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Two apparently distinct, sub-parallel, paleo-subduction zonescan be recognized along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:the North Qilian Suture Zone (oceanic-type) with ophioliticmélanges and high-pressure eclogites and blueschistsin the north, and the North Qaidam Belt (continental-type) inthe south, an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane comprisingpelitic and granitic gneisses, eclogites and garnet peridotites.Eclogites from both belts have protoliths broadly similar tomid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or oceanic island basalts (OIB)in composition with overlapping metamorphic ages (480–440Ma, with weighted mean ages of 464 ± 6 Ma for North Qilianand 457 ± 7 Ma for North Qaidam), determined by zirconU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating.Coesite-bearing zircon grains in pelitic gneisses from the NorthQaidam UHP Belt yield a peak metamorphic age of 423 ±6 Ma, 40 Myr younger than the age of eclogite formation, anda retrograde age of 403 ± 9 Ma. These data, combinedwith regional relationships, allow us to infer that these twoparallel belts may represent an evolutionary sequence from oceanicsubduction to continental collision, and continental underthrusting,to final exhumation. The Qilian–Qaidam Craton was probablya fragment of the Rodinia supercontinent with a passive marginand extended oceanic lithosphere in the north, which was subductedbeneath the North China Craton to depths >100 km at c. 423Ma and exhumed at c. 403 Ma (zircon rim ages in pelitic gneiss). KEY WORDS: HP and UHP rocks; subduction belts; zircon SHRIMP ages; Northern Tibetan Plateau  相似文献   
The Bikou volcanic terrane is predominated by subalkaline tholeiitic lavas. Rock samples display lower initial ratios of Sr and Nd, 0.701248-0.704413 and 0.511080-0.512341 respectively. 207Pb and 208Pb are significantly enriched in the lavas. Most samples have positive εNd, which indicates that the magma was derived from EM-type mantle source, while a few samples with negative εNd indicate that there was contamination in the magma evolution. Magma differentiation is demonstrated by variations of LREE and LILE from depletion to enrichment. Additionally, normalized REE patterns and trace elements showed that lavas from the Bikou volcanic terrane have similar characteristics to those of basalts in arc settings caused by subduction and collision. Analyses showed that the Bikou volcanic terrane is a volcanic arc. New evidence proved that the Hengdan Group, north of the Bikou arc, is a turbidite terrane filling a forearc basin. Consequently, the Bikou volcanic terrane and the Hengdan turbidite terrane const  相似文献   
The Dulan eclogite–gneiss region is located in the eastern part of the North Qaidam eclogite belt, NW China. Widespread evidence demonstrates that this region is a typical ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane. Eclogites occur as lenses or layers in both granitic and pelitic gneisses. Two distinguished sub-belts can be recognized and differ in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. The North Dulan Belt (NDB) has tholeiitic protoliths with high TiO2 and lower Al2O3 and MgO contents. REE patterns and trace element contents resemble those of N-type and E-type MORB. In contrast, eclogites in the South Dulan Belt (SDB) are of island arc protoliths with low TiO2, high Al2O3 and show LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted patterns. Sm–Nd isotope analyses give isochron ages of 458–497 Ma for eclogite-facies metamorphism for the two sub-belts. The ages are similar to those of Yuka and Altun eclogites in the western extension of the North Qaidam-Altun eclogite belt. The Dulan UHP metamorphic terrane, together with several other recently recognized eclogite-bearing terrenes within the North Qaidam-Altun HP-UHP belt, constitute the key to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The entire UHP belt extends for more than 1000 km from the Dulan UHP terrane in the southeast to the Altun eclogite–gneiss terrane in the west. This super-belt marks an early Paleozoic continental collision zone between the Qaidam Massif and the Qilian Massif.  相似文献   
铜陵地区中酸性侵入岩年代学研究   总被引:67,自引:4,他引:67  
本文选择了铜陵地区主要岩石类型的代表性岩体中黑云母为测定对象,准确地测定了侵入岩的40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄。测定结果表明,区内侵入岩的年龄均小于140Ma,属燕山晚期的产物,后期热事件为成矿时代,晚于岩浆侵入时代,在此基础上,分析了KAr法、RbSr法同位素年龄产生偏差的原因  相似文献   
