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The influx of a H2O–CO2‐dominated fluid into actinolite‐bearing metabasic rocks during greenschist facies metamorphism in the Kalgoorlie area of Western Australia resulted in a zoned alteration halo around inferred fluid conduits that contain gold mineralisation. The alteration halo is divided into two outer zones, the chlorite zone and the carbonate zone, and an inner pyrite zone adjacent to the inferred fluid conduits. Reaction between the fluid and the protolith resulted in the breakdown of actinolite and the development of chlorite, dolomite, calcite and siderite. In addition, rocks in the pyrite zone developed muscovite‐bearing assemblages as a consequence of the introduction of potassium by the fluid. Mineral equilibria calculations undertaken using the computer software thermocalc in the model system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 show that mineral assemblages in the outer zones of the alteration halo are consistent with equilibrium of the protoliths with a fluid of composition XCO2 = CO2/(CO2 + H2O) = 0.1–0.25 for temperatures of 315–320 °C. The inner zone of the alteration halo reflect equilibrium with a fluid of composition XCO2≈ 0.25. Fluid‐rock buffering calculations show that the alteration halo is consistent with interaction with a single fluid composition and that the zoned structure of the halo reflects the volume of this fluid with which the rocks reacted. This fluid is likely to have also been the one responsible for the gold mineralisation at Kalgoorlie.  相似文献   
Establishing relative and absolute time frameworks for the sedimentary, magmatic, tectonic and gold mineralisation events in the Norseman-Wiluna Belt of the Archean Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, has long been the main aim of research efforts. Recently published constraints on the timing of sedimentation and absolute granite ages have emphasized the shortcomings of the established rationale used for interpreting the timing of deformation events. In this paper the assumptions underlying this rationale are scrutinized, and it is shown that they are the source of significant misinterpretations. A revised time chart for the deformation events of the belt is established. The first shortening phase to affect the belt, D1, was preceded by an extensional event D1e and accompanied by a change from volcanic-dominated to plutonic-dominated magmatism at approximately 2685–2675 Ma. Later extension (D2e) controlled deposition of the ca 2655 Ma Kurrawang Sequence and was followed by D2, a major shortening event, which folded this sequence. D2 must therefore have started after 2655 Ma—at least 20 Ma later than previously thought and after the voluminous 2670–2655 Ma high-Ca granite intrusion. Younger transcurrent deformation, D3–D4, waned at around 2630 Ma, suggesting that the crustal shortening deformation cycle D2–D4 lasted approximately 20–30 Ma, contemporaneous with low-volume 2650–2630 Ma low-Ca granites and alkaline intrusions. Time constraints on gold deposits suggest a late mineralisation event between 2640–2630 Ma. Thus, D2–D4 deformation cycle and late felsic magmatism define a 20–30 Ma long tectonothermal event, which culminated with gold mineralisation. The finding that D2 folding took place after voluminous high-Ca granite intrusion led to research into the role of competent bodies during folding by means of numerical models. Results suggest that buoyancy-driven doming of pre-tectonic competent bodies trigger growth of antiforms, whereas non-buoyant, competent granite bodies trigger growth of synforms. The conspicuous presence of pre-folding granites in the cores of anticlines may be a result from active buoyancy doming during folding.  相似文献   
Geological map data are often underused in mineral‐exploration programs, which rely increasingly on regolith geochemistry and geophysical and other remotely sensed data to generate exploration targets. However, solid geology maps, which are progressively being upgraded due to improved interpretations of superior, remotely sensed images and airborne geophysical data, can be useful in targeting specific types of mineral deposits, which formed late in the evolutionary history of the host terrane. In such terranes, the present map geometry is essentially the same as that at the time of deposit formation. This is the case for orogenic lode‐gold deposits, which commonly show predictable structural controls and/or structural geometry. Thus, the shape of a rock body, or combinations of structures and rock bodies, may provide an important guide to the exploration potential for orogenic lode‐gold deposits. However, until recently, there has been a dearth of techniques to quantify the various properties