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Samples of lower Palaeozoic bedrock from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland were examined using reflected light microscopy and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These samples contained organic material which included bitumen (structureless organic material), acritarchs, chitinozoa, scolecodonts and graptolites. The reflectance of the organic material increased from acritarchs towards graptolites with bitumen showing a wide range of reflectance. Multiple phases of oil migration through one sample were inferred by examination of the bitumens: the lowest reflecting being more recent than the highest reflecting bitumen. Combined reflectance and Rock-Eval analysis indicate that these samples are mature to overmature. The two oldest samples (Arenig-Llanvirn, Ordovician) are assessed as mature and as having potential for generation of liquid hydrocarbons, but must be considered as mainly gas prone.  相似文献   
The failure of a lava dam 165,000 yr ago produced the largest known flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The Hyaloclastite Dam was up to 366 m high, and geochemical evidence linked this structure to outburst-flood deposits that occurred for 32 km downstream. Using the Hyaloclastite outburst-flood deposits as paleostage indicators, we used dam-failure and unsteady flow modeling to estimate a peak discharge and flow hydrograph. Failure of the Hyaloclastite Dam released a maximum 11 × 109 m3 of water in 31 h. Peak discharges, estimated from uncertainty in channel geometry, dam height, and hydraulic characteristics, ranged from 2.3 to 5.3 × 105 m3 s−1 for the Hyaloclastite outburst flood. This discharge is an order of magnitude greater than the largest known discharge on the Colorado River (1.4 × 104 m3 s−1) and the largest peak discharge resulting from failure of a constructed dam in the USA (6.5 × 104 m3 s−1). Moreover, the Hyaloclastite outburst flood is the oldest documented Quaternary flood and one of the largest to have occurred in the continental USA. The peak discharge for this flood ranks in the top 30 floods (>105 m3 s−1) known worldwide and in the top ten largest floods in North America.  相似文献   
大香格里拉地区旅游开发模式比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大香格里拉地区指青藏高原东南部横断山区的主体部分,行政上包括藏东南、滇西北、川西南。这里是世界 上少有的生物多样性和文化多样性中心之一,含有特别丰富的旅游资源。根据实地调查和分析,本文将大香格里拉 地区现存的开发模式归纳成三类:明永模式、海螺沟模式和玉龙雪山模式,并对其进行了具体分析。认为明永模式 比较成功,有利于自然保护和增加当地居民收入;几个模式普遍存在的问题包括:大部分都过分追求经济效益;景 区管理存在严重的体制问题,特别是行政权、经营权、所有权三权混淆;国家所有权受到条块的多元分割,国家作为 国有资源所有者代表的地位模糊。同时建议国家人大常委会加强对世界遗产、国家自然保护区、国家地质公园、国 家级风景名胜区等这一类遗产类景区的立法工作,并建立严格监督和管理体系,禁止采取企业化经营模式;尊重和 发挥传统的民族宗教信仰和禁忌在保护自然中的作用;积极鼓励社区居民参与保护和监督;扶持和培育环境NGO, 提高民众的生态和环境保护意识,促进大香格里拉地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Sand transport in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons was naturally limited by the upstream supply of sand. Prior to the 1963 closure of Glen Canyon Dam, the river exhibited the following four effects of sand supply limitation: (1) hysteresis in sediment concentration, (2) hysteresis in sediment grain size coupled to the hysteresis in sediment concentration, (3) production of inversely graded flood deposits, and (4) development or modification of a lag between the time of a flood peak and the time of either maximum or minimum (depending on reach geometry) bed elevation. Construction and operation of the dam has enhanced the degree to which the first two of these four effects are evident, and has not affected the degree to which the last two effects of sand supply limitation are evident in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons. The first three of the effects involve coupled changes in suspended-sand concentration and grain size that are controlled by changes in the upstream supply of sand. During tributary floods, sand on the bed of the Colorado River fines; this causes the suspended sand to fine and the suspended-sand concentration to increase, even when the discharge of water remains constant. Subsequently, the bed is winnowed of finer sand, the suspended sand coarsens, and the suspended-sand concentration decreases independently of discharge. Also associated with these changes in sand supply are changes in the fraction of the bed that is covered by sand. Thus, suspended-sand concentration in the Colorado River is likely regulated by both changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area. A physically based flow and suspended-sediment transport model is developed, tested, and applied to data from the Colorado River to evaluate the relative importance of changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area in regulating suspended-sand concentration. Although the model was developed using approximations for steady, uniform flow, and other simplifications that are not met in the Colorado River, the results nevertheless support the idea that changes in bed-sand grain size are much more important than changes in bed-sand area in regulating the concentration of suspended sand.  相似文献   
