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分析了1995年10月黄骅港一期工程疏浚物倾倒预选区浮游生物调查样品和资料.结果表明,调查区的浮游植物是以圆筛藻(Coscinodiscusspp.)等为优势种的近岸广温生态群,浮游动物是以强壮箭虫(Sagittacrassa)等为优势种的近岸低盐生态群,且浮游生物的种类和数量都很丰富.文中还对疏浚施工提出了加强对疏浚船只倾倒到位率监督,根据海洋生物繁殖季节调整疏浚活动等措施,以最大限度地减小因疏浚施工对生态环境造成的危害.  相似文献   
国产热浸锌锚链的耐蚀性研究(Ⅰ):热浸锌锚链的海港试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记叙了国内外首次以大型商品化热浸锌锚链为研究对象的海港试验结果,跟踪记录了其4年的腐蚀与生物污损发展过程。分别于2013年7月、2014年7月、2015年7月和2016年7月将试验锚链提出海面,对出现在锚链上的全部附着生物进行刮取、分类、鉴定、称重,清洗锚链的表面,检查锈点,并对热浸锌锚链表面测厚,照相记录跟踪全过程。试验结果表明:裸钢腐蚀严重,锈层在2~3mm,腐蚀产物易成片脱落,形成大小不等的腐蚀坑,最大坑深3mm左右;热浸锌锚链未出现明显腐蚀点,大气区锌层腐蚀速率约10μm/a,水下区锌层腐蚀速率约20~70μm/a,但在两个链环连接处出现磨蚀锈斑;耐蚀性在不同区带中表现为水上链>水下链;热浸锌锚链表面的污损生物数量少于未浸锌锚链,随着时间延长,热浸锌锚链表面污损生物逐年增多,其中优势生物为海鞘(Ascidians)、苔藓虫(Bryozoans),其次是贻贝(Mytilus sp.)、牡蛎(Ostreidae sp.)、石莼(Ulva sp.),曾出现南方污损生物种,如翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)。2013~2014、2014~2015、2015~2016三年锚链单位面积上污损生物的重量分别为1257.6、1454.6和21304.0g/m2。污损生物重量的增加大大增加了锚链的磨蚀程度,为锚链腐蚀失效埋下了隐患。本研究为海洋工程锚链设计或应用提供了宝贵的科学依据。  相似文献   
通过测定洋山深水港区海域2010~2013年6个航次秋、冬季沉积物中重金属含量,分析其时空差异,结果表明该海域沉积物重金属总体含量较低,空间分布较为均匀,Hg、Zn、Pb、Cd含量秋季明显高于冬季,As、Cu含量的季节性波动较小,用因子分析法研究该海域重金属来源,发现陆源工业、船舶航运排污以及有机质降解是研究海域Pb、Cd、Zn的主要来源;农业污染、码头货物装卸残留及建筑垃圾支配着Cu、As、Hg的来源。SQG-Q生态风险评价表明研究海域沉积物中重金属均存在中、低度的生态风险,秋季的生态风险高于冬季,Hg和Cu是主要生态风险因子;地累积指数法评价结果显示研究海域基本不受Hg、As、Zn、Pb的污染;Cd、Cu以轻度污染为主,部分站位属于偏中度污染,6种重金属污染程度依次为:CdCuPbZnHgAs。因子综合得分评价表明,重金属污染相对严重的站位依次为5号、4号及3号站位。但总体看来洋山深水港区附近海域沉积物中重金属污染状况属于轻度污染。  相似文献   
航道疏浚是海岸带人类活动的重要形式之一,对近岸海洋环境有着重要的影响。本研究以葫芦岛航道疏浚为例,通过X射线衍射物相分析、放射性同位素分析和激光粒度分析等方法,对航道疏浚区及邻近海域沉积物进行了系统的研究,结果表明:(1)航道疏浚产生的沉积物与现在海底沉积物在粒度组成、黏土矿物组合和210 Pb、137 Cs放射性强度等方面具有显著的差异,可以作为示踪航道疏浚物质扩散和影响范围的指标;(2)葫芦岛海域的航道疏浚物在潮流的作用下沿西北和西南2个方向扩散,不同程度地加入到表层沉积物中,个别地方疏浚沉积物直接覆盖到原沉积物之上,导致海底原地沉积物属性的改变。  相似文献   
钱塘江河口的风暴潮预报工作可归结为澉浦或乍浦两个单站的预报,这使得经验预报成为可能。利用一种动力线性模型将动力学的线性问题转化为统计学的线性回归模型,通过合理选取预报量及预报因子,并采用正交筛选技术确定每个预报因子所对应的系数,建立经验预报方程。后报结果表明该方法可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   
本文研究了0010号台风“碧利斯”影响期间及其随后的恢复期中,厦门港湾中九龙江口和西港海域站表层海水总溶解砷(TDIAs)、As^3 含量和As^3 /As^5 值的变化特征。结果表明,观测期间两站TDIAs和As^5 含量均比非台风时期呈数倍增加,经10d后仍未恢复到非台风时的水平。As^3 含量也有较大幅度的增加,但波动较大。文中还对观测期间影响溶解无机砷含量的因素进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
The ventilation of burrows by tube-dwelling benthos is understood to be important in determining rates of exchange of solutes between the sediment and overlying water. However, few models have attempted to link the burrow ventilation behavior of tube-dwelling organisms with their geochemical consequences. The classic cylinder model of bioirrigation in muddy sediments (Aller, R.C., 1980. Quantifying solute distributions in the bioturbated zone of marine sediments by defining an average microenvironment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 44, 1955–1965) links pore-water processes and burrow sizes and distributions in the sediment by assuming that burrows are fully flushed. The equivalence between the cylinder model and the more commonly used one-dimensional non-local exchange model depends upon this assumption. However, this assumption has seldom been tested in the field. We have extended the cylinder model of bioirrigation