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本文描述了采自藏东贡觉—江达地区上三叠统波里拉组(T_3b)和川西白玉地区上三叠统下逆松多组碳酸盐岩段(T_3~x~2)的牙形刺 Epigondolella postera 组合,成员包括 Epigondolella postera,E.sp.,Neogondolellanavicula。含上述牙形刺化石的地层时代为中诺利期。  相似文献   
IntroductionThe Late Triassic strata andflora developed andwell outcropped in southern Pri morye,Russia.Thestrata are marine and non-marine alternate for eachother and yield abundant mollusk and plant fossilsinwhich the Late Triassic Mongugai flora is well-known in the world.Kryshtofovich(1910,1921,1924)and Kryshtofovich&Prynada(1932)studiedthis florainthe earlier ti me,and consequently,Sre-brodolyskaja(1958,1961,1968),Schorokhova(1975,1977,1997,2004)and Krassilov&Schorokhova(1970,1975)ma…  相似文献   
Foraminifers representing species Kaeveria fluegeli have been found in the Zorkaradjilga Formation (Sagenites quinquepunctatus Zone) of the upper Norian (or lower Rhaetian) in the central structural-facies zone of the South-East Pamirs. Their occurrence here is an additional criterion substantiating age and correlation of host deposits and an evidence in favor of fauna migration from the southern Tethys during the respective time span not only in northwestern areas of that ocean (Northern Calcareous Alps), but also in its central part (the South-East Pamirs).  相似文献   
在青藏高原北部卡巴纽尔多湖-错坎巴昂日东湖一带上三叠统巴颜喀拉山群中首次发现牙形石Epigondolella sp.、Metapolygnathus communisti、Metapolygnathus spp.、Metapolygnathus primitius及有孔虫Gaudryina sp.、Jacullella sp.、Verneulinoides maurtii(Terquem)、Gaudryina triassica Trifonova、Ammodiscus sp.等。其中,Epigondolella与Metapolygnathus均为晚三叠世诺利期典型牙形石和常见类型,有孔虫亦显示为晚三叠世常见分子,从而为厘定该套地层时代提供了重要生物依据,对于该地区巴颜喀拉山群形成于早三叠世和中三叠世早期的观点有待于重新审视。  相似文献   
Abstract The Senonian Ophiolitic Mélange of the Ankara Mélange Supergroup includes numerous blocks of radiolarian cherts. These blocks contain various radiolarian assemblages from the Albian to the Turonian ( Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala, Thanarla tieneta) , the Lower Cretaceous ( Thanarla conica, Alievium helenae, Pseudodictyomitra carpatica) , the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian ( Ristola altissima, Sethocapsa cetia, Podocapsa umphitreptera) and the lower Jurassic ( Parahsuum simplum). Upper Norian radiolarians were obtained from two of these blocks. The assemblage is represented by Betraccium deweveri Pessagno and Blome, Ferresium triquetrum Carter, Pylostephanidium ankaraense n. sp. (Genus Pylostephanidizi was formerly unknown in the upper Triassic) and other taxa. Thus, upper Norian fauna of Turkey exhibits close similarity to the radiolarian assemblages of western North America, Eastern Russia, Japan and the Philippines. This provides further evidence for the correlation of Mediterranean and Pacific Triassic sequences. These data allow for the conclusion that the sedimentation of radiolarian cherts was common in this part of Tethys during the Late Triassic and the Jurassic.  相似文献   
The origin of fine‐grained dolomite in peritidal rocks has been the subject of much debate recently and evidence is presented here for a microbial origin of this dolomite type in the Norian Dolomia Principale of northern Calabria (southern Italy). Microbial carbonates there consist of stromatolites, thrombolites, and aphanitic dolomites. High‐relief thrombolites and stromatolites characterize sub‐tidal facies, and low‐relief and planar stromatolites, with local oncoids, typify the inter‐supratidal facies. Skeletal remains are very rare in the latter, whereas a relatively rich biota of skeletal cyanophycea, red algae and foraminifera is present in the sub‐tidal facies. Some 75% of the succession consists of fabric‐preserving dolomite, especially within the microbial facies, whereas the rest