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INTRODUCTION Theinteractionofcomplextectonicphasesinthe IndusbasinduringtheCretaceoushasimpartedascal lopedoutlineinthesedimentarysequences.Thedevel opmentofdiversifiedsedimentaryformationsduringthe Cretaceousensuresexcellentsources(SembarandGoru formations)andreservoirs(MoghalKotandPabfor mations)forhydrocarbons.Numerousplaysandpros pectsofhydrocarbonareassociatedwiththeCretaceous system,consequentlytheIndusbasinisattractiveto petroleumexplorationcompaniesinPakistan(Sheikh andNa…  相似文献   
利用2015年8月至2016年7月在印度河上游流域Bagrot山谷降水稳定同位素(δ18O和δD)观测结果以及当地气象资料,利用同位素示踪及统计分析方法,并结合HYSPLIT模型,对研究区降水稳定同位素变化特征、大气水线以及水汽来源进行了分析。结果表明,观测期间Bagrot山谷降水稳定同位素的季节变化明显,δ18O与δD秋冬季偏低,春夏季偏高,且与气温变化一致,存在显著的温度效应,而降水量效应不明显。而且发现,研究区局地大气水线截距和斜率均低于全球的,反映了降水过程中云下二次蒸发作用较为强烈,特别是,不同的降水形态导致该研究区局地大气水线的斜率和截距不同。当液态降水(降雨)发生时,由于在较为干旱的气候环境下,雨滴在降落的过程中受到二次蒸发相对较强,使得局地大气水线的斜率和截距偏低;而当固态降水(降雪)发生时,由于温度较低,受再循环水汽和二次蒸发的影响较小,导致局地大气水线的斜率和截距均偏高。Bagrot山谷及其周边地区,从南到北局地大气水线的斜率相差不大,而其截距总体上随着纬度升高而降低,可能与云下二次蒸发导致稳定同位素发生的不平衡分馏逐渐强烈有关。通过Bagrot山谷站点降水稳定同位素观测结果并结合HYSPLIT模型的后向追踪,研究还发现,研究区全年主要受西风环流以及局地环流的影响。但与研究区以北的临近站点(慕士塔格、和田等)相比有所不同,由于Bagrot山谷位置更靠南,其仍然偶尔受到来自南方的海洋性水汽影响。这一研究结果可能对该地区树轮稳定同位素记录的解译具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
下刚果—刚果扇盆地油气资源丰富、油气成藏条件优越。但由于受到盐岩的活动及区域构造应力场的作用,形成了复杂的断裂系统。此文系统分析了下刚果—刚果扇盆地的断裂特征及其对油气成藏的影响,研究认为该区平面上主要发育5个断裂带,纵向上主要发育上下两套断裂系统。断裂的形成和演化可分为三个期次,相对应可将断层分为三个级别的断层。断层的形成机制主要有盐活动及盐构造、重力滑脱作用以及古地貌格局。烃源岩的排烃时间与第三期断层活动时间相匹配,非常有利于油气沿断层进行垂向和斜侧向运移。分析认为研究区主要发育沿断阶带—碳酸盐岩运聚成藏模式、沿断层垂向运聚成藏模式以及沿盐下砂体—盐窗和Focus点运聚成藏模式共三种成藏模式。断层封堵较好,油源断层高度决定了油气运移高度和油气田规模,直接控制着油气的分布层系及规模。研究成果可指导研究区或类似地区的油气勘探。  相似文献   
Fine sediment deposition in the ocean is complicated by the cohesive nature of muds and their tendency to flocculate. The result is disaggregated inorganic grain size (DIGS) distributions of bottom sediment that are influenced by single‐grain and floc deposition. This study outlines a parametric model that characterizes bottom sediment DIGS distributions. Modelled parameters are then used to infer depositional conditions that account for the regional variation in the grain sizes deposited by turbidity currents on the Laurentian Fan–Sohm Abyssal Plain, offshore south‐eastern Canada. Results indicate that, on the channellized Laurentian Fan, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud increases only slightly downslope. The small evolution in this fraction arises because sediment concentration and turbulent energy are associated in turbidity currents. On the Sohm Abyssal Plain, however, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud decreases, probably as a result of lower sediment concentration at this source‐distal site. Estimates of the mass fraction of mud deposited as flocs suggest that floc deposition is the dominant mode by which sediment is lost from suspension, although single‐grain deposition contributes more to the depositional flux in proximal areas where high energy breaks flocs and in distal areas where low sediment concentration limits floc formation. It is concluded that, throughout the dispersal system, changes in the fraction of flocculated mud deposited from turbidity currents reflect changes in sediment concentration and energy downslope.  相似文献   
The exposed Quaternary sections of Ladakh show evidence of seismicity during the late Quaternary. Multiple levels of soft-sediment deformation structures (seismites) are recorded from the Quaternary sediments of the Spituk-Leh, along Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) and the Khalsar palaeolakes, along Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ) and Karakoraum Fault (KF). The studied sections are a part of two major tectonically formed palaeolakes at 35,000 yr BP. Nine levels of seismites from Spituk-Leh and eight levels from Khalsar sections are recorded. The deformed sediments comprise of clay, silts and sand and are restricted to a single stratigraphic layers bounded by undeformed beds suggesting synsedimentary deformation. The various deformational structures identified are simple and complex convolutes, pinch and swell bedding, microfolds and microfaults, flame-like structures, pseudonodules, clay diapirs, ball and pillow structures, pillar structures, sedimentary dykes and mud lenses. The release of stress along the ISZ, SSZ and KF, may have been responsible for inducing seismicity in the area during the late Quaternary times which may have caused liquefaction as a direct consequence of permanent deformation of ground surface due to earthquakes of large magnitudes (>5 intensity). The chronological data suggests release of stresses along ISZ, SSZ and KF in the form of earthquakes between 35,000 yr BP to approximately the Last Glacial Maxima (LGM) as evident form the available chronology.  相似文献   