to include burrow ventilation activities of organisms. Burrow ventilation is modeled as a simple non-local exchange of burrow water with overlying water. Model simulations indicate that burrow ventilation has a large effect on vertical profiles and fluxes of solute tracers. We collected data on burrow geometry in the field by CT-scanning freshly collected sediment cores. At the same study sites, we measured activity profiles of 222Rn, a naturally occurring radionuclide tracer of pore-water transport. With model geometry independently constrained, we tested the model by comparing our model-predicted profiles with measured profiles. Our results demonstrate that burrows in the field are not fully flushed. Our estimated burrow ventilation rates compare favorably with previous laboratory measurements. The inclusion of realistic burrow ventilation in this pore-water transport model strongly affects modeled solute profiles and fluxes. We demonstrate how model parameters can be determined from field samples and present a model that more realistically simulates pore-water transport processes in muddy sediments.  相似文献   
探讨了铁山港湾的潮间浅滩、潮流冲刷深槽、潮流沙脊、水下拦门浅滩、水下岸坡和海底平原等水下动力地貌的形态特征及其成因,并结合沉积物的粒度、碎屑重矿物的分布特征,阐述了泥沙来源及运移趋势。  相似文献   
Benthic community responses to thin-layer disposal of dredged material were assessed at three sites in Mississippi Sound, USA. Community composition differed between disposal and reference sites (ANOSIM) for each disposal event. Oweniid sand worms, Amphinomid fire worms, and brittle stars (Ophiuriodea) contributed the most to community distinctions between disposal and reference sites (SIMPER), with higher abundances at the disposal sites. Total infaunal abundance was similar to pre-disposal and reference conditions within 3-10 months of thin-layer disposal. Distinctions in community composition between disposal and reference sites (nMDS) persisted throughout the 16-month study period, but were less pronounced at the site where sediment composition was unchanged by disposal. Size distributions of some taxa (e.g., gastropod and hemichordate) suggest adults recolonized the newly deposited sediments either through vertical migration or lateral immigration from adjacent areas. Thin-layer disposal offers a viable alternative to conventional open-water disposal practices and warrants further exploration for other areas with deeper bathymetries and different hydrodynamic regimes.  相似文献   
象山港海洋牧场示范区大型底栖生物的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据象山港海洋牧场示范区建设前(2011年)、建设中(2012年)、建设后(2013年)对象山港全港区、邻近区、示范区11个站位,进行5个航次调查所获得的大型底栖生物的资料,对比分析建设前后大型底栖生物的时空变化。结果表明:共鉴定出大型底栖生物59种,建设后建设中建设前,优势种变化明显。大型底栖生物密度、生物量表现为:建设前建设中建设后;建设中建设后建设前。多样性指数H’、丰富度指数d均表现为:建设前建设后建设中,均匀度指数J则表现为建设中建设后建设前。多因子方差分析结果表明:建设前后,大型底栖生物种类数、栖息密度、生物多样性指数均存在显著性差异。根据群落聚类及n MDS排序分析,建设前后大型底栖生物群落组成存在明显差异,双因素相似性分析(ANOSIM)结果同时表明,群落建设前后存在显著性差异(综合检验R=0.215,P=0.004)。SIMPER分析,大型底栖生物群落的平均相似性建设前建设后建设中。根据调查站位的数据作出丰度/生物量比较曲线(ABC曲线)分析表明,建设中大型底栖生物受到了强烈的干扰,人工鱼礁投放、大型海藻移植、增殖放流会对其周围海域产生影响,但建设后扰动消失,表明随着时间的推移,海洋牧场建设过程中带来的扰动逐渐减小,并围绕鱼礁群逐渐形成新的人工生态系统。  相似文献   
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