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The Limousin ophiolite is located at the suture zone between two major thrust sheets in the western French Massif Central. This ophiolitic section comprises mantle‐harzburgite, mantle‐dunite, wehrlites, troctolites and layered gabbros. It has recorded a static metamorphic event transforming the gabbros into undeformed amphibolites and the magmatic ultramafites into serpentinites and/or pargasite‐bearing chloritites. With various thermobarometric methods, it is possible to show that the different varieties of amphibole have registered low‐P (c. 0.2 GPa) conditions with temperature ranging from high‐T, late‐magmatic conditions to greenschist–zeolite metamorphic facies. The abundance of undeformed metamorphic rocks (which is typical of the lower oceanic crust), the occurrence of Ca–Al (–Mg) metasomatism illustrated by the growth of Ca–Al silicates in veins or replacing the primary magmatic minerals, the PT conditions of the metamorphism and the numerous similarities with oceanic crustal rocks from Ocean Drilling Program and worldwide ophiolites are the main arguments for an ocean‐floor hydrothermal metamorphism in the vicinity of a palaeo‐ridge. Among the West‐European Variscan ophiolites, the Limousin ophiolites constitute an extremely rare occurrence that has not been involved in any HP (subduction‐related) or MP (orogenic) metamorphism as observed in other ophiolite occurrences (i.e. France, Spain and Germany).  相似文献   
为处理钾长石水热制备钾霞石所产生的碱性滤液,本文采用水热法,考察了氢氧化铝溶解时间、晶化时间、晶化温度、水碱比对钾霞石产率和白度的影响,并对合成钾霞石物相进行了表征。结果表明,合成钾霞石的最佳条件为,氢氧化铝溶解时间为1.5 h,晶化时间为4 h,晶化温度280℃,水碱比为1.8。XRD结果表明,产物为钾霞石粉体。傅里叶变换红外光谱表明,Al(OH)3中的Al在水热条件下进入到Si—O骨架中形成了Si—O—Al官能团,从而印证了钾霞石的合成。差热分析结果表明,合成钾霞石具有良好的热稳定性。氮气吸附结果表明,合成钾霞石比表面积为5.18 m2/g,平均孔径为32.98 nm。实现了钾长石水热制备钾霞石所剩碱性滤液的资源化利用,并为钾长石水热制备钾霞石提供了一种母液循环的思路,使水热制备钾霞石工业化成为一种可能。  相似文献   
老柞山金矿田鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征和成因 ,并对形成过程进行理论推导 ,认为该矿床为与火山作用有关的中温岩浆热液充填型矿床。  相似文献   
Abstract. Magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were carried out around the Muine volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, where it is expected that the heat and metal source forming the polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-In Toyoha deposit is present at depth. Measurements were performed at 20 sites, 18 of which were located along a WSW-ENE profile traversing the north ridge of Mt. Muine. A resistivity model obtained from 2D inversion of the MT data shows subsurface specific conductive and resistive features. Conductive layers are present at the surface of Mt. Muine. The low resistivity is probably due to the clay-rich rocks associated with the hydrothermal alteration. A high resistivity layer, which corresponds to the pre-Tertiary Usubetsu Formation, crops out east of Mt. Muine and dips westward. At the west foot of Mt. Muine, relatively high resistive layers are widely exposed. The resistivity increases with depth and exceeds 1000 ohm-m. This fact indicates that this region is not influenced by the recent hydrothermal activity. An extremely conductive zone about 3–6 km wide and 6–9 km thick exists at a depth of 2 km below Mt. Muine. This zone mostly corresponds to an elastic wave attenuation zone detected by a seismic survey. It is interpreted as a large hydrothermal reservoir or melted magma, which is a heat source of the hydrothermal system in this area.  相似文献   
本文在讨论了 2 11地区花岗岩型铀矿床的稳定同位素组成的基础上 ,提出该区铀成矿热液可能主要来自晚期花岗岩浆 ,部分来自大气降水  相似文献   
热液矿床石英铅同位素组成及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何明友  金景福 《地质论评》1997,43(3):317-321
作者以若尔盖铀矿床为例,研究了含矿热液形成的石英脉石英的铅同位素组成,并将其作为联系母源铅同位素组成的桥梁,判别铀的来源。结果表明,矿床中石英铅同位素组成与含矿黄铁矿和中酸性构造-岩浆成因的花岗岩铅同位素组成具线性演化关系。由此提出含矿热液中的铀来自中酸性构造-岩浆岩而不是地层岩石的新见解,同时提出利用热液石英铅同位素组成判别非放射性矿床成矿元素来源的可能性。  相似文献   
张德会 《地质论评》1997,43(5):490-497
银山多金属矿床是一个特大型火山—潜火山热液矿床,具有复杂的多期多阶段的成矿作用和有序的成矿分带。成矿作用主要为火山—潜火山热液作用,但在此之前,还经历了一期由韧脆性剪切带形成而引起的动力变质热液作用。根据矿体与3个旋回潜火山岩体的时空关系,火山—潜火山热液成矿作用又可分为两个成矿期和5个成矿阶段。矿床地质地球化学研究表明成矿作用在空间上具有定向迁移的特点,结合流体动力学计算机数值模拟认为定向迁移的根本原因是构造岩浆脉动和隐伏岩体形态产状。笔者认为,矿区深部可能有隐伏岩体,但对隐伏的斑岩铜矿床不应抱很大希望  相似文献   
Mineralization Ages of the Jiapigou Gold Deposits,Jilin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Jiapigou gold deposits are typical vein type deposits associated withArchaean greenstone belts in China. According to the crosscutting relationships between dykesand auriferous veins, single hydrothermal zircon U-Pb dating and quartz K-Ar,~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar andRb-Sr datings, the main mineralization stage of the Jiapigou deposit has been determined to be2469-2475 Ma, while mineralization superimposition on the gold deposit occurred in1800-2000 Ma and 130-272 Ma. They form a mineralization framework of one oldermetallogenic epoch (Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic) and one younger metallogenic epoch(Mesozoic) of gold deposits in Archaean greenstone belts in China.  相似文献   
南秦岭十里坪锑矿床成矿时代及成因的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
十里坪锑矿床受赵川陆缘隆_滑构造的主滑脱拆离带的控制。矿体呈脉状赋存于韧_脆性主滑脱带上部的脆性次级断层_节理中,矿石类型主要为萤石石英辉锑矿型。围岩为太古宙_元古宙变质岩系,围岩蚀变弱。成矿流体属H2O_CO2_NaCl体系,流体包裹体盐度w(NaCleq)为3.6%~11.3%,均一温度为109~232℃,形成压力大致为800×105Pa。硫、铅同位素研究表明,矿质主要来源于变火山岩围岩;氢、氧同位素显示,成矿流体以大气降水为主,初步将该矿床定为变质岩源就地式大气降水热液矿床。矿石中萤石Sm_Nd等时线年龄为(392±24)Ma,与南秦岭北部晚古生代拗陷区热水喷流_沉积成矿时代相一致,它们都形成于秦岭微板块泥盆纪非造山裂解阶段。  相似文献   
腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   
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