is composed of coarse dolomite with little fabric preservation. Three end‐members of dolomite replacement fabric are distinguished: type 1 and type 2, fabric retentive, with crystal size <5 and 5–60 μm, respectively; and type 3, fabric destructive, with larger crystals, from 60 to several hundred microns. In addition, there are dolomite cements, precipitated in the central parts of primary cavities during later diagenesis. Microbialite textures in stromatolites are generally composed of thin, dark micritic laminae of type 1 dolomite, alternating with thicker lighter‐coloured laminae of the coarser type 2 dolomite. Thrombolites are composed of dark, micritic clotted fabrics with peloids, composed of type 1 dolomite, surrounded by coarser type 2 dolomite. Marine fibrous cement crusts are also present, now composed of type 2 dolomite. Scanning electron microscope observations of the organic‐rich micritic laminae and clots of the inter‐supratidal microbialites reveal the presence of spherical structures which are interpreted as mineralized bacterial remains. These probably derived from the fossilization of micron‐sized coccoid bacteria and spheroidal–ovoidal nanometre‐scale dwarf‐type bacterial forms. Furthermore, there are traces of degraded organic matter, probably also of bacterial origin. The microbial dolomites were precipitated in a hypersaline environment, most likely through evaporative dolomitization, as suggested by the excess Ca in the dolomites, the small crystal size, and the positive δ18O values. The occurrence of fossilized bacteria and organic matter in the fabric‐preserving dolomite of the microbialites could indicate an involvement of bacteria and organic matter degradation in the precipitation of syn‐sedimentary dolomite.  相似文献   
Late Triassic magnetostratigraphic investigations in southwestern Turkey have suggested that parts of the Antalya Nappes are constituted of a melange of blocks originally deposited either in the vicinity of the northern tip of Arabia or, more surprisingly, directly north of India, in the southern hemisphere. In order to ascertain this result more clearly, we have correlated the Turkish series with Austrian sections of corresponding age from the Northern Calcareous Alps, for which the hemisphere of deposition is beyond doubt. The new magnetostratigraphic results obtained from the Scheiblkogel section (Austria) confirm the previously suggested middle to late Norian magnetic polarity sequence and support the heterogeneous character of the Antalya Nappes.  相似文献   
牛志军  徐光洪  马丽艳 《地层学杂志》2003,27(2):129-133,137,T002
上三叠统巴贡组分布于长江源各拉丹冬地区南北两侧 ,南部靠近羌塘盆地中央隆起带 ,沉积环境为三角洲至浅海相 ,陆源物资供应丰富 ,以砂岩沉积为主 ,地层厚度大。北部雀莫错一带沉积环境为陆棚相 ,陆源物资供应相对较少 ,以泥质岩、灰岩沉积为主 ,生物丰富 ,沉积古地理格局显示出南浅北深的特点。在雀莫错一带采集了大量的菊石化石 ,建立 N odotibetitescf.nodosus- Paratibetitescf.wheeleri组合 ,生物组合所反映的地质时代为诺利早—中期 ,与藏南珠穆朗玛峰地区、藏北唐古拉山地区及青海玉树地区同期地层中的菊石生物群可以很好对比。  相似文献   
三叠纪巴颜喀拉山群是可可西里湖地区最为发育的海相沉积地层,主要分布于可可西里一巴颜喀拉沉积盆地内。通过1:25万可可西里湖幅区域地质调查,在饮马湖、马兰山一带发现了三叠纪地层最高层位,取得了丰富的沉积岩相资料。采集到大量古生物化石,其时代定为晚三叠世诺利期。种种迹象显示,巴颜喀拉山群顶部这套陆棚-海陆交互相的进积型沉积应为该盆地闭合期的产物。  相似文献   
Flora from the lower Norian deposits of the Upper Triassic, which are exposed in the Partizanskaya River basin, has been studied in detail. A new Imalinovo floral assemblage is distinguished. As is established, its taxonomic composition is represented by abundant cycadophytes and conifers occurring in association with insignificant ferns and czekanowskialeans, rare horsetails, pteridosperms, and ginkgoaleans. The studied floral assemblage is compared with several floras of East Asia: the Mongugai flora of Primor’e, the Tianqiaoling flora of northeastern China, the Yamanoi and Nariwa floras of Japan.  相似文献   
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