of shape, and hence test the potential of the two‐dimensional shape of geological bodies in map view as an exploration tool. Integrating techniques from the field of pattern recognition with a modern Geographical Information System (GIS) can provide the shape‐analysis tools required to investigate the geometries of geological shapes. Two‐dimensional shape analysis is now possible through the calculation of several shape metrics including, but not restricted to, aspect ratio, blockiness, elongation, compactness, complexity, roundness, spreadness and squareness. Methods are developed for describing the geometries of rock units about mineral deposits, or any geological features, at any scale, which for the first time makes it possible to compare shapes. These shape‐analysis techniques are tested using orogenic lode‐gold deposits, particularly those in the Kalgoorlie Terrane of the highly auriferous Late Archaean Norseman‐Wiluna Belt of Western Australia. On a global scale, shape analysis indicates that those greenstone belts whose volcanic rock sequences have high elongation and relative low roundness, complexity and aspect ratio (e.g. Kalgoorlie Terrane) are likely to be the most richly endowed in gold. On a more local scale, characteristics of the shape of geological features around the Golden Mile deposit are calculated and used to test the likelihood of occurrence of gold deposits with similar geometry elsewhere in the Kalgoorlie Terrane. The area with the most closely matching shape, on the basis of a 2 km clipping‐circle radius, chosen on the basis of available proximity‐analysis data, corresponds to the recently discovered Ghost Crab deposit, illustrating the potential of the shape analysis methodology in mineral exploration. Shape analysis is, at least in part, scale dependent, due to the inherent problem of being able to define rock boundaries more precisely in units that have strong geophysical signatures than those with weak signatures in poorly exposed terranes. Overcoming this problem is a challenge to the application of this methodology.  相似文献   
Modern exploration is a multidisciplinary task requiring the simultaneous consideration of multiple disparate geological, geochemical and geophysical datasets. Over the past decade, several research groups have investigated the role of Geographic Information Systems as a tool to analyse these data. From this research, a number of techniques has been developed that allow the extraction of exploration‐relevant spatial factors from the datasets. The spatial factors are ultimately condensed into a single prospectivity map. Most techniques used to construct prospectivity maps tend to agree, in general, as to which areas have the lowest and highest prospectivities, but disagree for regions of intermediate prospectivity. In such areas, the prospectivity map requires detailed interpretation, and the end‐user must normally resort to analysis of the original datasets to determine which conjunction of factors results in each intermediate prospectivity value. To reduce this burden, a new technique, based on fuzzy logic principles, has been developed for the integration of spatial data. Called vectorial fuzzy logic, it differs from existing methods in that it displays prospectivity as a continuous surface and allows a measure of confidence to be incorporated. With this technique, two maps are produced: one displays the calculated prospectivity and the other shows the similarity of input values (or confidence). The two datasets can be viewed simultaneously as a three‐dimensional perspective image in which colour represents prospectivity and topography represents confidence. With the vectorial fuzzy logic method, factors such as null data and incomplete knowledge can also be incorporated into the prospectivity analysis.  相似文献   

Vision is concerned with making observations: quantitative observations such as measurements, and observations of form and pattern. Vision is perception: an awareness of the significance of observations and insight or intuition. We live and work with limited vision.  相似文献   

Literature on the Kalgoorlie goldfield is reviewed and boudinage is shown to be an important aspect of the structure of the field, the lode distribution to be coincident with the principal necks, and the configuration of the lodes to match the characteristic fracture patterns of classical boudin necks. Boudinage is therefore interpreted to be an important control on the emplacement of the mineralization. Boudinage and the concomitant introduction of mineralization is related to flattening of the Boomerang Anticline, which is consistent with the general consensus that mineralization is emplaced as hydrothermal veins during late‐stage deformation. This interpretation is proposed as a simpler alternative to other more complex shear‐related models and may be useful in exploration for deposits of similar type.  相似文献   