Batholith-sized bodies of crystal-rich magmatic ‘mush’are widely inferred to represent the hidden sources of manylarge-volume high-silica rhyolite eruptive units. Occasionallythese mush bodies are ejected along with their trapped interstitialliquid, forming the distinctive crystal-rich ignimbrites knownas ‘monotonous intermediates’. These ignimbritesare notable for their combination of high crystal contents (35–55%),dacitic bulk compositions with interstitial high-silica rhyoliticglass, and general lack of compositional zonation. The 5000km3 Fish Canyon Tuff is an archetypal eruption deposit of thistype, and is the largest known silicic eruption on Earth. Ejectafrom the Fish Canyon magmatic system are notable for the limitedcompositional variation that they define on the basis of whole-rockchemistry, whereas 45 vol. % crystals in a matrix of high-silicarhyolite glass together span a large range of mineral-scaleisotopic variability (microns to millimetres). Rb/Sr isotopicanalyses of single crystals (sanidine, plagioclase, biotite,hornblende, apatite, titanite) and sampling by micromillingof selected zones within glass plus sanidine and plagioclasecrystals document widespread isotopic disequilibrium at manyscales. High and variable 87Sr/86Sri values for euhedral biotitegrains cannot be explained by any model involving closed-systemradiogenic ingrowth, and they are difficult to rationalize unlessmuch of this radiogenic Sr has been introduced at a late stagevia assimilation of local Proterozoic crust. Hornblende is theonly phase that approaches isotopic equilibrium with the surroundingmelt, but the melt (glass) was isotopically heterogeneous atthe millimetre scale, and was therefore apparently contaminatedwith radiogenic Sr shortly prior to eruption. The other mineralphases (plagioclase, sanidine, titanite, and apatite) have significantlylower 87Sr/86Sri values than whole-rock values (as much as –0·0005).Such isotopic disequilibrium implies that feldspars, titaniteand apatite are antecrysts that crystallized from less radiogenicmelt compositions at earlier stages of magma evolution, whereashighly radiogenic biotite xenocrysts and the development ofisotopic heterogeneity in matrix melt glass appear to coincidewith the final stage of the evolution of the Fish Canyon magmabody in the upper crust. Integrated petrographic and geochemicalevidence is consistent with pre-eruptive thermal rejuvenationof a near-solidus mineral assemblage from 720 to 760°C (i.e.partial dissolution of feldspars + quartz while hornblende +titanite + biotite were crystallizing). Assimilation and blendingof phenocrysts, antecrysts and xenocrysts reflects chamber-wide,low Reynolds number convection that occurred within the last10 000 years before eruption. KEY WORDS: Fish Canyon Tuff; Rb–Sr isotopes; microsampling; magmatic processes; crystal mush  相似文献   
A new method is proposed for solving a differential equation arising from weathering-limited development of a valley. Allowance is made for horizontal stratification and overhang can be allowed to develop. The model is applied to the Grand Canyon and comments are included on its relevance.  相似文献   
The mechanical model for plane strain, time-harmonic seismic wave propagation problems in cracked, multi-layered geological regions with surface topography and non-parallel interfaces was described in the first part of this work. Here, this model is used to investigate the response of such a region to the presence of traveling elastic waves generated by a seismic source. The computational methodology that was developed in the first part is based on a combination of both the regular (displacement-based) and the hypersingular (traction-based) Boundary Integral Equation Method (BIEM). First, the accuracy and convergence characteristics of this hybrid BIEM are studied. Then, a series of problems involving four different configurations of a reference geological deposit with both interface and internal cracks are solved, for a loading that is due to a seismically-induced pressure wave propagating upwards from the underlying rigid half-plane. The purpose of the numerical study is to investigate the influence of various key parameters of the problem, such as frequency and incidence angle of the incoming wave, size of the surface relief, location and size of the buried cracks, interaction effects between cracks and finally the presence of layers, on both the scattered displacement field and the stress concentration field.  相似文献   
