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http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167498711100079X   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lower Paleozoic rocks exposed in various regions of Egypt (south central Sinai, north Eastern Desert and southwest Western Desert), in addition to occurring in the subsurface such as north Western Desert and the Gulf of Suez. The Lower Paleozoic rocks in Egypt include surface and subsurface rock units of formational status. The surface rock units are the Taba, Araba and Naqus formations. The subsurface rock units include the Shifa, Kohla and Basur formations. The Infracambrian Taba Formation has been discovered recently in the outcrops of the south eastern Sinai in the Taba-Ras El-Naqab area. It is missing and/or not recognized in the subsurface. The Taba Formation consists mainly of reddish brown, unfossiliferous gravelly fine-to medium-grained sandstones cemented by kaolinite and have subordinate beds of paleosols. The Cambrian Araba Formation and its subsurface equivalent (the Shifa Formation) are essentially composed of reddish brown, fine-grained laminated sandstone and siltstone with abundant Skolithos and Cruziana sp. In contrast, the Ordovician-Silurian Naqus Formation and its subsurface equivalents (Kohla Formation and Basur Formation) are mainly composed of white, unfossiliferous, cross-bedded, medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with haphazardly distributed pebbles and cobbles. Sedimentological analysis indicates that the Araba Formation and its equivalents were deposited in a marginal-marine environment, whereas the Naqus Formation and its equivalents were laid down in a fluvio-glacial environment. Integrated stratigraphic and sedimentological studies of the Lower Paleozoic rocks permit reconstruction of the paleogeography of Egypt at that time. Egypt has been largely controlled since the Cambrian by the pre-existing structural framework of the pre-Phanerozoic basement rocks inherited from the Late Proterozoic Pan-African event. Additionally, sedimentation processes were controlled during Cambro-Ordovician times by tectonic movements, whereas glacio-eustatic control predominated during the Late Ordovician-Silurian Period. These studies suggest that most areas of Egypt were exposed lands with episodically transgression by epicontinental seas related to the paleo-Tethys. These lands formed a part of a stable subsiding shelf at the northern Gondwana margin.  相似文献   
辽宁东、西部地质上诸多差异并非是原地升降运动造成的,而是二个异地岩块经郯庐断裂大规模左旋平移运动迁移到一起的结果。辽东半岛原曾与鲁西-徐淮地区处于相同的古纬度。郯庐断裂北延的主干断裂应是抚顺-敦化断裂,它在辽宁境内是地层区划的重要界线。郯庐断裂在太古宙末期即已出现,曾多次变换其平移方向,最近一次大规模左行平移活动的高峰期是在晚侏罗世晚期-早白垩世,结束于孙家湾组或泉头组堆积之前。  相似文献   
Tectonic transition from a syn-rift stage to subsequent post-rift stage is an important mechanism in the evolution of extensional basins. The sedimentary infill records the crustal response to this process. We have obtained new detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf signatures from the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic successions encompassing the commonly accepted syn- to post-rift transition boundary, the T4 unconformity, in the Songliao Basin, NE China. These constrain the Songliao Basin’s evolution from its center to distal margins, providing insights into the sediment provenance and dispersal pattern over the tectonic transition. Analysis of zircons from the syn-rift (the Shahezi and Yingcheng formations) and immediate post-rift (the Lower and Middle Denglouku Formation) stages reveals Phanerozoic age populations with positive ?Hf(t) values, which were derived from the proximal juvenile mantle-derived melt origin bedrocks of the Songliao Block. In contrast, the overlying samples from the Upper Denglouku Formation deposited in the subsequent post-rift stage contain exotic and ancient zircon populations with ages of 2.5 Ga & 1.8 Ga and complex hafnium signatures, characteristic of a mixed origin. These are interpreted to be transported from distant cratonic terranes via larger drainage networks. It is obvious that the sediment dispersal pattern switched from being a local and hydrologically closed “intraregional” pattern to a “transcontinental” pattern during the transition. The time lag between the development of the T4 unconformity and the drainage reorganization also ensures a distinguishable ~3 Myr (106103 Ma, Late Albian) transition period of regional extent. During this transition stage, syn-rift faulting was replaced by post-rift thermal subsidence, exhibiting a uniform sag configuration. Our new findings are important for understanding other continental rift basins during syn- to post-rift transition, which often demonstrates a complex interaction between the linkage and integration of sub-basins, and the reorganization of fluvial drainages and catchment systems.  相似文献   
根据岩性及其组合特征,本文将西藏北部安多—巴青地区侏罗纪含礁地层划分为流水成因的颗粒岩岩相、流水成因的碎屑岩岩相、复成因的泥晶—泥质灰岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的障积岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的粘结—障积岩岩相和生物及生物化学成因的骨架岩岩相等6大类型,计16种岩相。它们构成了潮坪相组合、台地浅滩相组合、开阔台地相组合和台地生物礁相组合共4种岩相组合,并由下而上有规律地形成2种岩相序列,即陆源碎屑与碳酸盐混合台地相序列和碳酸盐台地相序列。  相似文献   