The 43 t (1.4 Moz) of gold in the Woodcutters goldfield 50 km north of Kalgoorlie has wide geological significance in terms of gold in Archaean granite, as well as its local commercial and exploration significance. Woodcutters is already one of the largest Archaean gold systems in granite, and is unusual in being so far laterally from the nearest greenstone belt. Gold in the Federal zone, one of the deposits making up the Woodcutters goldfield, is hosted in hornblende‐biotite granodiorite,6 km from the mapped contact with greenstone. In Federal open pit, the granodiorite is coarse‐grained in the northern half, and a fine‐grained granodiorite in the south, with both hosting gold. These two types of granodiorite are rather similar in both mineralogy and geochemistry. There is also a subordinate fine‐grained monzodiorite. The Federal gold mineralisation is in a northwest‐striking, northeast‐dipping (315° strike/60°E dip) shear zone in the Scotia granite. Variation in grainsize of the host rocks might have affected the style of deformation with more brittle fabrics in the coarse‐grained phase and more ductile fabrics prominent in the fine‐grained granodiorite. Hydrothermal alteration is extensively developed around the Federal deposit and is a useful vector towards gold mineralisation. Distal epidote alteration surrounds a proximal muscovite‐biotite alteration zone that contains quartz‐sulfide veins. The alteration shares some of the common alteration characteristics of Archaean greenstone‐hosted gold, but differs in that carbonate‐chlorite alteration is only weakly developed. This difference is readily explained in terms of host‐rock composition and lower concentrations of Fe, Mg and Ca in the granite compared with greenstone. Fluid‐inclusion studies demonstrate that the fluids associated with the hydrothermal alteration at Woodcutters shared the common characteristics of fluids in Archaean greenstone gold, namely low‐salinity and dominant H2O–CO2. Fluid inclusions with moderate salinity were found in one fresh sample away from mineralisation, and are inferred to represent possible magmatic fluid. There is no evidence of a granite‐derived fluid being responsible for gold mineralisation. The granodiorite host rock had cooled, crystallised and had at least started to undergo deformation prior to gold introduction. The distribution of gold mineralisation in the Woodcutters goldfield has the style, shape and orientation comparable with greenstone‐hosted gold deposits in the same region. The northwest trend, the quartz veining and simple pyrite mineralogy are all features common to other greenstone‐hosted gold deposits near Kalgoorlie such as Mt Pleasant. The alteration fluid appears to have penetrated the granite on the scale of many hundreds of metres, causing large‐scale alteration. Woodcutters gold mineralisation resulted from the same metamorphic fluid processes that led to formation of greenstone gold deposits. In this metamorphic model, granitic rocks are predicted to be less‐favourable gold hosts than mafic rocks for two reasons. Granitic rocks do not generally fracture during regional deformation in such a way as to create large‐scale dilation. Furthermore, with less iron and no carbon, granitic rocks have lower potential to precipitate gold from solution by wall‐rock reaction. The metamorphic model predicts that those granite types with higher Fe should host better gold deposits, all other factors being equal. Accordingly, tonalite‐trondhjemite and hornblende‐bearing granodiorite should provide better environments for major gold deposits compared with monzogranite, and granite sensu stricto, as borne out by Woodcutters, but mafic rocks should be better hosts than any of these felsic to intermediate rocks.  相似文献   
The King Island Scheelite Mine lies in the contact aureole of a granodiorite stock. Its open cut and numerous drill cores expose a contact metamorphosed and metasomatized series of finely interbedded argillaceous and calcareous sediments, with interleaved flows of picrite‐basalt and basic pyroclastics, the scheelite ore being limited to two limestone horizons. The range and gradation in composition of the original rocks has resulted in an unusual variety of metamorphic rocks, including forsterite‐phlogopite‐spinel‐tremolite hornfels, antho‐phyllite‐cordierite hornfels, biotite hornfels, actinolite hornfels, a variety of calc‐flinta, and marbles. The original sedimentation gave rise to a rapid alternation of limestone and shale, many times repeated, and during metamorphism these rocks reacted with each other to produce narrow bands of calc‐flinta.

