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In the Shackleton Range of East Antarctica, garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks occur as lenses in supracrustal high-grade gneisses. In the presence of olivine, garnet is an unmistakable indicator of eclogite facies metamorphic conditions. The eclogite facies assemblages are only present in ultramafic rocks, particularly in pyroxenites, whereas other lithologies – including metabasites – lack such assemblages. We conclude that under high-temperature conditions, pyroxenites preserve high-pressure assemblages better than isofacial metabasites, provided the pressure is high enough to stabilize garnet–olivine assemblages (i.e. ≥18–20 kbar). The Shackleton Range ultramafic rocks experienced a clockwise P–T path and peak conditions of 800–850 °C and 23–25 kbar. These conditions correspond to ∼70 km depth of burial and a metamorphic gradient of 11–12 °C km−1 that is typical of a convergent plate-margin setting. The age of metamorphism is defined by two garnet–whole-rock Sm–Nd isochrons that give ages of 525 ± 5 and 520 ± 14 Ma corresponding to the time of the Pan-African orogeny. These results are evidence of a Pan-African suture zone within the northern Shackleton Range. This suture marks the site of a palaeo-subduction zone that likely continues to the Herbert Mountains, where ophiolitic rocks of Neoproterozoic age testify to an ocean basin that was closed during Pan-African collision. The garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks in the Shackleton Range are the first known example of eclogite facies metamorphism in Antarctica that is related to the collision of East and West Gondwana and the first example of Pan-African eclogite facies ultramafic rocks worldwide. Eclogites in the Lanterman Range of the Transantarctic Mountains formed during subduction of the palaeo-Pacific beneath the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Recent research has indicated river basin outlets draining linear sections of large, uplifting mountain belts often show a regularity of spacing, transverse to the main structural trend. A morphometric analysis of part of the Ruahine Range, on the North Island was undertaken to test whether drainage regularity may exist in smaller, younger mountain ranges. The ratio, R , of the half-width of the mountain belt, W , and the outlet spacing, S , was used to characterize drainage networks on the eastern side of the range. The spacing ratio for the range of 1.31 is lower than R results from studies of larger mountain belts ( R  = 1.91–2.23). We suggest the cause of this lower ratio is related to eastward migration of the Ruahine drainage divide.  相似文献   
在内蒙古1:5万蘑菇山幅、柴河源幅、苏河屯幅、兴安幅四幅区域地质调查中,研究人员通过详细的野外地质调查,首次在中侏罗统满克头鄂博组下部发现木瑞组,二者为整合接触关系。该组岩石类型为紫红色泥质粉砂岩夹灰白色砾岩,出露不完整,从而证明大兴安岭中段在中侏罗世历经陆相山间盆地堆积,具快速堆积特点。该组可作为一个区域性的标志层,对研究大兴安岭中段在中侏罗世期间地质演化史具有重要意义。  相似文献   
青藏高原现代气候与环境存在着明显的区域差异。高原西北部的西昆仑山甜水 海地区是高原上气候最干旱的区域。作者于1995年6月在该区海拔4840m的湖盆首次打钻取芯(TS95孔),获得57m湖泊岩芯,经对样品的实验室测年和多项环境指标分析,表明,TS95孔岩芯覆盖了距今240-17ka间的时间尺度。期间,经历了倒数第二次冰期,末次间冰期,末次冰期早期,末次冰期间冰阶和末次冰盛期几个气候变化阶段。岩芯中  相似文献   
西北侏罗纪盆地沉积层序演化与储层特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
吴因业  罗平 《地质论评》1998,44(1):90-99
笔者研究了西北侏罗纪盆地沉积层序及储层特征,根据露头观察,井下实钻资料及实验室内分析结果,提出中,下侏罗统主要为湖沼相含煤碎屑岩沉积,主要发育河流中冲积相及三角洲相的砂岩集集体,上统为红色或杂色碎屑岩,侏罗纪计导氏孔低渗为主的富含火山岩屑的碎屑岩,局部可发育较好砂岩储层,侏罗系本身可构成妨好的生储盖组合。  相似文献   
印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼的触腕和腕足钓捕断裂强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。通过现场实测,分析了印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼(Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis)的腕足断裂强度对手钓作业脱钩率产生的影响。结果表明,鸢乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当于体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;而另外的第I-IV腕足的断裂强度分别是其体重的2.30、2.05、2.06和1.87倍;5对腕足整体的平均脱钩率接近10%。  相似文献   