再论印度与亚洲大陆何时何地发生初始碰撞   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
印度与亚洲大陆碰撞形成了喜马拉雅造山带.该造山带是当今固体地球科学研究的重点和热点,是建立新的大陆动力学理论的最佳天然实验室.印度与亚洲大陆碰撞时限是正确认识和理解该造山带形成与演化、高原隆升的动力学过程等的起点.近南北向陆陆碰撞的最直接证据是碰撞带两侧块体在古纬度上的相互重叠.本文拟通过对相关古地磁资料的分析,结合近年来在拉萨地块南缘林子宗群火山岩和沉积岩夹层上获得的最新古地磁结果,探索当今古地磁数据所限定的印度和亚洲大陆发生初始碰撞的时间和古地理位置.结果表明,拉萨地块林子宗群形成时期(约64~44 Ma)古亚洲大陆最南缘的古地理位置(~10°N)限定了印度与亚洲大陆的初始碰撞最可能发生在65~50 Ma之间;如果以由印度洋海底地形所限定的东冈瓦纳大陆裂解前的印度板块形状为大印度模型,则印度与亚洲大陆的初始碰撞很可能发生在60~55 Ma之间.  相似文献   
陶奎元  沈加林  姜杨  余明刚 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2647-2656
雁荡山岩石地貌由叠嶂、方山、石门、柱峰、锐峰、岩洞、天生桥和峡谷、涧溪、瀑、潭、湖等岩石地貌组合而成。其形成的地质学、岩石学基础是白垩破火山岩相与构造。不同类型地貌景观反映了这一破火山构造。断裂切割、重力崩塌与流水侵蚀是形成此类地貌的主要外动力地质作用。雁荡山岩石地貌在形态、成因和审美学意义上均有别于我国砂砾岩岩石地貌、碳酸岩岩石地貌和花岗岩岩石地貌。雁荡山地貌可作为流纹质火山岩地貌的代表。  相似文献   
Sand-rich tight sandstone reservoirs are potential areas for oil and gas exploration. However, the high ratio of sandstone thickness to that of the strata in the formation poses many challenges and uncertainties to traditional lithofacies paleogeography mapping. Therefore, the prediction of reservoir sweet spots has remained problematic in the field of petroleum exploration. This study provides new insight into resolving this problem, based on the analyses of depositional characteristics of a typical modern sand-rich formation in a shallow braided river delta of the central Sichuan Basin, China. The varieties of sand-rich strata in the braided river delta environment include primary braided channels, secondary distributary channels and the distribution of sediments is controlled by the successive superposed strata deposited in paleogeomorphic valleys. The primary distributary channels have stronger hydrodynamic forces with higher proportions of coarse sand deposits than the secondary distributary channels. Therefore, lithofacies paleogeography mapping is controlled by the geomorphology, valley locations, and the migration of channels. We reconstructed the paleogeomorphology and valley systems that existed prior to the deposition of the Xujiahe Formation. Following this, rock-electro identification model for coarse skeletal sand bodies was constructed based on coring data. The results suggest that skeletal sand bodies in primary distributary channels occur mainly in the valleys and low-lying areas, whereas secondary distributary channels and fine deposits generally occur in the highland areas. The thickness distribution of skeletal sand bodies and lithofacies paleogeography map indicate a positive correlation in primary distributary channels and reservoir thickness. A significant correlation exists between different sedimentary facies and petrophysical properties. In addition, the degree of reservoir development in different sedimentary facies indicates that the mapping method reliably predicts the distribution of sweet spots. The application and understanding of the mapping method provide a reference for exploring tight sandstone reservoirs on a regional basis.  相似文献   
During the extension of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 76 a new and previously unpenetrated lithological unit composed mainly of claystones was cored above basalt basement at Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. The Callovian part of the new unit contains interbedded ‘black shales’ which were hitherto unexpected in this part of the section. This Paper presents a brief palynological examination of lithofacies-kerogen relationships in these sediments and shows that their organic content is almost entirely a function of the re-deposition of terrestial and marine organic matter versus the ambient redox conditions of the depositional environment. Allochthonous organic matter inputs are highest in the interbedded turbidites and decline progressively toward the pelagic black shales in which marine organic matter is comparatively well preserved. The significance of various kerogen and palynomorph indices are discussed. The study emphasizes the absolute necessity for sedimentologically-aware sampling in all palynological and geochemical work on lithologically heterogeneous sequences.  相似文献   
刘行军  董业才 《江苏地质》2006,30(2):94-101
早白垩世晚期江西贵溪盆地的控盆断裂活动加强,在盆地边缘的不同地带及盆地中心发育有不同的沉积相。野外露头岩性相特征和剖面的研究表明,贵溪盆地罗塘群主要发育有冲积扇相、扇三角洲相、辫状河三角洲相、辫状河相及湖泊相,不同的沉积相出现在盆地演化的不同阶段,并由不同的岩性相组成。沉积相的特征、分布及组合形式反映了陆相断陷红盆沉积地层相带窄、横向及纵向上相变快的特点。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油藏是继吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组页岩油藏之后的又一重大发现,风城组沉积期玛湖凹陷具有近陆源供给、火山活动频发、气候干旱炎热的特点,为独具特色的盐碱化湖泊沉积环境创造了条件,也是风城组岩性复杂多变的重要原因。火山岩、内源岩、陆源碎屑岩以及多源混积岩纵向频繁叠置,形成米级到厘米级页岩油储层。结合岩性变化特征,以构造样式作为突破口,厘米级尺度岩心观察为基础,高频沉积构造分析为辅助,利用亚离子抛光电镜、能谱测试、荧光分析等多种技术手段对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油储层进行岩性岩相分析,认为玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油储层可划分为4大类(砂砾岩类、火山岩类、混积岩类与内源岩类)、8小类储层。4大类储层储集性能逐渐减弱,其中混积岩类储层因其构造与成分差异可进一步划分为混积页岩、纹层–似纹层状混积泥岩、树根状–网状混积泥岩、雪花–星点状混积泥岩;页理发育情况、云质含量以及其产出样式成为混积岩类储层储集物性差异的重要控制因素。  相似文献   
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