Subsequent pyrometasomatism selectively converted the greater part of the marble beds to scheelite‐bearing andradite skarn, leaving the various hornfels and calc‐flinta very little affected. The replacement of the marble was a volume for volume process, and the conversion of 1,000,000 tons of marble to average grade ore involved the introduction of about 350,000 tons of SiO2, 250,000 tons of Fe2O3, 55,000 tons A12O3, 30,000 tons of H2O and 82,500 tons of CaO.

The temperature of the contact metamorphism attained over 500° C., and the rocks cooled to about 400° C. before the pyrometasomatism occurred. The rocks giving rise to the various hornfels underwent varying degrees of contraction during metamorphism, whereas the limestones probably expanded during metamorphism, and became more permeable to solutions.  相似文献   
卡尔古丽金矿区(KalgoorlieGoldFiled)是西澳大利亚最大的金矿产区,在大地构造上属于西澳伊尔岗(Yil.garn)克拉通东部卡尔古丽绿岩带内。矿区主要出露太古代地层,包括镁铁质一超镁铁质熔岩序列、长英质火山碎屑岩序列,以及一系列侵入的基性一超基性岩脉。区域内的主构造为北北西向,包括一对结构不对称的水平褶皱——卡尔古丽背斜和向斜,以及与向斜西翼平行的GoldenMile断层,主构造被后期走滑断层影响形成的破碎剪切带,是赋存金矿的主要构造。根据控矿构造、矿质来源和沉积时间,可以将金矿脉分为三种类型,分别是Fimiston型、Oroya型和Charlotte型。研究认为,在该地区找矿主要应从围岩、构造、地球物理、地球化学几个方面着手。通过对本区成矿地质特征的分析和研究,新发现了Eureka小型金矿,希望能对中国企业在该地区的勘探投资有所帮助。  相似文献   
The Holland and Powell internally consistent data set version 5.5 has been augmented to include pyrite, troilite, trov (Fe0.875S), anhydrite, H2S, elemental S and S2 gas. Phase changes in troilite and pyrrhotite are modelled with a combination of multiple end‐members and a Landau tricritical model. Pyrrhotite is modelled as a solid solution between hypothetical end‐member troilite (trot) and Fe0.875S (trov); observed activity–composition relationships fit well to a symmetric formalism model with a value for wtrot?trov of ?3.19 kJ mol?1. The hypothetical end‐member approach is required to compensate for iron distribution irregularities in compositions close to troilite. Mixing in fluids is described with the van Laar asymmetric formalism model with aij values for H2O–H2S, H2S–CH4 and H2S–CO2 of 6.5, 4.15 and 0.045 kJ mol?1 respectively. The derived data set is statistically acceptable and replicates the input data and data from experiments that were not included in the initial regression. The new data set is applied to the construction of pseudosections for the bulk composition of mafic greenschist facies rocks from the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The sequence of mineral assemblages is replicated successfully, with observed assemblages predicted to be stable at X(CO2) increasing with increasing degree of hydrothermal alteration. Results are compatible with those of previous work. Assemblages are insensitive to the S bulk content at S contents of less than 1 wt%, which means that volatilization of S‐bearing fluids and sulphidation are unlikely to have had major effects on the stable mineral assemblage in less metasomatized rocks. The sequence of sulphide and oxide phases is predicted successfully and there is potential to use these phases qualitatively for geobarometry. Increases in X(CO2) stabilized, in turn, pyrite–magnetite, pyrite–hematite and anhydrite–pyrite. Magnetite–pyrrhotite is predicted at temperatures greater than 410 °C. The prediction of a variety of sulphide and oxide phases in a rock of fixed bulk composition as a function of changes in fluid composition and temperature is of particular interest because it has been proposed that such a variation in phase assemblage is produced by the infiltration of multiple fluids with contrasting redox state. The work presented here shows that this need not be the case.  相似文献   
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