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The EPR spectra of Maxixe-type beryl contain a large number of overlapping signals. The angular dependence of the 1:3:3:1 signal typical for the CH3 radical shows that this radical is located at the center of the channel cavity with its symmetry axis parallel to the crystal c-axis and is rotating around this axis. Its EPR spectrum is axially symmetric with g // = 2.00263, g  = 2.00249 and A// = 2.288 mT, A = 2.256 mT. These anisotropies have the opposite signs of those found for surface-adsorbed methyl radicals. Hydrogen atoms are located at position 2a at the center of the beryl cavity and the EPR parameters of the narrow doublet signal are A 0 = 1,407 MHz and g = 2.00230. Another doublet signal, which is broader and has axial symmetry with g // = 2.00265, g  = 2.00625 and A// = 0.895 mT, A = 0.885 mT, could come from a HCO3 radical. One narrow and easily saturated signal with g // = 2.00227 and g  = 2.00386 is interpreted to arise from a carbon monoxide radical in the beryl channel, oriented with its axis parallel to the crystal c-axis. Additional weak doublet lines, which have similar g values as the carbon monoxide radical, are created by nearby hydrogens. A powder spectrum with g // = 2.0017 and g  = 2.0004 appears upon UV irradiation of the single crystal and is easily saturated. This spectrum is interpreted to arise from a carbon dioxide radical, which rotates around its symmetry axis.  相似文献   
红透山块状硫化物矿石主要成分为黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和石英、角闪石、黑云母等脉石矿物。将此矿石烘干后作为试料置于岩石三轴应力试验机,在13h内将轴压、围压和温度分步升至1276MPa、414MPa和350℃,然后在空气中自然冷却至室温。实验产物中黄铁矿、石英、长石等以脆性碎裂为主,而磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和云母等以塑性变形为主。再活化的黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿和少量闪锌矿呈脉和网脉穿插黄铁矿碎斑。实验结果表明,即使没有外来流体加入.构造动力作用所导致的流体包裹体破坏所释出的流体,就足以使成矿物质发生活化转移和再活化。  相似文献   
生物制氢研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前, 世界上利用的能源90%以上都是“化石能源”(如石油、煤炭和天然气等)。随着人类不断利用这些不可再生的“化石能源”, 它将会逐渐枯竭, 且其燃烧形成的产物(如CO2和SO2等)造成的严重环境污染(如温室效应和酸雨), 也有害于人类健康。因此, 人类正面临着能源紧缺和环境污染的双重压力。为满足能源需求量日益增长和环境保护的需要, 我们必须寻找环保型的可再生能源来替代“化石能源” 以满足人类对能源的需求。 在各种可再生能源中氢能将有可能替代“化石能源”,成为未来能源利用的主要形式。氢能具有许多优点:①氢能燃烧时只生成水, 不产生任何污染物, 甚至连CO2也不会产生, 实现真正的“零污染” 和“零排放”;②氢能的能量密度高, 放热高达122 kJ/g, 是焦炭放热的4.5倍, 汽油的2.68倍;③氢能可经济有效的输送和储存, 可以利用已有的天然气管道输送, 输送成本低, 甚至优于输电, 因为输送氢能不会产生如电能输送过程中所产生的能量损耗;氢能的存储也比较简便, 其中储氢合金材料就是一种非常理想的储氢方法, 该方法储氢能力强、运输方便、操作容易, 且安全可靠。在利用储氢合金进行储氢时, 还可用以进行制冷或采暖(Kulkova et al., 2006), 因为储氢材料在吸氢时放热, 在放氢时吸热。正因为氢能具有如此多的优点, 许多大的跨国公司开始对制氢技术高度关注, 如主要汽车制造商(通用、福特、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒等)对开发以氢能作为燃料的汽车投入大量的人力和物力;宝马公司从20世纪70年代就开始研制以氢能为能源的汽车, 宝马公司现在已拥有了时速达240km的氢能汽车(Munro,2003)。同时, 一些发达国家的科研院所的科学家们对氢能的制备方法、制氢机制以及提高产氢量等进行了大量的研究。  相似文献   