Eighty-nine basaltic lava flows from the northwest wall of Haleakala caldera preserve a concatenated paleomagnetic record of portions of the Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) reversal and the preceding Kamikatsura event as well as secular variation of the full-polarity reversed and normal geomagnetic field. They provide the most detailed volcanic record to date of the M-B transition. The 24 flows in the transition zone show for the first time transitional virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) that move from reverse to normal along the Americas, concluding with an oscillation in the Pacific Ocean to a cluster of VGPs east of New Zealand and back finally to stable polarity in the north polar region. All but one of the 16 Kamikatsura VGPs cluster in central South America. The full-polarity flows, with 40Ar/39Ar ages spanning a total of 680 kyr, pass a reversal test and give an average VGP insignificantly different from the rotation axis, with standard deviation consistent with that for other 0-5 Ma lava flows of similar latitude. Precise 40Ar/39Ar dating consisting of 31 incremental heating experiments on 12 transitional flows yields weighted mean ages of 775.6±1.9 and 900.3±4.7 ka for the M-B and Kamikatsura transitional flows, respectively. This Matuyama-Brunhes age is ∼16 kyr younger than ages for M-B flows from the Canary Islands, Tahiti and Chile that were dated using exactly the same techniques and standards, suggesting that this polarity transition may have taken considerably longer to complete and been more complex than is generally believed for reversals.  相似文献   
合肥盆地钻井地层的同位素测年与地层划分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合肥盆地内部中、新界地层大面积被第四系覆盖,其地层的时代与划分主要依赖已有的6口深井地层资料。由于缺乏可靠的化石记录,这6口深井地层时代与划分一直存在着很大的分歧,制约了对该盆地的油气勘探与远景评价。本文利用这6口深井泥岩类岩屑中自生伊利石,在其结晶度分析基础上,进行了K-Ar同位素测年,成功地获得了不同深度上的地层形成时代。据此地层年龄,文中对这6口深井所钻遇的地层进行了重新的划分。  相似文献   
We seek to identify the depth to which water is extracted by the roots in the soil. Indeed, in an isotopic steady-state condition of leaf water, transpiration introduces into the atmosphere a vapour whose isotopic signature is identical to that of root water. In the isotopic models of atmospheric general circulation, it is classically allowed that the signature of transpiration belongs to the meteoric water line. This supposes that the water taken by the roots has escaped with the evaporation of the soil and comes thus from the deep layers of the soil. At the time of experimentation carried out on maize plants (Nemours, Seine-et-Marne, France), this extraction depth was inferred from the comparison between the signature of the water measured on the level of the first internode of the stems of the plants and the isotopic profile of water in the soil. When the flow of transpiration reaches a maximum value, the plant uptakes water resulting from precipitations and which preserves its non-evaporating character after having quickly infiltrated in the deep layers of the soil. This relates to only 55% of the flux transpired by the canopy, the remainder presenting an evaporating character more or less marked according to ambient conditions. This experiment invalidates the classical hypothesis used in isotopic models of general atmospheric circulation in temperate regions. In fact, only half the amount of water vapour transpired by the canopy during the day presents a signature similar to that of the rainwater sampled in deep soil layers. To cite this article: Z. Boujamlaoui et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
长江流域河水和悬浮物的锂同位素地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
深入理解流域侵蚀过程中的锂同位素分馏对于运用锂同位素来示踪化学循环和气候变化是十分必要的。研究集中在长江干流和主要支流的水体和悬浮物的锂及锂同位素组成。长江流域水体的锂及锂同位素组成(δ7Li)分别为150~4 570 nmol/L和+7.6‰~+28.1‰,两者沿上游至下游的变化趋势相反。悬浮物锂同位素组成(δ7Li)变化比较稳定,分别为41~92 μg/g和-4.7‰~+0.7‰,而且总是低于相应水体的锂同位素组成。悬浮物和流体之间的锂同位素分馏系数在0.977和0.992之间,与悬浮物的量及组成存在明显相关性,反映了粘土矿物的吸附和化学风化的程度。锂含量与锂同位素组成之间良好的负相关性表明流域水体的锂来自2个端元混合:其一可能是蒸发盐岩,并伴有深部热泉水;其二可能是硅酸岩。  相似文献   
大兴安岭地区位于兴蒙造山带的东段,构造、岩浆活动强烈,蕴藏着丰富的内生有色金属、贵金属矿产资源。本文通过对该区内生铜矿床的地质特征、成因类型和年代学研究,初步将区内内生铜矿床划分为斑岩型、浅成热液高硫化型(铜银、铜锡)和接触交代型三种成因类型,除铜锡矿床外,它们的成矿作用均与高钾钙碱系列I型花岗质岩浆密切相关;其中斑岩型和浅成热液高硫化型(铜、银)的成矿分别发生在485Ma、180~170Ma和170~160Ma;而浅成热液高硫化型(铜锡)矿床与A型花岗质岩浆相关,成矿在150~135Ma之间;接触交代型与它们相伴生,主要发生在180~160Ma和150~135Ma。其成矿动力学背景分别与早古生代兴安地块与松嫩地块的拼合碰撞造山、中侏罗世的西伯利亚板块和华北板块的陆缘增生带碰撞缝合造山与早白垩世碰撞造山后的地壳伸展减薄作用过程相适应,矿床在不同阶段的造山挤压与伸展转换或造山期后的伸展阶段就位,这项研究为深入研究该区内生多金属成矿规律提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
金宝沟金矿床是冀东地区近年查明的一个大型斑岩型金矿床,金矿体主要赋存于金宝沟花岗斑岩体及岩体与太古宙迁西群黑云角闪斜长片麻岩接触带中。为查明金宝沟含矿花岗斑岩体的成岩时代、岩石地球化学特征、岩浆源区特征及其与区域上峪耳崖、牛心山等成矿花岗岩体的关系,采用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法,测得金宝沟2件花岗斑岩的成岩年龄分别为169.9±1.0Ma和170.4±2.0Ma,表明其形成于中侏罗世。金宝沟花岗斑岩属于过铝质钾玄岩系列岩石,∑REE含量为38.17×10~(-6)~136.51×10~(-6),岩石富集Rb、K等大离子亲石元素和Ba、Th、U,亏损Ta、Nb、Ti等高场强元素和P、Sr,显示出典型岛弧或活动大陆边缘岩浆岩的特征。锆石Hf同位素研究显示,2件花岗斑岩样品的锆石ε_(Hf)(t)分别为-12.8~-7.4和-14.4~-8.8,两阶段模式年龄分别为1685~2028Ma和1773~2130Ma,暗示岩浆可能来源于古元古代地壳物质的部分熔融。金宝沟花岗斑岩岩浆形成的温度为788~834℃,岩浆形成压力为0.8~1.6GPa。结合区域地质资料认为,包括金宝沟花岗斑岩在内的冀东中侏罗世花岗岩及同时代的髫髻山组火山岩是在陆内收缩、地壳增厚、古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲的构造背景下,在挤压应力松弛的间隙环境侵位的。  相似文献   
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