保持措施和生态复绿效果。矿区中较大的废石堆、渣堆、露天采坑,主要采用削高填低、分阶整平、覆土绿化的治理措施,矿区地势较低、容易汇水的地段修建截排水沟,将地表汇水引入露天采坑储存,并可作为绿化用水。设计的矿山工程从施工可行性、施工工艺复杂性、环境治理效果、工程投资费用大小及效益产出等多方面,进行了分析对比。  相似文献   
吕扬  周庆  侯庆明  李兵 《测绘通报》2019,(10):133-137
冬季奥林匹克运动会的雪上项目建在高差悬殊、地形复杂、山高林密的区域,为了因地制宜,减少挖填方,控制资金,场馆设计需要精细准确的现状数据。本文以2022年冬奥会延庆赛区为例,利用无人机遥感、LiDAR技术获取现状数据,制作高分辨率数字正射影像及高精度数字高程模型,搭建实景三维场景,将规划设计方案制作三维模型,导入实景三维场景,进而开展辅助冬奥会规划决策的相关应用。本文成果不仅为冬奥组委会、业主和相关管理部门信息共享提供了切实的技术支撑,也为三维地理信息技术在山区大型工程中的应用提供了有效的方法借鉴,为山区冰雪项目的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   
为加强2022年北京冬奥会举办地区的震情保障工作,2019—2020年,依托原有地电台网,建设平谷、通州、阳原、大同、代县、临汾、宝昌、和林格尔等8个小极距井下地电阻率观测站(点),目前均运行良好,与同台地表大极距地电观测相比,观测数据精度提高。选取2021年9—11月井下地电阻率观测站数据记录,就相对均方差、日精度、月精度、月离散度、变化幅度等指标,分析小极距井下地电阻率观测数据质量。结果表明,8个井下地电阻率观测站(点)运行稳定,观测数据精度较高,具备一定映震效能,可为冬奥会举办区域及周边地区的震情跟踪有效服务。  相似文献   
自动临近预报系统及其在北京奥运期间的应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
该文介绍了对流风暴自动临近预报系统(BJ-ANC)及其在2008年北京奥运会期间的应用。BJ-ANC是在技术引进基础上,通过本地化改进和拓展研发而形成的适合于在京津冀地区使用的对流风暴自动临近预报系统。BJ-ANC系统通过对风暴进行分析,利用临近预报算法和模糊逻辑集成技术,生成反映风暴发生、发展和消亡的分析及预报产品。系统考虑了京津冀地区边界层辐合线及地形与风暴生消发展之间的密切关系。通过对2008年实时预报结果的检验表明:系统对风暴单体在1 h内的外推预报与实际观测的风暴单体中心的距离偏差较小;系统的1 h定量降水预报和自动站的降水观测接近;系统对风暴回波的总体预报性能明显优于持续性外推方法。通过对2008年奥运期间对流风暴个例的实际应用分析表明:系统对风暴的临近预报具有指导意义,边界层辐合线对风暴的局地新生和快速演变具有明显的正面预报效果。另外,系统反演得到的对流层低层热动力三维特征提供了风暴生消、发展预报的重要判据。  相似文献   
介绍了《新北京新奥运地图集》的内容。全图集由奥运之城、北京概况、北京中心城、北京新城、北京郊区县5个图组组成。图集的特点是主题突出,设色和图面配置新颖、大方,符号设计艺术性强,文字说明颇具特色,时空设计充满动感。  相似文献   
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