The Eibiswald Bucht is a small subbasin of the Western Styrian Basin exposing sediments of Lower Miocene age. In the past the entire sequence exposed in the Eibiswalder Bucht has been interpreted as being of fluvial/lacustrine origin; here, results are presented of detailed sedimentological investigations that lead to a revision of this concept. The lowermost siliciclastic sedimentary unit of the Eibiswalder Bucht sequence is the Radl Formation. It is overlain by the Eibiswald Beds, which are subdivided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Eibiswald Beds. The Radl Formation and the Lower Eibiswald Beds are interpreted as a fan delta complex deposited along NNW-SSE striking faults. Based on the sedimentary facies this fan delta can be subdivided into a subaerial alluvial fan facies group, a proximal delta facies group and a distal delta/prodelta facies group. The Radl Formation comprises the alluvial fan and proximal delta facies groups, the Lower Eibiswald Beds the distal delta/prodelta facies group. The alluvial fan and the proximal delta consist of diverse deposits of gravelly flows. The distal delta/prodelta consists of wave-reworked, bioturbated, low density turbidites intercalated with minor gravelly mass flows. The prodelta can be regarded as as the basin facies of the small and shallow Eibiswalder Bucht, where marine conditions prevailed. The basin was probably in part connected with the Eastern Styrian Basin, the contemporary depositional environment of the Styrian Schlier (mainly turbiditic marine offshore sediments in the Eastern Styrian Basin). Analysis of the clast composition, in conjunction with the paleotransport direction of the coarse delta mass flows of the Radl Formation, shows that the source rocks were exclusively crystalline rocks ranging from greenschists to eclogites.  相似文献   
1986—1988年,福建省地震局在福州盆地及其周围地区完成了五条地震测深剖面:宁德—永春剖面;洪懒—宁德剖面;莲峰—福州(尚干)剖面;南平—永泰—平潭非纵剖面;并在宁德—古田—嵩口首次试验扇形剖面观测系统,结果表明,扇形剖面对确定断裂是有效的. 根据对地震波走时的正、反演计算,用理论地震图和射线追踪方法进一步修改和完善,得到了福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部为高、低速相间的速度分布特征.地壳介质速度为6.40km/s,在中地壳普遍发育一层速度为5.80—5.90 km/s、厚度约5.0 km的低速层.Moho面深度30—33 km,福州盆地为一Moho面隆起区,隆起幅度达3.0 km.北西向断裂发育,其中,闽江断裂在纵剖面和扇形剖面均有明显的反映,并切割到Moho面2.0—3.0 km. 反射波谱频方法计算得到福州盆地地壳Q值仅120—150,比邻近地区明显偏低,中地壳低速层Q值为40—80,是一典型的低速—高导—低Q(高衰减)结构层,此层上界面埋深14—15 km,与居里面埋深较一致.这些结果为福州地区的地热资源远景预测和开发提供了地壳深部结构和某些地球物理场背景.  相似文献   
Application of snowmelt runoff model for water resource management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Snow‐covered areas (SCAs) are the fundamental source of water for the hydrological cycle for some region. Accurate measurements of river discharge from snowmelt can help manage much needed water required for hydropower generation and irrigation purposes. This study aims to apply the snowmelt runoff model (SRM) in the Upper Indus basin by the Astore River in northern Pakistan for the years 2000 to 2006. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data are used to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region. Various variables (snow cover depletion curves (SCDCs), temperature and precipitation) and parameters (degree‐day factor, recession coefficient, runoff coefficients, time lag, critical temperature and temperature lapse rate) are used as input in the SRM. However, snow cover data are direct and an important input to the SRM. Satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are used to estimate the SCA. Normalized difference snow index (NDSI) algorithm is applied for snow cover mapping and to differentiate snow from other land features. Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of determination (R2) and volume difference (DV) are used for quality assessment of the SRM. The results of the current research show that for the study years (2000–2006), the average value of R2 is 0·87 and average volume difference DV is 1·18%. The correlation coefficient between measured and computed runoff is 0·95. The results of the study further show that a high level of accuracy can be achieved during the snowmelt season. The simulation results endorse that the SRM in conjunction with MODIS snow cover product is very useful for water resource management in the Astore River and can be used for runoff forecasts in the Indus River basin in northern Pakistan. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   
福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部结构与构造的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
1986-1988年,福建省地震局在福州盆地及其周围地区完成了五条地震测深剖面:宁德-永春剖面;洪懒-宁德剖面;莲峰-福州(尚干)剖面;南平-永泰-平潭非纵剖面;并在宁德-古田-嵩口首次试验扇形剖面观测系统,结果表明,扇形剖面对确定断裂是有效的. 根据对地震波走时的正、反演计算,用理论地震图和射线追踪方法进一步修改和完善,得到了福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部为高、低速相间的速度分布特征.地壳介质速度为6.40km/s,在中地壳普遍发育一层速度为5.80-5.90 km/s、厚度约5.0 km的低速层.Moho面深度30-33 km,福州盆地为一Moho面隆起区,隆起幅度达3.0 km.北西向断裂发育,其中,闽江断裂在纵剖面和扇形剖面均有明显的反映,并切割到Moho面2.0-3.0 km. 反射波谱频方法计算得到福州盆地地壳Q值仅120-150,比邻近地区明显偏低,中地壳低速层Q值为40-80,是一典型的低速-高导-低Q(高衰减)结构层,此层上界面埋深14-15 km,与居里面埋深较一致.这些结果为福州地区的地热资源远景预测和开发提供了地壳深部结构和某些地球物理场背景.  相似文献   
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