赵勇伟  樊祺诚 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2833-2841
大兴安岭哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山岩中含有尖晶石相和石榴石相橄榄岩捕虏体.本文报道的尖晶石相橄榄岩包括方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩两类,前者分布数量略高于后者.方辉橄榄岩多数具有较高的平衡温度(1072~1193℃),矿物化学成分变化大,含有高Mg橄榄石和高Cr#尖晶石,这些特征一致表明是古老岩石圈地幔残余的样品.而二辉橄榄岩显示相对均一的矿物化学成分和很宽的平衡温度变化范围(636~1178℃),代表了明显受到改造的岩石圈地幔,可能反映岩石圈地幔的不同深度和局部经历了软流圈与岩石圈相互作用.通过与华北克拉通的对比,发现地处兴蒙造山带的大兴安岭岩石圈地幔中仍保留有相当量的古老岩石圈地幔残余,区别于遭受强烈改造和破坏的华北克拉通东部地区的岩石圈地幔.  相似文献   
王兴安  徐仲元  刘正宏  朱凯 《岩石学报》2012,28(8):2647-2655
对大兴安岭中部柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩进行了系统的地球化学及锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究,并对其岩石成因及构造意义进行讨论.研究结果表明,柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩中锆石具有典型的岩浆振荡生长环带和较高的Th/U比值(0.44 ~ 1.42),反映了岩浆成因特征.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果为133±3Ma.岩石具有富硅、稀土元素含量较高、相对富集轻稀土元素亏损重稀土元素的特征,Eu负异常较为明显,稀土元素配分图解具有右斜“V”字型的特征,并相对富集高场强元素和大离子亲石元素.以上特征表明,柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩为铝质A型花岗岩,是地壳岩石部分熔融的产物,具有典型A1型(裂谷或板内)花岗岩的特征,代表了伸展的构造环境.  相似文献   
The middle–late Campanian was marked by an increase in the bioprovinciality of calcareous microfossil assemblages into distinct Tethyan, Transitional, and Austral Provinces that persisted to the end of the Maastrichtian. The northwestern Australian margin belonged to the Transitional Province and the absence of key Tethyan marker species such as Radotruncana calcarata and Gansserina gansseri has led petroleum companies operating in the area to use the locally developed KCCM integrated calcareous microfossil zonation scheme. The KCCM zonation is a composite scheme comprising calcareous nannofossil (KCN), planktonic foraminiferal (KPF) and benthonic foraminiferal (KBF) zones. This paper presents the definitions and revisions of Zones KCCM8–19, from the highest occurrence (HO) of Aspidolithus parcus constrictus to the lowest occurrence (LO) of Ceratolithoides aculeus, and builds on our previous early–late Maastrichtian study. The presence of a middle–upper Campanian disconformity is confirmed by microfossil evidence from the Vulcan Sub-basin, Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, and the Southern Carnarvon Platform. In the Vulcan Sub-basin and on the Exmouth Plateau (ODP Hole 762C) the hiatus extends from slightly above the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum. On the Wombat Plateau (ODP Hole 761B) it spans from above the LO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum; and in the Southern Carnarvon Platform the disconformity has its longest duration from above the HO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum sissinghii. A significant revision of the events which define Zones KCCM18 and 19 was necessary owing to the observation that the LO of Ceratolithoides aculeus occurs below the HOs of Archaeoglobigerina cretacea and Stensioeina granulata incondita and the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa. In the original zonation these events were considered to be coincident.  相似文献   
内蒙古四子王旗黑脑包岩体位于华北板块北缘早古生代增生造山带,主要由花岗闪长岩和花岗斑岩组成。对花岗闪长岩进行La-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得四子王旗黑脑包侵入岩体的2个侵位年龄为407.4±4.7 Ma和268.0±2.7 Ma,分别代表洋陆俯冲事件以及陆陆碰撞事件年龄。岩石地球化学数据显示,四子王旗黑脑包岩体属钙碱性系列,逐步向低钾拉斑系列靠近,并且亏损高场强元素。同位素地质年龄及地球化学数据表明,样品具有同碰撞花岗岩特征。结合区域大地构造背景认为,四子王旗黑脑包地区主要构造背景为西伯利亚板块与华北板块之间俯冲、碰撞和对接过程,属古亚洲洋构造域,而后期的构造演化还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
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