Although commonly utilized in continental geothermal work, the water-hydrogen and methane-hydrogen isotope geothermometers have been neglected in hydrothermal studies. Here we report δD-CH4 and δD-H2 values from high-temperature, black smoker-type hydrothermal vents and low-temperature carbonate-hosted samples from the recently discovered Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Methane deuterium content is uniform across the dataset at − 120 ± 12‰. Hydrogen δD values vary from − 420‰ to − 330‰ at high-temperature vents to − 700‰ to − 600‰ at Lost City. The application of several geothermometer equations to a suite of hydrothermal vent volatile samples reveals that predicted temperatures are similar to measured vent temperatures at high-temperature vents, and 20-60 °C higher than those measured at the Lost City vents. We conclude that the overestimation of temperature at Lost City reflects 1) that methane and hydrogen are produced by serpentinization at > 110 °C, and 2) that isotopic equilibrium at temperatures < 70 °C is mediated by microbial sulfate reduction. The successful application of hydrogen isotope geothermometers to low-temperature Lost City hydrothermal samples encourages its employment with low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
The copper deposits in the mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River consist mainly of porphyry, skarn and massive sulphide deposits. According to the geological background, the types of ore deposits and the mineralization, the metallogenic model of the copper deposits is discussed. It is pointed out that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluids came mainly from magmatic water and were related to the intermediate-acid intrusions, and that the formation of skarn arid massive sulphide deposits coincided with the mineralization of porphyry deposits. Project supported by Doctorate Foundation of the State Education Commission of China.  相似文献   
生物制氢:Ⅰ.理论研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对生物制氢的理论研究进行了评论性的回顾。讨论了光合成生物制氢系统、光分解生物制氢系统、水气交换反应生物制氢系统、光合—发酵杂交生物制氢系统和厌氧发酵生物制氢系统、离体氢酶生物制氢系统等6个生物制氢系统。乙醇型发酵生物制氢理论(双碳发酵产氢学说或理论)是生物制氢理论的新发展。  相似文献   
鲁春VMS 锌铅铜多金属矿床产于金沙江构造带内鲁春-红坡牛场伸展裂谷盆地中,是三江地区典型的火山成因块状硫化物矿床,其含矿层位为双峰式火山岩系中的流纹质火山--沉积岩系。通过研究该矿床的主成矿元素、双峰式火山岩和矿石的稀土元素特征,对其成矿金属来源、赋矿火山岩及构造环境进行研究表明,鲁春多金属矿床属Zn --Pb --Cu 型火山成因块状硫化物矿床,形成于碰撞造山后在薄陆壳( 陆缘弧) 基底上伸展而成的裂谷盆地环境; 矿石的主成矿元素含量特征w ( Zn) /w ( Pb + Zn) 均值为0. 64,与日本黑矿和四川呷村矿床较为接近; ΣREE 为( 15. 99 ~ 144. 43) × 10 - 6,平均73. 99 × 10 - 6,LREE/ HREE 为3. 59 ~ 11. 40,平均6. 30,呈典型的LREE 富集型; δEu 为0. 13 ~ 0. 46,平均0. 28,Eu 负异常明显,与矿区流纹岩极为相似。矿体与流纹岩空间上的密切关系以及地球化学特征的一致性表明,成矿金属元素源自下伏的长英质岩系。  相似文献   
Pyrrhotite (Fe7S8) is a natural iron sulphide that can participate in rock magnetisation. Its electronic structure is not yet surely described. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at Fe L2,3 edges on Fe7S8, coupled with multiplet calculations, shows that iron is present only as Fe2+ in this magnetic iron sulphide. It reveals a strong magnetic orbital moment. XMCD at Fe and S K edges shows the quite strong polarization of both Fe and S in Fe7S8.  相似文献   
运用离子探针技术测定了河北汉诺坝新生代玄武岩中3个单斜辉石巨晶的氢同位素组成,结果显示同一颗粒内部表现出微尺度的不均一性,2mm范围内δD的变化达到60‰。δD和氢含量之间不存在同步的变化,巨晶内部的化学成分均一,因此我们认为巨晶的氢同位素不均一性继续自母岩浆。母岩浆的氢同位素变化可能是去气过程中气相与熔体之间的分馏引起的。单斜辉石巨晶形成后很短的时间内即被寄主岩浆带至地表并经历了快速淬火。  相似文献   
河北平原地下水氘过量参数特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
氘过量参数是由Dansg aar d提出的一个新概念,它被定义为:d= δD-8δ18O。河北平原地下水氘过量参数有三个特征: ( 1)地下热水的氢和氧同位素组成显示出热交换的态势,d 值随地下水年龄增大而减少。( 2)在同一地区,d 值随着地下水埋深加大而增大。( 3)在同一含水层内,沿着地下水的路径,从补给区到承压区, d 值随着地下水年龄增大而增大。我们认为, d 值虽然是地下水年龄的函数,但最好和3 H、3H- 3He、14 C、36 Cl和4 He测年结果结合使用。   相似文献   
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