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The island of Lampedusa lies on the northern edge of the African continental shelf, but during some Quaternary marine lowstands it was joined to the African continent. The study and dating of the aeolian, alluvial, detrital sediments, calcareous crusts and speleothems have established that the climatic–environmental variations recorded on the island can be related chronologically to those known for northern Libya, Tunisia and the Italian peninsula. During the Last Glacial Maximum, phases of Saharan dust accumulation on Lampedusa occurred, and were coeval with dust accumulation in crater lakes and on high mountains in central‐southern Italy, and with phases of glacial advance in the Apennines and in the Alps. During the late Holocene, accumulation of Saharan dust on Lampedusa occurred but there was little accumulation of dust on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. With the new data from Lampedusa, it is possible to envisage two different scenarios of atmospheric circulation relating to the Last Glacial Maximum and to the late Holocene. During the Last Glacial Maximum, southerly atmospheric circulation brought rainfall to the southern slopes of the Alps and to the Apennines. During the late Holocene, a prevalent westerly atmospheric circulation became established in the northern Mediterranean. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
13C/12C ratios for a number of High Arctic vascular plants (51 determinations), mosses (11), and freshwater algae (11) show considerable variation, particularly among the freshwater algae (range from-6.9 to -36.3). In some cases the stable carbon ratios on modern and fossil materials provide guidance as to whether marine waters formerly occupied a given pond or lake basin. In other cases the 13C values for algae collected along the present-day shore of a pond or lake bear no relation to the values obtained on constituents preserved within the bottom sediments, suggesting that major changes have occurred in the last few thousand years.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 17291. Contribution No. 41 from the Cape Herschel Project.  相似文献   
In southeast Anatolia, there are number of tectonomagmatic units in the Kahramanmaraş–Malatya–Elazığ region that are important in understanding the geological evolution of the southeast Anatolian orogenic belt during the Late Cretaceous. These are (a) metamorphic massifs, (b) ophiolites, (c) ophiolite-related metamorphics and (d) granitoids. The granitoids (i.e. Göksun–Afşin in Kahramanmaraş, Doğanşehir in Malatya and Baskil in Elazığ) intrude all the former units in a NE–SW trending direction. The granitoid in Göksun–Afşin (Kahramanmaraş) region is mainly composed of granodioritic and granitic in composition. The granodiorite contains a number of amphibole-bearing mafic microgranular enclaves of different sizes, whereas the granite is intruded by numerous aplitic dikes. The granitoid rocks have typical calcalkaline geochemical features. The REE- and Ocean ridge granite-normalized multi-element patterns and tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams, as well as biotite geochemistry suggest that the granitoids were formed in a volcanic arc setting. The K–Ar geochronology of the granitoid rocks yielded ages ranging from 85.76±3.17 to 77.49±1.91 Ma. The field, geochemical and geochronological data suggest the following Late Cretaceous tectonomagmatic scenario for southeast Anatolia. The ophiolites were formed in a suprasubduction zone tectonic setting whereas the ophiolite-related metamorphic rocks formed either during the initiation of intraoceanic subduction or late-thrusting (∼90 Ma). These units were then overthrust by the Malatya–Keban platform during the progressive elimination of the southern Neotethys. Thrusting of the Malatya–Keban platform over the ophiolites and related metamorphic rocks was followed by the intrusion of the granitoids (88–85 Ma) along the Tauride active continental margin in the southern Neotethys.  相似文献   
Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of eight lamprophyre samples, which come from the Gezhen gold-bearing shear zone on western Hainan Island, are measured. The Sm-Nd isochron age is 495.98±13.14 Ma, (143Nd/144Nd) 0=0.512094, εNd(t) ranges from +1.80 to +2.00 and TDM from 982 Ma to 1196 Ma (average: 1060 Ma). The authors point out that the whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron age (495.98 ± 13.14 Ma) really represents the petrogenetic age of lamprophyre and the time of magmatism during subsequent subduction.  相似文献   
The Sanchazi mafic-ultramafic complex in Mianlue tectonic zone, South Qinling can be subdivided into two blocks, i.e. Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc and Zhuangkegou paleo-oceanic crust fragment (ophiolite). The Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc is mainly composed of andesite, basaltic and basalt-andesitic gabbro (or diorite), andesitic dyke, plagiogranite and minor ultramafic rocks, which have typical geochemical features of island arc volcanic rocks, such as high field strength element (e.g. Nb, Ti) depletions and lower Cr, Ni contents. The Light rare earth element (LREE) and K enrichments of these rocks and zircon xenocrystals of 900 Ma from plagiogranite suggest that this magmatic arc was developed on the South active continental margin of the South Qinling micro-continent. The U-Pb age of (300 ± 61)Ma for zircons from plagiogranite indicates that the Mianlue paleo-oceanic crust was probably subducted underneath the South Qinling micro-continent in Carboniferous. This is consistent with the formation time (309Ma) of the Huwan eclogite originating from oceanic subduction in Dabie Mountains, suggesting that the Mianlue paleo-ocean probably extended eastward to the Dabie Mountains in Carboniferous. The high-Mg adakitic rocks in Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc suggest that the subducted oceanic crust was relatively young (<25Ma) and hot.  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
内蒙古索伦山地区是中亚造山带构造演化的关键区域,其中关于古亚洲洋的闭合时限以及西伯利亚板块和华北板块的拼贴时空关系一直存在争议。出露于内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔的中酸性侵入岩,其深入研究对探讨古亚洲洋演化具有重要意义。文中对内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩进行了系统的岩石学、年代学及地球化学研究。获得哈尔博格托尔TTG岩的LA ICP MS锆石U Pb年龄为(266.7±3.7) Ma,表明该侵入岩形成于中二叠世。地球化学主量元素分析表明,索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩的岩石系列主要为含钠较高的钙碱性准铝质系列。其稀土元素总量较低,呈现轻稀土元素(LREEs)相对于重稀土元素(HREEs)弱富集的特征,Eu异常不明显;微量元素呈现Rb、Ba、Th、U等大离子亲石元素富集,Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素强烈亏损的特征,与典型的岛弧岩浆岩类似。结合索伦山TTG岩体地质特征和区域地质背景,综合年代学和地球化学特征分析,笔者认为索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩体形成于岛弧环境,即中二叠世期间古亚洲洋壳向华北板块还存在俯冲作用,因而古亚洲洋至少应在中二叠世以后才闭合。内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩是洋壳俯冲的岩石学记录,为索伦山缝合带及古亚洲洋构造域演化提供了新的基础地质资料。  相似文献   
华北克拉通中北部五台杂岩中出露一套变质砂岩,归属于上太古界五台群,其物质来源和构造环境分析对理解本区新太古代末期的地壳演化具有重要意义.该变质砂岩主要由石英、长石和粘土质胶结物组成,岩相学特征显示为杂砂岩,利用主量、微量元素判别的结果与岩相学观察一致.岩石地球化学分析结果显示,样品的SiO2含量变化较大(64.51%~...  相似文献   
PLANK  T. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(5):921-944
Arc magmas and the continental crust share many chemical features,but a major question remains as to whether these features arecreated by subduction or are recycled from subducting sediment.This question is explored here using Th/La, which is low inoceanic basalts (<0·2), elevated in the continents(>0·25) and varies in arc basalts and marine sediments(0·09–0·34). Volcanic arcs form linear mixingarrays between mantle and sediment in plots of Th/La vs Sm/La.The mantle end-member for different arcs varies between highlydepleted and enriched compositions. The sedimentary end-memberis typically the same as local trench sediment. Thus, arc magmasinherit their Th/La from subducting sediment and high Th/Lais not newly created during subduction (or by intraplate, adakiteor Archaean magmatism). Instead, there is a large fractionationin Th/La within the continental crust, caused by the preferentialpartitioning of La over Th in mafic and accessory minerals.These observations suggest a mechanism of ‘fractionation& foundering’, whereby continents differentiate intoa granitic upper crust and restite-cumulate lower crust, whichperiodically founders into the mantle. The bulk continentalcrust can reach its current elevated Th/La if arc crust differentiatesand loses 25–60% of its mafic residues to foundering. KEY WORDS: arc magmatism; continental crust; delamination; thorium; sediment subduction  相似文献   
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