Gully erosion of cultural sites in Grand Canyon National Park is an urgent management problem that has intensified in recent decades, potentially related to the effects of Glen Canyon Dam. We studied 25 gullies at nine sites in Grand Canyon over the 2002 monsoon–erosion season to better understand the geomorphology of the gully erosion and the effectiveness of erosion‐control structures (ECS) installed by the park under the direction of the Zuni Conservation Program. Field results indicate that Hortonian overland flow leads to concentrated flow in gullies and erosion focused at knickpoints along channels as well as at gully heads. Though groundcover type, soil shear strength and permeability vary systemat‐ically across catchments, gradient and, to a lesser degree, contributing drainage area seem to be the first‐order controls on gully extent, location of new knickpoints, and ECS damage. The installed ECS do reduce erosion relative to reaches without them and initial data suggest woody checkdams are preferable to rock linings, but maintenance is essential because damaged structures can exacerbate erosion. Topographic data from intensive field surveys and detailed photogrammetry provide slope–contributing area data for gully heads that have a trend consistent with previous empirical and theoretical formulations from a variety of landscapes. The same scaling holds below gully heads for knickpoint and ECS topographic data, with threshold coefficients the lowest for gully heads, slightly higher for knickpoints, and notably higher for damaged ECS. These topographic thresholds were used with 10‐cm digital elevation models to create simple predictive models for gully extent and structure damage. The model predictions accounted for the observed gullies but there are also many false‐positives. Purely topographical models are probably inadequate at this scale and application, but models that also parameterize the variable soil properties across sites would be useful for predicting erosion problems and ECS failure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of formation of Proto-Taiwan, the subducting Philippine (PH) Sea plate has moved continuously through time in the N307° direction with respect to Eurasia (EU), tearing the EU plate. The subducting EU plate includes a continental part in the north and an oceanic part in the south. The boundary B between these two domains corresponds to the eastern prolongation of the northeastern South China Sea ocean-continent transition zone. In the Huatung Basin (east of Taiwan), the Taitung Canyon is N065° oriented and is close and parallel to B. Seismic profiles show that the southern flank of the canyon corresponds to a fault with a normal component of a few tens of meters in the sediments and possible dextral shearing. Several crustal earthquakes of magnitude >%6 are located beneath the trend of the Taitung Canyon and focal mechanisms suggest that the motion is right-lateral. Thus, faulting within the sedimentary sequence beneath the Taitung Canyon is a consequence of underlying dextral strike-slip crustal motions. As the continental part of the EU slab located north of B has been recently detached, some subsequent dextral strike-slip motion might be expected within the EU slab, along the ocean-continent transition zone, which is a potential zone of weakness. We suggest that the dextral strike-slip motion along the ocean-continent boundary of the EU slab might trigger the observed dextral strike-slip motion within the overlying PH Sea crust and the associated faulting within the sediments of the Huatung Basin, beneath the Taitung Canyon. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
京杭大运河保护地理信息系统建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
京杭大运河是独特的超大型文化遗产,其保护工作面临着复杂的形势和问题,需要新的理论方法和技术手段支持。以地理信息系统(GIS),遥感(RS),全球定位系统(GPS)为核心的空间信息技术在空间信息获取、处理、管理和分析上有着强大的优势。本文根据空间信息科学和文化遗产保护理论,结合京杭大运河保护实际业务需求,探讨了基于空间信息技术的京杭大运河保护地理信息系统的建设思路和建设方法,设计和开发了京杭大运河保护地理信息系统并实际应用于京杭大运河历史文化环境保护工作中,产生了一系列专题研究成果。结果表明:空间信息技术可以为大运河保护提供强有力的技术支持和可靠保障。  相似文献   
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